CYNGOR Sir Ddinbych Denbighshire COUNTY COUNCIL _______________________________________________ MINUTES of Council and Committee Proceedings for the period 16 January 2001 - 27 March 2001 _______________________________________________ THE MINUTES VOLUME This volume contains the minutes of the following Committees and Sub-Committees:- Page Nos. Joint Agricultural Board of Denbighshire and Flintshire ... 23 October 2000 .......... 443 - 445 Joint Agricultural Board of Denbighshire and Flintshire ... 20 November 2000 .......... 446 - 447 Childrens and Residential Care Homes Panel ................. 4 January 2001 .......... 448 - 450 Corporate Health Safety and Welfare Panel ................... 9 January 2001 .......... 451 - 456 Cabinet ............................................................................. 9 January 2001 .......... 457 - 460 Special Resources Scrutiny Committee ........................... 12 January 2001 .......... 461 - 462 *Council ............................................................................ 16 January 2001 .......... 463 - 469 Audit ................................................................................. 17 January 2001 .......... 470 - 471 Cabinet ............................................................................. 23 January 2001 .......... 472 - 479 Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee .............................. 23 January 2001 .......... 480 - 484 Environment Scrutiny Committee .................................... 24 January 2001 .......... 485 - 489 Personal Services Scrutiny Committee ............................ 24 January 2001 .......... 490 - 493 Resources Scrutiny Committee ........................................ 25 January 2001 .......... 494 - 495 Planning Committee .......................................................... 31 January 2001 .......... 496 - 505 Best Value Scrutiny Committee ........................................ 31 January 2001 ........... 506 - 509 Crime and Disorder Steering Group ................................. 1 February 2001 .......... 510 - 514 Childrens and Residential Care Homes Panel ................. 1 February 2001 .......... 515 - 518 Cabinet ............................................................................. 6 February 2001 .......... 519 - 525 SACRE ............................................................................. 7 February 2001 .......... 526 - 530 Special Audit Panel ........................................................... 12 February 2001 ........... 531 - 532 **Council ........................................................................... 13 February 2001 .......... 533 - 538 Licensing Panel ................................................................ 14 February 2001 .......... 539 - 547 Resources Scrutiny Committee ........................................ 20 February 2001 .......... 548 - 550 Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee .............................. 20 February 2001 .......... 551 - 553 Environment Scrutiny Committee ..................................... 21 February 2001 .......... 554 - 557 Personal Services Scrutiny Committee ............................ 21 February 2001 .......... 558 - 561 Cabinet ............................................................................. 22 February 2001 .......... 562 - 566 Council .............................................................................. 27 February 2001 .......... 567 - 576 Planning Committee .......................................................... 28 February 2001 .......... 577 - 583 Best Value Scrutiny Committee ........................................ 28 February 2001 .......... 584 - 586 Childrens and Residential Care Homes Panel ................. 1 March 2001 .......... 587 - 589 Cabinet ............................................................................. 6 March 2001 .......... 590 - 594 * Minutes of Council meeting held on 16th January, 2001 were approved by Council meeting held on 13th February, 2001. ** Minutes of Council meeting held on 13th February, 2001 were approved by Council meeting held on 27th February, 2001. JOINT AGRICULTURAL BOARD OF DENBIGHSHIRE AND FLINTSHIRE Minutes of a meeting of the Joint Agricultural Board of Denbighshire and Flintshire, held at the County Offices, Flint, on Monday 23rd October 2000. PRESENT Denbighshire - Councillors D. Jones, G. Jones, R. Jones, S. Thomas, together with Mr. S. M. Williams (Group Manager-Property). Flintshire - Councillors E.F. Evans (Chairman), J.F. Jones , G.B. Roberts, K. Jones (Substitute for D. Darlington), together with Mr. D. Batchelor (Land Agent), Mr. R. Taylor (Head of Technical Services), Mr. A. Smith (Property Asset Manager), and Mr. P. Evans (Assistant County Secretary and Deputy Monitoring Officer). APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Councillor D. Darlington. 