Burma / Myanmar Bibliographical Project Siegfried M. Schwertner Bibliographical description KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK K US: HU UoC NYPL(Research *OKS) Khin Zaw NRCR RPB YU K.N.U. Kāchch āyano Karen National Union Kacc āyana Ka Ka , H. D. Kachin-Americans and Friends, Inc. An abridged history of the various issues of the postage Kachin national news beacon stamps issued during the Japanese occupation of Burma / by H. D. Ka Ka. – Rangoon : [Printed by Calcutta Print. Work,] The Kachin gazetteer : proof edition, chapter XX : strategical 1945. 6 p. points. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for I. B., R.), 1894. US: LC(HE6185.B87.K3) NYPL(Res. D 12-9777) p. 103-111. GB: BL-APAC(Tr 727(8))* Ka Naung Kanaung The Kachin Hills manual 1898. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for B. S.), 1898. 24 p. Ka Naung journal of industry & commerce … 1994- . − GB: BL(I.S.Bu.119/8)* Ran` kun`, 1994- . Monthly. − Add. title and text in Burmese BL-APAC(Tr 871)* IOR/V/27/244/10) SG: ISEAS(Microfiche (o)94/63415) US: LC(Microfiche (o)94/63415) ditto. – ibd., 1906. GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/244/11) Kabir , Humayun <1906-1969> Exhibition of Buddhist art and antiquities ditto. : corr. up to the 1st August 1924. – ibd., (for C. Secy.), 1924. II, 86 p. Kacc āyana GB: BL(I.S.Bu.119/33)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/244/12) [P āli grammar] US: LC-P4(4K 9606) Kāchch āyano’s P āli grammar / transl. and arranged on Euro- pean models, with chrestomathy and vocabulary by Francis ditto. Ed. 1924. – [ibd.,] (for Def. Secy.), 1940. 9 p. Mason. – Toungoo: Karen Institute Pr., 1867. VI, VIII, IV, GB: BL(I.S.Bu.119/8)* 209 p. – (Bibliotheca Indica ; new series 123-124 [=vol. 59, 1868]) ditto. : as corr. up to 3rd January 1948. – Rangoon : Govt. GB: BL(14002 a/59)* Print. and Staty., Union of Burma (for Min. of Kachin State), US: CU(Kroch PK2971.B584 K12) 1959. XVII, 212 p., tab., index. – Publ. under the authority of the Government of the Union of Burma, Ministry of the ditto. – ibd., 1868. IV, IV, VIII, 209 p. – (Bibliotheca Indica Kachin State in conjunction with the Government of the Ka- ; new series 59, 1868) chin State − p. 2. US: NYPL(Research *OAE) D: B-SBB(Potsdamer Str.) HD-SAI(326 inf 64/1220)* UCSD(SSH PK1017 .K313 1868) F: BIULO(GEN.III.3286) US: CU(Kroch DS485.K15A2 1948) ditto. : with chrestomathy and vocabulary / by Francis Ma- HU(Tozzer IND. B 926 k) NaSyU son. 2nd ed. [= repr.] – Delhi: Sri Satguru Publ., 1984. IV, LC-P4(4K 10357) YU(MUDD Nkd72 I36 959B) IV, VIII, 209 S. – (Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica ; 11) D: HD-SAI(nsp 46.9 A 89/3975)* The Kachin hill-tribes regulation . – Rangoon : Govt. Print., US: UCB(Main PK1017.K4 M3 1984) Burma (for B. S.), 1895. 12 p. – At head of title: Regulation no. I of 1895 A Pali grammar on the basis of Kachchayano GB: BL-APAC(Tr 830 ; 930)* Mason , Francis US: LC(Microfiche 2003/63409 (K)) The Pali text of Kachchayano’s grammar : with English an- ditto. 1895 (I of 1895), as modified up to the 1st April, 1902. notations / by Francis Mason. – Toungoo: Karen Institute – Calcutta : Govt. Print., 1902. 