Issue 102.10.15thegryphon.co.uk News p.3 What inpact will the Governemnt’snew ‘Prevent’ laws have here at Leeds? Features y p.8 Does social media’s le ad interstinthe refugeecrisis ro [Image: TheTelegraph]mB [Image: YouTube] help or hindercharities? Sa Sport TheGryphonasks‘Doesitmatter In TheMiddlespeak to stand-up p.17 Allthe latest news aheadof whatpoliticiansdointheirprivate comicNishKumar abouthis current next week’s Varsityclashes • lives?’p.11 • UK tour p.12 [Image: RubyLott-Lavigna] “Weare an inappropriate company” ShamimaNoor thefollowingmessage directed at men on equality,diversity andpartnership, Jessica Murray during adifferentevent.“Please note: butthissignsneersatthosevalues News Editors We will stilllet youinifyou’rewearing andpolicies. joggingbottoms[...]Wearwhatyou “Some maybeamusedatthis Localrestaurant ‘Get Baked: The want,but if youwanna getlaidweara laddishhumour, butmanymay be Joint’isfacingcriticism on social f****** suit”. disgusted, intimidatedorangry –and mediaoverwhathavebeenlabeled Shecommented ‘Reallydon’t like feel that theUniversityofLeeds is ‘misogynistic’ and‘inappropriate’ thetonetbh,telling guys to wear suitsso aloutish neighbour, or not aplace advertisingslogans. that they will,obviously,automatically where theirvaluesare respected.” Complaintsmadebymembers of getsex. Sigh.’ Speaking exclusivelytoThe LUU’sFeministSociety have centred This is notthe first time therestaurant Gryphon, GetBaked:The Joint around theuse of thephrase‘BOATS hasfaced criticismregarding itsuse of managerresponded:“We arean ANDHOES’,which was recently used language in itsadvertising. inappropriatecompany.We’re called as part of itsadvertising billboardoutside Back in June,whilstconstruction GetBaked;that’s inappropriate” itsWoodhouseLanerestaurant. wasnearing completion on thenearby We have female management and Onestudent took to FemSoc’s LeedsUniversity’sLaidlaw Library, the female members of staff, so we’re Facebook page to statethat herpartner phrase “#FREE PORN”was used on definitely notmisogynistic triedtochallenge theownerabout their theiradvertising board. However,wehavehad complaints ‘use of misogynistic language’, buttono It wasdescribed as ‘crass’byGerman from university staffsowe’ve toned avail. professorDrHelen Finch, whowenton down thesigns outside.” Anotherstudent commentedinthe to tell TheGryphon: “The University has same post that therestauranthad used aconsidered,respectfulset of policies 2 News Editor’s Letter: “Ifyou don’thavealeft-wing Government’s legislation,anemployer no betterway of doingthisthan period when yougotouniversity, will be undernoobligationtopay repealingthislegislation whichwould youshould be shot”, not my words anyone belowthe ageoftwenty-five forceour lecturers, ourtutors, our butthose of arathermorefamous theliving wage.You maydothe same univeristies, andunions,toreport our 02.10.15 former occupant of this position.It’s jobassomeone above this arbitrary confidentialthoughts andactions.To admirableinmanywaysthatPaul agebarrier butyou will not be paid turn oursupport networks insteadinto Weather Dacrehas notattempted to whitewash thesameamount.Thisatatime when informantnetworks. HI LO hisstudent years, hasnot turned youngpeopleare finding it harder and As IwritethisIknowthatstudents Fridayy sunny 16 7 “ hisbackonhis supportofone time harder to gain access to services and and staffatthisUnion andUniversity LUUPresident,JackStraw,asmany benefitstheyneed. Whileall thewhile work everyday to improve thefutures Saturday cloudy 12 8 amongstour politicalestablishment rent andhouse prices continue to rise of youngpeoplenot just in Leedsbut Sunday rainy 12 9 try, or alledgly attempt. Beyond the unabated. allacrossthe country. TheRiley Smith sentimentality of singing thepraises of This Governmentinboth Hall is currentlyfullofconcerned Quoteofthe Week aGryphon alumnihowever,there is a name andpracticewould appear membersofthe publicclamouring pertinentpoint to be foundinDacre’s Conservative. Long-termprosperity to do anythingtheycan to ease the I’mtoo busy running thecountry taking inflamattoryremarks. will not come at theexpense of the refugeecrisiscurrentlyfacingEurope decisions, gettingon Thereisadivide in oursociety, future.Hamstringingthe youngto andthe Middle East.The Union withwork. anditisadividethatDacre andInow protectthe oldwillnot buildabetter tonightplays host to theopening night standonoppositesides of.You could country. of theirannual Black HistoryMonth DavidCameronupon putitdowntoastandoff betweenleft Sayitquietly though,dissent will events. beingasked whetherhe andright-wingers, butIwould loathe not be allowedfor much longer. Time andyouthful exuberance is considering suingLord Ashcroft overthe ‘Piggate’ to isolatemyright-wingpeers.The Prevent, thechild of theGovernment’s areonour side,ifonlythere