The Township of Oro-Medonte Council Meeting Agenda Electronic Meeting Wednesday, January 13, 2021 9:00 a.m. - Closed Session 10:00 a.m. - Open Session Effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 8:30 a.m., all Township of Oro-Medonte facilities including the Administration Centre were closed to the public. We will continue to offer services online and over the telephone. Input on agenda items are welcome and encouraged. The Township of Oro-Medonte has amended its Procedural By-law to allow for electronic participation at Council meetings during a declared emergency. Protocols have been established to advise how to participate in the public portions of these meetings. Please visit the following links for additional information: To Request to Participate in Open Forum, complete the form and review the Protocols for Public Participation at the following links: o Request for Public Participation Form • Protocols for Public Participation Council and DS Committee All electronic Council meetings will be streamed live, where possible, on the Township YouTube Channel. Council Agendas will continue to be published on the Civic Web Meeting Agendas in advance of the meeting date in accordance with the Township’s Procedural By-law. The Township of Oro-Medonte is committed to providing and maintaining a working environment that is based on respect for the dignity and rights of everyone within the organization and for those individuals visiting our organization. The Township of Oro-Medonte supports and fosters an environment that is safe, welcoming and respectful for all residents, visitors, members of Council and staff. Page 1. Call to Order - Moment of Reflection: 2. Adoption of Agenda: 6 - 15 a) Motion to Adopt the Agenda. [Addenda] Page 1 of 147 Council Meeting Agenda - January 13, 2021 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest: 4. Closed Session Items: a) Motion to go In Closed Session. b) Motion to Rise and Report. c) Shawn Binns, Director, Operations and Community Services re: Acquisition/disposition of land; Solicitor-client privilege (Edgar Community Hall). d) Robin Dunn, CAO re: Labour relations/employee negotiations (Performance Management). 5. Minutes of Council and Committees: 16 - 33 a) Minutes of Council meeting held on Wednesday, December 9, 2020. 34 - 38 b) Minutes of Special Council meeting held on Wednesday, December 16, 2020. 39 - 42 c) Minutes of Special Council meeting held on Tuesday, December 22, 2020. 6. Recognition of Achievements: None. 7. Public Meetings: None. 8. Deputations/Presentations: None. 9. Identification From the Public of an Agenda Item of Interest: Provides an opportunity for members of the public to identify an agenda item which the public member may request be brought forward and considered earlier in the meeting. 10. Open Forum: The Open Forum provides an opportunity for the public to provide verbal comments to Council, in Open Session, on matters scheduled on the current agenda. 11. Reports of Municipal Officers for Action: 43 - 46 a) DS2021-2, Curtis Shelswell, Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement/Chief Municipal Law Enforcement Officer re: Draft Parking and Traffic By-law No. 2021-005 [Refer to Item 17c)]. 47 - 50 b) DS2021-3, Curtis Shelswell, Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement/Chief Page 2 of 147 Council Meeting Agenda - January 13, 2021 Municipal Law Enforcement Officer re: Set Fines for By-law No. 2021-005 “Parking and Traffic By-law” [Refer to Item 17c)]. 51 - 86 c) DS2021-1, Andria Leigh, Director, Development Services re: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application 2020-SUB-01 Revised DP Conditions (2639025 Ontario Inc. Oro Station Automotive Innovation Park) Part of Lots 18 and 19, Parts 1 and 2, 51R-39330, Con. 8 (Oro), Township of Oro-Medonte. 12. Reports of Municipal Officers for Information Only: 87 - 92 a) Robin Dunn, CAO re: Update on COVID-19 Actions. [Addenda] 13. Reports of Members of Council: a) Updates from Council Representatives – County of Simcoe and Township Partners and Agencies. Provides an opportunity for the Township’s representatives at the County of Simcoe, and the Council members appointed as the Township’s representatives at the Township’s Partners and Agencies, to deliver updates on the activities of the County of Simcoe and the Township’s Partners and Agencies. 93 b) Councillors Greenlaw and Veitch, Request for Reconsideration, re: Council Code of Conduct for the Public. 14. Consent Agenda: 94 a) Announcements of Interest to the Public: 1. 2021 Tree Distribution Seedling Program, Deadline, Friday, January 15, 2021. 