Appendix 1 1.1 S.N.D.T. University Department of Sociology M.A. Part I & II • Some Core and Seminar Courses '•« Reflections on Classical Sociologists - Marx, Durkhelm and Weber : Paper No,£ Ob.iectlves 1, . To acquaint the students with the soolal thought of the three classical thinl^ers against the background of the new social economic order inaugurated by the Industrial Revolution. 2, To assess the relevance of their thought to contenrporary times and to the Indian situation. 3, To acquaint thera with the near-perennial issue of structure versus agency or deterrslnisn with voluntarisn. I. Industrial society in Qiglaiid, Germany and Frrnce in the Nineteenth Century t 1. Idea of Progress 2. Ideology of free competition and the operation of the Market Forces * 3. Ideology of Laissez-Faire state II. Karl Marx : 18I8-1883 A. Brief Biographical Sketch Influence of Saint Simon and Fuerbach B. Dialectical and Historical Materialism 1. Man-Nature Relationship 2, The production system and exploitation, nodes of production, slavery, fuedalism, capitrlisa, comciunism,. asiatic mode • 3. Classes, class conflict, class conscionsness, class ir itself, class for itself". W. Base and Superstructure 5. Alienation C. Marxist writings on Indian Society D. Religion and False Consciousness E. Theory of State 1. Ruling Class £Uid the State 2. Theoiy of Revolution 3. Withering Away of the state F. Marxist Method. 1.3 III. Einile Durkheim A. Brief Biographical 3cetch Influence of Saint Sinon and Coate B. Concerns with Social Solidarity and /jionie 1. Division of Labour - (a) iMechanlcal Solidaritiy (b) Organic Solidarity 2". Religion as an integrating force role of fanlly and moral education alternative to the state. C. Suicide: Egoistic, Altruistic and Anonic D. Rules of Sociological Method 1. Concepts of Social Facts and their objective existence ?. External Constraints of Social Facts, IV. Max Weber : 1858-1920 A. Brief Biographical Sketch : Influence of Dilthey and Rickert B. Social Action t. Types of Social Action (a) Rational Legal (b) Traditional (c) Affective 2. Econonic Action - Detemined, Relevant and Conditional C. Capitalist Society - Nationality and Efficiency 1. Spirit of Capitalism, Influence of Protestant Etiiics 2, Bureaucracy - legal rational action D. World Religions, China, India and Judaisn, Development and Non-Developraent of Capitalisn E. Notion of Power a, Leadership/Authority and its legitinacy (a) Rational Legal (b) Traditional (c) Charisma F. Methodological Issues 1. Interpretative Sociology: Verstehen 2. Values in Social Sciences 3. Ideal Types 7, Comparison and Evaluation i) Inpact on Indian thought ii) Differences in methodological approaches. 1 .4 Prescribed Texts : Eottonore and Rubel, Selected -writings cf Karl Marx or. Sociology and occial Philosophy. Emile Durkhein Rules of Sociological Method Max \Veber, The Protestant Ethic and tho Spirit of Capitallsn. Steven Lucks, Ehlle Durkhein y Lefelve, The Sociology of Karl Marx V Lcfebre, The Sociology of Max Weber A. Giddens, Capitalism and Modern Social Theory - /ji /xialysls of Marx, Durkhein and Weber, Caabrldge, Canbridge University Press, 1971. R. Aron, Main Currents in Sociological Thought, Vol.1, Vol.2, Hamondswcrth, Penguin, I968. I. Zeltlin. Ideology and the Development of SociologioeJ Theories, Delhi Prentic Hall, 1958, H. Ckarth, md C. Wright Mills, From Maz Weber. ZistO's in Sociologj', New York ?ree Press, 1958. peter Hamilton (ed) Hnlle Durichein, Critical iisse.is.iants, Vcl.1 to Vol.V, 1990, London, Ibutiedge and Kegjj; Pa"ul Susan Heeknan Max Weber and Contemporary Social i:)v:iory, University of Notre Dane, 1983. David HcGLellan, KBXI Marx Life and Thought, Haracndsworth, Penguin. Robert Jessop (ed) Karl Marx's Social and Political -bought. Critical Assessi-Tonts, Vol.1 to IV, London, Routledt,e and Kegan Paul. 1 .5 INDI.JJ 5QCIETY i SXRUCTURS ;JTO CIi/J-!GE PAPER r-9j, F Introductlcn ; 1. Thi pc'.per 'Sociology of Indian Society' will be a seninar pap'^r. Wa have divided this paper into five broad thcues and evary stydent will write five papers on uho topics finalised fron each of these five ther.os, 2. The five thunes will introduce the students ts the varied ways in wliich Indian Society has been perceived by various sociologists ajid the different schools of thought. It will also draw their attention to th-3 specific ways in which certain social processes have becor.e significant in our country and l:ava and are now major issuts cf discussion and debate as well as tcnsior. and conflict. 3. This course will be tal^en by the entirti faculcy of z:v~ department. Teaching rf each of those thvj-.nes rnd sub-topics in each theme will be divided between the faculty mejubers. The goal is to iritrcducc the students to the thene, the various approaches' and the oontemporar/ thinking on this theme. The students will be asked to choose one of the topics to write a paper. As v.lll be noted below, these topics have been chosen in terns of conteir.