ABENAKI/ENGLISH 8 8- usually, continually 8b- been, returning 8b8gawasozimek one returns from the shade, a euphemism for one returns from using the bathroom 8b8mamek one returns from fishing 1 8ba- behind, in back 8bamakwimek one roams, travels far 8bankamek one pays 8bad- lean 8bankaw8mek one pays someone 8basas pl 8basasak a downy wood- pecker, little one continually going 8badabimek one sits leaning back 8basawwan pl 8basawwanak a fan, the 8badah8mek one leans on someone one continually going around 8badahon pl 8badahonal a cane, a 8basibamek one returns from getting crutch water to drink or use 8badasek something that lies leaning 8bawazimek one returns from warming 8badasen it lies leaning themselves 8badasik one who lies leaning 8bawizimek one returns from picking 8badasin she lies leaning 8badata it leans 8bdalem- laugh 8badialimek one returns from hunting 8bagawatahigan pl 8bagawatahiganal 8bdal8zik one laughs at something umbrella, a shade implement 8bdalem8mek one laughs at someone 8bah8m8mek one lures someone 8bdalomimek one laughs 8baiamih8mek one returns from 8bdalomow8gan laughter praying 8bdalomotaw8mek one laughs at 8bal8bimek one looks back something about someone (as laugh at 8bal8bodi pl 8bal8bodial a rear view someone’s joke, or outfit) mirror (looking to see back instrument) 8balokamek one returns from work 8ben- loosen, untie 8balosamek one returns from walking 8ben8mek one loosens or unties 8bam- wandering about someone 8ben8zik one loosens or unties 8bamamek one wanders something 8bamakaw8mek one takes after 8bid8gw she has a toothache someone in either action or appearance 8bid8gw8gan a toothache 2 8bidawas a toothache 8bojgelka it overturns, goes upside 8bijibamek one resurrect, comes to life down or inside out again 8btkasmimek one returns from swimming 8bijibak Easter, that which resurrects 8bijibat Easter, one who is resurrected 8bijibaw8gan resurrecting, the 8da No, not, neither, nor Resurrection 8bijimek one returns 8da awani no one, nobody 8bipon8mek one returns from putting 8daba kizagid8zinnok illegible down, or placing someone 8da kagakimgwezikw illiterate 8bipon8zik one returns from putting of 8da kagwi you’re welcome , it’s not placing something something, it’s nothing at all 8bkwamek one returns from chopping 8da lagajigw shameless, one with no wood shame 8bkwabimek one returns from a sit 8da lalwawinnok illicit 8bloas Ambrose 8da pegwati not even 8bodahimek one returns from visiting 8da sassagadonnok illegitimate 8da t8m8 not any, not anywhere 8bojgel- inside out, reversed, 8da waj8nmok not8gwzow8gan upside down voiceless, not having a sound 8da waj8nmok wizw8gan anonymous, 8bojgelagen8zik one turns something not having a name inside out or upside down 8bojgelakta reversed, it is wrong side 8dab- rest, repose, sit for a time out, upside down 8bojgelawitan the current goes the wrong way 8dabimek one rests 8bojgeligdahimek one jumps head first 8dabow8gan resting 8bojgelig8bimek one stands upside 8daki than, rather than, instead of down 8bojgelimek one is reversed, upside 8dok- relate, tell, narrate down, wrong side out; one tumbles head first 3 8dok8d8zik one tells or explains 8dolesinikh8mek one causes someone something to lean back, or lie on their back 8dok8l8mek one admits fault, accepts 8dolesinikh8zimek one causes them responsibility self to lie on back, lean back 8dok8ldimek people tell stories to each 8dolibi8gan pl 8dolibi8ganak an oar, other the leaning back paddling tool 8dok8ldow8gan group storytelling 8dolibiamek one paddles leaning back 8dokamek one tells a story 8dokaw8gan a telling, a story 8gawa- shade, shadow, in shade 8dokazimek one converses 8dokazw8gan a conversation 8gawabimek one sits out of sight 8dosamek one continues walking, 8gawabow8gan act of sitting out of keeps going sight 8gawata it is out of sight 8dol- leaning back, lying back, on 8gawatahigan pl 8gawatahiganal back umbrella, shade implement 8gawatak shaded, in the shade 8dolakamek one throws something or 8gawataka it casts a shadow, she makes someone over a shadow 8dolakaw8mek one throws something 8gawatasek something that lies in a over for someone shadow or shade 8dolesek something that lies on its 8gawatasen it lies in the shadow or back, it turned over shade 8dolesen it lies on its back 8gawatasik someone who lies in a shadow or shade 8dolesenikh8zik one causes something to lean back, or lie on their back; 8gawatasin she lies in the shadow or something that is caused to lean back shade 8dolesik someone who lies on their 8gawatasigamek one makes a shadow, back, is turned over, leaning back acts putting down a shadow 8dolesimek one lies leaning back 8gawag8bimek one stands in the shade 8dolesinikh8dimek when people cause 8gawakwa the shade of a tree one another to lean back, or lie on their 8gawakwajoak the White