![ª Bafnjk Xka/Kh Jk"Vh; Ekuo Laxzgky;] Hkksiky](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
bafnjk xka/kh jk"Vªh; ekuo laxzgky;] Hkksiky okÆ"kd çfrosnu ANNUAL REPORT 2018-19 okÆ"kd çfrosnu ANNUAL REPORT 2018-19 bafnjk xka/kh jk"Vªh; ekuo laxzgky;] Hkksiky INDIRA GANDHI RASHTRIYA MANAV SANGRAHALAYA, BHOPAL ijksy - fgeky; dh ikjEifjd okLrq 'kSyh esa cuk laxzgky; dk eq[; izos”k }kjA Parol- the main entrance gate of the Museum built on tradional style of Himalayan architecture. baxkajkekla ds varjax laxzgky; Hkou ohfFk ladqy dk fogaxe n`';A / Birds eye view of Veethi Sankul the Indoor Museum building of IGRMS. baxkajkekla ds ohfFk ladqy dh ns'kt dyk nh?kkZ esa ?kfl;k yksd dykdkjksa }kjk fufeZr tkyh dk;ZA okÆ"kd çfrosnu ANNUAL REPORT - 2018-2019 Lace work by Ghasia folk arsts in the indigenous art gallery of Veethi Sankul at IGRMS. 01 lwph Index fo"k;/Contents i`"B dz- / Page No. funs'kd dk lans'k /Message from Director 04 lkekU; ifjp;/General Introduction 05 1- v/kks lajpukRed fodkl% ¼laxzgky; ladqy dk fodkl½ Infrastructure Development: (Development of Museum Complex) 06 1-1- izn'kZfu;kWa @ Exhibitions 06 1-2- vfHkys[khr lalk/kuksa dk l’kfDrdj.k @ Strengthening of archival resources 10 okf"kZd izfrosnu 2018&19 Annual Report 2018-19 2- 'kS{kf.kd ,oa vkmVjhp xfrfof/k;kWa /Education & Outreach Activities 12 2-1- ^djks vkSj lh[kks* laxzgky; 'kS{kf.kd dk;Zdze @ © bafnjk xka/kh jk"Vªh; ekuo laxzgky;] 'kkeyk fgYl] Hkksiky&462013 ¼e-iz-½ Hkkjr 'Do and Learn' Museum Education Programme 12 Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Shamla Hills, Bhopal-462013 (M.P.) India 2-2- dykdkj dk;Z'kkyk,a @ Artist Workshops 14 2-3- laxksf"B;kWa @ lEesyu @ dk;Z'kkyk,a / Seminars / Conferences / Workshops 16 jk"Vªh; ekuo laxzgky; lfefr 2-4- laxzgky; yksd:fp O;k[;ku @ Museum Popular Lectures 21 ¼lkslk;Vh jftLVªs'ku ,DV XXI of 1860 ds varxZr iathd`r½ ds fy, funs'kd] bafnjk xka/kh jk"Vªh; ekuo laxzgky;] 2-5- okf"kZd baxkajkekla O;k[;ku @ Annual IGRMS Lecture 23 'kkeyk fgYl] Hkksiky }kjk izdkf'kr nd 2-6- f}rh; izks- ch- ds- jk;ceZu Le`fr O;k[;ku / 2 Prof. B.K.Royburman Memorial Lecture 23 2-7- izn’kZudkjh dykvksa dh izLrqfr;kWa @ Performing Art Presentations 23 Published by 2-8- izdk'ku @ Director, Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Publications 27 Shamla Hills, Bhopal 2-9- vU; fo'ks"k xfrfof/k;kWa @ Other Special Activities 28 for Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya Samiti (Registered under Society Registration Act XXI of 1860) 3- vkWijs'ku lkYost @ Operation Salvage 46 fu%'kqYd forj.k ds fy, 3-1- ladyu }kjk lkYost @ Salvage through Collection 46 For Free Distribution 3-2- {ks=dk;Z }kjk lkYost @ Salvage through Field Work 46 lkexzh ladyu ,oa vuqokn % M‚- lw;Z dqekj ikaMs] Jh jkts’k xkSre] Jh eksgu yky xks;y ,oa Jh xhrw ;kb[kkse Text Compilation & Translation : Dr. Surya Kumar Pandey, Shri Rajesh Gautam, Shri Mohan Lal Goyal and Shri Gitu Yaikhom 4- nf{k.k {ks=h; dsUnz] eSlwj @ Southern Regional