912. MINUTES (i) The Minutes of the meeting of the Joint Agricultural Board of Denbighshire and Flintshire held on Monday 10th July 2000, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting. RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 10th July 2000 be approved as a correct record. (ii) The Minutes of the meeting of the Joint Agricultural Board of Denbighshire and Flintshire held on Monday 17th July 2000, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting. RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 17th July 2000 be approved as a correct record. (iii) The Minutes of the meeting of the Joint Agricultural Board of Denbighshire and Flintshire held on Monday 31st July 2000, had been circulated with the papers for the meeting. Arising therefrom:- Item 4 - Maesgwyn and Brookfield Farms - Former Tenants - Messrs Parish - Councillor Selwyn Roberts requested that Mr. Evans' statement that 'the Board's failure to give tenant's representation could result in them being guilty of maladminstration' be added to the minutes. Item 4 - Reletting of Ty'n y Pistyll Farm, Bagillt - Interview - The Land Agent had difficulty in contacting the applicants to advise them of the Board's decision. It was agreed that in future to ensure that a contact number was available. RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 31st July 2000 be approved as a correct record. 913. URGENT ITEMS In accorance with the requirements of Section S100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chairman delcared that he intended to include for discussion the follwing item regarding urgent attention:- Pydew Farm - Fire - Repective Insurance Companies in consualtation. Agricultural Estate Generally - Members are concerned that decisions regarding the Estates are being made at Cabinet level. It was proposed that a meeting be arranged at Senior level and 443 representation made concerning Board participation. The Reciepts Poilcy to be reviewed, but is currently unchanged. 914. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVED that under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they include the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 7 of Schedule 12A of the Act. 915. MAESGWYN AND BROOKFIELD FARM The Assistant County Secretary and Deputy Monitoring Officer presented the report to consider a report on the Boards procedure pursuant ot the decison of the Board at its meeting on 31st July 2000. The Board discussed the report and implications for future policy decisions. RESOLVED that the Board recind its decison of 10th July and consider the matter afresh after inviting the Tenants to submit written representations followed by oral representations at a Special Meeting to be arranged. 916. MOOR FARM HOLYWAY - TELEVISION MAST The Land Agent presented the report (previously distributed). NTL have a 21 year lease of Moor Holway for the provision of a television mast serving the Holywell area and have requested approval to enter into a site sharing arrangement with a telecommunications operator. This will require upgrading of the mast and additional land. The tenant has been consulted and is prepared to surrender the extra land. The County Council and the tenant of Moor Farm would obtain additional income from site sharing. RESOLVED that members recommend that the Director of Community and Housing Services consider using his delegated powers to vary the existing lease with NTL, to include the land hatched on plan FA0017, extending to 62.4 m² or thereabouts, subject to NTL obtaining planning consent. 917. RENT ARREARS The Land Agent presented the report (previously distributed) which advised Members of the current level of rent arrears on Denbighshire and Flintshire's Agricultural Estates. The members discussed the report, and Councillor David Jones praised the Officers for their diligence in reducing the arrears. RESOLVED that Members note the level of rent arrears and authorise Officers to take action as necessary to recover all outstanding rent. Members endorsed a proposed Notice to Quit on a Denbighshire holding but affording the tenant an opportunity to make written, followed by oral representations to the Board. 918. LAND AT GLANMERCHION, DENBIGHSHIRE (Councillor D. Jones declared and interest in the item and left the room). The Land Agent presented the report (previously distributed) which sought Members approval to relet 12.77 acres of land at Glanmerchion Denbigh to either Mr. D Jones, Penronne Farm or Mr. Ll. Edwards, Tanymarian. The Members discussed the options presented to them. RESOLVED that Members of the Board award a short term Farm Business Tenancy of 12.77
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