Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Nor' by East Periodicals 9-1963 Nor' by East, Fall 1963 Casco Bay Island Development Association Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_nbe Recommended Citation Casco Bay Island Development Association, "Nor' by East, Fall 1963" (1963). Nor' by East. 7. https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_nbe/7 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Periodicals at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Nor' by East by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ... r . 11.llen Be i·n.stoin 6G Hicks o .d Au rsuct:i, .ai ne VOL. 5, NO. 3 A PESSIMIST IS A PERSON WHO COMPLAINS ABOUT THE NOISE WHEN OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS. FALL - 1963 : •• . SUPPORT VOTED FOR CHEBEAGUE BRIDGE . ., T he Island Development Association ti ~/ o( Casco Bay voted its solid support of .,,,,, ~- the Chebeague Island bridge project at .. ~# its September 21 meeti~g. This means ~r!. .,, -~- ~- .;l working for an affirmative v_ote N<?,ve~­ / _,,: ., ~ ber 5 when the electorate will say yes , ) or "~o" for the floating by the State ~, of a $3.'ooo,ooo. bond issue to fina~ce ti l construction of a causeway from Cousms Island (now co!1ne:ted to the Yarmouth President and "Pace-man' VP Lawrence Stevens • Winthrop K. Deane mainland) to LittleJo_hn I_sland, and a toll . ' '' b r i d g e from Littlejohn to Great The Casco Bay Island Developm~nt PEAKS ISLAND BROCHURE Chebeague. Association, Inc., held its annual meetmg A HIT For about six years suppo:ters of ~he at the Greater Portland Chamber of project have h<:e~ at wor~ ~n. 1t -se~kmg A major project' accomplished o~ a Commerce on Sept€mber 21. Elected _to signers to pet1t10ns to m1 t1~ te a 1 efer­ office for the 1963-64 season were: Win­ community-wide basis ~as th~ publica­ endum vote, and endeavoring to. con­ throp K. Deane: president; Lawrence tion in August of a beaut1fully i!lustrated vince legislators that this will be highly Stevens vice-president; Mrs. Deane, sec­ brochure with 42 full color pictures 0£ profitable f<;>r the St~te. A bill presented Peaks Island and its facilities. Profes­ retary; ~nd Charles M. Ritchie, treasurer. to the Legislature m 1961 got the re­ sional talent was donated and the cost of Mrs. J ohn W. Chapm~n was na~ed quired number of H ouse :vot~s. but lost chairman of the Steering Committee printing 10,000 copies_provided ?Y a~ver­ out in the Senate. The bill for a refer­ which includes Frank Daly, Abner H as­ tisers, utilities, and private contribut10n_s. endum presented to this year's Legisla­ kell A. John Shute, Harry D. Varney, T h e D e p a r t m e n t o f Eco~omic ture received a little more than the two­ Development mailed out wit? Joh~ W. Chapman, Glenn E. Haines, 300 a thirds.majority needed to give the people and Robert Skillings all of Peaks; Robert covering news release to travel editors a chance to vote on this issue. across the country. Laughlin Great Diamond; Robert Fol­ The survey conducted by the Island's lette, Ch~beague; and Norman Black, Prize winners in the Brochure Fund Referendum Committee brought forth Cliff. The R ev. John Crozier and th~ project were George Sterling, electric can an estimate from a bridge-building con­ opener; Fred H eeley, Warwick, R .. I., Rev. Robert Burton were named hono- cern of high reputati~n that causeway electric heater; and Dr. Harry Daniels, rary members. and bridge could be bmlt for $2,250,00?., An ' important step rn island~ oty Providence, R. I., driftwood lamp. and it added $500,000. to meet contin­ relationships is the recen t appomtment Credi ts for photography, artwork, gencies for a total outside estimate of of the CBIDA president to represent the technical assistance, map, writing, 3:nd $2,750,000. Casco Bay Islands on t~e newly formed fundraising go to Leon Clough, Kmg The engineering concer~ ~mployed by citizen advisory committee known :i-s Coffin, Frederick Laughlin, R uby_ "".'es­ the State Highway Commission came up cott, John and Bea Chapman. Pnntmg PACE - , . This import.ant group w!ll (Continued on Page 2 ) work closely with the City Manager m was by Portland Lithograph Comp any. developing long range plans for Port- Write Nor' By East if you have not seen OPPORTUNITIES FOR a copy. land's progress. RETIRED MEDICS Deane's re-election for a third term as Peaks and Long Island both nttd president is most timely in reseect to resident physicians. It is generally his established rapport with the C1ty and accepted that the practice on either the leadership which he has demon­ island is not enough for a young strated. H e is associated with the Canal doctor with family. But for a re­ Bank in Portland as operations trust tired doctor who would like to