
How to: change the start button text on Windows XP 3 Sep, 2008 Beauty,, Featured,, General,, Tutorials Haven’t posted many Windows XP tricks recently, so here’s one: How to change the start button on your Windows XP. Tired of the boring old “start” button at the bottom left orner of your !indo"s #$%s monitor& !ant something ne" to replae iit& !ell here%s ho" to hange it' !ith a fe" modifiations in the !indo"s (egistry, you an replae the “start” te)t "ith anything you li*e' Great for ahie+ing a ne", ustom loo* for your !indo"s #$' So let%s get started' Warning: this tutorial is more for advanced users, and I'm not responsible if your system gets messed up. Only attempt the following at your own risk. Step 1: Modify explorer.exe f the "arning didn%t sare you enough, then the title of this step probably did' -es, "e are going to hange .)plorer, the ba*bone of your !indo"s #$, but don%t "orry' .+erything should be safe as long as you follo" the steps losely' /s e)plorer is a binary file, "e need a speial tool to modify it' ne of the best ones for this purpose is (esoure 1a*er '' There are of ourse others that "ill get the tri* done, but "e "ill be using (1 this tutorial so reommend installing it to a+oid ma*ing mista*es' nstall it and let%s ontinue' 4endif5667 4endif5667 4endif5667/s al"ays before hanging anything' you "ant to ba* up' So open y 9omputer and na+igate to and loo* for e)plorer' 9opy paste it to a safe loation on your hard dri+e' :o" that you%+e ba*ed it up, fire up (esoure 1a*er and find the same e)plorer'e)e' !hen you%+e found and opened e)plorer in (1, na+igate to String Table 67 3; 67 <033' The “start” +alue is on line =, after the >;8' 9hange the te)t “start” to anything you "ant, ma*ing sure you *eep the ?uotes' n this e)ample' hanged the te)t to )ptri*s'net'' $ress the Compile cript button to ma*e (esoure 1a*er put together the ode' :o" li* File and Sa+e the sript as e)plorer'e)e' into C:C: @!:A!S@inf or another C:C: @!:A!S subfolder' 4endif5667 4endif5667 4endif5667 4endif5667 4endif5667 4endif5667 :ote ma*e sure you hoose Sae !S, :T Cust sa+e /nd that%s all for the first step :o" let%s mo+e onto the seond one 6modifying the registry' Step ": changing the registry.. By no", you ha+e a modified e)plorer sitting in the DinfD subfolder, so "e need to tell !indo"s to use that one, instead of the original one still resting untouhed' To do this, "e need to ma*e Cust one simple registry modifiation' To open up the registry, press start Esomething else soon 67 run and type regedit' n the registry editor "indo" that opens, na+igate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows NT\ Currentersion\ Win!o"on and look for the registry entry “shell”. Click it. 9hange the e)plorer'e)e to infDe)plorer'e)e or "heree+er you sa+ed the modified e)plorer' /nd belie+e it or not, you%re done /ll you ha+e to do no" is reboot or log out and ba in to see the hanges' .nCoy your ne" custo# Windows XP start button$ What is a feed% 2; /ug, 2008 Featured, ther What is a feed% f you%re used to surfing the internet and +ie"ing blogs, you probably already *no" "hat a feed is' f you don%t, then read on' / feed is basially "ay for a blog%s or "ebsite%s +isitor to subsribe to the site using a "eb page, feed reader or email to subsribe' :e" posts are automatially deli+ered to the hosen subsription method so that the user an read ne" posts from their fa+orite topis "hene+er they are updated, "ithout ha+ing to surf from site to site loo*ing for ne" posts and updates' !hat is an (SS feed& &SS is the most ommon feed type' (SS stands for & eally Simple Syndiation' t is a te)t6based #H format' The feed ontent is deli+ered to your fa+orite (SS feed reader' The most popular "eb6based (SS feed readers are Bloglines and Google (eader ' 1ere%s a list of !indo"s based (SS feed reader soft"are' /part from (SS, the most popular feed type is /tom' t also uses #H to deli+er the feeds' Subscribing to an &SS feed Subsibing to a feed is pretty simple' Het%s "al* through the proess together' Step 1: 'ind the &SS feed. ost blogs ha+e their feed ion at the top right area of the page, loo* for the orange feed ion or ! ' n this blog, ha+e a ustom, blue (SS feed ion' f you an%t find the feed ion on a blog EI0J of blogs ha+e it don%t "orry' ost feeds are at http:""www.e#ample.com /feed so try adding the Dfeed to the end of the blog%s adress' Ey feed is at )ptri*s'net(feed For blogs at blogspot'om, add feeds(posts(default to the end of their domain to find the feed' .)ample httpDDe)ample'blogspot'omDfeedsDpostsDdefault' Step ": Subscribe. 9li* the feed ion and you%ll be ta*en to the feed page' From here you an hoose "hih feed reader to use' reommend Google (eader' 9hoose your preferred reader and ontinue' Step ): &ead' :o" you are subsribed to the feed' -ou should be redireted to your (SS feed reader and you an start reading feeds' The !indo"s #$ tips K tri*s feed 1ere at )ptri*s'net, "e offer both an (SS feed and email updates Edeli+ered by Feedburmer' -ou an subsribe to our feed by li*ing the blue (SS feed ion at the top right orner of the page or inserting your email address into the bo) if you prefer to subsribe by email' This is probably the best "ay to subsribe, as you don%t e+en ha+e to +isit the feed reader site to +ie" the latest posts' *o +ou &eally ,eed a &egistry Cleaner% <= /ug, 2008 :e"s, Soft"are, Tutorials This is a guest post by James Ricketts from www.