IP! W' I MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OP BRAZEAU NO. 77 COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 90 10 18 (October 18, 1990) 10:00 a.m. 1 m | m 1 MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77 M REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA DATE: 90 10 18 TIME: 10:00 A.M. PLACE: M.D. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Page Nos. Call t0 0rder Present W 1. Additions to the Agenda 2. Adoption of the Agenda 1-9 3. Adoption of Minutes - 90 10 11 Regular Council Meeting 4. Adoption of Minutes - Public Hearing for a Proposed P --0-16- Industrial Landfill Site - Pembina Oil Separators - NE 29-48-7 W5M - held on 90 10 03. 5. Environmentally Sensitive Areas Study Program pv ) - Appointment with Mr. Gary Buchanan at 10:00 I a.m. 6. Proposed Subdivisions I (a) 90/91 YH012-41 - Evan and Linda Davis 17-23 - Report and recommendation attached. Tabled from the 90 10 11 Regular Council [ Meeting. (b) 90/91 YH085-41 - NW 20-50-7 W5M - Olga Mulyk { - Report to be provided on the addendum. Tabled from the 90 10 11 Regular Council m Meeting. c [ (c) 90/91 YH090-41 - Pt. NE 21-49-5 W5M - Lagoon Site, Lindale School p 24 — 29 - Report and recommendation attached. 7. Proposed Wellsite and Access Road - LSD 16, Section 6-50-10 W5M (Cynthia) - P0C0 Petroleums Ltd. F» 30-32 Report and recommendation attached. 8. Renewal of Surface Materials Lease SML 800063 - LSD 1 of SE 14-47-11 W5M - Tall Pine Timber Co. Ltd. 33 - 38 Report and recommendation attached. 9. Date Changes (a) 90 11 21 Regular Council Meeting (b) 90 12 04 Team Meeting Proposed Date - 90 12 10 ./2 Page Nos, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 2 - 90 10 18 (c) 90 12 13 Regular Council Meeting Proposed Date - 90 12 17 (d) 90 12 26 Regular Council Meeting 39 - 40 10. By-Law No. 111-90: Respecting Nuisances and Unsightly and Untidy Premises. By-Law attached. 11. Schedule of Fees for 1991 ••p 41 Report and Recommendation attached. 42 - 51 By-Law No. 115-90: To Establish a Schedule of Fees 12. Management of Wetlands - Workshops to be held in late October and November, 1990. 52 - 53 Letter from the Alberta Water Resources Commission dated 90 10 04 attached. 13. Recycling Council of Alberta - Semi-annual Meeting - 90 11 10 and 90 11 11 in Edmonton. 54 - 59 Letter from the Recycling Council of Alberta dated 90 10 09 attached. 14. Team Building Seminar - 90 11 12 60 Notice of Seminar dated 90 10 10 attached. 61 - 68 1990 Fall A.A.M.D. & C. Convention Highlights dated 90 10 10 attached. 15. 1991 Road Program Submission to Alberta Transportation 16. Procedural By-Law PLEASE BRING YOUR COPY. 17. Correspondence/Items for Information 69 - 70 (a) Letter from Mina Storry, Municipal Advisor, Alberta Municipal Affairs, dated 90 10 09 regarding the Advisory visit. 71 - 72 (b) News Highlights from the A.A.M.D. & C. dated 90 10 10. pa 73 - 76 (c) Minutes of the Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting held on 90 09 13. 77 - 85 (d) Memorandum from the A.A.M.D. & C. dated 90 10 10 regarding a report entitled "Freedom to Choose" - a revised "Crow Benefit". Major portion of report is a separate attached. Members of the A.S.B. have previously received a copy of this Report. .../3 Page Nos. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 3 - 90 10 18 86 (e) Award of Merit for the M.D.'s contribution to the student summer employment program from the Honourable Joe Clark, M.P. of Yellowhead dated September, 1990. pi 18. Road Tour - 11:00 a.m. Addendum wt •ffifi i^S> /S> L• 'Sf ft: I. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77, HELD AT THE M.D. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, DRAYTON VALLEY, ALBERTA, ON THURSDAY, 90 10 11 CALL TO ORDER H. Rondeau, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. PRESENT H. Rondeau, Reeve B. Booth, Deputy Reeve W. Tweedle, Councillor N. Norton, Councillor J. Coombes, Councillor J. Eriksson, Municipal Manager J. Andrew, Recording Secretary Also in attendance were: D. Roberge, Planning and Development Officer R. Tatro, Director of Public Works T. Fleming, Assistant Director of Public Works B. Wakefield, Accountant 0. Mulyk, Subdivision Applicant K. Smith, J.K. Smith and Associates flBl E. Davis, Subdivision Applicant R. Samis, Subdivision Applicant D. Pinkoski, Western Review ABSENT B. Fleming, Director of Finance and Administration ADDITIONS TO 546/90 Moved by N. Norton that the agenda for the 90 AND ADOPTION 10 11 Regular Council Meeting be adopted with OF AGENDA the following amendment and additions: Amendment Item No. 21 on the Regular Agenda should be |P» Item No. 22. Additions Addendum Hi 31. Airport Terminal Building Opening 32. M.D. of Rocky Rapids Safe CARRIED. ADOPTION OF 547/90 Moved by W. Tweedle that the minutes of the 90 MINUTES 09 26 Regular Council Meeting be adopted as presented. CARRIED. SUBDIVISION Proposed Subdivisions APPLICATIONS 90/91 YH075-41 - NE 4-50-7 W5M - Rod and Carla Hafner Mr. Roberge reviewed the report and recommendation as presented to Council. 