Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00252-4 - The Cambridge Companion to Modern Russian Culture Edited by Nicholas Rzhevsky Index More information Index About True Christianity (Zadonsky), 57 Aksyonov, Vasily, 206–8 Abramtsevo estate and workshops, 215–16, Alaska, 71, 72 217, 222, 244 Aleichem, Sholem, 295, 311 absolutism, 55, 56 Aleksandr Nevsky (Eisenstein/Prokofiev), 275, Abuladze, Tengiz, 342 276, 305, 327, 329, 336 Academy of Sciences, 38 Aleksandr Nevsky Cantata (Prokofiev), 327 acmeism, 198, 200 Aleksandrov, Grigory, 329, 336–7 acting, 282, 287, 292, 296, 299–300, 307;in Aleksei, Tsar, 52, 56, 280 film, 319, 323, 324 Aleshkovsky, Yuz, 207 Adam, Adolphe, 267 Aleutian islands, 72 Adodurov, Academician, 38 Alexander I, 119 Adrian, Patriarch, 55 Alexander II, 194, 259 adventure narrative, 156 Alexandra Theatre, 288, 314; see also Aelita (Protazanov), 320, 321 Alexandrinsky Theatre “Aesopic/Aesopian” language (to Alexandrine period, 119 circumvent censorship), 178, 310, 312 Alexandrinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg, 282; aesthetics, 46, 220, 240, 292, 306 see also Alexandra Theatre Afanas’ev (Afanasiev), A. N., 144 Alexeieff,´ Alexandre, 317 Afinogenov, Aleksandr, 302 alphabet, civil (Grazdanskyˇ sriftˇ ), 37; see also After Russia (Tsvetaeva), 201 Cyrillic alphabet; Latin alphabet Afrika, see Bugaev, Sergei Alphabet of Russian Superstitions (Chulkov), 143 age hierarchy, 138 Altai mountains, 74 agitation-propaganda (“agitprop”), 145, Amalrik, Andrei, 311 292, 295, 298, 316 Ambrose, Father (ascetic hermit), 57 Agrarian Party, 62 America: as stereotypical “enemy”, 306; agriculture, large-scale colonization, 67 Rachmaninov in, 269–70; Russian Aitmatov, Chingiz, 207, 310 investment in, 109; Russian settlement Akhmadulina, Bella, 207 in (Alaska), 72 Akhmatova, Anna, 176, 181, 183, 186;and “American Painting and Sculpture” Tsvetaeva, 202–3; as acmeist poet, 198, Exhibition, Moscow (1959), 241 200–1; difficulty of translation, 195; Amur river valley, 72, 73 inspired by folklore, 161; religious Amvrosy, Bishop, 53 sensibilities, 175 Ancient Russian Art Exhibition, Moscow AKhRR (Association of Artists of (1913), 223 Revolutionary Russia), 232–4 Andreev, Leonid, 199, 287, 333 Akimov, Nikolai, 241, 300, 308 Andrei Kozhukhov (Stepnyak-Kravchinsky), Aksakov, Ivan, 119 172 Aksakov, Konstantin, 119 Andrei Rublev (Tarkovsky), 340–1 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00252-4 - The Cambridge Companion to Modern Russian Culture Edited by Nicholas Rzhevsky Index More information Index 369 anekdoty (narrative jokes), 152 arts and crafts, 215, 218, 223 animals, cruelty to, 138 Artsybashev, Mikhail, 153 Anna Karenina (Tolstoy), 193–4 Artsybashev, Sergey, 313 Annenkov, Georgy, 291 Arzhak, Nikolai, see Daniel, Yuly Annenkov, Yury, 298 Ascension, Church of, Kolomenskoe Annensky, Innokenty, 198, 289 (nr. Moscow), 46 Annunciation Church, Kremlin, 46 ascetics, monastic, 50, 64 Antique Theatre (1907–11), 287 Asia: as Russia’s alternative to the West, anti-rationalism, 150 79–83; earliest contacts, 66–70; anti-Semitism, 277 Russian relationship with, 65–6, 74–6 Appia, Adolphe, 287 Askoldov, Aleksandr, 340 Aral Sea, 