Subduction and Slab Detachment in the Mediterranean-Carpathian Region M. J. R. Wortel, et al. Science 290, 1910 (2000); DOI: 10.1126/science.290.5498.1910 This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. If you wish to distribute this article to others, you can order high-quality copies for your colleagues, clients, or customers by clicking here. Permission to republish or repurpose articles or portions of articles can be obtained by following the guidelines here. 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Copyright 2000 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science; all rights reserved. The title Science is a registered trademark of AAAS. S CIENCE’ S C OMPASS ● REVIEW REVIEW: GEOPHYSICS Subduction and Slab Detachment in the Mediterranean-Carpathian Region M. J. R. Wortel* and W. Spakman* cm/year in the Hellenic trench region, whereas Seismic tomography models of the three-dimensional upper mantle velocity structure the overall Africa-Eurasia convergence rate is of the Mediterranean-Carpathian region provide a better understanding of the litho- only 5 to 10 mm/year (22). The same land- spheric processes governing its geodynamical evolution. Slab detachment, in partic- locked basin setting, albeit on a smaller scale, is ular lateral migration of this process along the plate boundary, is a key element in the assumed for the region now occupied by the lithospheric dynamics of the region during the last 20 to 30 million years. It strongly Pannonian Basin and Carpathians (Fig. 1) (23, affects arc and trench migration, and causes along-strike variations in vertical mo- 24): an oceanic embayment which has disap- tions, stress fields, and magmatism. In a terminal-stage subduction zone, involving peared due to subduction. In contrast with the collision and suturing, slab detachment is the natural last stage in the gravitational Mediterranean case, however, this disappear- settling of subducted lithosphere. ance is complete. Studying the Mediterranean region in close combination with the Car- pathian-Pannonian region is useful because the mong the geological features in the role of seismicity in the early stages of plate regions show similarities and differences, the Mediterranean region that continue to tectonics, the occurrence of intermediate- study of which provides a more complete pic- A capture Earth scientists’ attention are depth and deep earthquakes provided the first ture of the underlying processes. the arcuate mountain belts of the Betics, the clue toward interpreting the Mediterranean Subduction plays a central role in most Maghrebides, the Apennines, the Alps, the (6–8) and Carpathian (9) regions in the new current models about the geodynamics of the Carpathians, and the Dinarides-Hellenides framework, with subduction as an important region. Here, we summarize and discuss on September 20, 2011 (Fig. 1). In particular, in view of the evidence element. The higher temperatures in the west- some recent and ongoing developments in for collision in the Alps, the geodynamical ern Mediterranean basins (5) were associated studies of the evolution of this process in the evolution of the region has generally been with spreading activity in the wake of the region, and of its relation to geological pro- considered in the context of the convergence moving continental blocks of Corsica, Sardi- cesses at or near Earth’s surface. We focus on of Europe and Africa. In spite of convergence nia, and (parts of ) Italy (10–12), for the the step from structure and kinematics to acting as the primary plate tectonic process, rotation of which paleomagnetic evidence dynamics. In doing so, we concentrate on the several regions exhibit large-scale extension, was accumulating (13, 14). The growing geo- Apennines-Maghrebides arc and Hellenic arc such as the Alboran Sea, the Algero-Proven- logical and geophysical data sets, and newly in the western and eastern Mediterranean, c¸al and Tyrrhenian Sea basins, the Pannonian developing ideas, were gradually integrated respectively, and the Carpathian arc (Fig. 1). www.sciencemag.org Basin, and the Aegean region. These are lo- into tectonic reconstructions. By the mid to cated inside the arcuate belts (Fig. 1). The late 1980’s, the various reconstructions had Seismic Velocity Structure extension started about 30 million years ago converged toward a small set of rather similar Seismic tomography models of parts, or all (Ma) (1). The combination of convergence, reconstructions (15–17). A noteworthy as- of the Mediterranean and surrounding re- with expected compression, and extension pect is that they showed great similarity with gion (25–38) have been fundamental for has been a long-standing enigmatic feature of the ideas formulated by Argand as early as locating and delineating the subducted the region (2, 3). 1922 (18). They describe, in a kinematic way, lithosphere involved in its Cenozoic evolu- Understanding these complexities re- the Mediterranean region as a plate boundary tion. Two important early observations are Downloaded from quires the recognition that the Mediterranean zone, involving collision and migrating sub- that (i) much more slab is imaged than is Sea region exhibits important lateral varia- duction zones accompanied by extension. reflected by seismicity, implying that seis- tions in crustal and upper mantle structure. The eastern Mediterranean basins (such as micity is a poor indicator for the amount of Early studies of the deep structure (4) and Ion, Adr, and Lev; Fig. 1) are part of the subducted lithosphere and the period of heat flow (5) revealed distinct differences African plate and were formed in the Meso- subduction involved (25–27) and that (ii) between the crust and upper mantle in the zoic. The western basins (A-P and Tyr; Fig. not all slabs in the Mediterranean region western-central Mediterranean [such as the 1) constitute a deformed plate boundary re- seem to be connected to the lithosphere at Algero-Provenc¸al and Tyrrhenian Sea basins gion of the Eurasian plate and were created the surface, which has been interpreted as (Fig. 1)] and those in the eastern Mediterra- by back-arc extensional activity in the Late an indication for slab detachment (25, 26, nean. With the advent of plate tectonics, at- Oligocene to recent times. 29–31). We will briefly review mantle tempts were made to interpret the structure The concept of a land-locked basin setting structure using results from a recent tomog- and to formulate the evolution of the Medi- (19) provided a basis for a dynamical analysis raphy model of P-wave velocity heteroge- terranean region in terms of plate tectonic of the region. The land-locked basin setting neity (39). Subducted slabs appear as pos- concepts. In agreement with the prominent of the Mediterranean region leads, by slab itive seismic velocity anomalies (40). roll-back (20), to the consumption of the The depth slices at 200 and 600 km depth oceanic lithosphere between Africa and Eu- presented in Fig. 2, A and B, show structural Vening Meinesz Research School of Geodynamics, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Buda- rope and to extension in the lithosphere above features (41) which were also detected in pestlaan 4, 3584CD, Utrecht, Netherlands. the subduction zone (21). In a kinematic many earlier tomographic models. At 200 km *E-mail: [email protected] (M.J.R.W.); [email protected]. sense, the slab roll-back process also ac- depth, slab structures are found below the nl (W.S.) counts for the relative motions of about 3 Betic-Alboran region (27, 29, 30, 35, 38), the 1910 8 DECEMBER 2000 VOL 290 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org S CIENCE’ S C OMPASS Calabrian arc (27, 29, 32–34, 36, 37), the pathian arc. The Vrancea portion of the Car- From Structure and Kinematics to Aegean region (26, 29, 34, 35), and the east pathian slab seems continuous down to about Dynamics Carpathians (Vrancea) (29, 34, 42). In the 350 km. The seismic velocity structure is like a snap- western Mediterranean, the Betic-Alboran Patterns of detached slab below the western shot of a possibly still-moving object: it rep- slab is rather isolated in the mantle and is Mediterranean and the Pannonian regions are resents the present-day structure of a part of only seismically active at depths of about similar. A different slab structure, however, is the dynamic Earth. In the present context, we 640 km (43). The Apenninic-Calabrian slab found in the mantle below the Aegean, where discuss two ways of using this information in is the dominant feature in the central Med- the slab penetrates into the lower mantle (Fig.
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