MOOSA CROSSOVER PROJECT ESA 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC SETTING This section of the ESA presents a summary description of the existing biophysical and socio-economic environment potentially affected by the Project. Results of field surveys conducted in 2012 and winter 2013 have been included in this ESA report. Vegetation and wildlife reconnaissance surveys were conducted in September 2012, and additional wildlife surveys were conducted in October 2012 and March 2013. Aquatic surveys were conducted in October 2012, and winter fisheries surveys were conducted in February 2013. Methods used to determine baseline conditions for each environmental or socio-economic resource are described in the relevant subsection. The Project is located in northeast Alberta, approximately 35 km northwest of Fort McMurray. The Project footprint is located within the Northern Alberta Lowlands Physiographic Region, and crosses Crown land in the Green Area of Alberta, including two watercourses. 5.1 Study Areas The spatial boundaries or study areas considered in the description of environmental setting and assessment of potential Project effects on the environmental components include one or more of the following: Project footprint, LSA, RSA, and socio-economic study area. These study areas were used to capture the potential direct and indirect effects of the Project on each VC and their associated KI, as well as to understand the context within which the effects can occur. The LSAs and RSAs used in the effects assessment vary by environmental and socio-economic element. The LSAs were established to assess the potential, largely direct effects of the Project on the local environment. Each VC and baseline setting component is considered in defining the LSAs. The RSAs were established to assess the potential, largely indirect effects of the Project within the broader, regional context. The study areas are summarized in Table 5.1-1, shown in Figure 5.1-1 and Figure 5.1-2, and the socio-economic study area is described in more detail in Section 5.1.1. June 2013 Report No. 1213340055/6000/6001 5-1 MOOSA CROSSOVER PROJECT ESA Table 5.1-1 Study Areas Used in the Environmental and Socio-economic Setting and Effects Assessment Area Valued Component Study Area Description / Rationale [ha] Physical area required for Project construction, operation and eventual decommissioning and abandonment All Project footprint 15.6 (i.e., pipeline ROW (approximately 13.5 ha) plus the additional work areas required during construction (approximately 2.1 ha, including log decks) . Project footprint. Direct effects will occur in the trench. Direct and Local Study Area (LSA) 15.6 indirect effects may occur within the Project footprint. As the ground is expected to be frozen during construction, effects on soil outside the Project footprint are unlikely. Soil and Soil Productivity . The LSA extends 1,000 m on each side of the pipeline centreline (centreline). This scale is sufficient to document the soils that Regional Study Area (RSA) 1,310 occur in the area, and is suitable for accessing (equivalent to the Terrestrial LSA) effects to potential land uses that rely on soil productivity, such as forestry. No regional effects on soil and soil productivity (e.g., acid precipitation) are anticipated. Centered on the watercourses at the crossing locations and extends 100 m from each bank (to account for potential disturbance to the riparian zones). Upstream extent is 200 m from the pipeline Aquatic (i.e., Surface LSA 142 centreline at each watercourse crossing. Water Quantity and Quality, Fish and Fish . Downstream extent is 2,000 m from the pipeline Habitat) centreline at each watercourse crossing (to account for potential effects from sediment transport during construction). Fully encompasses the LSA and includes the entire RSA 5,765 drainage area of an unnamed watercourse that drains the LSA and flows into Beaver Lake. LSA 1,310 1,000 m on each side of the centreline. Groundwater Quantity and No separate RSA was considered necessary since Quality (Groundwater) RSA (equivalent to the LSA) 1,310 potential groundwater effects are only local (within 1,000 m of the centreline). June 2013 Report No. 1213340055/6000/6001 5-2 MOOSA CROSSOVER PROJECT ESA Table 5.1-1 Study Areas Used in the Environmental and Socio-economic Setting and Effects Assessment (continued) Area Valued Component Study Area Description / Rationale [ha] The LSA for terrestrial environmental components (vegetation, wetlands, wildlife and wildlife habitat) extends 1,000 m on each side of the centreline. The terrestrial LSA 1,310 LSA encompasses the Project footprint. The purpose of the terrestrial LSA is to assess the potential direct Project effects and small-scale indirect Project effects on all terrestrial environmental components. The RSA for terrestrial environmental components (vegetation, wetlands, wildlife and wildlife habitat) extends 7,000 m on each side of the centreline. Terrestrial (i.e., Vegetation, . The RSA boundary was defined based on vegetation