THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AFRICAN HISTORICAL STUDIES AFRICAN HISTORICAL STUDIES EDITOR Volume 22 1989 Number 4 Norman R. Bennett Boston University Copyrighl 1989 by the Board of Trustees 0/ BO#1JIl Uniwrrsily EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD ARTICLES Roger Pasquler Daniel F. McCall Universite de Paris Boston University DR. JOHN FARRELL EASMON: MEDICAL PROFESSIONALISM Robert O. Collins AND COLONIAL RACISM IN THE GOLD COAST, 1856-1900, Graham W. Irwin by Adell Patton, Jr, 601 University of California Columbia University Santa Barbara Roy C. Bridges COLONIAL AGRICULTURAL POLICY: THE NON· Creighton Gabel University of Aberdeen DEVELOPMENT OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORIES Boston University OF THE GOLD COAST, by Inez Sutton 637 Marcel Luwel Robert I. Rotberg THE NAnON AS FRONTIER: ETHNICITY AND CLiENTELISM Musee Royal de I'Afrique Centrale Tufts University IN IVORIAN HISTORY, by David A. Chappell 671 Tervuren Donald Crummey THE COLONIAL HERITAGE OF THE CENTRAL Godfrey Murluki University of Illinois AFRICAN REPUBLIC: A LINGUISTIC PERSPECTIVE, University of Nairobi by William 1. Samarin 6'17 Sara Berry George E. Brooks, Jr. Boston University Indiana University Frederick Cooper BOOK REVIEWS Production Editor University of Michigan Margaret Jean Hay Parpart and Staudt. eds. ~Vomert and the State in AfriCa, Production Assistant Research Assistant by SHARON STICHTER 713 Nancy SOyring Anne Brown Hargreaves, Decolonization in Africa; and Gifford and Louis, eds., De-:iJlonization and African Independence: The Transfer of Power, 196(}-1980, by FREDERICK COOPER 715 The editor is grateful to the History Department of Boston University Manning, i'rancophime Sub-Saitaran Africa: 188M985, for its continued support of this publication by RAYMOND F, BETTS Northrup, Beyond the Bend in the River: African Labor in SUBSCRIPTION RATES EtWern Zaire, 1865-1940, by JANET MAcGAFFEY 721 Published quarterly Clayton and KiUingray, Khoki and Blue: Military and Police in $55.00 libraries and institutions British CoionioJ Africa, by CHARLES H, AMBLER 723 $27.00 Individuals Scheven, Bibliographies for Africon Studies 197()'1986, Back·iSsue rates available on request by NANCY J, SCHMIDT 724 Voeltz, German Colonittiism and the SOUIh West Africa Company, Beginning with volume 15, number 1 (1982), the International Journal of 1885-19l4; and Cooper, ed., AlIies in Apartheid - Western Capitalism African Historical Studies has been published by the African Studies in Occupied Namibia, by RENFREW CHRISTIE 7U Center at Boston University. All correspondence concerning subscrip­ tions from volume 15 on should be directed to the African Studies Center, Hermele, Land Struggles and Social Differentiation in SOUIhern 270 Bay State Road, Boston, MA 02215. Any correspondence concerning Mozambique: A Case Study of Chok..., 1950·l91!7, by MERLE L. BOWEN 729 volumes 1 through 14 should be directed to Aflicana Publishing Co., a division of Holmes and Meier, 30 Irving Place, New Yorl<, N,Y. 10003. I Mirza and Strobel, eds., Three Swahili Women: life Stories from Mornba.ta. Kenya, by CAROL M. EASTMAN 732 RECENT PUBLICATIONS FROM THE Headrick, The Tentacles of Progress: Teclw>logy Transfer in the Age of Imperialism, 1850-1940. by A. G, HOPKINS 734 BOSTON UNIVERSITY AFRICAN STUDIES CEl><"ER Bennoune. The Maldng of Comemporary Algeria, 183()"1987, by TONY SMITH 735 WORKING PAPERS IN AFRICAN STUDIES: