CENSUS O.F INDIA 1971. SERIES 8-JAMMU. & KASHMIR, Part VIII-A ADMINISTRATION REPORT ON ENUMERATION L1AMMU & KASHMIR I I. N. ZUTSHI of the Kashmir Admlnntratlve Service DIRECTOR OF CENSUS ~ERATIONS . JAMMU .KASHMIR aaj ~van, Jammu. eOVlR.. JAMMU.~ April 10, 1971. Messag. 1 am happy to congratulate the' State Direc.'t.or of Census Operations, .Bhrl Janki Nath Zutshl, 'and. h~s colleagues for completing the 'census operatioD$ smoothlyI and punctually.- These operations involve'a maJ~r teat or organization depend~nt as they are on the vol~tary' co-operation ot a 1fel"Y'large num~.er of honorary worke,rs •. Let me express the hope that apart trom the work.or compiling, tbe various prescribed census table~ far. use as ... permanent record for reference, the studies that ar,e be~ng ~ndertake~ to interp~et the census data troathe ~oint ct view of socla1 aad economic lite of the people w~ prove useful for planning their .cu1tural and -economic life. Claapter I INTRODUCTION • - ., l~24 Hunger Cor Immortality-My Predecessor-My ~ext-in-Com~d-A Welcome Chans:e-:Nati~nal Integratio!_l-l take over-Staff Meeting-Ce,sus Conecio~~ne.. -DarJeeling Conference-Welcome Steps-Legal Powen-Cdune or ActIOn­ Training Programme-9Gnstant 'rouring-Housenumbering and H?~~isting- . Census Blue-Spot-checking-Registrar General~s Visit-Waiting for ReCords -Census Agency-Publicity-:-A Note of Caution..... Shining· ~mples-Regisiiv. General's Second Visit-Xmas Father~Inspection of Records-One Year in Oftlce -Coding-Mechanical Tabulation-Census in Non-syncmy,nous Areas-_::_Ready Response-Census of Nomadic:Elements--Second Directors' Conference -Kerala~ Hyderabad-Some Impreuions-Registrar General~1 Vilit to 'Ladakh A Ladakh Diary-Enumeration in Synchronous Areas-Training in· jammu-Supply and Distribution of Census Schedules-Census Campaign-Ideritity Cards-Mid-term Poll-Public Response-Complaints-Enumeration Concluded-Release of Provi­ sional Results-Nature of Voluntary Work-Cost of Enumenhion-Grantof Awards • I' .-Miscellaneous Matters: i) Census Emblem ii) Census Recreation Club- AcknowJec:lgements Chapter D CENSUS PRE-TESTS & CONFERENCES 2S:'_28 Census Pretests - Conduct oC Pre-1est~ - Second P~test -~ Fint' Census Confe- rence --Second Census Conference - Special Skills":'" Training Seminars Claapter m MAPPING 29 Distrlct & Tehsil Maps, PREPARATORY MEASURES . • SO-53 • Functional :Units - Census Calenciar - Notification - Persoaal Contacts " Claapter V OFFICE ACCOMMODATION & UPKEEP OF RECORDS · 34-35 Shortage of Accommodation - Move to New Premises - Permanent omc:e­ Jammu Of6.ce - Upkeep of Records Claapter VI LOCATION CODE NUMBERS · 36-17 Handbook of Code Numbers - 1971 Code Numb... ii .,.No. Claaptal VB" PRINTING & SUPPLY OF CENSUS SCHEDULES • • 3s.:-40 Timely Supply - Supply & Distribution Claapter vm HOUSE-NUMBERING .& HOUSE-LISTING 41-42 Importance of Numbering - Notional Maps - Quality of Maps - Census House - Complete Numbering - Some Errors - Housing Tables - Permanent' House­ numbering Claapter IX ENUMERATION 43-51 1971 Census Slip - Arrangements for Enumeration - Non-synchronous Areas- Good Experience - ·Training & Publicity - Enumeration Agency - Timely Dis­ tribution of Forms -Reserve Stock - Return of Records - Details of Supply & Distribution Claapter :x: URBAN UNITS, STANDARD URBAN AREA AND URBAN AGGLOME- RATION . , . • 52-54 Urban Units - Standard Defi.n~on - Position inJ & K - EnumeratIon 'in Two Cities - Standard Urban Area - Future . Limits - Urban Agglomeration­ Areas Included , ! Claapter XI GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE, ACCOUNTS, STORES & STATIONERY • 55-56 General Administrative - Accounts-Rules - Indents for Stores & Stationary­ Procedures - Delegation of Financial Powers-Permanent Advance - Printing Procedures-Printer's Billa etc. Claapter XD CENSUS CIRCULARS • 57-58 OTHERS WHO HELPED 59 APPBNDICES I. Registrar General's Circular No. 37/10/68-RG dated 12.12.1968 regar- ding conduct of 1971 Census • 60-70 II. Nucleus organisation as existed on the eve of preparations for 1971 Census . • 71-72 III. State Government Order No. 3049-GD of 1969 dated 4.9.1969 placing service. of Shri J.N. Zutshi at the disposal of Government of India for appointment a. SuperinteDdent of CeDlUI Operation., J & K 75 IIi P."No. 'lV., D.O. 'letter:No. R.M. 1800/69 daled S.9.1969 sent by the Revenue & Rehabilitation Minister of J & KiState to Shri J.N. Zutshi on the , a ••uming of hii charge as Daector of Census Operations, J & K. 74 V: .D.O., No. Cen. 23/5828-37/69 d~ted 6.9.1969 from Director of Cen.