Centre, Mysore 48 5- iwoksZRrj Hkkjr dh xfrfof/k;kWa @ Activities for North-Eastern India 50 vkdYiu % Jh yfyr ckxqqy] dyk vuqHkkx] baxkajkekla 6- lqfo/kk bdkbZ;kWa @ Facility Units 55 Layout Design: Shri. Lalit Bagul, Art Section, IGRMS 7- ys[kk ijh{kk izfrosnu ,oa ys[ks @ Audit Report and Annual Accounts (2018-19) 58 Nk;kfp= % Nk;k vuqHkkx] baxkajkekla 7-1- o"kZ 2018&19 ds ys[ks ij ys[kk ijh{kk izfrosnu ,oa izek.k i= @ Photographs : Photography Section, IGRMS Audit Report and Audit Certificate on the accounts for the year 2018-19 58 Vad.k dk;Z% Jherh fot;k ikaMs+] Jh jkts’k R;kxh 7-2- o"kZ 2018&19 ds fy, okf"kZd ys[kk@Annual Accounts for the year 2018-19 58 Text keying : Smt Vijaya Pandey, Shri Rajesh Tyagi 8- vuqyXud @ eqnz.k % e- Á- ek/;e] Hk¨iky Annexures 82 8-1- jk"Vªh; ekuo laxzgky; lfefr ds lnL; Printed at : MP Madhyam, Bhopal 83 Members of Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya Samiti (RMSS) eq[k i`”B % o"kZ ds nkSjku baxkjkekla dh xfrfof/k;ksa vkSj miyfC/k;ksa dh >yfd;kWa 8-2- jk"Vªh; ekuo laxzgky; lfefr dh dk;Zdkjh ifj"kn ds lnL; 85 Cover Page : Glimpses of the activities and achievements of IGRMS during the year. Members of the Executive Council of Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya Samiti vafre i`”B % baxkajkekla esa e.khiqj ds ikjEifjd }kj dk lekjksgiw.kZ mn~?kkVu 8-3- dk;Zdkjh ifj"kn dh foRr lfefr ds lnL; 88 Back Page : Ceremonial inauguration of the traditional gate of Manipur at IGRMS. Members of the Finance Committee of the Executive Council 02 okÆ"kd çfrosnu ANNUAL REPORT - 2018-2019 okÆ"kd çfrosnu ANNUAL REPORT - 2018-2019 03 lkekU; ifjp; funs'kd dk lans'k General Introduction Message from Director bfUnjk xka/kh jk"Vªh; ekuo laxzgky;] I n d i r a G a n d h i R a s h t r i y a M a n a v ¼baxkajkekla½@¼us'kuy E;wft;e v‚Q esudkbaM½ le; Sangrahalaya (IGRMS)/ (Naonal Museum of vkSj LFkku ds ifjçs{; esa ekuo tkfr dh xkFkk ds Mankind), an autonomous organizaon of the çLrqfrdj.k esa layXu] laL—fr ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj Ministry of Culture, Government of India is engaged to portray the story of mankind in me dk ,d Lok;Ùk'kklh laLFkku gSA 1970 ds vkjaHk esa and space. Conceived in the early 1970s, the bafnjk xkaèkh jk"Vªh; ekuo laxzgky;] laL—fr ea=ky;] Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, vfHkdfYir] baxkajkekla us viuh xfrfof/k;ksa dh IGRMS began its acvies in 1977 by opening a Hkkjr ljdkj dk ,d Lok;Ùk'kklh laLFkku gSA blus viuh an autonomous organisaon of Ministry of Culture, 'kq:vkr 1977 esa ubZ fnYyh esa ,d dsaæh; dk;kZy; nucleus office at New Delhi. The establishment LFkkiuk ds 43 o"kZ iwjs dj fy, gSa vkSj 44 osa o"kZ esa ços'k fd;k Govt. of India. It has completed 43 year of its ds :i esa dhA laxzgky; fodkl gsrq vko';d Hkwfe was shied to Bhopal in early 1979 on allotment of gSA Hkkjr dh lkaL—frd fofoèkrk ds lekjksg.k ds ekè;e ls establishment and entered into 44th year. This vkoaVu ds i'pkr~ ;g laLFkku 1979 ds çkjaHk esa necessary land for