THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF KING COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA #17 MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2015 - 6:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INTRODUCTION OF ADDENDUM ITEMS Any additional items not listed on the agenda would be identified for approval. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 5. MAYOR'S COMMENTS 6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETINGS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS 6.1. MINUTES 3-8 6.1.1 Minutes of the Council Meeting of September 28th, 2015 6.2. COMMITTEE REPORTS 9-17 6.2.1 Committee of the Whole Reports of September 28th, 2015 7. NOTICE OF MOTION 8. MOTION TO RECESS INTO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 9. RE-CONVENE COUNCIL MEETING 10. ADOPTION OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATIONS 11. BY-LAWS 18 By-law #2015-107 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CLERK TO ACCEPT A TENDER AND AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT FOR CCTV WORKS ON THE TOWNSHIP OF KING STORM AND SANITARY SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE Page 1 of 24 Council Agenda - Mon. Oct. 19, 2015 Page 11. BY-LAWS (Ref. Engineering, Public Works and Building Department Report No.: EPW- 2015-40, C.O.W. Oct. 19/15 – Tender 2015-T17 re CCTV – Works for Sanitary and Storm Sewer Infrastructure) 19-23 By-law #2015-108 A BY-LAW TO AMEND ZONING BY-LAW NUMBER 74-53, AS AMENDED (Ref. Planning Dept. Report No.: P-2015-38, C.O.W. Oct.19/15, File No.: Z- 2015-07, Pt. Lot 21, 15400 7th Concession, Goldshatz & Company Ltd. and Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)) 12. CONFIRMATION OF PROCEEDINGS BY-LAW 24 By-law #2015-110 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD ON OCTOBER 19, 2015 13. ADJOURNMENT Page 2 of 24 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF KING COUNCIL MEETING #16 – MINUTES (DRAFT) MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2015 Township Council met at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Township of King Municipal Building, 2075 King Road, King City, with Mayor Pellegrini presiding. The following were present at this Meeting: Council Staff Mayor Steve Pellegrini Susan Plamondon – Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Cleve Mortelliti Kathryn Smyth – Director of Clerks/By-law, Twp. Clerk Councillor David Boyd Allan Evelyn – Director of Finance and Treasurer Councillor Linda Pabst Stephen Kitchen – Director of Planning Councillor Bill Cober Andrzej Drzewiecki – Director of Engineering, Public Councillor Debbie Schaefer Works and Building Councillor Avia Eek Chris Fasciano – Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture Jim Wall – Fire Chief Diane Moratto – Admin. Assistant – Council/Committee Alec Harras – Deputy Clerk/Strategic Initiatives Jamie Smyth – Economic Development Officer 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pellegrini called the meeting to order. A quorum was present. 2. INTRODUCTION OF ADDENDUM ITEMS The Clerk advised that correspondence has been received for: Council Item #6 6.1 – Public Meeting – Planning Department Report No.: P-2015-34, Application for Zoning By-law Amendment, File No.: Z-2015-07 – Goldshatz & Company Ltd. and the Nature Conservancy of Canada. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Councillor Eek, seconded by Councillor Schaefer and carried that the Agenda for the Council Meeting of September 28th, 2015 be adopted, as amended. 4. DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no declarations of pecuniary interest. 5. MAYOR’S COMMENTS Mayor Pellegrini highlighted the upcoming Holland Marsh Soupfest community event in the Township of King on Saturday, October 3, 2015. The Corporation of the Township of King, 2075 King Road, King City, ON Minutes of the Council Page 3 of 24 Meeting of September 28th, Council Minutes – September 28, 2015 (Draft) 6. PUBLIC MEETINGS 6.1 Planning Department Report Number P-2015-34 Re: Application for Zoning By-law Amendment File No.: Z-2015-07 15400 7th Concession Owner: Goldshatz & Company Ltd. (Jonah Turk) Agent: Mark Stabb, Nature Conservancy of Canada (a) Presentation by Stephen Kitchen, Director of Planning Mr. Kitchen reviewed Planning Department Report P-2015-34 and the proposed application for amendments to the Zoning By-law to facilitate a conveyance of a 21 hectare (51.9 acre) parcel of vacant land with 15 metres of frontage on the 7th Concession for natural heritage conservation purposes located on Part Lot 21, Concession 7. The remainder of the parcel would continue to support the existing residential uses. The amendment seeks to sterilize the severed lands for building purposes by restricting the range of permitted uses to those which are consistent with conservation purposes and reducing the minimum frontage requirement of the by-law. A concurrent consent application has also been submitted by the applicant to the Township of King Committee of Adjustment for the purposes of creating the new lot. The subject lands are municipally known as 15400 7th Concession of which the majority of the lot is covered by dense deciduous forest forming part