Synopsis of Current Three- dimensional Geological Mapping and Modeling in Geological Survey Organizations Editors Richard C. Berg1, Stephen J. Mathers2, Holger Kessler2, and Donald A. Keefer1 1Illinois State Geological Survey and 2British Geological Survey Circular 578 2011 Front Cover: GCS_WGS_ 1984 projection of the world. Acknowledgments We thank the many contributors to this document, all of whom provided insights regarding three- dimensional geological mapping and modeling from around the globe. We thank Aki Artimo from Turun Seuden Vesi Oy (Regional Water Ltd.), Turku, Finland, and Jason Thomason from the Illinois State Geological Survey for their thoughtful review comments; Cheryl K. Nimz for technical editing; and Michael W. Knapp for graphics support and layout. DISCLAIMER: Use of trade names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement. © 2011 University of Illinois Board of Trustees. All rights reserved. For permissions information, contact the Illinois State Geological Survey. Synopsis of Current Three- dimensional Geological Mapping and Modeling in Geological Survey Organizations Editors Richard C. Berg1, Stephen J. Mathers2, Holger Kessler2, and Donald A. Keefer1 1Illinois State Geological Survey and 2British Geological Survey Circular 578 2011 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Prairie Research Institute University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 615 East Peabody Drive Champaign, Illinois 61820-6964 217-333-4747 www.isgs.illinois.edu Contributors Gerald W. Bawden (USGS), Richard C. Berg (ISGS), Eric Boisvert (GSC), Bernard Bourgoine (BRGM), Freek Busschers (TNO), Claire Castagnac (BRGM), Mark Cave (BGS), Don Cherry (DPI), Gabrielle Courioux (BRGM), Gerold Diepolder (LfU), Pierre D. Glynn (USGS), V.J.S. Grauch (USGS), Bruce Gill (DPI), Jan Gunnink (TNO), Linda J. Jacobsen (USGS), Greg Keller (MGS), Donald A. Keefer (ISGS), Holger Kessler (BGS), Charles Logan (GSC), Gaywood Matile (MGS), Denise Maljers (TNO), Stephen J. Mathers (BGS), Bruce Napier (BGS), Randall C. Orndorff (USGS), Robert Pamer (LfU), Tony Pack (GA), Serge J. Paradis (GSC), Geoff Phelps (USGS), Tim Rawling (GSV), Martin Ross (University of Waterloo), Hazen Russell (GSC), David Sharpe (GSC), Alex Smirnoff (GSC), Hans-Georg Sobisch (INSIGHT GmbH), Jan Stafleu (TNO), Harvey Thorleifson (MSGS), Catherine Truffert (BRGM), Keith Turner (Colorado School of Mines), Ronald Vernes (TNO) Contributing Organizations BGS INSIGHT GmbH British Geological Survey Hochstadenstrasse 1-3 Kingsley Dunham Centre 50674, Cologne, Germany Keyworth NG12 5GG United Kingdom ISGS BRGM Illinois State Geological Survey BRGM (French Geological Survey) Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability 3, avenue Claude-Guillemin 615 East Peabody Drive B.P. 300 Champaign, Illinois 61820 USA 45060 Orléans cedex 2, France LfU CSM Bayerische Landesamt fur Umwelt (Bavarian Environment Colorado School of Mines Ministry) 1500 Illinois Street Lazarettstrasse 67 Golden, Colorado 80401 USA 80636 Munich, Germany DPI MGS Department of Primary Industries Manitoba Geological Survey 1 Spring Street 360-1395 Ellice Avenue Melbourne VIC 3000, Victoria, Australia Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3G 3P2 GA MSGS Geoscience Australia Minnesota Geological Survey Cnr Jerrabomberra Avenue and Hindmarsh Drive 2642 University Avenue West Symonston ACT 2609, Canberra, Australia St Paul, Minnesota 55114-1057 USA GSC TNO Geological Survey of Canada/Commission géologique Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschap- du Canada Natural Resources Canada/Ressources pelijk Onderzoek (Geological Survey of the Netherlands) naturelles Canada Princetonlaan 6 601 Booth Street/rue Booth PO Box 85467 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0E8 3508 AL Utrecht, The Netherlands GSV USGS GeoScience Victoria U.S. Geological Survey 1 Spring Street USGS National Center Melbourne VIC 3000, Victoria, Australia 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, Virginia 20192 USA CONTENTS PART 1: BACKGROUND, ISSUES, AND SOFTWARE 1 Chapter 1: Background and Purpose 3 Introduction 3 What Is a GSO? 3 Geological Mapping: A Brief History 3 Applications Benefiting from 3-D Geologic Maps 4 Chapter 2: Major Mapping and Modeling Issues 6 An Overview of Major 3-D Geological Mapping and Modeling Methods 6 Scale and Resolution 7 Uncertainty in Modeling 7 Chapter 3: Logistical Considerations Prior to Migrating to 3-D Geological Modeling and Mapping 11 Commingling Initial Mapping Strategies with Eventual Outcomes 11 Resource Allocation Strategies 11 Data Management Standardization 11 Necessary Data Sets 11 Digital Terrain Models 12 Borehole Drilling Logs 12 Lithologic Dictionaries and Stratigraphic Lexicons 12 Color Ramps 12 Optional Data Sets 12 Chapter 4: Common 3-D Mapping and Modeling Software Packages 13 3-D Geomodeller 13 ArcGIS 13 EarthVision 