Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51722-5 - You Are All Free: The Haitian Revolution and the Abolition of Slavery Jeremy D. Popkin Index More information Index abolition of slave trade, 344, 381 Ami de l’Egalité, 173 abolition of slavery; in British empire, 381 April 4, 1792, law of, 45–6, 51, 328 in France, 2, 12, 16, 20, 87, 287, 333–4, reaction to in Cap Français, 81, 101, 356–65, 370–3, 376, 380, 383 330 in Saint-Domingue, 1, 20, 270–2, 274, Second Civil Commission and, 85 277–9, 360, 376, 383 Archives nationales (Paris), xii in United States, 19, 289, 374, 381. army, French, in Saint-Domingue, 99, 107, See also emancipation edicts, 16 plu- 118, 195, 279 viôse An II, decree of August 10, 1792, journée of (in Paris), 2, abolitionist movements; in Britain, 15–6, 97, 103–4, 329, 331 382–3 impact in Saint-Domingue, 103–4 in France, 89–90, 382 August 13–14, 1792, crisis of (in Cap in United States, 15–16, 382 Français), 82–4 Adet, Pierre (French politician), 351 “affaire Galbaud,” 9. See also June 20, Baillio, Jean (white agitator), 116 1793, journée of Baltimore, refugees from Saint-Domingue Affiches américaines, 79, 145, 259 in, 293–4, 301. See also Moissonnier, Africa, cultural influence in Saint- J.F. Domingue, 130 Barbé-Marbois, François (French official), Ailhaud, Jean-Antoine (member of Second 32 Civil Commission in Saint-Domingue), Barère, Bertrand (French politician), 354, 88, 98, 110, 137 356–7, 367 Algeria, 2 Barnave, Antoine (French politician), All Souls’ Rising (by Madison Smartt Bell), 5 349 Amar, André (French politician), 347, Bastille Day, celebration of; in Saint- 352–4, 367 Domingue, 264–5 America (French warship), 23, 100, 136, in United States, 301 139, 256, 266, 346 Batilliot (printer), 79, 194, 313 role in crisis of June 20, 1793, 191, 237, “Battalion of the Colonies,” 338–9 239 Beaumont, Chevalier de (white militia American traders (in Saint-Domingue), commander), 202 168–9, 181, 293, 319, 326, 393. Bellecombe, Guillaume Léonard de (French See also Perkins, Samuel official), 34 411 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51722-5 - You Are All Free: The Haitian Revolution and the Abolition of Slavery Jeremy D. Popkin Index More information 412 Index Belley, Jean-Baptiste (black deputy to Brissot, Jacques-Pierre (French politician), 12, French National Convention), 16, 35, 44–6, 86, 89–90, 93, 175, 247–8, 194, 201–2, 278–9, 320–1, 323, 317, 328, 331, 333, 336, 358, 366 327–8, 355 (illus.), 388 and Second Civil Commission, 86–90, 96 portrait of, 355 (illus.), 388 trial of, 348–9, 389 Bénot, Yves (historian), 354, 381 Britain; occupation of Saint-Domingue by, Biassou, Georges (black insurgent leader), 190, 279, 284, 286–7, 317 47–50, 104, 127–33, 252, 286 war against France, 124, 136, 147, alliance with Spanish, 253–6 378–9 rejects French emancipation offers, 236, Brudieu, Joseph (French official), 349 251, 253 Brulley, Augustin-Jean (colonial lobbyist), royalist sentiments of, 104, 129–32 261, 384, 389 sale of slaves by, 128. See also Jean- and abbé Grégoire, 348 François and crisis of June 20, 344, 1793 Billaud-Varennes, Nicolas (French arrest of, 368 politician), 343 mission to France, 329–30, 332–4, black insurrection (in Saint-Domingue 337–54, 356–7, 367. See also colo- 1792–4) 127–9 nial lobby (in France), Page, Pierre- alliance with Spanish, 250, 253–4 François rejection of French emancipation offers Brunswick, Duke of (military commander), by, 249–51, 274–6, 282. See also 157 Biassou, Georges, Jean-François Bullet, Jeannot (black insurgent leader), 41 slave uprising (August 22–23, 1791), Bush, George W. (president of United Toussaint Louverture. States), x–xi Black Jacobins, The (by C.L.R. James), 7, 381 Cabon, Alphonse (historian), 129 Blackburn, Robin (historian), 6 Cadusch, Paul de (colonial politician), 77 Blanchelande, Philibert-François Rouxel de Cairou (commander of free men of color in (French official), 23–5, 38, 43, 49, 52, Cap-Français), 107, 162 72, 75, 77, 83, 105, 127–8, 332 Cambefort, Joseph (military officer), 80, colonists’ accusations against, 80, 105 83, 107–9, 131 trial of, 25, 261, 337–8 Cambis, Joseph (naval commander), 15, Boerner, Captain (army officer), 200, 231 35, 100, 152–3, 163, 346n Bois Caïman ceremony, 9 role in crisis of June 20, 1793, 184–7, Boisrond, Louis (representative of free men 190–1, 193, 222, 233–4, 236, 238–40, of color in Saint-Domingue), 106, 126, 246 153, 258 role in United States, 292–3, 299, Bompard, Jean-Baptiste François (naval 301–3, 305–7. See also June 20, 