were a “allegations. divide Ispeak of is betweenthe young counter-terrorismlegislation,which politicanout there lookingtoharness andold in oursociety. wassowonderfully opposedby this. Iamnot sureexactly at what age students on this campus,represents Contents onecrosses overthisdividingline, but athreatnot just to Muslimson from what Ican tell ourGovernment campus -although this is of course 3-5 News considersittobetwenty-five. A themost pressing concern -but us seemingly random number plucked all. This Government seekstoprotect 6-8 Features from theether.Isay this becauseitis “fundamental Britishvalues”,to theage at whichpoint aworkerwill defend us from thosewho threaten Benjamin Cook 10 Society be paid thelivingwage. Underthis our“individual liberty”.There is Editor-in-chief 11-13 Views 14-15 Science Photoofthe Week Louis Prosser took this striking image of Leeds Canal, near Liberty Dockstudent accomodation, on Thursdaymorning. 17-20 Sport Credits Editor-In-Chief ~Benjamin Cook Associate Editor ~Greg Whitaker News ~Elli Pugh,Jess Murray,ShamimNoor Society -Avigail Kohn Features ~Stephanie Uwalaka,Molly Walker- Sharp Views -RachelKing, Freya Parr Science ~Sam McMaster, DougiePhillips Sport ~AlexBowmer, JamesCandler,Nancy Gillen,Fiona Tomas Head of Photography ~Jack Roberts thegryphon.co.uk News 3 WYPLaunch Prevent Comes Into Effect Consent Jessica Murray TheGovernment’scontroversial counter-terrorism to practice religion. legislation, known as Prevent, came in to effect Iamcurrently in constructive talks with the Univer- Poster across the University last week, raising the concerns sity about howwehandle this agenda and we’re also of many. looking into howwecan oppose the legislation on a Thenew legislation givesuniversity staff alegal national level.” obligation to ‘deal with all forms of terrorism and UCU, the largest trade union for academics, also non-violent extremism’, to ‘challenge extremist ideas’ strongly opposes the legislation. and to ‘stop people moving from extremist (albeit Dr Mark Taylor-Batty,alecturer in Theatre Studies legal) groups in to terrorist related activity.’ and Leeds University’sUCU representative,told The TheGovernment defines extremism as a‘vocal or Gryphon: “Webelievethat potentially obliging our active opposition to fundamental British values, in- members to take part in racist labelling of students is cluding democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty unacceptable, and doubles unacceptable to stu- and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths dents.” and beliefs.’ ThePrevent Agenda will force our members to spy Thenew laws have drawncondemnation from a on our learners, is discriminatory towards Muslims, number of organisations, with NUS officials de- and legitimises Islamophobia and xenophobia, en- scribing the scheme as a“racialised, Islamophobic couraging racist views to be publicised and normal- witch-hunt” and “ultimately existing to police Muslim ised within society.” expression”. We also suspect our ownUniversity has no real Under the new legislation, Mohammed Umar appetite for the agenda, but will have an obligation to Farooq, aTerrorism, Crime and Global Security MA meet the statutory demands made upon them.” student at Staffordshire University wasinterrogated We have no plan at present to boycott Prevent, as by authorities after being spotted reading aTerrorism we have yettohaveaGeneral Meeting with mem- Studies textbook in the University library. bers to discuss the matter,and we have yettosee the Speaking to TheGryphon, Union Affairs Officer University of Leeds’sown response and plans for its Toke Dahler stated: “Prevent runs counter to the basic local protocols.” principles of dealing with mental health issues, ensur- ing academic freedom of expression and the freedom BeestonRapistPleadsGuilty Elli Pugh Jessica Murray Aman haspleaded guilty to raping an 18-year old womaninBeeston earlierthisyear. West YorkshirePolicehavelaunchedanew Zdenko Turtak,who wasextraditedfrom Slovakia sexual consentcampaignaround university, in July afterofficers from theWestYorkshirePolice followingofsexualassault cases earlierthisyear. Homicideand MajorEnquiryTeamissuedanarrest The poster,displayed around campus to warrant andtracked himdown, hasappearedatLeeds coincide withfresher’s week,usesthe slogan CrownCourt viavideo link from Wakefield Prison.He ‘Consent meansyes,anythingelsecould mean pleadedguiltytocausinggrievousbodilyharmwith prison.’ intent andrape, butpleaded not guilty to achargeof Speaking to The Gryphon, university police attemptedmurder. officer PC Matt Guysaid“We designedthe Turtak,21, pulled thevictimfromabus stop on poster,withconsultationfrom variousofficers and Beeston Road on 6thMarch this year,bludgeoned studentgroups
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