Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy Bulgarian Academy of Sciences BASIC ENVIRONMENTAL OBSERVATORY “MOUSSALA” Complex air measurements at Musala high-altitude station Christo ANGELOV Main research fields are: Complex Monitoring of Environment; Solar – Terrestrial Interactions; Cosmic Rays Physics; Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry; Monitoring of Long Range Radionuclides and Toxic Elements Transport Cosmic ray station Moussala 1959 - 1983 1983-1999 RILA Mountain Coordinates: Altitude – 2925 m a.s.l. Latitude - 42º11’ Longitude - 23º35’ Historical dates BEO Moussala 1932 - Inauguration of Meteorological Station 1959 – Opening of Cosmic Ray Station after 2000 1983 - Destroy of Cosmic Ray Station (fired). 1993 - Start of Bulgarian-French project 1999 – Inauguration of Basic Environmental Observatory (BEO) – Moussala. 2002 - Creation of BEO Centre of Excellence 2002-2003 – HIMONTONET and NUSES FP5 projects 2005 – BEOBAL FP6 project 2006 – 2011 EUSAAR FP6 project 2007 - Moussala became pan-European Research Infrastructure in winter 2010 - BEO Moussala - Regional GAW station 2011 – 2015 ACTRIS FP7 project 2013 – 2018 BACCHUS FP7 project 2015 – 2019 ACTRIS-2 H2020 in summer 2017 – 2019 ACTRIS PPP H2020 2018 – ACTRIS BG BEO MOUSSALA Winter BEO CoE is certified under ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards for quality and environment management BEO MOUSSALA Summer GAW Global stations Sonnblick,3106 м, Austria Zugspitze, 2650 м, Germany Monte Cimone, 2165 м, Italy Jungfraujoch, 3450 м., Switzerland Helmos, 2300 м., Greece BEO Moussala, 2925 м. Neutron monitor Muon telescope Gas Analisers NO CO NO O3 2 SO2 CO2 Carbon Dioxide Trend, 1957-2011, Schauinsland, Zugspitze, Mauna Loa, World, monthly averages. 9 years POPs concentrations campaign Passive air sampler Bridge with measuring equipment in BEО "Mоusсala" ПАВ Мини Макси мална мална RET Медиа стойно стойно на ст ст 0,014 0,000 0,031 OP_DDE 0,000 0,000 0,002 NAP 2,866 0,419 6,282 BBFLU 0,000 0,000 0,000 PP_DDE 0,006 0,002 0,018 ACY 0,010 0,000 0,031 BNT 0,000 0,000 0,006 OP_DDD 0,000 0,000 0,002 ACE 0,035 0,017 0,081 BGFLA 0,000 0,000 0,007 PP_DDD 0,000 0,000 0,003 FLU 0,218 0,093 0,567 CPCDP 0,000 0,000 0,000 OP_DDT 0,000 0,000 0,000 PHE 0,526 0,129 1,732 TPH 0,000 0,000 0,024 PP_DDT 0,000 0,000 0,002 ANT 0,000 0,000 0,022 BJFLA 0,000 0,000 0,000 PECB 0,011 0,006 0,027 FLA 0,117 0,025 0,459 BEP 0,000 0,000 0,000 HCB 0,048 0,017 0,095 PYR 0,049 0,014 0,110 PER 0,000 0,000 0,000 ПХБ Медиа Мин. с- Макс. с-ст на ст BAA 0,000 0,000 0,006 DBACA 0,000 0,000 0,000 PCB28 0,004 0,001 0,007 CHRY 0,006 0,000 0,018 ANTT 0,000 0,000 0,000 PCB52 0,003 0,000 0,007 BBFLA 0,000 0,000 0,000 COR 0,000 0,000 0,000 PCB101 0,000 0,000 0,004 BKFLA Пестици Медиа Мин. Макс. PCB118 0,000 0,000 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000 ди на с-ст с-ст BAP 0,000 0,000 0,000 РСВ153 0,001 0,000 0,003 A_HCH 0,017 0,006 0,043 IP 0,000 0,000 0,000 B_HCH 0,003 0,000 0,010 PCB138 0,000 0,000 0,003 DBAHA 0,000 0,000 0,000 G_HCH 0,017 0,000 0,035 PCB180 0,000 0,000 0,002 BGP 0,000 0,000 0,000 D_HCH 0,000 0,000 0,000 BIP 0,255 0,107 0,716 28 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 7 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 12 Organochlorinated Pesticides (CHO), biphenyl PUF disk (pre-cleaned in dichloromethane): analysis of PAHs and drin pesticides PUF disk (pre-cleaned in toluene): analysis of ind. PCBs, dioxin-like PCBs, organochlorinated pesticides (OCPs), brominated flame retardands (BFR), PCDDs/Fs PUF disk (pre-cleaned in methanol): perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), currently used pesticides (CUP) Physical Properties of Aerosols Integrated nephelometer TSI 3563 Measuring Systems blue blue green green red red Continuous Light Absorption Photometer (CLAP) Filter-based light absorption measurement Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Range 10 nm – 1 µm BACCHUS is a European FP7 collaborative project under the lead of ETH Zurich, Switzerland. In the next 4 years, 20 research institutions from the European Union, Switzerland, Norway and Israel work closely together in order to better understand key processes in aerosol-cloud interactions. BACCHUS will generate a unique database linking long-term observations and field campaign data of aerosol, cloud condensation and ice nuclei and cloud microphysical properties; this will enable a better quantification of the natural aerosol concentrations and the anthropogenic aerosol effect. Single column CCN counter, Droplet Measurement Technologies, Boulder, CO, USA. • integrating European ground-based stations • advanced atmospheric probing instrumentation for aerosols • clouds and short-lived gas-phase species • building of new knowledge as well as policy issues on climate change • air