
ISSN: 0852-0682, EISSN: 2460-3945 )RUXP*HRJUD¿9RO 'HFHPEHU $XWKRU V &&%<1&1'$WWULEXWLRQ/LFHQVH Performance Evaluation of Tuntang Watershed based on Quantity and Quality of Water Ugro Hari Murtiono* and Paimin Research Institute for Forestry Technology on Watershed Management (BPTKP DAS Solo) -O-HQG$<DQL3DEHODQ6XUDNDUWD7HOS *) Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]) Abstract.7KHREMHFWLYHRIWKHVWXG\ZDVWRHYDOXDWHWKHSHUIRUPDQFHRI7XQWDQJ&DWFKPHQW EDVHGRQZDWHUTXDQWLW\DQGTXDOLW\DUHDUDQJLQJIURPLWVXSVWUHDPWRGRZQVWUHDP7KHPHWKRG XVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHZDWHUTXDQWLW\ZDVE\FDUU\LQJRXWJURXQGVWXG\RQZDWHUGLVFKDUJH LQWKHGU\VHDVRQ -XQH LQWKHUHVHDUFKVLWHZKLOHWKHZDWHUTXDOLW\ZDVGHWHUPLQHGE\ FRQGXFWLQJDODERUDWRU\DQDO\VLVRQWKHVDPSOHVREWDLQHGIURPWKHVLWHVLQERWKWKHUDLQ\DQG GU\VHDVRQ -DQXDU\DQG-XQH 7KHUHVXOWVLQGLFDWHGWKDWWKHTXDQWLW\RIZDWHUGLVFKDUJH LQ 7XQWDQJ 5LYHU ZDV FDWHJRUL]HG ´JRRGµ DOWKRXJK LW ZDV XWLOL]HG IRU PDQ\ XVHV VXFK DV LUULJDWLRQ K\GURSRZHU DQG GULQNLQJ ZDWHU 0RVW RI ZDWHU GLVFKDUJHV ZHUH PDLQO\ VXSSOLHG IURPWKHXSVWUHDPRI5DZD3HQLQJ/DNH7KHZDWHUTXDOLW\GHWHUPLQHGIURPWKHSDUDPHWHUVRI WRWDOGLVVROYHGVROLGVFRQGXFWLYLW\S+SKRVSKDWHDQGQLWUDWHFRXOGEHFODVVLÀHGDV´JRRGµ PHDQZKLOHWKHWXUELGLW\DQGGLVVROYHGR[\JHQZHUHFODVVLÀHGDV´SRRUµ Keywords:ZDWHUTXDQWLW\ZDWHUTXDOLW\VSHFLÀFPLQLPXPGLVFKDUJH Abstrak. 7XMXDQ SHQHOLWLDQ XQWXN PHQJHYDOXDVL SHUIRUPD '$6 7XQWDQJ GLXNXU GDUL kuantitas GDQNXDOLWDVDLUVXQJDLEDLNGLEDJLDQKXOXPDXSXQKLOLU0HWRGH\DQJGLJXQDNDQ XQWXNPHQJHWDKXLNXDQWLWDVDLUGHQJDQSHQJXNXUDQDOLUDQDLUVXQJDLSDGDPXVLPNHPDUDX -XQL SDGDORNDVL\DQJGLSLOLKVHGDQJNDQNXDOLWDVDLUGLODNXNDQGHQJDQFDUDSHQJDPELODQ FRQWRKDLUSDGDVXQJDLVXQJDL\DQJPDVXNNHGDQDXUDZDSHQLQJSDGDZDNWXPXVLPKXMDQ GDQ NHPDUDX -DQXDUL GDQ -XQL NHPXGLDQ GLDQDOLVD GL ODERUDWRULXP +DVLO SHQHOLWLDQ GLLQGLNDVLNDQEDKZDNXDQWLWDVGHELWDLUGLVXQJDL7XQWDQJEHUDGDSDGDNDWHJRUL¶EDLNµZDODXSXQ DLU\DQJNHOXDUGDULGDQDXUDZDSHQLQJWHODKGLPDQIDDWNDQXQWXNEHUEDJDLNHSHQWLQJDQVHSHUWL LULJDVLKLGURHOHFWULNGDQDLUPLQXP6HEDJLDQEHVDUGHELWDLUWHUXWDPDGLVXSSRUWGDULKXOX '$65DZD3HQLQJ3DUDPHWHUNXDOLWDVDLUVHSHUWLWRWDOSDGDWDQWHUODUXW 7'6 GD\DKDQWDU OLVWULN '+/ S+SKRVSKDWGDQQLWUDWGLNDWDJRULNDQ´EDLNµVHEDOLNQ\DNHNHUXKDQGDQRNVLJHQ WHUODUXW '2 GLNODVVLÀNDVLNDQ´MHOHNµ Kata Kunci : .XDQWLWDVNXDOLWDVDLUVXQJDLGHELWPLQLPXPVSHVLÀN 1. Introduction :DWHU LV D EDVLF UHTXLUHPHQW IRU WKH fact, especially in urban areas and development survival of living beings, including human, centers around them (Pawitan, 2002). Regions animal, and vegetation. However, the water are allegedly susceptible to water resources are resource availability is increasingly limited Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, and within time and space. In Indonesia, the Maluku. The performance of catchment can be diversity of water resources availability is evaluated from its quality (Duan, et al., 2016; high based on the area. Java, for instance, McMillan, 2016; Kageyama, et al., 2016; is monsoon UHJLRQ ZLWK REYLRXV GL൵HUHQFH Supangat and Paimin, 2007), quantity (Pal, et between rainy and dry season, the region al., 2016; Wang, et al., 2016), and continuity/ adjacent to the equator has indistinct sustainability (Brotosusilo, et al., 2016). GL൵HUHQFHV, and while in Nusa Tenggara is