~. Operations to ail Deputy Commissioners regarding preparations for 1971 Census. • 75 VI. D.O. letter No. CMS(Genl)74/69 dated 8.9.1969 sent by Chief Minister "ofJ &: K State to ShriJ.N. Zutshi on assuming the charge of Direc- tor of Census Operations, j &: K ,. ; , 76 VII. Notification No.6/27/69-J\d.I dated IS.9.1969 regarding appointment of Shri J.N. Zutshi as Director of Census Operations & Ex-officio Superintendent,of Census Operations,J&K • 77 VIII. Census calenda~\for accessible and i!1a~cessible (snow-bou~d areas) • 78-83 IX. State Gazette Notification·No. SRO-SI9 dated 17.9.1969 appointing and conferring legal authority in terms of the Indian Census Act to District Census OfIicen,: Charge Superintendents etc. 84--85 X. Chief Secretary'. d.o. letter No. GD(Adm)S88/69-iii-Census dated 31.10.1969 regarding entries in cOnfidential rolls of officers entrusted with Census duties 86 XI. StateGovemment'. Circular No. GD(Adm)S88/69-Census dated IS.II.69. placing embargo on transfers of Census Field Agency . 87 XII. State Government's Circular No. Rev(s)68/S7 dated 7.6.1968 instructing their sub-ordinate offices not to give effect to any changes in the jurisdic­ tion of any district, tehsil, town or village after 31.12.1969 till the conclusion of the Census Operations 88 XIII. Set of drafted schedules evolved by the Registrar General on the basis of the first pre-test reports 89-95 XIV. Inaugural address of the Home Minister on the occasion of first Census Conference of Directors' of Census Operations • 96-98 XV. Sample notional map and instructions contained in the question and answer brochure issued to Enumeration Agency during house- numbering &: house-listing phase . 1-23 • (Urdu ,.mo.) . XVI. Dates and centres of training classes held during first phase In accessible areas ofthe State .99-102 XVII. List of snow-bound areaa '. 103-112 XVIII. Notional map prepared by the Field Agency during fint phase 113 XIX. Emblem suggested by Census Directorate 114 xx. All India Census Emblem, 115 iv Pag,No. XXI. Summarised and simplified version of instructions on Individual Slip and Abridged Houselist 27-41 (Urdu /JtIr1i6l XXII. Schedules along with the instructions for filling them up issued by the Registrar General. India 116-lS2 XXIII. Census Circular No. 23-IV/3613-3S/70 dated 4.7.1970 regarding enumeration of nomadic elements • IS3-IS5 XXIV: Red & Blue Identity Cards for enumerators and supervisors • IS6-187 XXV. Engagement Calendar giving important Census dates 188 XXVI. Programme items broadcast by Radio Kashmir, Srinagar/Jammu in connection with 1971 Census . \ . IS9-190 XXVII•. D. O. No. Cen. 43/9703-13/70 dated 2S.11.1970 sent to editors of leading newspapers of J&K State. 191 XXVIII. Names of the towns of J &K State. 192 XXIX. Itinerary of the tours undertaken by Director of Census Operations in connection witli 1971 Census 193 ·-200 XXX. Date and time of receipt of the consolidated provisional figures. 201 XXXI. Letter of appreciation received from the Chief Secretary of Jammu and Kashmir State 202 XXXII. District-wise distribution of enumerators and supervisors (including reserve) by broad categories . 203-204 XXXIII. Letter of appreciation issued by Director or Census Operations to ~numeration agen_cy • 205 XXXIV. Budget estimates from 1968-69 to -1971-72 206-207 XXXV. Important miscellaneous circulars 20S LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Facing or SI.No. between pages 1. Shri Bhagwan Sahay, State Governor, replying to Census questionnaire I at Raj Bhawan. Chief Minister's 2. Director, Census Operations, explaining various entries of Individual l Message­ I Inl1'oduclion Slip to Chief Minister, Shri G. M. Sadiq, on the occasion of Census I enumeration. J v Facing or Sl. No. betw,en pages' s. .,Shri G. M. Sadiq, Chief Minister, goes through the entries in his houselist. 1, I 4. Marking a Census House Number. I 5. Main entrance. I I 6. Entrance into outer compound. I 7. Under portals of the mosque-Director and Shri Gani, Deputy Director, checking house numbers at Jamia Masjid, Srinagar. ~4-5 I 8. A training class at .. Bandipora, Kashmir.- I I I 9. Using Roll-up black-board. Training Instructor - Shri S. P. Arora. I I 10. Training in progress in Akhnoor. Jammu. Training Instructor - Shri I J. K. Nanda. , I 11. Training in progress in Kupwara, Kashmir. Training Instructor - Shri I G. M. Din. J 12. Shri Gani. Deputy Director, Census Operations, spot-checking and comparing houselists in Sonawari, Kashmir. 1 13. Director, Census Operations, alongwith Charge Superintendent on an I inspection round in Ganderbal. I ~ 6 14. Shri Gani. Deputy Director, Census Operations, with Charge I Superintendent, Pahalgam and Zonal Officer on an inspection tour in a snow-covered village. J 15. Houselisting Operation in Raj Bhawan, Jammu. Shri Bhagwan Sahay helping Census Officials to enter correct particulars in his houselist. 1 16. Operation over, Shri Sahay poses for a photograph. Standing with· > 7 him are Director of Census Operations, Shri Ram Nath. Charge I Superintendent and concerned Zonal Officer and enumerator. J 17. With 'Xmas father' - at Manasbal, Sonawari. 10 vi Fam., (If Sl. No. b,tw"" pag,s 18. In Cherwan village near Kangan, R. G. tastes a cup of traditional 1 Kashmiri tea. I I 19. Shri A. Chandra Sekhar, Registrar General, India, with Census field I staff at R.
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