1793, captain), 307, 317 crisis of; Jupiter, sailors, role in Cap Bonne (mutiny leader), 305, 307–8 Français Bordeaux, 72 Camboulas, Simon (French politician), Borel, Auguste (white agitator), 137, 336, 354 139–40 Canada, 308–9 Boucher (political figure in Saint- Cap Français, 53–84 Domingue), 157, 161, 165, 170–1, 258 after crisis of June 20, 1793, 267–8, 279, Boukman (black insurgent leader), 47 391–2 (illus.), 393 Bourdon de l’Oise, François (French black population of, 55, 58, 64–7, 74, politician), 365 81–2, 118–9, 267–8 Boyer, Jean-Paul (president of Haiti), 18 climate, 56–8 Bréard, Jean-Jacques (French politician), crisis of December 1–8, 1792, 113–9 342–3 cultural institutions of, 54, 56, 59, 62 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51722-5 - You Are All Free: The Haitian Revolution and the Abolition of Slavery Jeremy D. Popkin Index More information Index 413 destruction of (1793), 2–229 –30, 236–7 Cayenne, 373, 380 (illus.), 240–4, 246 Cercle des Philadelphes, 54 destruction of (1802), 4, 379, 393 Césaire, Aimé (author), 369, 381 earthquake in (1793), 171 Chanlatte, Antoine (free colored military economy of, 60, 67, 70 leader), 194, 275 impact of French Revolution on, 68–70 Charlestown, Saint-Domingue refugees in, journée of August 13–14, 1792. See 294, 301, 309. See also Mangourit, under August 1792, 82–4, 117 Michel-Ange journée of October 19, 1792, 108–9, 331–2 Chaumette, Pierre (French politician), merchants in, 168–70, 181 91–2, 339, 349, 389 militia units in, 78 and abolition of slavery, 356, 369–1, 373 population of, 58, 147–8 and Sonthonax, 91–2, 370. See also 16 press in, 68–70, 79 pluviôse An II, decree of public mood in (1793), 145–7, 149–50, Chesnu, Toussaint (sailor), 190 161–3, 169, 183 Christophe, Henri (black leader in Saint- Second Civil Commission and, 23–4, 101 Domingue), 194, 379, 393–4 slave uprising of 22–23 August 1791 “citizens of June 20, 1793,” 3, 257, 268–9 and, 73–6, 78–9 Civil Commission (1792–3). See Second white population of, 58, 62, 68–9, 73, Civil Commission 78. See also Cap Français, free popula- Civil Commission (1791). See First Civil tion of color in, Cap Haïtien, June 20, Commission 1793 crisis of Civil War (U.S.), 19 Cap Français, free population of color Clavière, Etienne (French politician), 164 in, 58, 62–4, 65 (illus.), 68–71, 73–4, Clinton, Cornelia (wife of Edmond Genet), 76–7, 81–2, 84, 152–3, 259 320, 326 creation of “free companies” by, 125–6, 195 Club Massiac, 35, 329–30, 333. crisis of August 13–14, 1792 and, 82–4, See also colonial lobby (in France) 117 Code noir, 28–30, 33, 95 crisis of June 20, 1793 and, 181–2, reissue of, by Sonthonax and Polverel, 184–8, 194–6, 200–1, 206, 208–11, 142–4, 166 219, 223, 226–7, 239, 360 Colonial Assembly (1790, known as crisis of December 1–8, 1792 and, 114–7 Assembly of Saint-Marc), 32–3, 70–1 General Galbaud and, 162, 181–2 Colonial Assembly (1791–92), 45, 49, role in campaign against black insur- 72–8, 83–4 gents, 133–4 dissolution of, 106 Sonthonax and, 112, 120, 122–3, 125. free people of color and, 76–7, 80 See also Cairou, Cap Français, Casta- sends Page and Brulley to France, ing, Charles Guillaume, free people of 329–30 color (in Saint-Domingue), Pinchinat, slave uprising of August 22–23, 1791, Pierre and, 73–4 Carteaux, François (pro-slavery author), Sonthonax and Polverel and, 101 49, 229 colonial lobby (in France), 327–9, 332–3, Cassasola (Spanish official), 254 340, 352, 368, 373 Castaing, Charles Guillaume accusations against Sonthonax and (representative of free population of Polverel by, 335–7, 341–2, 345 color in Saint-Domingue), 9, 76–7, crisis of June 20, 1793, and, 344 103, 153, 186, 258–9, 311, 318, 388 law of April 4, 1792, and, 328–9 appointed to Interim Commission, 106 slavery and, 333, 347–8. See also Brul- General Galbaud and, 171–3 ley, Augustin-Jean, Club Massiac, Sonthonax and, 122–3 Larchevesque-Thibaud, Jean-Gabriel, Castries edicts (1784–85), 30 Page, Pierre-François © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51722-5 - You Are All Free: The Haitian Revolution and the Abolition of Slavery Jeremy D. Popkin Index More information 414 Index Colony of Citizens, A (by Laurent Critical Examination of the Prophecies of Dubois), 7 Jérémie, and of the Gospel according Colwill, Elizabeth (historian), 260 to Saint-Marc (by Polverel), 281 Committee of General Security, 327, 347, 368 Cul-de-Sac, slave revolt in, 137–8, 141–2, and deputies from Saint-Domingue, 145 353–4, 356.
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