20 p. Pr., 1870. GB: BL-APAC(IOR/in: V/27/244/10)3) Pt. 1. The text US: LC(Law <Great Brit. India 4 Kachin Hill Tribes 1902>) Pt. 2. The annotations D: J-TULB(8 Gl.II,218/4:1-2) ditto. – ibd., 1910 , .1921 ; 1922 ; 1938. – Ref. Fisher K 1 Burma Bibliographical Project Siegfried M. Schwertner ditto . − [Ran kun,] 2000. 22 p. ditto. / publ. by Burma Christian Literature Society. – Madras: US: LC(Microfiche 2003/63409 (K)) Diocesan Pr., 1945. 44 p., illus. AU:ANU(Menzies pamphlet PL4001.K322S43 1954) Kachin Independence Council GB: BL(11103 a 117)* Laws and regulations of the Kachin Independence Council : US: HU(Widener WID-LC PL4001.K322 I54 1954x) laws and regulations on eradicating opium cultivation, use and trade within Kachin State / Kachin Independence Coun- ditto. – [Rangoon : Baptist Board of Publ., 1959.] 40 p., cil, Kachin State. − [Myitkyina?:] Kachin Independence illus. Council, Kachin State, 1991. 11 l.. US: CU(PL4001.K3 I541 ; Film 11052 Reel 1186 no.7) Ref.: OCLC 54427698 HU(Microforms (Lamont) Film W 24010) Ref.: OCLC 31591737 Kachin Independent Organization [Kachin Independent Organization pamphlets] in Southeast First standard . – 1917. 75 p. Asia Pamphlet Collection of Library of Congress. – 1991- . GB: BL-APAC(Kachin B.15) US: LC(DS530.8.K3) SOAS(GPE Kach 418/13.057)* The Kachin Jubilee , March 25-28, 1927 … − Rangoon : ditto. – Rangoon : Baptist Board of Publ., 1931. 75 p., illus. America Htang Dip Gawng, 1928. 129 p., illus., ports. − GB: BL-APAC(Kachin B.33) Added title and text in Kachin US: HU(Microforms (Lamont) Film W 24010) Subject(s): Kachin (Asian people) ; Missions. Missions – Burma ; Kachin language – Texts. Second standard . – ibd., 1917. 88 p. US: NIU(SEA DS528.2.K3 J555 1928) GB: BL-APAC(Kachin B.9) SOAS(GPE Kach 418/13.057)* Kachin national news beacon . 1995,Apr.- . − Champaign, IL: Kachin-Americans and Friends, U.S.A.. Illus. − Issue for ditto. : publ. originally by A. B. M. Pr., Rangoon. Emer- Apr. 1995 called: Premier edition. gency ed. / publ. by the Department of Public Relations, Subject(s): Kachin (Asian people) : United States - Periodi- Government of Burma. – Madras: Diocesan Pr., 1945. 66 p. cals. GB: BL(11103 a 119)* Human rights Burma Periodicals. US: WU: 1995,Apr. (Hist.Soc.Lib. Pamphlet Coll. 01- 8842) Third standard . – 1917. 118 p. Ref.: OCLC37969002 GB: BL-APAC(Kachin B.16) SOAS(GPE Kach 418/13.057)* Kachin reader ... [/ prep. by J. F. Ingram]. 4 vols. – (2-3:) Rangoon : Baptist Board of Publ., (4:) Rangoon : Education ditto. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1931. 118 Dept., Kachin State Supreme Council, 1962-1964. – Added p., illus. title in Kachin GB: BL-APAC(Kachin B.28 ; 31) Subject(s): Kachin language – Reader US: CU(Kroch PL4001.K3 I542 ; Film 11052 Reel 1186 no.6) HU(Microforms (Lamont) Film W 24010) ditto. Repr. – Dallas, Tex.: Center for Highland Burma Peo- ples, Institute for the Study of Earth and Man, Southern ditto. – Rangoon : Board of Publication, Burma Baptist Methodist Univ., 1991-1992. 4 v. in 5. Illus. Convention, 1953. 114 p., illus. US: CU: [1]-4 (Kroch PL4001.K3 I543 1991) US: CU(Kroch PL4001.K3 I542 1953a) Kachin reader : Kachin stories and poetry / collected and ar- Fourth standard . −−− 1919. ranged by O. Hanson. Authorized by the Text-Book Com- GB: BL-APAC(Kachin B.25) mittee. