I' .. , - U NI T E D_ N AT I 0 N S ' ' Distr. TRUSTEESHIP GENJ:!:RAL T/PET.ll/615 COUNCIL 10 Novemberl955 ENGLISH ORIGINAL: ENGLISH/ I'£ALIAN PETITION FROM 1fASSOCIAZIONE EX-MIL:TARI COMBATENTI DELLA SOMALIAn -­ CONCERNING SOMALILAND UNDER ITALIAN ADMINISTRATION (Circulated in accordance •Ti th rule 85 and supplementary rules F and L of the rules of procedure for the Trus~eeship Council) ' .. Note by the Secretariat,: This com:nun:Lcation was transmitted to the Secri=tllry- General by the United Nations Advisory Council for the Trust Territory of Somaliland under Italian Administration Nogadiscio, 7 Otto:bre 1955 , To: the President of the United Nation Advaisary Conciel - Nogadiscio _ - Vle undersigned Central Commettee of Ex Illilitry men' have forHarded the present petition to your honourable president of _the United Nation Advaisary. _ Conciel to inform you the following lines underconsideration. He have founded an a.ssociation called ASSOCIAZIONE EX HILITARY COlJIBATENTI DELLA SOlJTALIA herelvith atta~hed the STATUS of our associationed. After we have established this association the Italian Administration have used very rough policy against us, and _trying to presuade the idea of I our members, again the Administration Authority have send people to create ! , trouble in our association we have forwarded application to the Police I Station, accusing the block~ who came in our association for causing trouble and missunderstra?ding the Police did not interfered, we know the main point of the local authority, the only think which the high members of the Italian T/PET.ll/61.5 English Page 2 Administration is to close the association. They are ••illfng to :caise riot like 28/8/54, lmo>v we are ·asking for peace and justice ' · Yours truly 1) Abdulle Mohamed President 2) Mohamed ·uardere V. President 3) Raghe Gabb9u Yaverou Segretario - 4) - Ahmed Afrah Member 5) Allasou Uardere Mohamed IT 6) Dirie Ahmed Abdulle " 7) Abdulle Haiou n 8) Nur Ahmed Hassan If 9) Hasbi Ghedi Auale 11 10) Giumale Ahmed Raghe IT 11) Mohallim Mohamed Siad lt L sign~d in ArabicJ - 12) Ali Mohamed Mohamud Jl 13) Aden Ali Gurrei " Lsigned in Arabic_] ,/ ! ' li'ile No.' 718 OFFICE OF THE NOTARY OF SOMALILAND Formation of the Associazione fra gli Ex Militari dei Regi Carpi Truppe Coloniali (Association of Ex-Servicemen of the Royal Corps · of Colonial Troops) IN THE NAME OF _THE LAW This 3rd day of August in the year 1955, in my office at No. l via Armamndo Diaz, Mogadiscio, the following gentlemen appeared in person before me, Mario Ciotola, Notary of Somali1and, it being mutually agreed between. us to dispense with witnesses: (1) ABDULLA MOHAMED AFRAH alias "Ganei"; ( 2) MOH/I.MED UA.>{DERE GULMIE' ; (3) RAGHE GABO IERVERO 1 ; ( 4) SCEK ARMED AFRAH ADO 1 ; T/PE'l'.ll/615 English_ Page 3 -· (5) ALISSO UARDERE UARSAM; (6) GIUMALE ARMED ROBLE; i ( 7) DIRIE AHMED ABDULLA; ', . ··r , .. (8) MOHAJ.,LIM MOHAMED SIAD; (9) ALI MOHAMED · MOHAMUD; (10) ABDULLA AJO 1 AUALE; (11) N'"v'R ARMED ASSAN; (12) HASCI GHEDI AUALE; (13) ADEN ALI GUREI The above, to whose personal identity and legal capacity I testify~ ·agree and state as follows: They wish to form as they do among themselves, an·association to be known as ASSCCIAZIONE NAZICNALE fra gli ex Mili tari dei Regi Cor:pi Truppe Coloniali, with headquarters in Mogadiscio, having as its aims: the association of all ex-. servicemen of the Royal Corps of Colonial Troops, of the Zaptie and the Dtlb~t corps; assistance to their widows and orphans; protection of their interests vis a vis the public authorities in every field and in every possible vray; the adoption of all measures.to promote their collecfive interests. Collective 'Assets (i'lie collective assets shall. be made up ·of erttl'ehce fees, monthly membership fees, legacies, various donations and any immovable or movable property which may '· be acquired by the Association. IVIEMBER SHIP Any person .who has belonged to the various units of the Royal Co.rps of Colonial Troops o~ Somaliland or to the Dubatl Zaptie and P.A.I~ corps is entitled at any .. time to join the A~sociation, provided that he submits to the requi!ements,. - . conditions and formalities of the Statute with regard to admission. The Association shall abide by the Statute which the above-mentioned, in their capacity of founder members, have submitted to me. They state th~t they have read . and approved it in whole and in part ~nd th.erefore exempt me, as notary, from reading it~ They have requested me to attach it to this document for the above purpose, without reading it. / T/PET.ll/615 English Page 4 The Association shall be administered by a National Governing Council ( Consj_glio) _!i~ziona~e d~ Pres.~denza), composed of thirtee:o. members elected annually at a General Meeting of the Association. