Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 1990, Vol. 28, pp. 3-33 Reprints available directly from the publisher Photocopying permitted by license only C9 199 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers S.A, Printed in the United States of America The Largest Eigenvalue of a Graph: A Survey i\ ~ D. CVETKOVIC Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, PO Box 816, 11001 Beograd, Yugoslavia P. ROWLINSON Department of Mathematics, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA, Scotland (Received March 1, 1990) Ths article is a survey of results concerning the largest eigenvalue (or index) of a graph, categorized as follows: (i) inequalities for the index, (2) graphs with bounded index, (3) ordering graphs by their indices, (4) graph operations and modifications, (5) random graphs, (6) applications, INTRODUCTION Almost all results related to the theory of graph spectra and published before 1984 are summarized in the monographs (27) and (28). In view of the rapid growth of the subject in subsequent years it is no longer reasonable to expect a single book to provide a comprehensive survey of the latest results. Instead it seems more ap- propriate that expository articles should be devoted to specific topics. For example the paper (68) reflects the recent realization that many results from analytic proba- bility theory have implications for the spectra of infinite graphs. Here we survey what is known about the largest eigenvalue of a finite graph. This topic embraces early results which go back to the very beginnings of the theory of graph spectra, together with recent developments concerning ordering and pertur- bations of graphs. Proofs which appear in (27) and (28) are not repeated here. We discuss only finite undirected graphs without loops or multiple edges, and we start with some basic definitions. Let G be a graph with n vertices, and let A be a (0,1)- adjacency matrix of G, regarded as a matrix with real entries. Since A is symmetric, its eigenvalues Ài, Ài,. .., Àn are real, and we assume that Ài ~ Ài ~ .. ~ Àn. These eigenvalues are independent of the ordering of the vertices of G, and accordingly we write Ài(G) = Ài(A) = Ài (i = i,...,n) and refer to Ài,....,ÀIi as the spectrum of G. The largest eigenvalue Ài is called the index of G (orl spectral radius of A). We call det(xI - A) the characteristic polynomial of G, denoted by ltG(x). The distinct eigenvalues of G wil be denoted by lli,..., llm, ordered as required. Since A is a non-negative matrix, some general information on the spectrum of G is provided by the Perron-Frobenius theory of matrices (45, 49, 57, 65, 67). In particular, if G is connected then A is irreducible and so there exists a unique positive unit eigen- vector corresponding to the index Ài. This vector we call the principal eigenvector of G: note that entries corresponding to vertices in the same orbit of Aut( G) are 3 LARGEST EIGENVALUE OF A GRAPH 5 4 D. CVETKOVlC AND P. ROWLINSON Let A denote the adjacency matrix of an n-vertex graph G. For any non-zero equal. We shall also use implicitly the fact that if G' is obtained from G by adding vector vE W the Rayleigh quotient vTAv/vTv is a lower bound for À1(G), as can an edge then À1(G') ~ À1(G), with strict inequality when G is connected: this is an be seen by diagonalizing A. If we take v to be the all-1 vector j then we obtain the immediate consequence of the fact that the spectral radius of a non-negative matrix inequality d ~ À1 of Theorem 1.1. Similarly, IAvl/lvl is a lower bound for À1, and increases with each entry. Further fundamental results in matrix theory which serve the next two results may be obtained by setting v = j, v = ei respectively, where the as a background to problems concerning the largest eigenvalue may be found in , i-th vertex of G has maxmal degree and ei = (6ii,...,6inl. (19, 35). We note in passing that although the eigenvalues of a directed multigraph need not be real, such a digraph has a positive eigenvalue À1 such that IÀI ~ À1 for THEOREM 1.2 (Hofmeister (54)) If the vertices of G have degrees d1,d2,.. .,dn then all eigenvalues À. Some results on the spectral radius of digraphs may be found in À1(G) ~ l(lln) ,,7=1 dr. (6, 83, 93, 98). For differing approaches to the spectra of infinite graphs, with some results