quality • long-range transport of pollutants Next step - ACTRIS PPP Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Preparatory Phase Project for European consortium ERIC with national funding in the frame of the European scientific infrastructures road map The ACTRIS Community unites partners from 23 countries across Europe System for measuring radioactivity in aerosols: air turbine, filter device, capacity of 1500 m3/h a press for preparing the samples for measuring, Low-background gamma-ray spectroscopy HPGe detector 134Cs, 137Cs and 131I, measured at BEO Moussala, after Focushima accident 2011, mBq/m3 5000 4500 106Ru(Rh) 4000 511.86 + 511 3500 3000 7Be 477.606 KeV 2500 106Ru(Rh) Counts/8h 2000 621.93 KeV 1500 106 40 1000 Ru(Rh) K 1050.41 KeV 1460.83 KeV 500 0 Energy of gamma rays, KeV Gamma Background Detector Technidata IGS 421 Gamma background near peak Moussala during Fukushima accident Seasonal variation of gamma background at BEO Moussala Spectrum of gamma-rays at BEO-MOUSSALA (NaI) 4000 Daughter decays of 222Rn 511 609 1120 3000 146140K 2000 1764 x3 Counts per 10h per Counts Background of cosmic rays 1000 x9 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 Energy of gamma-rays, KeV 222Rn, in relative units 1400 1200 1000 800 counts/7200s 600 400 200 0 Intensity of the gamma-line 609 kev of 222Rn, measured for period 02.03.2014 to 11.04.2014. 222Rn Intensity of gamma background and natural radioactive isotope 222Rn. Precipitation during this period is in violet. Cosmic rays measurements • Muon Telescope • SEVAN • Active neutron detector Muon telescope 18 February 2011, Forbush decrease at BEO Moussala 9 February 2012, Forbush decrease at BEO Moussala Cosmic Rays Detector SEVAN Collaboration: Instrument Development Program (UNBSS), IHY-2007 Aragatz High Mountain Observatory, Armenia Networks: SEVAN (Space Environmental Viewing and Analysis Network) Space Environmental Viewing and Analysis Network (SEVAN) device measure in 1 minute interval: - neutral particles - HE muons (> 200MeV) - LE charged particles (< 100MeV) Active neutron detector Cosmic neutron flux variations Atmospheric pressure impact Liulin LET (Linear Energy Transfer) Spectrometer Airborne dosimeter device - AIRDOS Dosimetry of radiation events in the atmosphere – 01.01.2017 Comparative measurements of mixed radiation field using Liulin and AIRDOS dosimeters Martin Kakona, Vaclav Stepan, Ondrej Ploc, Nina Nikolova, Todor Arsov and Christo Angelov Nuclear Physics Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences (NPI CAS), Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Technical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (INRNE BAS), Sofia, Bulgaria Altitude and number of ionising particles registered by AIRDOS and Liulin devices onboard aircraft. Total and limited (0.25, 12.7 MeV) counts are shown CONCLUSIONS Presented results confirm suitability of radiation environment at high altitude mountain observatories for long-term comparative measurements using devices intended for low-flux mixed radiation fields, namely such as that on board commercial aircraft. The experiments provided guidance for further development and improvements both of the calibration and data processing methodology. Agreement between data recorded by Liulin and AIRDOS devices both in-flight and during long- term measurement at the BEO Moussala is reasonable. Pyranometer CMP 10 for the Accurate Measurement of Solar Irradiance – 285 to 2800 nm Pyranometer CMP 10 for the Accurate Measurement of Solar Irradiance – 285 to 2800 nm Adopted standard solar terrestrial spectrum (ASTM G173) including harmful solar UV bands Athmospheric layered structure and resultant solar UV absorption and scattering Study of the combined effect of the natural radioactivity background, the UV radiation, the climate changes and the cosmic rays on model groups of plant and animal organisms in mountain ecosystems”, 2017-2019 UV sensors UV sensor equipment and bio-container at Moussala BEO station. Experimental design This pilot and unique experiment was conducted for 40 days to natural UV irradiation and gamma background at two altitudes in Rila mountains BEO station (Peak Moussala 2925 m asl) and the area of the Beli Iskar dam (1500 m asl). The selection of altitudes is consistent that the UV radiation increases by 10% every 1000 meters. A period with the longest day and sunshine was selected - (16 - 26.07.2017). In order to maximize the early genetic changes from the above effects and to eliminate the adaptations to altitude, the most suitable model species are albino mice of the ICR strain. Animals 70 healthy male mice were randomly divided into 2 groups of 35 animals. They were transported to the chosen experimental points - Peak Moussala and the area of the Beli Iskar.
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