-nstant&egistry'ixes.org What Causes &egistry /rrors% (egistry repair is an important aspet of any omputer repair proessLespeially "hen you are trying to fi) soft"are errors suh as AHH errors, rundll errors, *ernel32 errors, and errors due to +irus and spy"are infetions' Sine its introdution "ith the !indo"s I> operating system, the registry has been one of the most ruial omponents of your !indo"s omputer' /lthough, its features and struture has hanged "ith eah ne" operating system, its basi loo* and feel has remained the same' The registry of a !indo"s system omprises all onfiguration information regarding soft"are and hard"are installed on your $9' Simply stated, the registry is the brain of your !indo"s system' .+ery appliation you open, e+ery onfiguration hange you ma*e, any file you aess, or !ebsite you open, basially anything and e+erything you do on your omputer has to onsult the registry before performing the desired ation' n the proess, a large number of information is added and remo+ed from the registry in Cust a fe" minutes' n due ourse, a large number of obsolete, un"anted, and redundant information aumulates in the registry' This lutters and fragments the registry and leads to its un"arranted gro"th' / large and luttered registry gets orrupted easily and "ill generate fre?uent system errors on the system' How ! &egistry Cleaner Helps Aue to the large number of problems assoiated "ith the registry, and no speifi registry maintenane tool a+ailable "ithin !indo"s, a large number of third6party registry leaners ha+e beome a+ailable' / registry leaner frees the registry from all *inds of problems and help you "ith omputer repair' (egistry leaners automate the proess of registry lean up and repair, thereby helping you to restore your $9 to its original "or*ing state "ithout muh effort' Msing a reliable registry leaner, the #$ registry an be easily sanned thoroughly for errors and all un"anted, obsolete, and inorret information an be remo+ed from it' /lmost all registry leaners pro+ide you "ith t"o "ays to deal "ith registry errors' f you are a no+ie user, you an use the automati san and repair option' Msing this option, you an let your registry leaner automatially searh for errors "ithin the registry and remo+e them' The seond method is manual' f you hoose this option, your registry leaner "ill still perform an automati san of the registry, but all the errors "ill be displayed on the sreen' -ou an san through the displayed errors and hoose the ones you "ant to delete and the ones you "ant to retain' Aue to the importane of the registry in the "or*ing of your !indo"s omputer, it is important for you to maintain regular registry ba*ups' Fortunately, ma*ing registry ba*ups using a registry leaner is ?uite simple' any ad+aned registry leaners enable you to ma*e seleti+e registry ba*ups, or ba*ups of only that part of the registry "here you are going to ma*e a hange' The seleti+e ba*up option enables you to undo only a speifi hange "ithout affeting any other part of the registry' ne of the best options that your registry leaner offers is the registry defragment tool' Msing this tool, you an ompress your registry to redue its file siNe' The tool also helps you re6inde) the registry files to ma*e them ontiguous' +erall, defragging helps in enhaning the data aess time, thus speeding up your $9' any mal"are programs suh as spy"are, ad"are, and +iruses add non6remo+able embedded *eys "ithin the registry' These *eys are ?uite diffiult to detet, "hih ma*es the tas* of remo+ing mal"are from your system almost impossible' 1o"e+er, "ith an ad+aned registry leaner in hand, you an easily detet these maliious registry *eys and remo+e them from your system' Thus, "ith a reliable and effiient registry leaner in hand, you an not only lean up the registry, but also optimiNe your omputer and *eep it free from troublesome errors' h, and he* out the blog of Aan :eumeister ' How to: isit passwordprotected websites without registering 2; /ug, 2008 Featured, Seurity, Tutorials, !ebsites !e all *no" ho" annoying it is "hen "e searh Google for something and the result "e are loo*ing for leads to a pass"ord proteted forum or site' -ou ha+e to register to +ie" ontent, but "ho li*es doing that& Fortunately there is a solution to sa+e your time and email aount from spam 6 pretending to be Googlebot' For those of you that don%t *no", Googlebot is Google%s “spider” that ra"ls sites and inde)es them for Google%s searh results' ore about Googlebot' The o"ner of a pass"ord proteted site also "ants their site to be on Google, so they ma*e a separate aount on their site for Googlebot' !e an use this small seurity hole and +isit a "ebsite pretending to be Googlebot' This "ay you are automatially logged into the site or forum and don%t need to enter any pass"ord or login info' Sounds good, doesn%t it& 1ere%s ho" Step 1.
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