SEE THEM DOING IT HEAR the comedy S of: BOB BATTLE (NO GRAD) & FELLOW NOTRE DAME STUDENTS: T WILL CLARK CHRIS DELLICARPINI TIM FARISH at Theodore's, Weds. Nov. 28 A from 9pm tiL .. N BUY TICKETS D at LaFortune Info Desk - $3.00 I EAT POPCORN!! N G DRINK U BEVERAGES f! p • • • comedy that is \"T!"nFNT '"'ilION 9{\un i- ! I Scholastic is looking for students interested in the positions of N ews~ Eid.itQ!f' NOTRE DAMEIS STUDENT MAGAZINE As·s'i.s~t:a.nt B;usiInes;s~ Ma.o.a,g:e:f' WEEKLY ][f either of these are of ilDlterest to y01Ul~ pliease stop by O1Ulr offi<ce at 303 8 Movies lLaFort1l1l.lDle or <can 23~~756~o DEPARTMENTS Jacob's Ladder 2 Editorial NEWS 9 3 I, ii' iii iii Is Campus Cable-Ready? On Other Campuses I I I· .. .-i@ 1-80 at Exit 77 CAMPUS LIFE 4 , . 52825 US 33 N. 10 Week In Distortion 95 $25 South Bend, IN Ancient 'Manuscript and SINGLE 272-9000 African Art Bring Diversity to COVER Notre Dame 5 12 The Unexamined Life *FREE CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Ms. Robinson's Neigborhood *PRIVATE IN ROOM JACUZZI SPAS SPORTS 18 Senior guard Karen Robinson Athletes of the Week *FREE HBO, CNN, ESPN paces Irish women's basketball 14 *IN ROOM MOVIESNCR (over 50 titles) Focused on March *FREE LOCAL CALLS Women's Basketb~1I Preview . *KITCHENEITES ENTERTAINMENT 19 Week In Distortion *LAUNDRY 6 16 ", *AAA AND MOBILE RATED Music High Hopes? Public Image Ltd. Men's Basketball Preview 20 The Cure Final Word ~OR RESERVATIONS CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-347-8016 NOVEMBER 15, 1990 1 i- ! I Scholastic is looking for students interested in the positions of N ews~ Eid.itQ!f' NOTRE DAMEIS STUDENT MAGAZINE As·s'i.s~t:a.nt B;usiInes;s~ Ma.o.a,g:e:f' WEEKLY ][f either of these are of ilDlterest to y01Ul~ pliease stop by O1Ulr offi<ce at 303 8 Movies lLaFort1l1l.lDle or <can 23~~756~o DEPARTMENTS Jacob's Ladder 2 Editorial NEWS 9 3 I, ii' iii iii Is Campus Cable-Ready? On Other Campuses I I I· .. .-i@ 1-80 at Exit 77 CAMPUS LIFE 4 , . 52825 US 33 N. 10 Week In Distortion 95 $25 South Bend, IN Ancient 'Manuscript and SINGLE 272-9000 African Art Bring Diversity to COVER Notre Dame 5 12 The Unexamined Life *FREE CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Ms. Robinson's Neigborhood *PRIVATE IN ROOM JACUZZI SPAS SPORTS 18 Senior guard Karen Robinson Athletes of the Week *FREE HBO, CNN, ESPN paces Irish women's basketball 14 *IN ROOM MOVIESNCR (over 50 titles) Focused on March *FREE LOCAL CALLS Women's Basketb~1I Preview . *KITCHENEITES ENTERTAINMENT 19 Week In Distortion *LAUNDRY 6 16 ", *AAA AND MOBILE RATED Music High Hopes? Public Image Ltd. Men's Basketball Preview 20 The Cure Final Word ~OR RESERVATIONS CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-347-8016 NOVEMBER 15, 1990 1 1 SCHOLASTIC I NOTRE DAME'S STUDENT MAGAZINE Vol. 132, No, 8 November 15, 1990 EDITOR IN CHIEF Michael C. Wieber Tonsil Hockey Galore MANAGING EDITOR A Little Off The Top, Please Derik T. Weldon Proving that you can be too trusting, the Kansan ran a story about a Looking for a cheap excuse to kiss someone? The students at NEWS EDITOR Mankato State University were. According to the College PresS! Traci Taghon Lawrence woman who paid the price for her faith in humanity. The woman received a phone call from a man who claimed that he Service, 566 fearless students showed up on the University's rugby SPORTS EDITOR worked at Lawrence Memorial Hospital. The man told the woman field to break the world record for having the most couples kissing ~ Brian McMahon that her husband had been contaminated by toxic metal and that they at one time. "Tongues were flyin' everywhere," said participant! he university is constantly trying to Network and CNN certainly must appeal to T needed her hair to save his life. Without asking for the connection John "Woody" Westrum. If verified by Guiness officials, the. SPORTS ASSISTANT update the campus to keep up with the at least some students. Jon Paul Potts between toxic metal and hair, the woman commenced to snipping Mankato students will steal the title from 400 students who set the : new developments of the "Data Age." In The university stands to benefit from such for her hubby. She made it all the way to her scalp. Lawrence police previous record at Syracuse University. Another victory for T25. pursuit of this goal, the administration is an arrangement as well. Like any ordinary CAMPUS LIFE EDITOR reported almost a dozen similar calls to area residents - most Kristine DeGange supposedly organizing and implementing a cable service, an extra fee could be charged without such smashing success~ Most women only gave themselves What Would H.L. Mencken Say? campus computer link. The wiring will to students for the optional hookup. The DEPARTMENTS EDITOR hopefully allow round the clock access to a trim. Tim Rogers initial cost plus monthly payments could be electronic data banks. surtaxed by the university to help cover any The trend toward androgyny in the English language continues. ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR The rumored fiber loop designed to link a extra expenditures. According to the Associated Press, the State University of New: Dave Holsinger computer system throughout the dorms and Even if in-room service were not York at Albany resolved recently to ban the word "women" from all 1 classroom buildings could serve the student available, at the least, viewing of cable its Student Association literature. They will instead use the "non- ; PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR body in many ways beyond 24-hour access Mari Okuda channels should be made possible in the sexist" term "womyn." Their intent is to get the "men" out of i to a computer network. In particular, the public areas (the so-called "Party Rooms"). "women" and express the idea that women are not merely derived PHOTOGRAPHY ASSISTANT hookup could allow students to access cable Surely, hall funds could cover the initial from or corollaries to men. Keeping abreast of national trends, our 1 Paul Webb T.V. hookups and monthly charges. administration is considering the more phonetic and gender neutral 1 COpy EDITOR Moreover, the demand already exists for In fact, no apparent obstacles to such a "Year of Wimmin." Dave Raedy such a service. With an ever-increasing system exist. Why not make cable T.V. an amount of sports on cable channels, and the option? If students want cable T.V., give Homecoming Rubbers LAYOUT/SYSTEMS MANAGER strong interest in athletics at Notre Dame, Patricia Doyle them the chance or else a good reason why clearly many would benefit Also, several they shouldn't have the choice. According to the College Press Service, alumni visiting St. Olaf special interest stations such as Fox ADVERTISING MANAGER College's homecoming events were greeted with condoms. Stu-' Tony Porcelli dents chanted slogans and handed out prophylactics to protest the BUSINESS MANAGER administration's refusal to install condom vending machines in the ; Jim Fitzgerald student union and dorm rooms. Reports failed to mention if the new'· Trojan™ Magnum size was available from the protesting students. , GRAPHIC ARTS MANAGER I..dlels /0 ScJrolJzslic JmtSI be Iyptd Rnd include Ik Jeanne Naylor UJriJer'. nil""" llIidressllnd phone number. UniM'Si1y slw1enls should In an attempt to start a new tradition at Purdue University, students include lheir yar in scJwo/1lnd co/kg.. ftlCU/1y """"""" should include organized a "Senior Sleep" as part of their homecoming festivities. IMrdepllTfrnDll. AU IdIelsJmtSl besigned. NllmOSwilI bewithheld up<1ll Word Choice ,.,,1ltSI in urlRin inslRnces. The College Press Service reported that the University gave its SchJ~l~ is puh/isMl.wW1y Ihroughotd IkscJwo/ yar <=pI dlDing SchJlJJslu: resm><s the righl /0 rejoel kif.,. IholllTelibe. t:XJl17linlllwnllnd"""lllwnporiodsllllk UniM'SilyofNolreD~,Nolre IoIl5l1T obscene by Ik Isnvs of the Uniled SIRles. ScholJJslu: Rlso will .wI approval for the event after organizers agreed to leave their booze D~'!N!46556~prinledIllTkp"".,.,Inc"Mi/ford,IN46542. Tk for copyfilling, grllm17Ulliad or spoiling errors Rnd ScholJJslic slyle. A recent Stanford Daily healine read "SEXUAL ASSUALT SPE- i subscriplwn ~~ IS $25.IXJfY<R: Ilnd back iss~ llTe ",,,lilJlbk III $1.25/ BeCRUSO ofsptza, ScholJzslic CRnnol prinl td/ klf",s receivt.d. and tents at home. The event promised to be chock full of tradition. CO'f1!I. 'Ik optnlOTlS apressed m ScJrolJzslic llTelm ofIk Rulhors Ilnd Two seniors showed up. Demonstrating the the stuff that true CIALIST LEAYES." The following article stressed that a police; edilors Ilnd donol neClSSllTi/yrepresenllkopiniansoflkenlire .wloriRl Address RII correspondence /0 : captain ensured that the campus would remain safe. Apparently, the ~ Ix>ardofScJrolJJslicorofthe Unim-silyofNolreDR"""itsRdministrlllion 'IkEdilor tradition is made of, Purdue students annually participate in the mid­ ftlCUlly.or ~w1en/s. Edi'~sfgn;d ScJrolRslic represenllheopinion'of ScholJzslu: man fIlling the vacant position, while not qualifying as a specialist, } IkmR)OTIlyo[theUl!culrue.wloriallx>ard. MRnuscriplsllTewt:~. UlForlune Center January "Nude Olympics." Contestants clad only in ,socks and All tmSO/u:ilied mIlleriJds beCOmJ: the properly of ScJrolJJslic. will sexually assualt people as best he can. Noire D~,IN 46556 running shoes try to streak across campus before University officials 0 . Copyrighl1!!90 ScJrolJJslicMszgazine. All rightsreserwJ, &produclion can identify them and suspend their matching funds. Go South in whok or in pIlTI wilhoul written permission is prohibited, Quad! edited by Tim Rogers i SCHOLASTIC NOVEMBER 15, 1990 3: 1 SCHOLASTIC I NOTRE DAME'S STUDENT MAGAZINE Vol. 132, No, 8 November 15, 1990 EDITOR IN CHIEF Michael C.
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