Index A diagnosis, 237 Abatacept, 118, 344 management, 237, 238 Acitretin, 183, 184 phototherapy, 240 Acne keloidalis nuchae (AKN), 18–20, 155, poor prognostic factors, 237 156 systemic treatment, 239 Acute telogen effluvium, 125, 129 topical and intralesional treatment Adalimumab, 185, 186 options, 238 Adams-Oliver syndrome, 242 impregnate a cotton swab, 28 Adjuvant therapy, 121 intralesional corticosteroid therapy, African hair, 262 111, 112 African sensitive hair, 263 intralesional steroid dosing, 112 5 alfa reductase inhibitors, 49 intramuscular steroid therapy, 114 Aloe vera, 169 intravenous steroid therapy, 114 Alopecia areata (AA), 21, 81, 85, 237, 247, JAK inhibitors, 119 300, 301, 324, 328, 329 low/no efficacy, 122 abatacept, 344 microneedling in, 40 adjuvant therapy, 119–121 mild dermatitis, 28 affecting beard/eyelashes/eyebrows, 111 modified DPCP protocol, 27 allergic reaction, 28, 31 oral JAK inhibitors, 342, 343 anthralin, 116 oral steroid therapy, 114 apremilast, 344 patch test, 27 BMD1141, 343, 344 patient’s reaction, 29 BNZ-1, 343 phototherapy and excimer laser, 116–118 in children and adults treatment, 110 phototherapy and laser therapy, 117 children and pregnant women, 33, 34 prostaglandin F2a analogs, 116 corticosteroid-sparing agents, 115 SADBE, application of, 25, 30 different corticosteroid-sparing agents, 114 scalp micropigmentation, 110 DMARD, 114, 115 schedule visits, 29 DPCP, 25, 343 sensitize patients, 27 dupilumab, 345 side effects, 31, 33 efficacy assessment, 31 suitable therapeutic regimen, 109–111 evidence-based treatment options, 120, 121 systemic steroids + corticosteroid-sparing/ feedback about allergic reaction, 29 DMARD agents, 115 fumaric acid, 344 systemic therapy, 113 hair loss targeted therapeutics, 118 course of, 237 topical immunotherapy, 25, 30, 115, 116 © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 349 A. Tosti et al. (eds.), Hair and Scalp Treatments, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-21555-2 350 Index Alopecia areata (AA) (cont.) 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, 92 topical JAK inhibitors, 343 dosage regimen, 93, 94 topical steroid therapy, 111 safety and sexual side effects, 92, 93 tralokinumab, 345 in women, 94 treatment diagram, 26 spironolactone, 97 treatment response, 33 Antihistamines, 120, 223 treatment schedule, 29 Antimalarials (hydroxychloroquine), 145 vitamins, 79, 80, 120 Antivirals, 120 Anagen effluvium, 324 Apira Science Revage 670, 57 Androgenetic alopecia (AGA), 2, 10, 53, 78, Aplasia cutis congenita, 242 296–298, 324, 327, 329–331 Apple-condensed tannins (ACT), 226 adjuvant therapies and procedures, 103 Apremilast, 118, 183–185, 344 hair transplantation, 102 Arnica, 222 laser and light sources, 102 Aromatherapy, 119, 120 PRP injections, 102 Artificial hair implants, 280, 281 androgen-independent therapies, 98, 99 Atopic dermatitis, 227 antiandrogen therapies (see Antiandrogen Automatic devices, 36 therapies) finasteride, 92 causes of hair consultation, 91 B CB-03-01, 340 Baldness, 330 emerging clinical therapies Baricitinib, 118, 342 cortexolone 17α-propionate, 101 Benzoyl peroxide, 211 oral minoxidil, 101 Benzyl alcohol, 203 setipiprant, 101 Betamethasone, 18 topical 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, Bexarotene, 238 100 