14 Cocad 14 GSI3D 14 Multilayer-GDM 15 Other Software 15 GeoVisionary 15 Isatis 15 Move 15 Petrel 15 Rockworks 15 SKUA 15 Surfer 15 Surpac 16 Vulcan 16 PART 2: MAPPING AND MODELING AT THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ORGANIZATIONS 17 Chapter 5: Geoscience Australia and GeoScience Victoria: 3-D Geological Modeling Developments in Australia 19 Introduction to 3-D Geology in Australia 19 Geoscience Australia 19 GeoScience Victoria 20 Modeling Workflow 21 Value-Added 3-D Geological Models 24 3-D Hydrogeology in Victoria 24 Chapter 6: British Geological Survey: A Nationwide Commitment to 3-D Geological Modeling 25 Geological Setting 26 Data Sets for Modeling 26 The BGS LithoFrame Concept 26 Example Models 27 National Model of Great Britain 27 Regional Model: The Weald 29 Detailed Model: Southern East Anglia, Eastern England 29 Site-Specific Resolution: Shelford, Trent Valley 30 Chapter 7: Geological Survey of Canada: Three-dimensional Geological Mapping for Groundwater Applications 31 Introduction 31 Geological Survey of Canada 31 Hydrogeological Framework of Canada 32 Methods 32 Basin Analysis 34 Stratigraphic Approaches 35 Interpretive Methods 35 Modeling Software 36 GSC Case Studies 36 Case Study 1: Cross Sections 36 Case Study 2: Expert Systems 37 Case Study 3: 3-D Geological Model of the Okanagan Basin, British Columbia, with the Support Vector Machine 38 Summary 41 Acknowledgments 41 Chapter 8: French Geological Survey (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières): Multiple Software Packages for Addressing Geological Complexities 42 Geological Setting 42 Major Clients and the Need for Models 43 Modeling at BRGM 44 Methodologies Used for 3-D Modeling 44 Initial Data Consistency Analysis 44 Shallow Subsurface Modeling 44 Sedimentary Basin Modeling 45 Modeling Structurally Complex Geology 45 Choice of 3-D Modeling Software and Methodology 46 Lessons Learned 47 Chapter 9: German Geological Surveys: State Collaboration for 3-D Geological Modeling 48 Organizational Structure and Business Model 48 Geological Setting 48 Major Clients and the Need for Models 49 Software, Methodology, and Workflows 50 Lessons Learned 51 Chapter 10: Illinois State Geological Survey: A Modular Approach for 3-D Mapping that Addresses Economic Development Issues 53 Organizational Structure and Business Model 53 Geological Setting 53 3-D Geological Mapping Priorities 54 Funding Sources for 3-D Geological Mapping 55 3-D Mapping Methods 56 Mapping Software and Staffing Strategy 57 Data Collection and Organization 58 Interpretation, Correlation, and Interpolation 58 Basic and Interpretive Map Production 59 Lessons Learned 59 Chapter 11: Manitoba Geological Survey: Multi-scaled 3-D Geological Modeling with a Single Software Solution and Low Costs 60 Organizational Structure, Business Model, and Mission 60 Geological Setting 60 Major Clients and the Need for Models 60 Model Methodology 60 Cross Section Method (Quaternary to Precambrian Surface for Southeastern Manitoba) 61 Direct Data Modeling Method (Phanerozoic to Precambrian Surface) 61 Digitization Modeling Method (Chronostratigraphic Rock Units to Precambrian Surface) 62 Advantages of the MGS 3-D Mapping Approach 62 Lessons Learned 62 Chapter 12: TNO–Geological Survey of the Netherlands: 3-D Geological Modeling of the Upper 500 to 1,000 Meters of the Dutch Subsurface 64 Organizational Structure, Business Model, and Mission 64 Geological Setting 64 Three Nationwide Models 65 DGM: The Digital Geological Model 65 REGIS II: The Regional Geohydrological Information System 65 GeoTOP: A 3-D Volume Model of the Upper 30 Meters 65 Major Clients and the Need for Models 65 Software 65 Workflow for Digital Geological Modeling 66 Data Selection 66 Stratigraphic Interpretation 66 Fault Mapping 66 Interpolation 66 Stacking the Units 67 Workflow for GeoTOP 67 Boreholes 67 Stratigraphic Interpolation 67 2-D Interpolation of Stratigraphic Units 68 3-D interpolation of Lithology Classes 68 Physical and Chemical Parameters 68 Chapter 13: U.S. Geological Survey: A Synopsis of Three-dimensional Modeling 69 Mission and Organizational Needs 69 Business Model 69 Geological Setting 69 Major Clients and the Need for Models 71 3-D/4-D Visualization for Geological Assessments 71 3-D/4-D Analyses and Use of LiDAR Imagery in Geological Modeling 73 Case Study: The Hayward Fault—An Example of a 3-D Geological Information Framework 73 Model Construction Methodology 74 Output 75 Observations, Suggestions, and Best Practices 75 Case Study: Santa Fe, New Mexico, 3-D Modeling as a Data Integrator 75 3-D/4-D Visualization and Geological Modeling for Hydrologic and Biologic Assessments 76 Lessons Learned 78 Workshops 78 User Survey 79 3-D Systems Database 79 PART 3: INFORMATION DELIVERY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 81 Chapter 14: Methods of
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