The At>vettturer's Jourttal Number 107 WhtteT Solnice Dw\ieT• Gwibe J11We Not sold In stores leisure Suit Larry VI: Shape Up or Slip Out hat do women want? The debased than anything you11 ever see from standard Sierra interface is an inventory eternal question, one of Robena Williams! window that stays onscreen throughout the e great mysteries of life, is quest. It runs horizontally along the bottom Weasily answered in Al Lowe's latest fantasy - Longest, hardest? and scrolls left or right when necessary. Pull­ where every hot babe you meet will blurt out Billed as "the down menus are in vogue again at Sierra, but exactly what she wants before you can make longest, hardest their usual function any headway with her. Larry yet,'' Larry key shoncuts are Shablee will settle for a dress. Sensible VI poses a variety still in place. (The enough. It gets kinkier fast, however, when of object-oriented unused function Thunderbird demands a pair of handcuffs puzzles that make keys were imple­ and Char desires six D batteries for her "late it more difficult mented by Lowe to night friend." In each case you must solve a than Larry V, produce disgusting puzzle or two to fulfill the lady's dream, in which many and/or irritating hopes she will fulfill yours. An early one adventurers sound effects on consists of a two-stage puzzle that involves finished far too sound cards with a repairing the fat-sucking, Rube Goldberg­ quickly CTf I only DACchip.) style Cellulite Drainage Machine designed by had a dollar for Another a mad diet doctor. every time I've improvement All these silly sex gag; unfold at the La heard that one, as Larry would say if he gamers will appreciate (especially those who Costa Lotta Reson, a seaside health reson were writing this review). Llke the women wear reading~) is the "hot dot" that renowned for its health spa, health restau­ you'll meet at the La Costa, this game is no accompanies each cursor. This pixel shows rant and health bar Gust try to get a shot of pushover. precisely where you're aiming the cursor, anything but The score, shown in an which in many games is so hard to detennine sproutberry juice). odometer-type display. is that I wind up clicking on half of the picture before finally hitting the Exploding Thing Larry has just Type Animated adventure always on-screen. Someone been picked as a yells "Yes!" each time you Continued on page 14 contestant on the System IBM Required: solve a puzzle or score even a Stallions 1V 286/16+ MHz, 640K, mouse, few points. It took me a day DOS 5.0+, hard disk, VGA; for show, a take-off 200 range, Windows, 386SX+, Windows 3.1 , to get into the so Contents on Studs. The co­ the game should last about a 2 megs RAM. Supports: Sound Adventure Road ......... 2 producer puts Blaster, Ad Lib, General MIDI, week if you don't play it non­ him up in a free Roland, Gravis US, Microsoft stop. Shadow of Yserbius ..... 3 room at the La Sound, Pro Audio & PAS 16 Crime City ................. 4 Costa. Great interface job There are nine Planned ports IBM CD Lowe's wacky humor Winter Solstice Buyer's women to satisfy ./ extends beyond the game and at the reson. Each Guide ................... 5 into the interface. One icon time you score shows a hand about to pull down a zipper. Lost in Time·····-········· 7 with one of them, she gives you an object A fun facet of this icon, as well as many CD Central ............... 8 you need for the ninth one, who lives in the others, is seeing what happens when you penthouse. So it's a rreasure hum in the Dracula Unleashed . 9 click them on thing; you 're not supposed classic tradition - but wackier and more to, such as inanimate objects. Walkthru: Return to Zork 10 A more practical diversion from the Keys to the Kingdoms 12 Dear QuestBusters: summerish. Have you ever considered making QuestBust.ers available on disk? The No more book rate old issues take up a lot of space, and putting all of a year's issues on one We never saw so many orders disap­ disk would make it easy to look up pear into the void as when we New book on the way old reviews when I see something in introduced a "no charge for book rate Our next clue book, Keys to the the discount rack and want to refresh shipping" policy on The Book of Clues . Kingdoms will include complete my memory about it. Plus I could As a resuk we have ditched this in solutions to at least 20 games, along throw out all those back issues. favor of the standard $3 rate for the lines of The Book of Clues. See Adam Spatz page thirteen for details for a special Priority Mail, which rarely goes astray and arrives