on the largest eigenvalue, the reader is referred to Chapter VI of the mono- THEOREM 1. (Nosal (70); Lovász & Pelikán (62)) If dmax is the maxmal degree of graph (27), the expository article (68) and the paper (17). For the index in particular, a vertex in G then À1(G) ~ ldmax. see (8). The paper (96) extends to infinite graphs a result on finite graphs whose in- dex does not exceed V2 + v' (Theorem 2.4). Some discussion of the index of a Hofmeister went on to show that for any graph G, there exists a real number p, graph may be found in the expository papers (84, 91, 101). unique if G is non-regular, such that À1 (G) = \! (11 n) ,,7=1 dl. Finally we point out that several of the authors' results mentioned in this article Theorems 1.1 and 1.3 show that the index of a graph is controlled by the maxmal were conjectured on the basis of numerical evidence furnished by the expert system degree in the sense that À1 is bounded above and below by a function of dmax. Hoff- "Graph" (22, 23, 31, 90). In some instances, proofs were completed by using the man (51) observes that Ramsey-type arguments may be used to prove that À1(G) is system to check outstanding cases. controlled by the least number t such that neither Kt nor the star K1,t is an induced subgraph of G. We state one more result which demonstrates the interplay between index and 1. BOUNDS FOR THE INDEX OF A GRAPH vertex degrees. In a regular graph G of degree r on n vertices the number Nk Here we give upper and lower bounds for the index of a graph which are ex- of walks of length k is given by Nk = nrk; thus N Nk I n = r and this suggests that pressed in terms of various graph invariants. These bounds are interpreted and used N Nk I n in the general case might be regarded as a certain kind of mean value from different viewpoints in other sections of this article: in Section 2 for example of vertex degrees. Accordingly d = limk~+oo NNkln is defined to be the dynamic we survey classes of graphs defined by some bounds on the index. The discussion mean of the vertex degrees of an arbitrary graph G. of graph ordering in Section 3 and of graph perturbations in Section 4 is often con- the vertex cerned with bounds on the index. In §6.1 we return to the question of bounding THEOREM 1.4 (D. Cvetkovic (20)) For any graph G, the dynamic m~an of other graph invariants in terms of the index. degrees is equal to the index of G. In the fundamental paper (18) on the theory of graph spectra, Collatz and Sino- We give next some inequalities for the index of a graph involving the number n gowitz observed that the index À1 of a connected graph on n vertices satisfies the of vertices and the number e of edges. A part of Theorem 1.1 may be stated in inequality the form À1 ~ 2e I n, since 2e I n is the mean degree. An upper bound in terms of e 11 2cos-n+1 .: À1'':- - n - 1. and n may be obtained by maxmizing À1 subject only to the constraints ,,7=1 Ài = o and ,,7=1 ÀT = 2e (that is, tr(A) = 0 and tr(A2) = ,,7=1 di). Then we obtain the the The lower bound is attained by the path Pn while the upper bound is attained by following result of Wilf. complete graph Kn. If we omit the assumption of connectedness, then for a graph without edges we have À1 = 0 and otherwise À1 ~ 1. THEOREM 1.5 (100) For any graph G, À1(G) ~ V2e(1-1In). A reformulation of inequalities from the theory of non-negative matrices (67, The inequality in the next result was announced by Schwenk in (82), and a proof Chapter 2) yields the following theorem. by Yuan appeared some thirteen years later. THEOREM 1.1 Let dmim d, dmax respectively be the minimal, mean and maxmal val- THEOREM 1.6 (103) For any connected graph G, À1(G) ~ v2e - n + 1. Equality ues of the vertex degrees in a connected graph G. If À1 is the index of G then holds if and only if G is the star K1,n-1 or the complete graph Kn. dmin ~ d ~ À1 ~ dma. Proof Suppose that G has vertices 1,2,..., n and adjacency matrix A. Let di de- note the degree of vertex i and let Ci be the i-th column of A. Let x be the principal Equality in one place implies equality throughout; and this occurs if and only if G is eigenvector of A, say x = (xi,...,Xn)T, and let Vi be the vector whose j-th entry is reguar. LARGEST EIGENVALUE OF A GRAPH 7 6 D. CVETKOviC AND P.
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