95 - 101 b) Minutes of Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority meeting held on Friday, November 27, 2020. Staff Recommendation: Receive for Information Only. 102 - 111 c) Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, minutes of meeting held on Friday, November 27, 2020; and highlights of meeting held on Friday, December 11, 2020. Staff Recommendation: Receive for Information Only. 112 d) Correspondence dated December 16, 2020 from Jeff Yurek, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks and Andrea Khanjin, Parliamentary Assistant re: Seeking your input on the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan 10-year review. Staff Recommendation: Receive for Information Only. 113 - 115 e) Correspondence dated December 5, 2020 from City of Hamilton re: Request for an Interim Cap on Gas Plant and Greenhouse Gas Pollution and the Development and Implementation of a Plan to Phase-Out Gas-Fired Page 3 of 147 Council Meeting Agenda - January 13, 2021 Electricity Generation. Staff Recommendation: Receive for Information Only. 116 - 119 f) Correspondence dated January 4, 2021 from Ministry of Transportation (MTO) re: January 1, 2021 Changes to Ontario Regulation 316/03 under the Highway Traffic Act and Ontario Regulation 863 under the Off-Road Vehicle Act related to off-road vehicles. Staff Recommendation: Receive for Information Only. 15. Communications/Petitions: 120 - 121 a) Correspondence dated December 15, 2020 from Ernie Hardeman, Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) re: Rural Economic Development (RED) Program. 122 - 124 b) Correspondence dated January 6, 2020 from Janine Dezotti & Stew Garner re: Request to Purchase Township Property, 46 Red Oak Crescent. 16. Notice of Motions: None. 17. By-Laws: 125 a) 2021-002: A By-law to Name, Establish and Assume Highways Within the Township of Oro-Medonte (1 Foot Reserve, Merrington Avenue, being Block 35, Plan 51M-947, PIN 58530-0384 (LT)). 126 - 127 b) 2021-004: A By-law to Amend By-law 2017-165 being to a By-law to Govern the Proceedings of Council and Committees/Technical Support Groups of Council in the Township of Oro-Medonte (Procedural By-law). 128 - 144 c) 2021-005: A By-law to a By-law to provide for the restricting and regulating of traffic and parking on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of The Corporation of The Township of Oro-Medonte, and to repeal By-law Nos. 2012-168, 2012-181, 2013-193, 2014-008, 2014-136, 2015-074, 2015- 121, 2015-170, 2015-208, 2016-002, 2017-007, 2020-068, 2020-076, 2020- 077, 2020-090 and 2020-091 or any other applicable by-law enacted to regulate Parking and Traffic (Parking and Traffic By-law). 145 - 146 d) 2021-006: A By-law to provide for an interim tax levy and to provide for the payment of taxes and to provide for penalty and interest. 18. Closed Session Items (Unfinished Items): 19. Confirmation By-Law: 147 a) 2021-007: Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council meeting held on Wednesday, January 13, 2021. 20. Adjournment: Page 4 of 147 Council Meeting Agenda - January 13, 2021 a) Motion to Adjourn. Page 5 of 147 2.a) Motion to Adopt the Agenda. From: Robert Young <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, January 11, 2021 3:12 PM To: Agenda comment <Agendacomment@oro‐medonte.ca> Subject: Fwd: Public Code of Conduct This email originated from outside of Oro-Medonte's email system. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. As requested Ms Aubichon. Hello Mayor and Council, Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Robert Young <[email protected]> Date: January 11, 2021 at 1:55:09 PM EST To: [email protected], Yvonne Aubichon <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Ian Veitch <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], Shawn Scott <[email protected]>, [email protected] Subject: Public Code of Conduct Ms Aubichon, Please include this e-mail for the public record to be read during the Council meeting in relation to item 13(b). I thank you in advance for your co-operation and assistance in this matter, much appreciated. Hello CAO Dunn, Mayor Hughes, members of Council, Ms Aubichon I listened with interest when Councillor Keane introduced the proposed and passed Public Code of Conduct with reference to the Canadian Human Rights Act. It was apparent that no legal opinion had been obtained on such a contentious piece of legislation, given the “expected” criticism and resistance from members of this community. FYI - The Law The Ontario Human Rights Code defines discrimination as the unequal treatment of a person because of their race, sex, ethic origin, religion, etc., including handicap. Mental illness is defined as a handicap under the Code. Mayor Hughes, you stated during the Council meeting that you believed that the increase in “disrespectful” e- mails and letters to members of Council and staff is as a result of Covid, and what you perceived to be the “pressure” adversely affecting the “mental health” of those members of this community who are writing disrespectful e-mails and letters to members of Council and OM staff. Page 6 of 147 2.a) Motion to Adopt the Agenda.
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