Environmental Code of Conduct Project Number: 41435-013: TSSD- DF (Loan 3570/8331 and Grant 0542) January 2020 Cambodia: Tonle Sap Poverty Reduction and Small.older Development Project - dditional Financing For Laterite Road 0mprovement Sub-Project in Ruessei Lo2 Commune, C.i 4raeng District, Siem Reap Province Prepared by P0C of NCDD and 5 FF for t.e Tonle Sap Poverty Reduction 6 dditional Fund for t.e sian Development 7an2. T.is environmental code of conduct is a document of t.e borrower. T.e views e:pressed .erein do not necessarily represent t.ose of D7's 7oard of Directors, 5anagement, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. 0n preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by ma2ing any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geograp.ic area in t.is document, t.e sian Development 7an2 does not intend to ma2e any judgments as to t.e legal or ot.er status of any territory or area. b / b 5 5 t w 5 t ! C 5!C !5. ! "#$%/!a /h ) !5C %#*+/!a C ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORIZATION REPORT AND CODE OF CONDUCT For Laterite Road Improvement Sub-Project in Ruessei Lok Commune, Chi Kraeng District, Siem Reap Province C !§ 2 °¨ ' •≤• ¶ #° §©° Phnom Penh, January 2020 Updated) pg. 1 CURRENC EQUIVALENTS (As of November 2019) Currency unit Cambodian Rie (KR) KR1.00 " $0.000244 $1.00 " KR4,099 ABBREVIATION ADB Asian Deve opment Ban( AF Additiona Financing CEM, Construction Environmenta Management , an CARD Counci for Agricu ture and Rura Deve opment CMA- Commune Mobi e Access -or(er CoC Code of Conduct D.S Consu tant Design and Supervision Infrastructure Consu tant EA E1ecuting Agency EARF Environmenta Assessment and Revie2 Frame2or( E0A Environmenta 0mpact Assessment EM, Environmenta Management P an ES3 Environment Safeguard 3fficer FDER, F ood Damage Emergency Reconstruction ,ro4ect 5oC 5overnment of Cambodia 5,S 5 oba Positioning System 0A Imp ementing Agency 0EE Initia Environmenta E1amination MAFF Ministry of Agricu ture, Fishery and Forestry MEF Ministry of Economy and Finance MoE Ministry of Environment NCS Nationa C imate Change Specia ist NES Nationa Environment Specia ist NR Nationa Road NCDDS Nationa Committee for Sub7Nationa Democratic Deve opment Secretariat pg. 2 ,D3E ,rovincia Department of Environment ,D-RAM ,rovincia Department of -ater Resources and Meteoro ogy ,DAFF ,rovincia Department of Agricu ture, Fishery and Forestry ,ST ,rovincia Support Team ,IC ,ro4ect Imp ementation Consu tant ,0: ,ro4ect Imp ementation Unit ,,TA ,ro4ect Preparation Technica Assistance REA Rapid Environmenta Assessment R, Resett ement , an RR Rura Road S,S ADB;s Safeguard ,o icy Statement (2009) pg. 8 TABLE OF CONTENT Abbreviation .................................................................................................................................... 2 Tab e of Content ............................................................................................................................. 4 List of Tab es .................................................................................................................................. 4 List of Figures ................................................................................................................................. 4 I. INTR3D:CT03N ..................................................................................................................... 5 II. BR0EF DESCR0,T03N 3F ,R3JECT ...................................................................................... 6 III. ENV0R3NMENTAL SCREENIN5 .......................................................................................... 11 IV. ,:BL0C C3NS:LTAT03N ..................................................................................................... 12 V. 5R0EVANCE REDRESS MECAANISM ................................................................................. 12 IV. ENV0R3NMENTAL C3DE OF C3ND:CT ............................................................................ 12 V. ENV0R3NMENTAL MANA5EMENT C3STS ......................................................................... 14 ANNEB 1C CATE53R0DAT03N CAECKL0ST ................................................................................ 16 ANNEB 2C ENVIR3NMENTAL IM,ACTS ANALESIS MA, .......................................................... 21 ANNEB 3C ENVIR3NMENTAL C3DE OF C3ND:CT F3R CATE53RE C S:B,R3JECTS ....... 22 ANNEB 4C ENVIR3NMENTAL M3N0T3R0N5 .............................................................................. 81 ANNEB 5C GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECAAN0SM ....................................................................... 84 LIST OF TABLES Tab e 1: Bi of Quantity of Russei Lo( Laterite Road 0mprovement sub7pro4ect .............................. 