in 2-3 days. price on advance orders. We have enough trouble just getting this thing together on paper, without all the New quests Jim Walls off the force? things that can go wrong with a disk­ Gabriel Knight, intended to ship first Not really, though Walls is not doing based format. Still, it is a practical idea on CD, initially arrived on floppy. the next Blue Force for Tsunami. that is being considered. Problem is that Sierra says it took longer to duplicate Michael Levine, author of novels such as soon as we do it, people will probably the CDs than the floppies . Simon the as Deep Cover and The Big White Lie, is start asking for a CD version.... The Sorcerer is the humorous story of a designing Blue Force II . Walls is other problem would be ensuring that the young wizard, with lush graphics and reportedly branching out to different disk-based version includes all the good puzzles (Paul Shaffer likens it to genres within the adventure game original typos, which involves reverse Infocom's Enchanter series). Compan­ kingdom. proofreading and is very expensive this ions of Xanth is out from Legend, who time of year. dropped the menu list-style parser Sierra buys Coktel Vision that served well in previous adven­ After distributing Inca, Gobliins and tures. other games from Coktel V15ion, Sierra Hand of Fat.e, Westwood's Kyrandia acquired the French company for Editor: Shay AddafrlS sequel, is rumored to include five lines about $5 million in October. Managing Editor: Dora McCormick spoken by Picard from Star Trek. EA's Editorial Consultant: Edgar Schrock CD-only The Labyrinth of Time features Membership update News Editor: The Amazing Questki.n miles of mazes and an uncommon plot Irntead of going by the month and Contributing Editors: Russ Ceccola, based on King Minos and a time­ year, your membership's expiration is Al Giovetti, Bernie Yee, Fred]. rravelling version of the labyrinth he now noted (at the top of your mailing Philipp, Clancy Shaffer, Ken St. built in ancient Crete. label) by the number of your last Andre, Brian Smith, Bruce Wiley, issue. See page one for the number of Duffy, This Reviewer New role-playing the current issue: this is issue 107. QuestBusters, ye official journal of the Dungeon Hack, previewed on the CD When renewing, remember that you QuestBusters Guild, is published version of Dark Sun, showed up. It's a can upgrade to Adventurer Express monthly by Manny, Mo and Ore. quest for an orb in a randomly service for only fifty cents per issue. In Annual dues: $19 ($6 extra for generated dungeon, which provides addition to your issues being sent 1st Adventure Express). Canada/Mexico: additional replay value. Quest for Glory Class in an envelope, arriving faster and $26 . Overseas: $36. Contents N is shipping. Psygnosis has an with less chance of going asrray in the CotJyright 1993 Eldritch, LTD. All mail, you will also get the Adventurer Rights Reserved. Copying without action adventure, Hired Guns, that can express permission is prohibited and be played by up to four people Express update, an insert containing punishable by fine print. simultaneously. Also Innocent Until news and clues that arrived while the Caught, with "hypertext-style interac­ issue was at the printer. Adventure tion" in an offbeat science fiction tale. Express costs $2 4 to US members, and Member: Ultima VIII probably won't ship umil is automatically included at the standard SouthAmerican spring, and Stonekeep is looking overseas rates. ~~ Explorers' Club - The Sh~Jl~ of Yserbius Players can insr.all the software on top of their existing copy, but should make a backup first to recover such thing:; as their personal address books, persona profiles and character data. There is one drawback to the off-line versions of Yserbius and Twin ion that the manual does not make entirely clear. Most people will expect that theycan rransfer characters back and forth between the on-line and off-line games at will. This is true - but only until their character reaches level 20. At that point, players must choose to continue play on-line or off-line. This makes sense, because players would only play the on-line version of the games when they wanted to interact wi.th other players and form parties. Most of their time would be spent off-line. However, you can still Type Fantasy Role-playing transfer an on-line character to the off­ System IBM Required line game and develop it, but you 386/16+, 256-color VGA, won't be able to reverse the process 640K, mouse, hard disk wi.th that character.
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