11-B-hydroxysteroid hydroxygenase, 222 WNT/β-catenin pathway, 102 Bimatoprost, 99 female androgenetic alopecia, 95 Biofibre®, 280 female pattern hair loss (FPHL), 91 Biologic agents finasteride and topical minoxidil, 94 adalimumab, 185, 186 FPHL, 91, 104, 105 brodalumab, 186 male androgenetic alopecia, 93 certolizumab pegol, 187 male pattern hair loss, 337 etanercept, 185 MPHL, 91, 104 guselkumab, 187 multifactorial and polygenetic, 91 infliximab, 185 PGF2 analog, 338 itolizumab, 187 prevalent condition, 91 ixekizumab, 186 setipiprant, 339 secukinumab, 186 sexual side effects of oral finasteride, 338 tildrakizumab, 187 SM04554, 340 ustekinumab, 186 topical finasteride, 341 BiologicsMD, 343 topical JAK inhibitors, 340, 341 Biotin, 78, 327 topical minoxidil and finasteride, 94 Bisabolol, 166 Anthralin, 116 Bitemporal thinning, 126 Antiandrogen therapies Bleached hair, 256 cyproterone acetate, 98 Blow dryer, 281 dutasteride BMD1141, 343, 344 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor, 96 BNZ-1, 343 dosage regimen, 96 Bolanča, 45 hyperandrogenism, 97 Borage oil, 169 safety and sexual side effects, 96 Botulinum toxin, 226–228 in women, 97 Brauer’s nevus, 241, 242 finasteride Brazilian keratin treatment (BKT), 259, 287 Index 351 Brodalumab, 185, 186 Digital videodermatoscopes, 2 Bubble hair, 246 Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), 92, 329 Butorphanol, 223 4-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde, 12 Diphenhydramine, 223 Diphenylcyclopropenone (DPCP), 25 C Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), 140, 147, Calcineurin inhibitors, 149 148, 313, 314 Calcipotriene (Calcipotriol), 181 Disease-modifying antirheumatic drug Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), 221 (DMARD), 114, 115 Calcitriol, 181 Dissecting cellulitis (DSC), 9, 150–152, 308, Cannabinoid, 221 309 Cap/helmet-shaped devices, 57 Down syndrome, 241 Catagen hairs, 12 Doxepine, 225 CB-03-01, 340, 341 Doxycycline, 141 Central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia Dronabinol, 224 (CCCA), 8, 148–150 Dry hair, 257, 258, 262, 327 Certolizumab pegol, 185, 187 Ducray Extra-Doux shampoo, 257, 258, 260 Cervantes, 44 Ducray Sabal Shampoo, 257 Cervical and occipital lymphoadenopathy, 31 Dupilumab, 118, 345 Cesare Ragazzi Laboratories, 267 Dutasteride, 304 Chandrashekar, 40 Dynamic or sequential trichoscopy, 296 Chinese herbal medicine, 226 Dyson Airwrap™, 281 Chronic telogen effluvium, 125, 129, 130 Cicatricial alopecias, 331 Cicatricial or scarring alopecias, 331 E Ciclopiroxolamine, 210 Ebastine, 119 Ciclosporin, 189 Ectodermal dysplasias, 242 Climbazole, 166 Ehrenfest, D., 41 Clindamycin, 211 El Taieb, 45 CNC® Hair Prosthesis, 268 Epidermolysis bullosa, 242 CO2 laser, 52 Erbium-glass laser, 49, 52 Coal tar, 167, 182 Erythromycin, 211 “Cold” X5 HairLaserTM, 57 Etanercept, 185 Cognitive-behavioral therapy, 241 Evaluate treatment response Conditioners, 255, 256 adding adjuvant treatments, 291 Congenital triangular alopecia, 241, 242 changing therapy, 291 Contact dermatitis, 312, 313 cicatricial alopecia, 291 Cortexolone, 101 increasing/decreasing treatment dose, 291 Corticosteroids, 165, 166 instruments Corynebacterium spp., 211 cross-section trichometer, 292 Cotton swab, 28 dynamic/sequential trichoscopy, 296 Crepe wool hair, 275 