73 assassination, 102–3, 111, 194 Arbuzov, Aleksei, 303, 307–8 assimilation of other groups, Russian, 80, architecture, 46 140 Archives of American Art, 241 Assumption, Church of (Novgorod), 46 ARGO, see Author Working Group Assumption, Kremlin Cathedral of the, 46 Arkhipov, Abram, 234 atheism, 45, 59, 60, 255 Armenia, 73 Atlanticism, 89 Army Theatre, 312 Aurora, flagship of the Revolution, 153 Arndt, Johann, 57, 116 Author Working Group (ARGO), 245 Arnold, Matthew, 101 autocracy, 55, 69–70 Arnshtam, Leo, 338 avant-garde, 222–7 art: abstraction, 218, 222, 233, 242, 244–5; Avvakum, Archpriest, 52–3, 176, 180 action painting, 239, 242; American influence, 241–2; and contemporary Babel, Isaak, 175, 204 Western culture, 241–2; and film, 322; Babi Yar (Evtushenko/Shostakovich), 277 and “primitive” culture, 222;and Bakhtin, Mikhail, 63, 133, 163, 192–3, 196, religion, 224, 243–4; artifact, notion of, 204 220; developments after Stalin, 238–45; Bakst, Lev/Leon,´ 217, 220, 221–2, 286 dilettantism, 220; dissident, 238–45; Bakunin, Mikhail, 100, 211 divination theme, 244; environmental, Balakirev, Mily Alekseevich, 259–60 242; exhibitions, 214–35, 239–40, 241–2; Balanchine, George, 104, 266, 275 forms, elite and democratic, 150; Balasoglo, Aleksandr, 80 gambling theme, 244;intheOctober Balkhash, Lake, 73 Revolution, 228–32; kinetic, 242, ballet, 110, 255, 267–8; Russian influence on 245–6; magic realism, 242; the West, 104 neo-primitivist, 222; neo-Russian, Ballets Russes, 104, 216, 217, 255, 274, 286 213–16; of indigenous people, 224; Balmont (Bal’mont), Konstantin, 198, 217, post-Soviet era, 247–8; proletarian 221 style, 229; Russian influence on West, Bandit Churkin (Pastukhov), 156 104–5; Socialist Realist, 232, 234, 235–7; Barabanov, Evgeny, 63 studio, 1880s–90s, 216; symbolist Baranov, Leonid, 247 aesthetic, 216–22; trade unions, 233–4 Baranovskaia, Vera, 328 Art Theatre, see Moscow Art Theatre (MAT) Baratynsky, Evgeny, 183, 186 Artistic Affairs, Committee for, 303–4 Barnet, Boris, 320, 323, 333 Artistic Culture, Institute of, see InKhuK Bartenev, Andrei, 247 Artistic Sciences, Russian Academy of, see Baryshnikov, Mikhail, 110 RAKhN Bat, The (cabaret), 288, 300 Artists, Union of Soviet, 234 Batalov, Nikolai, 328 Artists of Revolutionary Russia, Association Batiushkov, Konstantin, 185 of, see AKhRR Battleship Potemkin (Eisenstein), 326 Artists of the Russian Federation, First Bauer, Evgeny, 157, 317–19, 320, 323 Congress of, 234 Bayadere,` La (Minkus), 267 Arts, Academy of (St. Petersburg), 213–14, Beardsley, Aubrey, 218 216, 222, 237, 239, 240 Beatles, The, 158 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00252-4 - The Cambridge Companion to Modern Russian Culture Edited by Nicholas Rzhevsky Index More information 370 Index Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de, Boris and Gleb, Sts., 29, 176 297 Boris Godunov (Mussorgsky), 250, 258, 260, beauty and religious faith, 46–8 261 Bedny, Demian, 150 Boris Godunov (Pushkin), 173 belatedness, in literature, 177–8 Borisov-Musatov, Viktor, 217 belief systems, alternative, 149–50 Borodin, Aleksandr, 161, 250, 259, 262–3 Belinsky, Vissarion, 178–9, 183, 186–9, 283, Borovsky, David, 308, 