548/90 Moved by B. Booth that approval be granted to subdivision application 90/91 YH075-41 - NE 4- 50-7 W5M - Rod and Carla Hafner - subject to the following conditions: (1) All taxes being paid. ...II -a- REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING -2- 90 1011 (2) Applicant enter into a Development Agreement with the Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77 pursuant to Section 92(1) of the Planning Act. (3) Municipal Reserves be deferred proportionately. CARRIED. 90/91 YH012-41 - NE 24-48-8 W5M - Evan and Linda Davis *i Mr. Davis and Mr. Smith attended the meeting at 9:30 a.m. Mr. Roberge reviewed the report and recommendation as presented to Council. Mr. Smith indicated that he did not feel that an Area Structure Plan is required. We feel that this will be the final and ultimate subdivision of this 1/4 section. The proposed subdivision consists of eight parcels which are all well over ten acres. No further subdivision is foreseen. Mr. Davis indicated that he has spoken to the people in the area and has been advised that they do not want smaller subdivisions. Mr. Eriksson indicated that perhaps this proposed subdivision should be discussed with the Area Planner rm from the Yellowhead Regional Planning Commission. | 549/90 Moved by W. Tweedle that subdivision application 90/91 YH012-41 - NE 24-48-8 W5M - Evan and Linda Davis - be tabled for further ^ review. CARRIED. Mr. Davis left the meeting at 9:41 a.m. ] Mr. Tatro attended the meeting at 9:42 a.m. 90/91 YH085-41 - NW 20-50-7 W5M - Olga Mulvk «* Mrs. Mulyk attended the meeting at 9:30 a.m. Mr. Roberge reviewed the report and recommendation as ^ presented to Council. The proposal provides for the second and third parcels on the quarter. Mr. Smith advised Council that the lot plan as provided is an accurate plan of the area. With regards to the ^ relocation of the accessory buildings they would be very ] difficult to move. Mrs. Mulyk has permission from the 5 adjacent landowner to have these buildings encroach on to their property. Mrs. Mulyk indicated that she would like to subdivide the j 7 acre parcel (Lot 2) so that she may give it to her son and would then sell the remaining quarter. Discussion was held regarding the approval of the subdivision. .../3 -3- REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 3 - 90 10 11 'M 550/90 Moved by N. Norton that subdivision application 90/91 YH085-41 - NW 20-50-7 W5M - Olga Mulyk - be tabled until the 90 10 18 Regular Council Meeting. CARRIED. Mrs. Mulyk left the meeting at 9:53 a.m. 90/91 YH086-41 - NE 21-48-7 W5M - Reginald and Marlene Samis Mr. Samis attended the meeting at 9:30 a.m. Mr. Roberge reviewed the report and recommendation as presented to Council. •M Discussion was held regarding the legality of the access to the proposed parcel. 551/90 Moved by N. Norton that approval be granted of proposed subdivision 90/91 YH086-41 - NE 21- 48-7 W5M - Reginald and Marlene Samis - subject to the following conditions: 1. All taxes being paid. '3 2. 40m access shall be provided between the west boundary of proposed lot 1 and the west boundary of the quarter section or proof of legal access through a road use agreement must be provided; 3. Applicant shall enter into a Development Agreement with the Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77. 4. The east boundary of proposed lot 1 be adjusted to coincide with the top of the river valley. CARRIED. Mr. Smith and Mr. Samis left the meeting at 10:14 a.m. 'Wt MEMORANDUM Memorandum of Agreement (Lease) - Lindale Community OF AGREEMENT Association - Lot 17MR Plan 872 2239 - SW 29-49-5 W5M Mr. Roberge reviewed the report and recommendation as presented to Council. 552/90 Moved by W. Tweedle that the Lease Agreement as attached be accepted by Council to replace the Golden Spur Gymkhana Club with the Lindale Roping Club. CARRIED. TOURIST ZONE Tourist Zone Affiliation AFFILIATION Mr. Eriksson reviewed the report and recommendation as presented to Council. Discussion was held regarding the Municipal District becoming a member of both the Evergreen Tourist Association and the Battle River Tourist Association. ...Ik -M- REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 4 - 90 10 11 553/90 Moved by N. Norton that the Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77 join the Battle River Tourist Association and the Evergreen Tourist Association effective 91 01 01.
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