The discharge of a watershed in the dry VHPLDULG UHJLRQV with low rainfall. Although VHDVRQ FDQ EH DQ LQGLFDWRU RI WKH TXDQWLW\ Indonesia has abundant water resources, yet the and continuity level of a watershed’s water scarcity of water and water resources become a VXSSO\ 0HDQZKLOH WKH ZDWHU TXDOLW\ LQ $YDLODEOHRQOLQHDWKWWS-RXUQDOVXPVDFLGLQGH[SKSIJDUWLFOHYLHZ 177 3HUIRUPDQFH(YDOXDWLRQRI7XQWDQJ:DWHUVKHG 0XUWLRQRDQG3DLPLQ the rainy and dry season can be an indicator forms, sediment, stationeries and computer RIZDWHUTXDOLW\RIDZDWHUVKHGRUDFDWFKPHQW VRIWZDUHDQGÀHOGVWXG\HTXLSPHQWV area. In fact, watershed is a crucial reserve b. Location and water supply for many usages such as irrigation, agricultural, industrial, and Research was carried out in Tuntang household consumption. Additionally, watershed, Central Java, which was divided watershed captures rainwater to control into three sub-watersheds, namely, Tuntang GDPDJLQJ ÁRRGV GURXJKW VRLO HURVLRQ DQG Hulu sub-watershed, Tuntang Tengah sub- VHGLPHQWDWLRQ$UWLÀFLDOVXUIDFHZDWHUVWRUDJH watershed, Tuntang Hilir sub-watershed such as dams and natural storage such as lakes (Figure 1). Lake Rawa Pening is a part of the downstream of Tuntang Hulu sub-watershed. will be able to provide a continuous water With total area of 2,300 hectares, Lake Rawa supply in the dry season. One of the lakes in Pening which is located in the upstream of the watershed is Lake Rawa Pening in Tuntang Tuntang sub-watershed, Semarang Regency, watershed. This lake is absolutely a natural is vital with its central function as the water means for further various uses of watershed. source for household and industrial (local Rawa Pening Lake is located in the upstream government-owned water companies), irrigation of Tuntang watershed and has a primary role. IRU KD RI SDGG\ÀHOGV ÀVKHU\ ZLWK This study aimed to evaluate the performance production of 1,535.9 ton/year, tourism, RI 7XQWDQJ ZDWHUVKHG EDVHG RQ WKH TXDQWLW\ livestock, peat mining, and hydropower in DQGTXDOLW\RIZDWHUDQGSRWHQWLDOLPSOLFDWLRQ Jelok and Timo which generate 222.504 million to Rawa Pening Lake sustainability. Kwh (%DSSHGD Provensi Jawa Tengah, 2005). Catchment area of Tuntang Hulu is 2. Research Method affected by the volcanic characteristics of a. Materials and Tools Mount Merbabu (East and Southeast), Mount Telomoyo (South), and Mount Ungaran Materials and tools used in this study were (West). The west part of Tuntang Tengah sub- basic maps (topography, soil, geology, and watershed is affected by Volcano Ungaran while land-cover/use), Rupa Bumi Indonesia (RBI) the east part is affected by mixed limestone maps, Current meter, suspended load sampler sedimentary rocks. In addition, Tuntang Hilir USDH 48, sample bottles, measurement blank VXEZDWHUVKHGLVDVXVFHSWLEOHPXGÁDWDUHD Figure 1. Distribution of Points Discharge Measurement at Tuntang Watershed )RUXP*HRJUD¿9RO 'HFHPEHU ,661(,661 3HUIRUPDQFH(YDOXDWLRQRI7XQWDQJ:DWHUVKHG 0XUWLRQRDQG3DLPLQ 178 c. Measurement of Water Discharge depth of 0.2, 0.6, and 0.8 for the discharge of >100 cm water depth The produce of discharge rate and Quantitative measurement of water . FURVVVHFWLRQDUHDZDVWKHGLVFKDUJHRIWKHVHFWLRQ discharge in Tuntang watershed was carried . out in the dry season, while sampling for Total discharge of all sections was the observed ZDWHU TXDOLW\ TXDOLWDWLYHO\ ZDV GRQH LQ WKH water discharge. The value of water discharge 3/sec rainy and dry season. Measurements were (m ) was converted into a unit of VSHFL¿F water 3/s/ 2 performed in several points as illustrated discharge (m km ). LQ )LJXUH LQ -XQH 7KH TXDOLWDWLYH 2EVHUYDWLRQ RQ ZDWHU TXDOLW\ ZDV discharge measurement in Tuntang Hulu sub- FRQGXFWHG LQ WKH ULYHUVLQÁRZV RI /DNH ZDWHUVKHG ZDV FDUULHG RXW LQ HDFK LQÁRZ WR Rawa Pening, Tuntang Hulu sub-watershed, Lake Rawa Pening including 9 (nine) rivers: and measurement point in the downstream (1) Kedungwringin River, (2) Ringis River, (Buyaran River), Tuntang Hilir sub-watershed. (3) Sraten River, (4) Parat River, (5) Legi River, 6DPSOHZDVREWDLQHGIRUZDWHUTXDOLW\DQDO\VLV *DOHK5LYHU 7RURQJ5LYHU 3DQMDQJ was withdrawn in the rainy season (January River, and (9) Rengas River. In addition, in 2011) and the dry season (June 2011). Tuntang Hulu sub-watershed, measurement was conducted at the downstream of Lake Rawa d. Data Analysis Pening namely, Tuntang Main River (Tuntang The value of water discharge is stated 1), Sanjoyo River, Watu River, and Bercak LQ VSHFLÀF GLVFKDUJH XQLW P3/sec/km2) River. In Tuntang Tengah sub-watershed, by dividing the water discharge with its measurement was carried out in Tuntang Main catchment area (km2 %DVHG RQ .RUL River (Tuntang 2 and Tuntang 3) and Glapan 3 2 Dam (West and East outlet). In Tuntang Hilir VSHFLÀF GLVFKDUJH P /sec/km LV FODVVLÀHG sub-watershed, measurement was carried out as: 1). <0.015 = poor; 2). 0.015 – 0.21 = good; in Tuntang 4 (adjacent to Grobogan district and 3). >0.21 = very good. From the measurement Demak district) and Buyaran River. of the GLVFKDUJH WKH TXDQWLWDWLYH hydrological Discharge measurement involved the condition of an area could be determined based on measurement of discharge rate and the cross- WKHFODVVL¿FDWLRQ section area. The cross-section area is divided :DWHU TXDOLW\ LV WKH quality of water that into six sections. Discharge rate or velocity was meets the standards for a particular purpose. Terms measured by current meter on each section (in DUH GH¿QHG DV a variety of quality standards in the middle of the section) and the dimension accordance to the intended purpose. Directorate (depth and width) of each section was General of Land Rehabilitation DQG 6RFLDO measured to obtain the discharge cross-section Forestry, Ministry of Forestry, 2009, published area. In examining the discharge velocity, the category and value for the assessment on current meter was planted in a depth of 0.6 from the indicators of pollutant content level including the surface of the water for the discharge of < the physical, chemical, and biological pollutant as cm water depth; in a depth of 0.2 and 0.8 for presented in Table 1. These indicators were used as the discharge of cm water depth; and in a the analytical basis. Table 1.&ODVVL¿FDWLRQRI:DWHU4XDOLW\3DUDPHWHUV No Parameter of Water Quality Value Category A. Physical < 1000 Good 1. Total Dissolved Solids (mg/lt) 1001 – 2000 Moderate >2000 Poor < 5 Good 2. Turbidity
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