Mountains of backs New Hampshire, the shady mountains 4 8gawas pl 8gawazak a shadow 8gnaw- peaceful, quiet, tranquil, 8gawasen it lies out of sight still 8gawasin she lies out of sight 8gawasozimek one goes in the shade, a 8gnaw8wzimek one lives peacefully euphemism for using the bathroom 8gnaw8wzow8gan peaceful, tranquil, 8gawastekw pl 8gawastegok shady or quiet living river, a river in the shade 8gnawabimek one sits peacefully 8gawazimek one makes a shadow 8gnawamto a peaceful person 8gawiwi do something in the shade, or 8gnawamtoimek one is peaceful by under a shelter nature 8gawl8msen sheltered from the wind 8gnawamtoo she is a peaceful person 8gawosamek one goes to the shade; by nature one goes to the bathroom in the woods 8gnawig8bimek one stands still 8gnawipimek one eats peacefully 8gem- snowshoe 8gnawosamek one walks peacefully 8gnawtta it is very peaceful 8gem pl 8gemak snowshoe, a snowshoe 8gema8bi pl 8gema8bial a snowshoe 8gwa- lie deposited string; pl ties, or harness, used to keep snowshoes connected to feet 8gwa8mkwit Ogunquit, Maine, sand 8gema8zik one uses snowshoes deposits 8gematagw pl 8gematagol snowshoe 8gwa8mkwitak a sandbar, where sand lacing lies in the current 8gemakamek one makes snowshoes 8gwa8mkwitan sand lying in a current 8gemakaw8gan act of snowshoe 8gwa8p8nsen snow lies drifted making 8gwa8p8nsek where snow lies drifted 8gemakw pl 8gemakok white ash, snowshoe wood, Fraxinus americana 8gwijimek one swims continually 8gemakwibeska8tkwen pl 8gwni since, inasmuch as, as it seems 8gemakwibeska8tkwenal an ash 8h8 yes bough, a snowshoe tree branch 5 8h8nkaw- a tradition, a repeated 8jm- narrate, relate, tell a story connection 8jmimek one tells, relates or declares 8h8nkaw8bagak pl 8h8nkaw8bagakil 8jmow8gan pl 8jemow8ganal the a tradition Gospel, a narration, a story, a history, a 8h8nkawidbihl8k ng8niaikok within tale the tradition of the elders 8jmow8ganis pl 8jmow8ganisal an 8h8nkaw8jmow8ganow8l anecdote, a little story pm8wzowinnoak traditions, the traditions of men 8l- continue 8haimek one lives or stays repeatedly, keeps staying, remains 8hidamek what one keeps saying, 8labid8zik one continually ties repeats something 8hl8mek one repeats something 8labil8mek one contually ties someone 8labizimek one is continually tied up 8ji- increasing 8ladakamek one continues to act, the way one acts 8lalokamek one continually work, 8jikin8baimek one emboldens works generally 8jiwikaimek one fattens 8law8wzimek one continues to live 8jigadm8mek one gets older, ages well, is wealthy 8jigek what is growing 8law8wzow8gan well to do, affluence; continually living well 8jigen it is growing 8lawi although, however 8jigimek one grows 8lawidah8zimek one continually 8jih8mek one makes someone bigger changes their mind 8jihodimek people make each other 8lawiki although, however, nevertheless bigger 8lpm8wzimek one continues to live 8jihozimek one makes themself bigger 8lkisgak the weather continues in the 8jit8zik someone add something to same way something 8lmalokamek one continues to act 8jita she adds something to it 8lmi continuing, continue 6 8lmid8zik one continue working at 8mawitah8mek one injures someone something by hitting 8lmigadek what continues for many 8mawitah8zimek one is wounded by years being hit 8lsin continue lying prostrate; she 8mawitasimek one gets injured by continues lying prostrate falling 8li continuing, continually 8mikimek one rises, gets up 8lin8gwzimek one continues to appear in such a way 8mil- smoke-dry 8lipimek one continues eating 8litbakki during the night 8milk8gan smoke-dried meat 8llaka happens, it so happens, probably, 8milk8ganipegdazigan pl perhaps 8milk8ganipegdaziganal a rack of 8losamek one continues to walk smoke-dried meat (smoke fried) 8milkamek one smoke-dries meat 8m- fish; lift, raise up 8milkan smoke-drying meat 8milkan P8ntegw Lewiston Falls, 8maiskok pl 8maiskokak a fishworm Maine, place at the falls where fish are dried and cured 8mamek one fishes; New London, CT, fishing place; where one fishes 8milkaw8gan act of smoke-drying meat 8man fishing 8manosek Ammonoosuc River, New 8mka bet, gamble Hampshire, where there is fishing 8maskik Amoskeag, Manchester, NH, 8mkaipapimek one gambles, plays a at the fishing grounds game of gambling 8maw8gan the act of fishing 8mkaipapow8gan gambling, a 8maw8mek one fishes for someone (as gambling game in a type of fish) 8mkakamek one raises a bet, lifts, a raise-throw 8mawi- hurt, injure 8mkakan betting, gambling, throwing bets 8mkamek one gambles; one lifts 7 8mkat a gambler, one who bets 8nk- connected, joined, linked, in 8mkaw8gan betting, gambling; lifting addition 8mkipoda sand falls 8mskamek one stands up 8nka addition, in addition; that is why 8mwaibemi pl 8mwaibemial wax 8nkaw8dok8d8zik
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