of the Happy Valley Forest Reserve and is located within the Natural Core Area of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Area. The property currently supports two (2) detached residential dwellings and a large number of accessory structures with access from the 7th Concession Road. Mr. Kitchen noted the proposed changes to the zoning permissions for the severed lands will commit to the long term preservation of the key natural features and has removed the remaining development opportunities afforded the lands under the Provincial Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. The applicant has proposed maintaining the provision for fish, wildlife and forest management, conservation projects, transportation and infrastructure and uses accessory to the permitted uses. Mr. Kitchen advised the application is subject to the Region of York Official Plan, the Provincial Policy Statement (2005), the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP) and the Township’s Official Plan Amendment (OPA#1970). (b) Presentation by Applicant Mark Stabb, Program Director, Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), spoke on behalf of the applicant and commented on the following: natural growth in area; species on site; severance of the lands; demolition of existing cabins; removal/clean-up of cabins; need for a biological inventory; participation in the Township’s Trails Strategy; public access to pedestrian trails; and restoration of the trail along the 7th Concession. Mr. Stabb noted that he wished to be on record indicating the NCC is supportive of equestrian trails, where it does not compromise significant natural features. He advised that the NCC hopes to work with the Township, York Region and the Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust to provide future linkages between trails, where feasible. Mr. Stabb responded to questions. The Corporation of the Township of King, 2075 King Road, King City, ON Minutes of the Council Page 4 of 24 Meeting of September 28th, Council Minutes – September 28, 2015 (Draft) (c) Public Comments and Concerns (i) Vicki Hotte Ms. Hotte advised of her support of the application and played a recording of sounds from distinctive species of woodpeckers that inhabit the area and noted that one species of woodpecker is already extinct. Ms. Hotte commented on the importance of considering the ‘natural citizens’ of the area and to ensure the protection of the natural vegetation located on the lands, commending NCC for their efforts in conservation and preservation. Committee recommends that the deputation by Ms. Hotte be received. Mayor Pellegrini declared the Public Meeting concluded and requested Council’s disposition. A motion was made by Councillor Pabst, seconded by Councillor Cober and carried that Planning Department Report Number P-2015-34 be received, the correspondence from Kevin Jarus, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, Mark Stabb, Nature Conservancy of Canada, and Vicki and Paul Hotte, be received, and the recommendations therein be approved, as follows: A. That Planning Report No. P-2015-34 BE RECEIVED as information; B. That Zoning By-law Amendment application file number Z-2015-07, to facilitate the creation of a lot for natural heritage conservation purposes whereby the range of permitted uses would be restricted and further, where the Minimum Lot Frontage of the severed lands is proposed to be reduced, BE RECEIVED and referred back to staff for a further recommendation report to be presented to the Committee of the Whole upon receipt and review of all public comments. 6.2 Planning Department Report Number P-2015-35 Official Plan Amendment Application File No.: OP-2014-01 Part Lot 7, Concession 3 13211 Keele Street Owner: Joe Massarella Agent: Bruno Consulting (a) Presentation by Stephen Kitchen, Director of Planning Mr. Kitchen reviewed Planning Department Report P-2015-35 and the proposed amendment application to add site specific policies to the severance policies of the King City Community Plan to facilitate the creation of one (1) additional lot by way of Consent for the purposes of two (2) single detached dwellings and accessory uses. The proposed severed lands are located on the northern half of the property with 23.0 metres of frontage on Keele Street and would have a lot area of 1,289.5 square metres. The proposed retained lands would measure 3,000.7 square metres and have 24.2 metres of frontage on Keele Street. The lands to be severed do not meet the Residential Urban (R1) zone provisions and the applicant has indicated that minor variances for lot frontage and lot area would be submitted to the Committee of Adjustment at a future date. Mr. Kitchen noted the application proposes to service the severed lot via full municipal water and sanitary services. The Corporation of the Township of King, 2075 King Road, King City, ON Minutes of the Council Page 5 of 24 Meeting of September 28th, Council Minutes – September 28, 2015 (Draft) The subject lands are legally described as being Part Lot 7, Concession 3, municipally known as 13211 Keele Street and are located on the east side of Keele Street, north of King Road.
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