6 Tab e 2: Environmenta Management Cost ................................................................................... 14 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Location of Laterite Road Improvement Sub7pro4ect in Russei Lo( Commune ................. 8 Figure 2: Typica Cross Section of Laterite Road 0mprovement Subpro4ect in Russei Lo( Commune ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 Figure 8: The E1isting Road Condition .......................................................................................... 12 pg. 4 ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORIZATION AND CODE OF CONDUCT For Laterite Road Improvement Sub-Project in Ruessei Lok Commune, Chi Kraeng District, Siem Reap Province I. INTRODUCTION 1. The overa goa of the pro4ect is to assist the government to improve the management and governance of e1isting irrigation systems, increase agricu tura production, and improve the productivity of subpro4ect areas 2ith the aim to increase the incomes of poor farmers. The pro4ect 2i focus on increased efficiency of irrigation systems and improved management of 2ater resources in the up ands areas a2ay from the Ton e Sap. 2. The impact of the overa pro4ect, 2hich is a igned 2ith the Cambodia Country ,artnership Strategy 201472018, ADB;s Assessment, Strategy and Roadmap for the Agricu ture, Natura Resources and Rura Deve opment Sector, and the government;s Rectangu ar Strategy for 5ro2th, Emp oyment, EHuity, and Efficiency ,hase III, 2i be improved ive ihoods and resi ience in target communes in seven provinces (Banteay Meanchey, Battambang, Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, ,rey Veng, Siem Reap, and Tboung Khmum provinces) in the Ton e Sap Basin by 2028. The outcome of the overa pro4ect 2i be agricu tura productivity increased, c imate resi ience strengthened, and access to mar(ets improved in 2I1 communes in seven provinces in the Ton e Sap Basin. This 2i inc ude improved rura infrastructure, improved agricu tura support and rura financia services, increasing diversification of househo d economic activities, and the creation of on7 and off7farm live ihood opportunities. 8. The pro4ect 2i focus on assisting communities estab ish ive ihood improvement strategies for resource7poor farming househo ds with assets that give them the potentia to increase their farm based income. 3utcomes 2i be measured on the basis of (i) average rice yie ds increasing to more than 8.5 t/ha; (ii) average rice yie ds of ID ,oor househo ds in target communes increased to minimum 8.0 t/ha for 2et season rice productionK (iii) diversified farming systems reduce share of househo d income from rice by 20LK (iv) mar(eted farm and off-farm products increased by 25LK and (v) a2areness of c imate smart agricu ture and disaster ris( reduction (DRR) p anning increased. 4. The pro4ect has three ma4or 3utputsC i) Output 1: Rura productive infrastructure and ive ihood improved 2ith capacity in disaster ris( management enhanced i. Rrura roads, sma sca e irrigation, and other production re ated infrastructureK ii. Support to ne2 and o d ive ihood improvement groups (L05s)K and iii. Capacity bui ding in disaster ris( management ii) Output 2: Enab ing environment for increased agricu tura productivity, diversification and c imate resi ience created i. Va ue chain and agribusiness support; ii. Support to mar(et improvement groups; and iii. ICT/Commune Mobi e Access program iii) Output 3: ,ro4ect management strengthened 5. Under Output 1 the pro4ect 2i invest in commune infrastructure deve opment focusing on improvements in irrigation and vi age roads. Se ected subpro4ects 2i be sub4ected to environmenta screening procedure before the construction phase in order to identify environmenta category fol o2ing ADB S,S, 2009. 6. This Environmenta Code of Conduct (CoC) has been prepared for Russei Lo( Laterite Road Improvement sub7pro4ect one of 88 priority se ected subpro4ects 2hich have been p anned and targeted for imp ementing in 2019. This subpro4ect has been screened and se ected by using pg. 5 app ication of the scoring system of sub7pro4ects se ection criteria, Russei Lo( Laterite Road Construction Sub7pro4ect, is one among top7ran(ed subpro4ects of 59 proposed sub7pro4ect candidates of Siem Reap ,rovince. Aence, this subpro4ect is approved by ,ST and ,M: to underta(e the detai design. I. The CoC of Russei Lo( Laterite Road Improvement Subpro4ect covers a phases of core sub7pro4ect imp ementation from preparation through commissioning and operation, and it aims to ensure the monitoring of environmenta impacts and activation of environmenta mitigation measures. Re evant parts of the CoC 2i be incorporated into the construction, operation, and management of each sub7pro4ect.
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