T-100 & T-IOO(f) INTERNATIONAL MARKET DATA DATA BANK 28IM 1992 DOCUMENTATION Record Group 398 Bureau of Transportation Statistics February 19, 1998 ' National Archives and Records Administration NARA Reference Copy NationalA h·. .-"7~"u~~"~coR,,,,,, .rirC ~VeS at College Park · \ 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, Maryland 20740-6001 · List of Documentation File Title: T-100 & T-1 OO(f) International Market Data, DB 28IM 1992 Accession Number: 3-398-96-009 Number ofPages I. NARA Documentation 1. NARA Produced Printout of Some Records· (2/19/98) 1 2. Sample Computer Printouts [1992] 1 4. User Note 1 1 II. Agency Documentation 1. Department of Transportation, Office of Airline Statistics 2 T-100 International Market Data Record Layout 2. T-100 International Market Record Description ofFields 1 3. OAS Data File Description 1 4. Additional information on Service Class codes from 2 the Code of Federal Regulations 5. U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and 12 Special Programs Administration. Wor~d Area Codes. 6. Carrier Codes Decode List 19 7. Office Airline Guide-Worldwide Edition. City Airport Codes 8 8. OAS Airport Codes Assigned Where No IATA Airport Code Exists. 6 ill. NARA Automated Validation Reports and Checklist 1. Auto.mated Validation ofElectronic Records 2: AERIC Record Layout Report 3. AERIC Domains Detail Report 4: AERIC Checklist for Validation 5. AERIC Load Report 6. AERIC Validation Statement: Summary Report .7. AERIC Dataset Contents Report IV. '· Supplementary Information , L:Office of Airline Information. Description ofthe T-100 Statistics Program 3 2. Office of Airline Information. Source of Air Carrier Aviation Data 9 3. U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 5 Announcement of Availability of Airline Information. 4. 14 CFR, Parts 200 to 1199. Aeronautics and Space. 667 ',\ ' Prepared February 19, 1998 by: Jim Veach, Archives Specialist National Archives and Records Administration NARA Reference Copy at College Park W740-6001 8601 Adelphi Road College Park MD I. NARA DOCUMENTATION National Arch zves. and Record s Administration NARA Reference Copy NATIONAL ARCHIVES PRODUCED PRINTOUTS OF SOME RECORDS The Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics transferred the 1992 T-100 & T­ l OO(f) International Market Data on 1 3480 tape cartridge. The technical specifications were EBCDIC character set, O/S standard labels, 18 tracks, and 37, 871 bpi. The data file had 32,200 characters per block. NARA staff produced the following printout from the NARA-created copy; this printout is a character representation ofthe bit pattern from the first part of each file. 1992 T-100 & T-lOO(f) INTERNATIONAL MARKET DATA .·Data File Record Format Number ofRecords RG398.DB28IM. Y92 Fixed Length 77,845 Accession Number: 3-398-96-009 Prepared by: Jim Veach, Archives Specialist Date: February 19, 1998 Page 1of1 National Archives and Records Administration NARA Reference Copy ) 'I (, APS RBCORD DUMP Date• 04/1.5/97 FILE #1 BLOCK # 0 RECORD # 0 0000 9201ABJ00290533ABIDJAN, IVORY COAST JFK63760022NEW 0040 YORK, NEW YORK, USA RK 9533A00493l.F000000069l.OOOOOOO 0080 000000000000000000108970000000000 FILE #1 BLOCK # 0 RECORD # 1 OOA1 9201ACA00370148ACAPULCO, MEXICO ORD1850004l.CHI OOE1 CAGO, ILLINOIS, USA AA l.0050301874F00000000730000000 0121 000000000059800000000000000000000 FILE #1 BLOCK # 0 RECORD # 2 0142 9201ACA00370148ACAPULCO, MEXICO ORD18500041CHI 0182 CAGO, ILLINOIS, USA MX 9148C001874F00000027190000000 01C2 000000000000000000102720000000000 FI.LE #1 BLOCK # 0 RECORD # 3 01E3 9201ACA00370148ACAPULCO, MEXICO ORD19500041CHI 0223 CAOO, ILLINOIS, USA PJQ1676210l.874L00000002890000000 0263 000000000000000000000000000000000 FILE #1 BLOCK # 0 RECORD # 4 0284 9201ACA00370148ACAPULCO, MEXICO CLE19770044CLE 02C4 VELAND, OHIO, USA AA l.0050302005F00000000020000000 0304 000000000001600000000000000000000 FILE #1 BLOCK # 0 RECORD # 5 0325 9201ACA00370148ACAPULCO, MEXICO DFW232l.0074DAL 0365 LAS/FT.WORTH, TEXAS, USA AA 10050301124F00000003990000000 03A5 000000000453100000025930000000287 FILE #1. BLOCK # 0 RECORD # 6 03C6 9201ACA00370148ACAPULCO, MEXICO DFW23210074DAL 0406 LAS/FT.WORTH, TEXAS, USA AA 10050301124L00000001500000000 0446 000000000000000000000000000000000 FILE #1 BLOCK # 0 RECORD # 7 0467 9201ACA00370148ACAPULCO, MEXICO DFW23210074DAL 04A7 LAS/FT.WORTH, TEXAS, USA DL 10260301124F00000002580000000 04E7 000000000261000000021190000000000 FILE #1 BLOCK # 0 RECORD # 8 0508 9201ACA00370148ACAPULCO, MEXICO DTW24260043DET 0548 ROIT, MICHIGAN, USA AA 10050302005F00000000020000000 0588 000000000000100000000000000000000 FILE #1 BLOCK # 0 RECORD # 9 05A9 9201ACA00370148ACAPULCO, MEXICO DTW24260043DET 05E9 ROIT, MICHIGAN,·. USA . , TZ 16055202005L00000014210000000 0629 000000000000000000000000000000000 FILE #1 BLOCK # 1 RECORD # 10 0000 9201ACA00370148ACAPULCO, MEXICO IAH37320074HOU 0040 STON, TEXAS, USA AM 9148B000952F00000001820000000 0080 000000000000000000000000000000000 FILE #1. BLOCK # 1 RECORD # 11 OOAl 9201ACA00370148ACAPULCO, MEXICO IAH37320074HOU OOEl. STON, TEXAS, USA CO 10220300952F00000003090000000 0121 000000000295200000010550000000000 FILE #1 BLOCK # 1 RECORD # 12 Page 1 NARA Reference Copy Natianal · . · . · · ..