Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage Volume 11 May 2002 The Ohio State THE HILANDAR RESEARCH LIBRARY Columbus University THE RESOURCE CENTER FOR MEDIEVAL SLAVIC STUDIES Ohio Historic Raška, Serbia: Site of the Fifth International Hilandar Conference The Fifth International Hilandar Conference has been scheduled for Raška, Serbia, from September 8 – 14, 2002. The conference is being sponsored by the “Gradac” Cultural Kallistos, Bishop of Diokleia, and William “Brit” Kirwan, OSU president Center of Raška, Serbia, and the Resource Center for Medi- photo by Nathan Robinson eval Slavic Studies of The Ohio State University. The theme of the conference is: Love of Learning and Devotion to God Bishop Kallistos Meets OSU in Orthodox Monasteries. Papers will be presented on top- ics relating to learning, culture, and monastic life in medieval Community During Visit Slavia Orthodoxa. The presentations will take place from Sep- tember 9th through the 12th with the remainder of the time Sponsored by RCMSS/HRL designated for travel to and from the conference and for ex- Before a rapt and appreciative audience of over 200 on April cursions to monasteries and other local attractions. 9 of this year Kallistos, Bishop of Diokleia, spoke on Light Historic Raška, Serbia, includes the very picturesque and Glory: The Significance of St. Gregory Palamas for the Kopaonik mountain region. Several monasteries are located World Today, a fascinating and complex topic made under- there, including Gradac, Stara Pavlica, Nova Pavlica, standable by the depth of knowledge, eloquence, and passion Nikoljaca, Studenica, Sopo‹ani, Petrova Crkva, Djurdjevi of His Grace’s words. Stupovi, and Crna Reka. These cultural monuments date from Bishop Kallistos, the former Timothy Ware, is a world-re- the 9th through the 13th centuries. Conference participants nowned theologian and Pembroke Fellow and the former will receive complimentary registration, housing, meals, Spalding Lecturer of Eastern Orthodox Studies at the Univer- continued on page 9 sity of Oxford. Author of several books and currently working on the translation and study of the Philokalia, Bishop Ware is INSIDE FEATURES still best known for The Orthodox Church, now in several print- ings and often used as a seminal textbook on Orthodoxy. Profiles - Interviews with RCMSS Advisory Council Member Bishop Ware was introduced by Dr. Melinda Nelson, As- and CMRS Director, Nicholas Howe, and International Affiliate for Scandinavia, Per Ambrosiani. Page 3 sistant Dean of the College of Humanities. His Grace’s lecture was given before an OSU community of faculty and students, HRL Journal - Reports on HRL research projects by Mariana members of the Columbus Greek parish of the Annunciation Dimitrova, Jennifer Spock, Victor Alexandrov and Margaret Dimitrova. Pages 4-5, 8 and 11 Cathedral, members of other local parishes, as well as guests from as far away as Canada, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. Soon, Picture Gallery - Scenes from Bishop Ware’s visit. Pages 6-7 interested individuals throughout the world may also view and Recent Bibliography - Publications related to HRL/RCMSS materials and resources. Page 10 continued on page 9 2 Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage May 2002 Director’s Desk Dr. Predrag Matejic Several weeks script illuminators of Hilandar Serbian manu- PhD dissertation and is now gainfully em- have passed since the scripts of the 16th and 17th centuries. While ployed. Also, Matilde Casas-Olea, participant visit and lecture of here, we continued discussions regarding the in the 1999 Medieval Slavic Summer Insti- Kallistos, Bishop of possibility of obtaining microfilms of the valu- tute and recipient of a 2001 Summer Stipend, Diokleia, though the able manuscript collections of the Museum. has received a teaching position at the Univer- excitement and energy Shortly after his return to Serbia, Dr. Mileus- sity of Granada, Spain. She is now preparing he created are still with niƒ informed us that Patriarch Pavle looks fa- the publication of the Slavic manuscript dis- us and will likely con- vorably on such a project. It is our sincere hope covered in Granada’s university library. tinue for some time— that the Conference in Raška will serve as an Finally, unfortunately we have had some we hope until his next appropriate venue during which an official significant losses to our family of scholars visit! We are grateful signing and announcement of such an agree- and supporters. Academician Stojan Vujiˇci‹, to His Grace for the time he shared with us, ment between the Serbian Orthodox Church of Hungary, who was so instrumental in 1984 for his inspirational words, and for the inter- (for the Museum) and the Hilandar Research in assisting us and arranging the microfilm- est he has shown in the Hilandar Research Library will be made. The possibility of add- ing of the valuable manuscripts of the Serbian Library and the Resource Center for Medi- ing almost a million microfilmed pages of Orthodox Ecclesiastic Museum in Szent eval Slavic Studies. such important manuscript material is breath- Andre, Hungary, has