Okoko. Socialism and Self-Reliance in Tanzania, by MARJORIE MBILINYI 736 Queens, Prostitutes and Peasants: lfistorical Perspective., on African Wome~ 1971~ 1986, by Margaret Jean Hay, 130 (1988) Harrison. France and lsiam in West Africa, 1861J..1960, A Great Agrarian Cyde? A History of Agricultural Productivity and Demographic by ROBERTA ANN DUNBAR 738 Change in Highland Ethiopia, 1900-1987, by James C. McCann, 131 (1988) Forbes, BkJck Africans and Native Americans: Color, Race aNi Caste Schooling and Access to Management in LDCs: The Case of Kenya. by Irving in the EvoiuJit>1l of Red~Black Peoples; and Broberg, Places and Peoples Gershenberg. 132 (1988) of the World: Barbados, by RODERICK A. McDONALD 740 Pi~ The Democratic Philosophers of the Medieval Sndan, by Jay Spaulding and J. L Spaulding, 134 (1989) Fardon, Raiders (#t(j Refugees: Trends in CluJmba Political Africa Beyond the Famine: The case for Hope, by Maurice F. Strong, 135 (1989) DevelopmenJ.1750-1950, by MICHAEL MASON 742 Women in Government Service in Colonial Nigeria, by LaRay Denzer, 136 (1989) Jones and Mitchell, eds., Sierra U:ON! Studies at Birmingham, 1985, Epidemi()logis~ Social Scientists and the Structure of Medical Research on AIDS in by JANE J, MARTIN 743 Africa, by Randall M. Packard, 137 (1989) Edwards, ed.. The life of Olaudah Equiano. by CHRISTOPHER FYFE 744 Frontier Agriculture, Food Supply, and Conjuncture: A Revolution in Dura on Ethiopia's Mazega, 1898~1930, by James C. McCann, 138 (1989) Ray. Ghana: Politics. Economics and SOciety, by NAOMI CHAZAN 74(i The Outlook for Liberalization in Zaire: Evidence from Kisangani's Rice Trade, b't Mattera, Gone with the Twilight,· A Story of SophitJlown, Diane Russell. 139 (1989) by DAVID NORTHRUP 748 Politics, Class, and Gender in African Resource Management: Examining the Conneaio.s in Rural Kenya, by Barbara P. Thomas-Slayter. 140 (1989) Newman, Black Power aNi Black Religion: Essays aNi Reviews. Coping with Confusion: African Farmers' Responses to Economic Instability in the by GEORGE SHEPPERSON 749 1970. and 19l1Os, by Sara Berry, 141 (1989) Sankara. Thomes SanJulTG Speaks: The Burkina Faso RevolUlion, 1983-87, Choosing Between African and French Destinations: Family and Community Factors in by RENE OTAYEK 750 Migration from the Senegal River Valley, by Sally E. Findley, 142 (1989) The Earth Shall Give Judgment: Land. Leadership and Political Legitimacy in Berger and Godsell, eds., A FuJure SoU/h Africa: Visions, Strategies Highland Cameroon, by Miriam Goheen, 143 (1989) and Realities, by KENNETH A. HEARD 751 Pawns, Porters and Petty Traders: Women in the Transition to Export Agriculture in Azevedo, ed., Cameroon aNi Chad in Hisrorical aNi Conumpvrary Ghana, by Beverly Grier, 144 (1989) Perspectives, by FREDERICK QUINN 753 Offermann, Angola Zwischen den Fromen: 1nte.rnationales Umfeld, SOZioO/rolWmiSCMS Umfeltt, Innenpalilik, by JON BRIDGMAN 754 DISCUSSION PAPERS IN THE AFRICAN HUMANITIES Patterns from ·Without, Meaning from Within: European-Styie Military Dress and Maclennan, A Proper Degree ofTerror: John Graiwm and t~ German Colonial Politics in the Barnum Kingdom, by Christraud Geary, 1 (1989) Cape's Eastern Frontier, by NORMAN ETHERINGTON 755 Western Clothing and African Identity: Changing Consumption PaUerns Among the Stein, The French Sugar Business in the EightulUh Ce.ntury! Luo, by Margaret Jean Hay, 2 (1989) by DAVID RICHARDSON 756 African Art in Movement: Traders, Networks, and Obje<:ts in the "Vest African Art Market, by Christopher B. Steiner. 