FFASI, 293, 294 Cromolyn sodium, 223 frontal fibrosing alopecia severity Custom-made caps, 267 score, 294 Cutaneous atrophy, 18 global photography, 295, 296 Cyclosporine, 114, 183 handheld dermoscopy, 292 Cyproterone acetate, 98 HSVS, 293 lichen planopilaris activity index, 295 phototrichogram, 293 D SALT score, 295 Dandruff, 331 Dr. Tosti’s scale, 295 Demipermanent dyes, 288 videodermoscopy, 292 Dermoscopy, 1 prescribed therapy, 291 Dhurat, 38 scalp diseases 352 Index Evaluate treatment response (cont.) G alopecia areata, 300, 301 GABA analogues, 225 androgenetic alopecia, 296–298 Gabapentin, 225 contact dermatitis, 312, 313 Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), 169 discoid lupus, 313, 314 German chamomile, 222 dissecting cellulitis, 308, 309 Global photography, 295, 296 FFA, 302–304 Glutathione peroxidase, 80 folliculitis decalvans, 307, 308 Gluteal atrophy, 113 hair transplant, 317–319 Glycyrrhetinic acid, 166 lichen planopilaris, 304–306 Griseofulvin, 201, 205, 206, 209, 235 pediculosis, 316 Grow long hair, 328 psoriasis, 309, 310 Guselkumab, 185, 187 seborrheic dermatitis, 311, 312 Gynecomastia, 92 telogen effluvium, 298–300 tinea capitis, 315, 316 Excimer laser therapy, 58, 240 H Extra-doux shampoo, 262 Hair bulbs, 12, 13 Eyebrow loss, 145 Hair crayons, 279 Eyebrow microblading, 280 Hair cutting, 323 Eyebrows, 324 Hair dyes, 254 Eyelashes, 324 adverse events, 289 Ezetimibe/simvastatin, 119, 120 bleaching, 289 Brazilian keratin treatment, 287 demipermanent and permanent F colors, 288 Facial papules, 143, 145 modify natural hair color, 288 Farid, 39 restore pigmentation, 288 Female pattern hair loss (FPHL), 69, 80 straightening and permanent waving, Fexofenadine, 119 285, 286 Fibrosing alopecia, 7, 146 temporary and semipermanent Fibrosing alopecia in a pattern distribution colors, 288 (FAPD), 140, 145 tips to avoid hair damage, 287 Finasteride, 39, 53, 58, 304 Hair extensions, 270, 271, 273, 274 Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), 78 Hair fibers, 278 Flavin mononucleotide (FMN), 78 Hair follicle, 324 Fluconazole, 168, 172, 208–210 Hair graying, 325 Follicular unit (FU), 65 Hair growth, 323 Follicular unit excision (FUE), 66, 72 Hair iron, 281 Folliculitis decalvans (FD), 8, 18, 20, 140, Hair loss, 324, 327 152–154 different causes, 327 Fotofinder, 292 diffuse alopecia, 247 Fractional thermolysis (FT), 49 female pattern, 330 Frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA), 2, 7, 18, 19, lack of clinical trials, 233 48, 57, 140, 142–145, 302–304 male pattern, 330 Frontal fibrosing alopecia severity index patchy alopecia (FFASI), 293, 294 AA (see Alopecia areata (AA)) Frontal fibrosing alopecia severity score, 294 aplasia cutis congenita, 242 Fuconazole, 205 congenital triangular alopecia, Fumaric acid, 344 241, 242 Fumaric acid esters (fumarates), 188 hair shaft disorders, 243 Fusidic acid, 211 TC (see Tinea capitis (TC)) Index 353 risks versus benefits of therapy, 233 Hair washings, 323 Hair prosthesis, 120 Hair-Contact®, 274 hair extensions, 270, 271, 273, 274 Hairline, 330 hairpieces, 269, 270 HairMax® LaserBand, 54 integration wigs, 269 HairMax® LaserComb, 54 patchy hair loss, 274, 275 Hairpieces, 269, 270 wigs Hair-shedding visual scale (HSVS), 293 caps,
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