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall be e.tected within the Council. The founders have unanimously elected the following: (1) J\.BDULLA MOH.A.MED AFRAR alias "Ganei" Chairman (2) MORAMED UARDERE GULMIE' Vice-Chairman (3) RAGHE GABO Secretary (4) SCEK ARMED AFRAH Treasurer (5) ALISSO 1 Ui-IRDERE UP.RSAMA Councillor (6) GIUMALE ARMED ROBLE tl (7) DIRIE ARMED ABDULLA 11 (8) MOHALLIM MOHA.MED SIAD If (9) ALI MOHi\MED MOH.AMUD rr \. (10) ABDULLA AJO' AUALE tl (11) ADEN ALI GUREI !I (12) NUR ARMED H.ASSAN !I (13) H.ASCI GHEDI AUALE 11 All the above have accepted the office conferred upon them. Mr. ABDULLA MOHANED AFRAH,alias 11 Ganei", shall be responsible for any amendments to the Constituent Deed or the attached Statute which may be requested by the competent authorities . .Mr. ABDULLA MOF..AMED AFRAH and f!Jr. MOHA.MED UARDERE GULMIE shall be responsible for the signature of the intermediate pages of this Deed and of the attached Statute. 'Ihe expenses of or consequent upon this Deed shall be borne by the Association. Upon request, I, as notary, have received this public Deed written on two sheets of paper, on which it occupies five pages and part of a sixth page, and have read it to the founder members, who unanimously confirm it and approve it and, together with me, sign it. (1) (Signed) ABDULLA MOiliiNED AFRAH alias "Ganei 11 (2) 11 MOHAMED UARDERE GULMIE 1 (3) 11 RAGHE GABO' (4) 11 SCEK ARMED AFRAH (5) 11 ALISSO UARDERE UARSAMA T/PET •. ll/615 English Page 5 (6) (Signe'd) -GIUMALE.AHMED ROBLE (7) .11 · DIRIE ARMED ABDULLA I. (8) 11 MOHALLIM MOHAMED SIAD (9) n ALI MOF.AMED MOHAMUD (right .hand tht.unb print) 11 (10) ABDULLA AJO I AUALE ' .. _ (11) 11 ADEN ALI GUREI ... (i2) " NUR ARMED HASSAN -· . (13) n HASCI GHEDI 'AUALE .,, ... ·'' (Signed) Mario Ciotola,. Notary ... Registered at Mogadiscio, 4 August 1955 under number 483 - Atti Pubb~ici - Vol VI ·charge: 6 somalis 20 centesimi Certified· copy of·the original iri TifY . custody·. Mogadiscio, 4 August 1955 .. (Signed)· Mario Ciotola, Notary ... Annex to the Deed appearing under file number 718, dated 3 August 195?· . " ' . ' STATUTE OF THE ASSOCIAZIONE FRA GLI EX MILITARI DEI REGI CORPI 'IRUPPE COLONIALI DELLA SOMALIA ··Article 1 There shall be constituted, with headquarters in Mogadiscio, the Associazion~ fra gli ex Militari dei Regi Corpi Truppe Coloniali. Article 2 ., . The aims of the Association shall be: . ,, (a) to associate all ex-sel:"Vicemen o.f the' Royal Corps of Colonial :.r'roOp$ . and the Zaptie and the Dubat Corps; (b) to protect the interests of the members in all fields and in every possible way; (c) to .·assist the widows and orphans of such ex-servicemen; · (d) toprotect the interests of ex-servicemen vis a vis the public authorities. T/PET.ll/6l5- English Page 6 (e) to adopt all measures for the greater advancement of members; (f) to further all other activlties designed to promote.the collective -interests of members; Article 3 The following may be accepted as members: (a) all ex-servicemen, of whatever rank, belonging to the various units of the Royal Corps of Colonial Troops of Somaliland; (b) all ex-servicemen, of whatever rank, belonging to the Dubat and Zaptie corps and to the P.A.I. Article 4 The Association may establish branches in the various inhabited centres of the Territory, provided there are at least fifteen members of the Association in each centre. Where there are less than fifteen members, the National Governing Council shall designate the nearest branch to which that group of members may be attached. Article 5 The Association shall be administered by a National Governing Council, composed of thirteen members,' elected annually at a General Meeting. · With-in the National Governing Council, a Chairman, Vice-:-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected. The Chairman shall,be the official representative of the Association. Should he be absent or incapacitated, the Vice-Chairman shall take his place, or, if the latter is absent, a Councillor designated by the Council. - Article 6 If during the course of the year the Council loses the services of six Councillors~ through resignation or any other cause, a General Meeting shall be convened within thirty days to elect members to replace them. Article 7 In order to be admitted to the Association members must make a written application attaching documents to_prove that they posses the ne?essary qualifications. Branch Committees shall decide upon applications for admission. •. \ ; ' ' ' T/PET.ll/615 English ' . Page 7 Article 8 A branch of the Association may be formed in every inhabited centre of the Territory where there ·are at least fifteen members. The Branch shall be administered by a Branch Committee composed, where there are less than fifty members, of a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
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