3 (1989) Transformalions in lIorin:: Actions and Artefacts Speak Louder Tban W()r~ by Ann NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS 758 O'Hear, 4 (1989) INDEX TO VOLUME II (J!l89) 759 Working Papers and Discussion Papers cost $4 each; they are available for classroom use (5 or mure copies of the same title) at $3 each. Please add 10 percent for postage and handling costs. Order from: Publications. African Studies Center Boston UniversitY1 210 Bay State Road, t:.1 DR. JOHN FARRELL EASMON: THE ECONOMICS OF RACE AND CRIME MEDICAL PROFESSIONALISM S_IL. /IIyenI. Jr. lind IlJarglll8/ C. Simms, edlttmJ New and AND COLONIAL RACISM IN The re1afionships between crime and the economy has reooJVed 100 itttle attention. This volume resurrects dassiC writings by and THE GOLD COAST, 1856-1900· Rec. about bJacks. lIS new contributions from the frontier or reSearch f:t~ t!! emerging tensions in scholarship on race and crime, . ~738·75S·1 (paper) 220 pp. $16.95 8y Adell Patton, Jr. Books in RACE, RADICALISM, AND REFORM SElECTEO PAPERS OF ABRAM L. HARRIS Eellied wnh lin /ntroCluct/on by WIll/SlIt DBtIty. Jr. Pseudo~scientific racism permeated the colonial service in West Africa near the Black end of the nineteenth century. Africans and West Indians had held high Pre$~nts maJor themes addressed by this dstinguished black Ameocan economist (1899-1963), regarded as a foremost expert administrative positions earlier in the so-called "open phase" in the colonial on comparative analysis in economics. The editor assesses serviee. In pioneering studies on medical history in West Africa. Raymond E. Studies Hani~:. life and ~rIOOiions, affordIng Insight into important Dumett and K. David Patterson show the extent to which the rigid color bar trans!liOO6 in hIS ttunking about radica1lsm and SOdal reform ISBN: 0·88738·210·X (cloth) 500 pp. $49.95 gained momentum in the 1890s and how European personnel began to monopolize top posts. Africans in all branches of the colonial service. many of HEALTH POLICIES AND BLACK AMERICANS whom had been educated in the same schools with their European counterparts, Dav/el P. WI/Us, editor now found their careers blocked by rising racism.1 The Easnton episode is perhaps the case that best illustrates this development in the Colonial Medical Eighteen Ie~ researchers analyze health gains made by black ~r1cans in thiS comprehensive review. Service, ~ undoublodly wi. beCome a ciassic in Ihe field" - l..Iwa E The Gold Coast rose to prominence in Anglophone West Africa in the ~nhardl:, Ptinceton University. 1850s. It received special government status in 1842, and competing European Rigorous yet lalr~minc1ed.. , an exceHent, timely, and uSeful volume'" - PaulO, Stolley, University of Pennsylvania ISBN: ~738-249·5 (paper) 532 pp. $23.95 "This paper wa. presented <lot the African Studies Association Aunual Meeting. in Cbicago. Ulinoill. CHANGING COURSE CIVIL RIGHTS AT THE CROSSROAOS October 1988. and at the Faculty Colloquium, Deportment 01 History, Howard University, Spring 1989, The Council for lnwnationa! EX;::bangc 01 Scholars (CtE.S1U.s.U,) funded my rclll'larcb fot tbis paper In Clint Bolick Freetown. Sierra Leone All a Senior Fulbright Researcher in 1984-85, and rcl<lotw travels to the ar;::hivCl in Barriers 10 enirepreneurial and educaUonat OPPOrtunity create a Eng1aud.
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