~~,.u;~ca~s A_t:chz.ves at College Park·· 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, Maryland 20740-6001 · t:- i' USER NOTE 1 Date: February 19, 1998 Subject: T-100 Supplementary Information To: U ~et of T-100 Statistics Program Data The documentation box for the T-100 Statistics program also contains supplementary information that the researcher may be interested in acquiring. The supplementary information includes: 1. Description ofthe T-100 Statistics Program which is available online at http://www.bts.gov/oai/intemational/nuprsnts.html 2. US. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Announcement of Availability of Airline Information . A summary of OAI functions and services. 3. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Office ofAirline Information. Sources of Air Carrier Aviation Data: Available online at http://www.bts.gov/oai/ref951221.html 4. 14 CFR(Code ofFederal Regulations), Parts 200 to 1199. Aeronautics and Space. Accession Number: 3-398-96-009 Prepared by: Jim Veach, Archives Specialist Page 1of1 National Archives and Records Administration NARA Reference Copy at College Park W740-6001 8601 Adelphi Road College Park MD II. AGENCY DOCUMENTATION National Arc h ives. a nd Rec01~. d s Administration NARA Reference Copy .. '1 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPO.RTATION . ·~· .'··· OFFICE OF AIRLINE--STATISTICS · ,, RSPA DATA BASE RECORD LAYOUT · December, 1990 DATA BANK 281M T-100 &T-1 OO(f) . INTERNATIONAL MARKET DATA U.S. Department of Transportation Office of Airline Statistics Data Administration Division DAl-20 Washfngton, DC 20590-0001 · Telephone: (202) 366-4373 NARA Reference Copy . V. RECORD FORMAT T-100 - DB28IM International Market' Data 10mnm1rn11m::;::m::::::;Ii@Irn:tm:Irn:t::::m1::::::;::::ttt::@mrnrnrnr1mrnm:rn;;21t:m::::trm::;m:m:mi:t:::::rn:t::w1t:rnmrn::n:I~mrnmt::a;f:rn1t@:@mt1::;@::::; .·.. Vi FIELD NAME START FIELD DATA DESCRIPTION OF DATA @ IDate Of Data ros. ~. mE . ' I J ~\ ;~ .fj Origin Airport M r . i w J I ' Destination Airport Reporting carrier Alpha Code 97 3 CH See Note VI.E Entity code 100 5 CH See Note VI.F Group Code 105 1 N See Note VI.G Distance 106 5 N See Note VI.H Service Class 111 1 CH See Note VI.I ill on-Flight O&D Data See Note VI.J @ 'I ·;!~~!::;~n m ~~ : ::: =~~= :t~ ll Freight 142 10 N. Revenue freight in pounds I m ·i&1i1~~tuIErtm::r1;:;wr1~En1at1i;~mrn:rnllimttrtf:S;rnm:urilii1l1¥ii:::;ii1i::i;:::::rniti1¥imiJn11m:::@m;ammrn~rnrnmwmmll' _.,~ .·,,-:") . , ­ .. '1 ~ } :,-- '.1., '~ • ., ' \_ ./~ I#~ ...\\ .\ ,. ''.. c:•-{o.-, :; J .. ..::.. ;,__A .~. ~. - " NARA Reference Copy 't~ -,' .1·' VI. ~ - DB28IM International Market Data · A·•.· ·Airport Alpha Code.' The three· letter code identifying the airport. .. · ·. This code is used in all of the major airline reservation systems and is ·. , -~ ·.' .recognized by the ~nternational Air Transport Association (IATA) • s. Airport Numeric Code. A five digit code whic:h corresponds to the alphabetic name spelling of the principal city served by the airport. ··Airports that share service at a partic~l~r city will therefore have .-. -identical numeric codes. The number is used primarily for sorting records ,.by city name and for grouping multiple airports within a city. World Area Code. A three digit code which specifies in what area of the . world a city is located. The first digit represents a major geographic area, such as "0" for the United States, "4" for Europe, etc. The last two . digits represent a specific subdivision of the major area, such as a state or country. Contact the Office listed on the cover sheet for a complete list of these area codes. D. City Name. The name of the principal city served by this airport. E•. · Carrier Alpha Code. The 2 or 3 character code used to represent the carrier reporting these data to the DOT. F. · Carrier Entity Code. A five character code assigned to air carriers that is used primarily for DOT reporting purposes. It is used to separate the Domestic, Atlantic, Latin America, and Pacific operations of each carrier. For Non-u.s. carriers, the code is used to identify the country of origin of the carrier. Contact the office listed on the cover sheet for a complete list of carrier entity codes. G~ carrier Group Code. This numeric code classifies ·the o.s. carrier (1,2,or 3) by the amount of total operating revenue from the previous
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