310 289 Borovsky, Pafnuty, 48 Beliutin, Eli, 239, 241, 242, 244–5 Bortniansky, Dmitry, 57, 253–4 Bely, Andrei, 197, 198, 199, 218–20 Brainin, Vladimir, 247 Benois, Alexandre, 162, 217–21, 286 Braque, Georges, 225 Berberova, Nina, 209 Brecht, Bertolt, 155, 297, 308 Berdiaev, Nikolai, 47, 60, 63, 105, 132, 173, Brezhnev, Leonid, 132, 158, 206–8, 239, 309, 243 310, 340 Beria, Lavrenty, 234, 342 British Empire, as threat to Slavic sphere, 122 Bernshtam, T. A., 141 Briullov, Karl, 213 Bible, 26, 172 Briusov, Valery, 149, 198, 217–18, 220, 274, Bilibin, Ivan, 161, 220, 221 287 bilingualism, 28 Brodsky, Isaak, 232–3, 236 biomechanics (acting style), 292, 295–6, 319 Brodsky, Joseph, 175, 183, 197, 206–8 birchbark letters, 30 Bronze Horseman (Pushkin), 173, 185 Birman, Serafima, 295 Bronze Horseman (statue), 99 birthplace, 135, 140 Brothers Karamazov (Dostoevsky), 57, 172, 184, Bitov, Andrei, 207, 210 192, 205 “Black Hundreds”, 126, 136 Brown, David, 258 Black Sea, 22, 45, 72–3 Bruskin, Grigory, 239 Blaue Reiter (Blue Rider) group, Munich, Bugaev, Sergei (Afrika), 247 105, 226 Bulatov, Erik, 242 Blok, Aleksandr, 84–5, 183, 186, 197, 198–9, Bulgakov, Leo and Barbara, 300 202; and TEO, 289; characters’ fates Bulgakov, Mikhail, 174, 179, 181, 205–6, 297, linked with Russian history, 181; 298, 308–9, 311; religious sensibilities, difficulty of translation, 195; founded 175 BDT, 291; inspired by folklore, 161; Bulgakov, Sergei, 60, 63, 243 religious sensibilities, 175; unified Bulgarin, Faddei, 186 vision, 217–18, 287 “Bulldozer Exhibition”, 239 “bloody repast” (krovavaia pishcha), 176 bullying, 137 Blue Bird (cabaret), 300 Bunin, Ivan, 104, 197, 199 Blue Blouses troupe, 298 Burliuk, David, 223, 225, 320 Blue Rider, see Blaue Reiter Burliuk, Vladimir, 223 Blue Rose mystical painters, 217 bylina, 23, 146, 151 Bodrov, Sergei, 343 Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 185 Boehme, Jacob, 117 Byzantinization, 21, 25–7 bogatyri (traditional folklore heroes), Byzantium, 25, 46, 97, 180;sourceof 146 musical tradition, 251, 254 Bogdanov, Aleksandr, 290 Bogorodsky, Fedor, 232, 238 cabaret, 288, 300 Boileau, Nicolas, 184 Camus, Albert, 124 Boleslavsky, Richard, 300 Cancer Ward (Solzhenitsyn), 209 Bollywood films, 158 Capital, Das (Marx), 325, 326 Bolsheviks, 102–3, 125, 126, 127–8, 130, 146, capitalism, 89, 132, 196, 292, 298, 306, 313 233, 289, 291, 336; historical myths, 311; card playing, in art, 244 mass spectacles, 305; search for cultural Caspian Sea, 73 self-definition, 103 Catherine II, 73, 98–9, 114, 119, 142, 253, 258, Bolshoi Dramatic Theatre, 291 281 Bolshoi Theatre, 110, 255, 268 Catholicism, 33, 58; see also Christianity; books, 48, 51 Roman Catholic Church © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00252-4 - The Cambridge Companion to Modern Russian Culture Edited by Nicholas Rzhevsky Index More information Index 371 Caucasus, 73, 77, 78, 187, 264; inspiration Christ the Savior, Cathedral of, for Tamara (Balakirev), 259–60; St. Petersburg, 47 migrants from, 136, 160–1 Christianity, 45, 56; and old beliefs, 23, 44, censorship, 178, 310; end of, 106, 255, 342;in 141, 180–1;
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