F\V H. S. LIBRARY FV L APPLETON, WIS. HISTORY OF OUTAGAMIE COUNTY WISCONSIN Being a General Survey of Outagamie County History including a History of the Cities, Towns and Villages throughout the Countr, from the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time THOMAS H. RYAN Editor-in-Chief ADVISORY BOARD HENIhY D. RYAN ISAAC N. STE\ ART JOHN D. LAWE C-I ARLES E. RAUG(;HT I'ETER 'UTIBBS LOIC)1TS 1 ACu (COT - 1()JiN E EBEN E, REXFORD CHICAGO GOODSPlEIED HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION PUBLISHERS TE KENNEBBE- Hlc X. MYW a : PREFACE A N LEXAMI[NAVTI'ON of this volumie by subscribers will reveal llade in newspaper files, early French and Indian records, that a vast extent of original 'research for material has been public documents and private memoranda of various kinds. The object has been to comipress into the pages, even at the partial ex- pense of finished literarv style, interesting and valuable da.ta con- cerming the county so far as space would allow. In order to do this, and to show our appreciation of friendly and considerate treat- iment and reasolnable patronage, we have extended the number of pages iore than five hundred beyond what was planned at the outset. It will le seen. that we have saved from. permanent loss thousands of interesting items usually overlooked or disregarded by- local historilans. 'Ths'a permanent foundation, whiclh can be elaborated Cand ilmuproved by subsequent writers, has been laid for t future perfect county history. -Generally, statistical tables and routine p:loceedings have been avoided, a.nd a narrative form has been .adopted. 'he book necessarily contains errors, though it is believed that, owing to the great care exercised, they will be found to be comparatively few. The publishers .stand ready, as is their custom, to correct all such by a special errata sheet to be sent to subscribers to be pasted in the books. As a. whole, we feel confident that our subscribers, who have our thanks. for their patronage, will appreciate this fine volume. TI-IE PUBLISHERS. TABLE OF CONTENTS HISTORY PAGE. (eology, Rocks, Drift, Soil, Water Power, Drainage, et. ................. 1. Exploration, Indians, Traders, Voyageurs, Hiistoric Places, etc ............. 2 County Affairs Before 1880, Organization, Acts of the Board, Societies, Finances, Roads, etc ............................... ..... Appleton before 1880, Origin, Industries, City Council, Public Works, Ad- vanceient, Banking, Officials, etc .................................. Politics before 1880, Parties, Conventions, Candidcates, Maass Mieetings, Election Returns, etc ...... ......... ....................... Military Record, Civil War, Spanish-American War, G. A. R., Other Org'ani- zations, Relief, Monuments, Decoration, TMemorial Services, et ........ 29S Appleton 1880 to 1911, City Council Proceedings, Officials, Public Woril's Industr-ies, Finances, Banking, Improvenients, Commission Governmenlt. etc. ............................................................ 35 Politics 1880 to 1911, Conventions, Nominees, Primaries, Politicians, Party Issues, New Parties, Election Returns, etc( ........................... 388 Boating, Stage Lines, Mail Routes, Railways, Telegraphs, Telephones, Elec- tric Lights and Lines, etc .......................... ............. 407 Medicine, Surgery, Dentistry, Epidemics, Diseases, Operations, Societies, etc. 442 Clhurchles Pastors, Sunday Schools, Buildings, Various REeligious Societies, Benevolence, Temperance, Music, etc ................................ 469 Bench, Bar, Circuit Court, Trials, County Court, Officials, Municipal Court, Associations, etc. .................... ............................. 15 Education, Subscription Schools, Common School System, High Schools, Grades, Union System, County Schools, Statistics, NTew Methods, etc... 34 Kaukauuna, ?rench Settlement, Business, Incorporation, Officials, Public Works, Improvements, etc ......................................... 570 Settlement, Towns, Incidents, Wild Animals, Storms', Logging, Early Schools and Churches, Trails and Roads, Seymour, Hortonville, Black Creek, Shioeton, Little Chute, Kimberly, Snidersville, Oneida, Incorporation, Industries, Recent Improvements, etc ............................... 127: Miscellaneous Events, First Settlement of the County, Appleton's First Officials and Finances, Trouble in the Council, Seal, City, Appleton in 1853, Recent Officials, Little Chute, Institutes and Clubs, etc .......... 1.38( Biography and Reminiscence ..................... ............. ... 5 91 BIOGRAPHY A. PAGE. PAGE. Abel, William ................ 774 Adsit, Amos Elias, D. D. S..... 1161 Abraham, Frederick Mr........ 837 Albert, Henry. ............... 722 Abraham, Henry W., MI. .D..... 614 Allen, Eliwyn C ............... 1155 Abrahams, Isaac A ............ 