officer. "keep his hand in" and enjoy :1t the See Page 4 for City Councilor's Talk same time the relaxed way of island living, there are good or.partuni­ CUSTODIAN WANTED ties. City stipends are avail:tble for T he Fifth l\faine Regiment Com­ clinics and other commumty serv­ m.unity Center is in the market for a resident custodian, or couple for ices for which a doctor is required. next season. L iving quarters will Anyone interested - especially be provided. This is an excellent opportunity for someone interested military reti~ doct~rs - mat ?h­ in Civil War history, who would tain further mfonnat1on by wntmg like to have a pleasant summer to Nor' by East, Box 66, Peaks while caring f?r this choice mu~ . END OF SUMMER SADNESS. Photographed by Enrique Island. and keeping tt open to the public. Meneses, Press officer from Spa in, who with his wife, Information may be received by were guests of the Frank Hobbs on little Diamond. addressing the association aeaetary, Painful parting was expressed by youngest member Coming in next issue: Mrs. Arthur Hannon, Peaks Island. of Hobbs family.) Phoebe.... -. DISCUSSION OF ISLAND TAXES PAGE 2 NOR' BY EAST FALL - 1963 Staff of Nor by East THEY ARE MISSED NEW CASCO BAY RESIDENTS Box 66, Peaks Island, Maine It is with sadness that we note the As listed by the Casco Bay Light and passing of three valued members of the Power Company, the following have re­ Published by Island Development Associa­ tion for re,idents and visi tors of Casco Bay I s 1 and Developmen t Association - cently acquired property: Isl;lnds. A non-profit publication supported Mason Spring and Walter MacLean of PEAKS: by advertisers and members of the Associa­ Cliff Island; and Mrs. Andrew J. Pierce H e r b e r t A. Mehlhorn, Lexington, tion. All work except printing donated by of Peaks Island. All three had been members. Mass., Kennedy Cottage, Oaklawn. especially active in our endeavors. Mrs. Grace Sullivan, Medford, Mass., Mrs. Editor .................................. Beatrice M. Chapman Pierce was the first advertising manager Denton Randall Cottage, Evergreen. Advertising .............................. John W. Chapman Louise Dunham for No1J By East - and until failing Madeline Maloney, Roslindale, Mass. Circulation .................... Mrs. Winthrop K. Deane health caused her to resign, her friendly "Anthras" - Island Ave. Maria.Lom­ Editorial Committee: voice was known to all our advertisers. bard, N. Y. C., Haines Cottage, Tre­ Raymond Hayward, Chebeague; Lawrence She was also a charter member of the Sun­ fethen. Kenneth Zemla, Springfield, Stevens, Long; Robert Skillings, Peaks; Maureen D. Mulkern, the Diamonds. shine Committee. Mason Spring, whose Mass., The Berry Cottage, Trefethen Photographers ................. ..... ............ Ruth Sargent Cliff Island Fisherman's Wharf is now op­ Ave. Franklyn Kimball, The Brackett Leon Clough erated by his nephew Benjamin O'Reilly, Cottage, Pleasant Ave. Albert Temple Editorial was a stalwart friend and genial host. It (year round), newly built house, Eliza­ LOOKING OUTWARD was through his arrangements that Earl beth St. William Reid, Jr., Cape Eliza­ Instead of occupying every moment Banner, Boston Globe writer, visited the beth, "Camp Comfort," New Island considering the problems of the Island, area and did a feature article in the Ave. David Parker, Hazardville, Conn., perhaps we should find the time Lo look Globe. Walter MacLean, a Philadelphia The Hasson House, New Island Ave. at problems facing the islands as a group. businessman, was an island en thusiast Clayton Craig, East Bridgewater, Often we may see them to be the same and always had a wealth of ideas. Our Mass., The Sterling Cottage, Brackett and, finding renewed strength in num­ sympathy is sincerely extended to the Ave. Thomas Dromgoola, West New­ bers of thoughtful people and ideas, families of each one. ton, Mass., The Rubinsky Cottage, solve not only the situations of our island Oakland Ave . .James McGhee, Dor­ but of the Casco Bay Community as a chester, Mass., The Farr Cottage, Oak­ whole. ECONOMIC TREND UPWARD land Ave. Chester Butler (year-round) But how does our island, any island, The Casco Bay Light and Power Com­ Portland, The Millard House, Adams begin to look outward? For example, one pany has reported that about 40 more St. Robert Belcher (renting year­ can be sure that those people who are homes were occupied this summer; kilo­ round) Ipswich, Mass., Sargent House, struggling to maintain a community watt readings were up 4% and the peak Island Ave. Richard Delaney, Portland. building have given little Lhought to hourly load which occurs around six (year round), The Macvane House, how a similar structure is successfully p.m.
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