-.orary interest and availability of reading materi?! in Gu^arati ond Marathi.' k. The first two papers will bo submitted at tliu end of th^; first term and the last three during the second tern. 5. The topics have been selected in terms of con temper ar:,' sigiiificanee not only in context to an vll India perspective but also in context to the trends in naharashtra rind Gu;iarat, IV. Tribes in India 1. Problem of Definition and distinction bet\,«9n Central and North Eastern Tribes 2. Tribal Political Economy 3. Tribal religion >+. Ecology, environment, and the tribes 5. Tribal raovenents V. Ethnicity and Religion in India A. Theories of Etlmicity 1. Ethnic groups in India 2. Language identities in India 3. Punjab, Assara, Kashnir, iUi Ethnic ProbJon? . 3. Religion in India .. Hinduisir. 2. Contemporary developments - Re\-lvalisri, Funda'nentalism and CctnnunalisLi 3. Religious novenents Tories I'or various themes s Theme I To do a bibliography on each of the themes and give abstract of important books as specified by the teacher. Thene II 1. Dalit Libvement 2. Reservation and 3.C, Reservation and S.T. 3. The aebato on Kardal h. Politics of Sugar Cooperatives 5. Milk Co-operatives and the poor Theme m 1. Housing arid the urban poor - The probleu of land 2. Urban Lajid ceiling Act 3. Informal S'3ctor and Women ^. Agrarian Syndicalism : Snetkari Sanghatana or Tikalth's Striii^gle 5. Peasant r^ovenent, agrarian radicalism, Naxolites Theme IV 1. Jharkhand movsment 2. Forest produce and its movements e.g. tunclu leaves hcsci co-operatives 3. Displacement and Development - Narnada D-m or Indrai-uri. river dam controversy ^. Tribal protest ii-, the Dangs or th^.t in Chpx.drcpur, 1 .8 Thepe y 1, Bhiwandi riots or /ianedabad riots 2, The Ran Jarunabhooni Issue 3, Ihe Assam problon h. The Kashmir problem 5. The Punjab problem It is expected that fllnS'on, those topics will also bo shown. Prescribed Texts : 1. C.H. PhUlips : Unity jlnd Diversity 2. Rankrishna Mukherjeo : "Sociology of Indian Sociology" • iailvid Publisher 1979. 3. Yccndra Singh » "Indian Sociology" -Vistaar .Publication, Now Delhi 1986. W. Dlpcnkar Gupta '' s "Readings In SocialStratification" Oxford University Press. '5. /jidro Beteille I "Studios In i'igraricn Society" 6. P.C. Joshi I Land Reforms in India 7. L. Dumont J Hon» flierchicus 8. , C.V. Hoimijndarf :,.Ir;J.bo9 jjlji India 9. M.S.A. Rao' : Urbanization in India, Criont Longman, New Delhi 1979 1C. M.S.A, Rao : "Scae ccncoptual Issues in tho study of caste class rjid ethnicity and dominance" In Dominance and State Power in Modern India Vol.1 - Oxford University press 1989 11. T.K, Madan : Religion In India. 12. Economic and Politi- : "Caste and Class" cal Weekly Special Issue 1979. Suggested Readings . 1. Iravati KaiT/'O : "Hindu Society" - an interprctatic" /v£j^rt~ H-r+vir ^C^QTJ Doccan Ctollego Poena 19°1. 2. Stephen Fuchs I "The Abasigional Tribvs in India" Mac!4illan India Delhi 1973. 3. G.R. Madan : India's Developing Villagv'S Print Ho'ose, Luckncw k, Rajani Kothari J "Caste and Indian Politics". 1 .9 Suggested Journal 1. Econor.ic arl Political Weekly 2. Contribution to Indian Sociology 3. Rur;J. inclia ^. Sociological Bulletin Prescribed ReadlnjTs 1. Rankrishna Mukherjee : ."Sociology of Indian Sociology Yosendra Singh : Allied Publisher Priva-oe Ltd.1979 Indian Sociology VistaaT Publication, New Dulhi 19B6 2, Dipanxar GuT)ta : "Readirgr. in Social Stratification" Oxford University Press 1991. C.H. Phillips s Unity and Diversity ^. Andre Eatefia : "Studies in Agrarlar. Society" 5. P.C. ^osb-i ! Land Reforrns in India 6. L. Dunount : Mono ''crarchleus . 7. C.V. Ifl.:.ier.dart : Tribes in India 8. M.S.A. Rao : Urbanization in India Orient Lonsmcn, i:ev; Dellii 197'+. 9. M.C.A. Rao : "SoEie conceptual Issuui in the Study of ee.cte Glass raid Ethnicicy ar. dominance" In "Doninance ai-.d Stat-a Power in Modem India" Vol.1 Oxford UniVbr:.itv Pross, Delhi 1969. 10. T.N. Madan : Religion in India 11. jicononic & Political' : ""Casto .>nd Class" special issue V.vt, W-.'. ekly 1.10 Paper No.11 Woraen, Society and Culture. I, Different Perspcictivcs on ufendt^rlriK of goclal Relations : A. Prevailing Iheories : liberal, Marxist, Radicsl, Socialist - Feminist B. Teols of j*jialysis (a) Sax and Gender (b) Gender division of Labour •(c) Production an-d Reproduction (Use value and exchange value; house wortj and wage wori^.) II, Farily. Kinship, Caste and Vtonen A. Principles of Kinship and fanily in Lndla 1. Patrilineal - patrilocal fanily 2. Matriiineal Fninily Systcn Nalrs, Khasi, changes t' „ _rds patriai'ctiy 3. Fanily types in India, joint and/or extended, nuclear h. Marriages in Ir^dia, traditional oodem, second marriages, contract narriages, 5. Single Vfoni-Jn, Wldov.-cdTrorce,-d^atitute-deserted, un::iarried, prostitute, III, Chrjiging India i State-'PIanninf^ and Gender A.
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