1108 Allen, Mr.. MIartha J ......... 995 Adkins, Charles G ............. 1227 Ames, Bostic H.............. 879 Adkins, Charles V ............. 1228 Ames, William 1)............ 769 6 T ~'AiBLE OF CONATEA7TS PAGE. PAGE. Anderson, Warren ............ 1189 Bowlby, 1H. L................. 662 Appleton Machine Company... .. 1115 Brainard, Carlos iXM........... 1111 Armitage, Albert E ........... 788 Brandenberg, lired ............ 776 Ashman, John ................ 1204 Brass, Otto ................... 829 Assinan, Gust ................. 1095 Breitriek, Charles ............. 917 Aul, Emil.................... 1101 Breitrick, William ............ 996 Breitung, Albert A., Sr ........ 1208 B. Breitung, Oswald ............. 1246 Babcock, Fllllk(C .. B. 1). S.... 774 Brenner, Karl F. George..... 799 Baechlelici·:liFranlklia H. 863 Briggs, Ansel Bailey .......... 825 -Baeliman,Bacelnniu mWilliamiliam G........C........Brill, 97 JohJohn ... .......... 895S898 Balker, William ............. 655 Brugger, Albert .............. 796 Baldwin, Hon. Geoge1072 ........Broka N. H 1007 Baldw-in, Geoge Benjaomin. ... 1073 Brooks, Everett H.,. M. 1...... 709 Baldwin, Charles Frederick. .. 1073 Brusewitz, Albert............. 745 Ballard, Anson.............. 108 Bux, illiam................ 867 1Barnies n. Lynan Eddy. 1040 Buboltz, Albert ............... 858 Bartels Fred ................. 674 Buchanan, William......... 678 ulanuen,Boaner JoihnW (Ill...C................ .. ......... 12259 Bunman Charles 11............. 856 Ba.mnBlallln Willial (.......... 9 Budick, Erastus P ............ 843 Bayorgeon, Anma P ...................... 9reistel 62 Beach, Andrew J............. 1201 :Bulgert,iFrederick M.I......... ,866 Bean, Walter ........... ...... 1137oIli"1 . ..................Busch, John .................. 976 Becker, Alois ................. 116 tler W............. 758 Becker, Franlk lb.............. 1074 I:ecker, .John .................. 1069 Blecker, Julius E....... ....... 690 Bleelen, John I............... 1064 Calibe, Henock Charles ........ 682 Bleemster, John ............... 649 Calmes, Frank ............... 101.5 Beggs, Archie ................ 675 Canavan, James V., M. 1) ...... 664 Behin, Gustave A............. 986 Cance, Edmond J............. 910 Bender, Moses................ 1142 Carneross, Ralph E ........... 640 Behtle, 'rederick............. 1192 Carter, Adelbert B............ 719 Berg , Ignatz George ........... 1086 Carter, Henry W............. 1202 Berg, John l................. 1101 Casey, John .................. 830 Bergnians, Adrian ............. 997 Catlin, Mark................... 1109 Bernard, Francois............. 1017 Charlesworth, Frank M1....... 800 Bertschy, Perry Henry........ 980 Christophersen, Charles........ 1215 Bessing, Henry Anton......... 601 Citizens National Bank ....... 817 Blake, Richie R .............. 731 Clack, Charles ............... 604 Blake, William G.............. 1251 Clark, Frank E............... 651 Blake, William J.5.............. 1255 Clark, Michael F1.............. 865 Blanshal, Charles Rogers ...... 883 Clark, William 0 ............... 730 Bleick, Ferdinand J........... 736 Colburn, Frank H1............. 704 Bleick, Ierman............... 1144 Cole, Chales ............... 1017 Bleick, Louis George .......... 977 Cole, Robert I., D. ). S...... 1169 Boelter, Julius H............. 1202 Colwitz Charles .............. 628 Boehime, Alwin F............. 900 Comerfo rd, William........... 1176 Bohl, August ................ 1235 Conkey, Alexander. ........... 835 Bohl, Fred ................. 1210 Conlon, William J............ 907 Boldt, John C ................ 1123 Coonen, Martin ............... 901 Bonini, Louis, Jr.............. 1200 Conway, John ................. 1038 Bonnii, H-Ierman .............. 1.248 Coppes, John ................. 106 Boon, John Allen ............. 689 Cornelius, Chester P........... 1059 Bowmana, B. N ............. ... 1240 Court, Ewalt .... ............ 744 Bfoyd, Charles D., M. D ........ 1059 Court, Henry C ............... 64 Boyd, Charles S .............. 1049 Cotter, Patrick ................ 1213 Boyd, Samuel .............. 1034 Cotter, William P............. 1190 Boye, I) J.................. 1170 Culbertson, Alexander........... 622 Bottensek, Joh ............... 852 Culbertson, John.............. 1004 ow-arnman, Edward R......... 837 Cuff, George A................. 1241 TABLE OF CONTENTS D. PAGE. PAGE. I)lanls, Albert ............... 725 Fischer, Andrew. ............. 1209 .Dalke, Henry J............... 1226 Fischer, Frank F ............. 1212 Danielson, A. 0.......... 595 Fish, Stillman N.............. 724 Davis, A. H............ 1192 Fisher, Rudolph D............ 704 D)ay, Thomas . .......... 770 Fitzgerald, James F1........... 1269 Dean, Dwigoht W .............
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