passed away. His beau- Related to Bishop Kallistos’ visit, we also taking. Of great significance is the opportu- tiful voice and good nature will be missed by hosted a small dinner in his honor. In addi- nity to help preserve the important cultural heri- all. Mrs. Esther Clarke, who donated the tion to several university officials, also present “Clarke Paisii” manuscript to the HRL, too were a few especially invited guests. Making has passed away. Medieval scholarship a special appearance, Dr. William “Brit” Kirwan, mourns the loss of Sir Dimitrii Obolensky, the the president of The Ohio State University, University of Oxford’s renowned Byzantino- met the dinner guests and spoke for several Slavist. Scholarship will also miss UCLA’s minutes, welcoming His Grace and express- eminent linguist and Slavist, Henrik ing gratitude to our supporters and staff. It was Birnbaum. And, while neither a Slavist nor both personally and professionally gratifying to scholar, we shall certainly miss Lee Akkerman hear President Kirwan speak so enthusiasti- of Florida, whose friendship and advice was cally of my father’s academic legacy, which in- V. Rev. Dr. Matejic, P. Matejic and S. Mileusni‹ most crucial at a critical stage in our Russian cludes the Hilandar Research Library and the Project. Also, one of the HRL’s earliest bene- Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies. tage of Serbia’s manuscripts, to make this heri- factors, Michael Kvocka of Columbus, re- We were also delighted to hear that plans for tage more accessible, and to have it join and cently died. A supporter since the first days of the future major renovation of the Main Li- be utilized together with the related material the original Hilandar Project, we will always brary at The Ohio State University, already in from Hilandar Monastery, certain other mon- remember him for his advice, quiet wisdom, the planning stage, include a larger and more asteries on Mount Athos, as well as the other and often anonymous generosity. prominent role for the Hilandar Research 90-some collections already available on mi- Library. croform in the HRL. The other major activity of this Spring has William Veder, RCMSS international af- CYRILLIC MANUSCRIPT been planning the 5th International Hilandar filiate for The Netherlands and co-editor of the HERITAGE Conference, September 8-14, Raška, Serbia. important medieval Slavic informational bulle- Director: PREDRAG MATEJIC Coordinating our efforts with Dr. Miroljub Joko- tin and journal, Polata k”nigopis’naia (“Scripto- Managing Editors: HELENE SENECAL vi‹ of Serbia, we look forward to a successful rium”), initiated discussions of the transfer of AND M.A. JOHNSON conference in Serbia’s historic Kapaonik re- back and future issues of the journal to elec- Contributing Editor: DINISSA DUVANOVA gion. We have received inquiries regarding tronic format, to then be made available via Media Consultant: LORRAINE ABRAHAM the conference from throughout the world. the HRL’s website. Taking advantage of a brief Hilandar Research Library His Holiness, Patriarch Pavle, is expected to research trip to the HRL in April, Dr. Veder Resource Center open the conference with a service in met with me and Dr. Raimund Goerler, Assis- for Medieval Slavic Studies The Ohio State University Studenica Monastery on September 8. tant Director for Special Collections of the OSU 225/227 Main Library We hope to have an exciting announce- Libraries and University Archivist, to explore 1858 Neil Avenue Mall ment at the 5th International Hilandar Confer- this joint venture. We gladly anticipate hosting Columbus, Ohio 43210-1286 ence. The week of March 25 we hosted the and making accessible this important schol- Telephone: 614-292-0634 Director of the Museum of the Serbian Ortho- arly journal. Fax: 614-292-7859 dox Church in Belgrade, Dr. Slobodan We also have other good news to share. E-mail: [email protected] Mileusni‹, who was researching possible con- Dongsoo Jeon, a longtime RCMSS Graduate www.cohums.ohio-state. edu/cmrs/rcmss/ nections between iconographers and manu- Research Associate, successfully defended his May 2002 Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage 3 RCMSS ADVISORY COUNCILS IN PROFILE Series Featuring Individual Members By Dinissa Duvanova OSU Advisory Council International Affiliate Nicholas Howe, professor of English and director of the Per Ambrosiani, associate professor of Slavic Languages Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS) at The at Stockholm University, Sweden, is our International Affili- Ohio State University, received his PhD from Yale in 1978. ate in Scandinavia. He received his PhD from Stockholm Uni- After teaching at Rutgers University and the University of versity and currently continues his long-standing research on Oklahoma, Dr. Howe joined the OSU faculty in 1991. As a verbal accentuation in Slavic Gospel manuscripts, investigat- member of the RCMSS Advisory Board, he believes that the ing methods for dating and determining the place of origin of Resource Center for Medieval Slavic manuscripts.
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