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1908. 39 p. – Added title and text in Kachin ditto. – ibd., 1931. Subject(s): Kachin language – Reader GB: BL-APAC(Kachin B.34) GB: BL-APAC(Kachin B.1) SOAS(GPE Kach 413/13.064)* ditto. – Rangoon : U Maung U, 1992. 115 p. : illus. Ref.: OCLC 33003378 Kachin reader for ... standard [/ prep. by J. F. Ingram]. – [Rangoon :] American Baptist Mission Pr. – Added title in Kachin State Council Conference Kachin Records. – Rangoon. – Added title and text in Burmese Subjct: Kachin language – Reader US: CU: 3.1-2,1953 ; 4.1-3,5,8-9,1953 (Wason PL3969+A1 no.10) Infant standard . – ibd., 1917. 48 p. − In Kachin (Latin script) ; prefatory matter also in English. Kachin State regional college annual magazine . – Ran` GB: BL-APAC(Kachin B.32) kun`. – Added title and text also in Burmese SOAS(GPE Kach 418/231.797) US: CU: 1979-1980 (Kroch LH7.R19K12) K 2 Kachin Traditional Culture Central Organization Kaji , T. Myitkyina majoi magazine Report to the Government of Burma on tissue culture pro- duction of hog cholera vaccine. – Rome: FAO, 1974. – Kadel , Robert James (UNDP report : TA ; 3303) ‘Where I came in ... ’ Ref.: FAO: TA final reports Kadoe , Saw Moses. Kala < f. 1715 > American methods of forest road construction and their ap- [Mahayazawingyi] plication to Burmese forests. − 1961. 78 l. col., mount. illus., Maung Kala’s Mahayazawingyi / ed. by Saya Pwa. – [Ran- tables (part fold.), bibliogr. l. 77-78. − Univ. of Washington, goon.] – (Publication series / Burma Research Society ; ...) – M.F. thesis Added title and text in Burmese Subject(s): Forest roads – Burma ; Forests and forestry - 1. – 1926. 457 p. – (... ; 5) Burma 2. – 1932. 458 p. – (... ; 21) US: WaU(Forest Resources Stack 634.9 Th 11453 ; Subject(s): Burma : History <to 1824> Auxoliary Stacks Thesis 11453) GB: BL: 1 (14302 bbb 11)* SOAS(GPC 930/28.830) US: CU(Kroch Film 3455) Kadonbaw Forest Reserve Colonisation Scheme Collection of reports on the Kadonbaw Forest Reserve Mahayazawingyi / by U Kala ; ed. by Saya Pwa. – [Ran- ColonisationScheme ... goon.] – (Burmese text series / Burma Research Society ; 5) – Added title and text in Burmese Kagoshima Daigaku / Historical Research Group 1. / ed. by Saya Pwa. – 1960. 440 p. Burmese historical documents on microfilms 2. / ed. by Saya Pwa. – 1960. 3. / ed. by Saya U Khin Soe. – 1961. 398 p. Kah F: BIULO(BIR III 27) Wit and humour in Burmese / by Maung Kah ... – [My- GB: CUL(839:36.c.95.2-) aungmya, 1909]. 112 p. – 101 humorous tales and jests. – OUL(BOD Bodl Burm d.168 v.1-3) Added title and text in Burmese SG: ISEAS(DS529.2 K14) GB: BL(14302 a 26)* Ref.: OCLC 23572315 Kahin , George McTurnan ditto. – ibd. – (Publication series / Burma Research Society ; Governments and politics of Southeast Asia ...) – Added title and text in Burmese 1. – 1961. – (... ; 5) Teaching and research relating to Southeast Asia in Ameri- 2. 3. – 1961. 416 p. can colleges and universities, April 1952 / George McT. Ka- GB: SOAS: 3 (GPC 930/183.139)* hin. – Ithaca, N.Y., 1952.
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