developing the Museum. The jk"Vªh; ,dhdj.k dks c<+kok nsuk bl laxzgky; dk ,d çeq[k Museum has a mandate of promoon of naonal Hkksiky LFkkukarfjr gks x;kA baxkajkekla dk eq[; main Museum of the IGRMS is being developed in integraon through celebraon of cultural diversity a 200 acre campus alloed by the State mís'; gSA Hkksiky esa fLFkr bl laxzgky; dk ,d nf{k.kh {ks=h; laxzgky; çfl) Hkksiky >hy ds lkeus e/;çns'k of India. Situated in Bhopal it has a Southern Government of Madhya Pradesh in front of the dsaæ eSlw#] dukZVd esa fLFkr gSA Regional Centre situated at Mysuru, Karnataka. jkT; ljdkj }kjk vkoafVr 200 ,dM+ ifjlj esa famous Bhopal lake. A Southern Regional Centre of ;g okÆ"kd çfrosnu fofHkUu çdkj dh xfrfofèk;ksa vkSj This annual report is a record of various kinds fodflr fd;k tk jgk gSA baxkajkekla dk ,d nf{k.k IGRMS is funconing since 2001 at Mysuru from a dk;ZØeksa dk ,d fooj.k gS tks geus o"kZ&Hkj viuh eqäkdk'k of acvies and programmes we carried out {ks=h; dsaæ eSlq: esa 2001 ls dukZVd ljdkj }kjk heritage building 'Wellington House' alloed by çn'kZfu;ksa vkSj LFkk;h o lkef;d çn'kZfu;ksa dks lq–<+ djus throughout the year to strengthen our open air vkoafVr /kjksgj Hkou *oSfyaxVu gkml* ls dk;Zjr gSA the Government of Karnataka. exhibions and permanent and periodical ds fy, fd, gSaA bl vofèk ds nkSjku laxzgky; us ,d uà laxzgky; ekuo vfHkO;fä dh oSdfYid The Sangrahalaya is involved in generang exhibions. During the period it has dedicated to the a new Museum movement in India, to eqäkdk'k çn'kZuh ÞdqEgkj ikjkÞ fodflr dh gS] tks Hkkjr dh naon a new open air exhibion “Kumhar Para” cgqyrkvksa rFkk ekuo laL—fr;ksa dh led{k oS/krk ds le`) vkSj fofoèkrkiw.kZ feêh ds crZuksa dh ijaijkvksa ij demonstrate the simultaneous validity of human focussing on rich and diverse poery tradions of çn'kZu gsrq Hkkjr esa ,d uo laxzgky; vkanksyu cultures and the plurality of alternaves for human vkèkkfjr gSA ;g laxzgky; fofHkUu dyk vkSj f'kYi ijaijkvksa India. The museum also organises various educaon txkus esa layXu gSA laxzgky; jk"Vªh; ,drk rFkk arculaon. The Sangrahalaya is also working for dk muds ewrZ vkSj vewrZ vk;keksa rFkk muds varl±caèkksa ds lkFk and outreach acvies to revitalise various core 'kks/k vkSj çf'k{k.k dks c<+kok nsrs gq;s varlaZxBukRed naonal integraon, and promote research and cultural values of Indian civilizaon by documenng çys[khdj.k ds }kjk Hkkjrh; lH;rk ds ewy lkaL—frd ewY;ksa dk;Zra= dk fodkl dj foyqIr çk; fdarq cgqewY; training and inter-organizaonal networking for various art and cra tradions with their tangible and dks iqutÊfor djus ds fy, rFkk laxzgky; dks leqnk;ksa ds }kj salvage and revitalisaon of vanishing, but intangible dimensions and their interrelaons as also lkaL—frd ijaijkvksa ds laj{k.k gsrq Hkh dk;Zjr gSA valuable cultural tradions. The innovave aspects rd ys tkus ds fy, fofHkUu 'kS{kf.kd vkSj vkmVjhp to take the Museum to the doorstep of communies.
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