Wetlands, Wildlife and classification boundaries and the provincially Wildlife Habitat) designated Key Wildlife and Biodiversity Zone. It encompasses the home range of a white-tailed 2 RSA 22,368 deer which has an average home range of 8.5 km (Lesage et al. 2000), and it also encompasses an area with the capacity to contain the home ranges of approximately two moose, each with an average of 11 km2 in Alberta (De La Mare 2012, pers. comm.). The purpose of the terrestrial RSA is to assess the contribution of the Project effects on all terrestrial environmental components within the broader regional context. The area within 5,000 m of the ROW centerline, based on LSA 12,800 the guidance provided by Alberta Environment (AENV 2009) for air assessments in Alberta Air Quality No separate RSA was considered necessary as the LSA is sized such that predicted concentrations at the study RSA 12,800 area boundary are essentially the same with or without (equivalent to the LSA) the Project emissions (i.e., Project effects on air quality are not expected to extend beyond the LSA boundary). 1,500 m on each side of the centreline based on guidance provided by Energy Resources Conservation Board LSA 2,201 (ERCB) Directive 038: Noise Control (EUB 2007) for noise assessments in Alberta No separate RSA was considered necessary. As noise Acoustic Environment attenuates with distance, potential noise effects are confined to the LSA. In the area beyond the LSA, noise RSA 2,201 emissions from Project construction are expected to (equivalent to the LSA) attenuate to a level below the ambient sound level, resulting in a negligible contribution. Noise emissions are not expected from Project operation. June 2013 Report No. 1213340055/6000/6001 5-3 MOOSA CROSSOVER PROJECT ESA Table 5.1-1 Study Areas Used in the Environmental and Socio-economic Setting and Effects Assessment (continued) Area Valued Component Study Area Description / Rationale [ha] . Boundary corresponds to the boundary of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, in which the Project falls, and includes the communities within it. Study Area 6,647,632 . Potential social, infrastructure, economic and employment effects are typically experienced within the municipal jurisdiction in which a Project lies. Socio-economic (i.e., Human Occupancy . For hunting, trapping and fishing activities. and Resource Use, . The resource use baseline and effects assessment Quality of Life, Human Resource use LSA 1,310 LSA is the same as the terrestrial LSA (Vegetation, Health, Infrastructure and Wetlands, and Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat) as Services, and effects on resource use are closely linked to effects Employment and on these environments and the resources therein. Economy) . For hunting, trapping and fishing activities. The resource use baseline and effects assessment Resource use RSA 22,368 RSA is the same as the terrestrial RSA (Vegetation, Wetlands, and Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat) as effects on resource use are closely linked to effects on these environments and the resources therein. Project footprint. LSA 15.6 . Any direct or indirect Project effects on historic resources will result from ground and soil Heritage (Historic) disturbance. Resources Extends 1,500 m on each side of the centreline and into portions of 18 sections including: Sections 19-22 and RSA 4,662 27-34 Twp 91 Rge 11 W4M and Sections 23-26 and 35-36 Twp 91 Rge 12 W4M. The TLU study areas are the same as the terrestrial LSA and RSA, as the terrestrial study areas consider plants and wildlife, which are important resources for TLU, and Project effects on these resources have the potential to affect traditional harvesting activities. Traditional fishing is also important, and is also discussed in Traditional Land and the context of the terrestrial study areas. Resource Use Refer to the Description / Rationale for the Terrestrial LSA 1,310 Valued Components Refer to the Description / Rationale for the Terrestrial RSA 22,368 Valued Components June 2013 Report No. 1213340055/6000/6001 5-4 ^_ I:\CLIENTS\TRANSCANADA\12-1334-0055\Mapping\MXD\General\StudyAreas_20130612.mxd Tp. 92 Rg. 9 Rg.14 Rg.13 Rg.12 Rg.11 Rg.10 W4M STEEPBANK RIVER TAR ISLAND^_ BEAVER LAKE RUTH LAKE ³ ATHABASCA RIVER MACKAY RIVER Ã EK Ä RE C 63 E H C L Moosa Exchange EG A GETT CREE Meter Station # Pelican Mainline Tie-in C K POPLAR CREEK Tp. 91 R E V BE R I AV E R INDEX ^_! Fort McMurray Alberta Edmonton ! B IR C ! Calgary HW O O D CRE JA E ISKEY CK K WH CR EEK SCALE 1:50,000,000 LEGEND 5 0 5 # FACILITY LOCAL STUDY AREAS (LSA) ^_ HAMLET STUDY ROUTE* ACOUSTIC LSA PRIMARY HIGHWAY SCALE 1:175,000 KILOMETRES AIR LSA LOCAL ROAD AQUATIC LSA WATERCOURSE PROJECT RESOURCE USE AND TERRESTRIAL LSA TAILINGS POND MOOSA CROSSOVER REGIONAL STUDY AREAS (RSA) WATERBODY AQUATIC RSA TITLE HISTORIC RESOURCES RSA RESOURCE USE AND TERRESTRIAL RSA BIOPHYSICAL AND HISTORIC RESOURCES SOILS RSA STUDY AREAS NOTE PROJECT 12-1334-0055 FILE No.
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