NEWSLETTER OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS ákoueákoueFall 2011, No. 65 Alumni celebrate with the Lion of Amphipolis on the School’s 130th anniversary trip to Macedonia and Thrace. See story on p. 21. IN THIS ISSUE: New Chairman Announced 2 McCredie Receives Aristeia Award 2 Next School Director Confirmed 3 Corinth Excavations 4 Agora Excavations 5 Student Reports 6 New Publications 7 Exhibit Celebrates 130 Years 11 First Robinson Fellows Report 15 Nellie Reed Papers 18 School Members 2011–12 19 Blegen House Revisited 21 INSERT: Gennadeion Mono­ graph on Manuscripts G1 Medieval Greek Summer Session G1 New Overseers G2 Elytis Exhibition G3 Clean Monday G3 New Griffon 12 Published G3 Event Schedule for 2012 G4 School Trustees Announce New Chairman Charles K. Williams stepped down as Chairman of the ASCSA Board of Trust- ees at the conclusion of the October 2011 Board meeting. His devotion to the School over many years has been remarkable, and his leadership as a Trustee since 1997 and Chairman since 2002, as well as Chairman of the Master Planning Committee over the ákoue! last very active years, has been an inspira- tion to all at the School. The School is grateful also for his im- measurably important role at Corinth, as Director and Director Emeritus, teaching a generation of students, exploring critical areas of the site, and consistently publish- Malcolm Wiener on Crete in 2008. ing illuminating annual reports for nearly 30 continuous years. He has also been the most loyal of supporters of Corinth, The Board of Trustees has elected Mal- providing critical advice and making sig- colm H. Wiener to succeed Mr. Williams as nificant philanthropic contributions for Chairman. Mr. Wiener has been a member the site and its operation. The School of the Board of Trustees since 1984. His community expressed its gratitude to Mr. vision and generosity in the establishment Williams for all that he has done for the of the Malcolm H. Wiener Laboratory have ASCSA by honoring him as a Philhellene helped to define the American School as a at the School’s 130th anniversary events in leader in the important field of archaeo- Athens in June. logical science. Mr. Wiener is a renowned Mr. Williams will remain on the Board scholar in the field of Aegean prehistory, as an active member and will continue to as well as a successful businessman, and a see through some of the major work for the leading philanthropist – a true Renaissance Master Planning Committee. man and a great Philhellene. e AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS James McCredie Receives Aristeia Award 54 Souidias Street, GR-106 76 Athens, Greece 6–8 Charlton Street, Princeton, NJ 08540-5232 ASCSA Trustee James R. McCredie is the ákoue, the newsletter of the ASCSA recipient of the 2012 Aristeia Award. The Fall 2011 No. 65 Aristeia Award honors alumni/ae who Executive Editor have provided exceptional service to the Irene Bald Romano American School of Classical Studies at Editor Athens and have contributed in extraor- Sally Fay dinary ways to the School’s mission in Design & Production teaching, research, archaeological explo- Mary Jane Gavenda ration, or publication. Mr. McCredie will be presented with this honor at the Annual ákoue is published semiannually by the Meeting of the ASCSA Alumni Association, ASCSA under the inspiration of Doreen C. Spitzer. Please address all correspondence held during the AIA/APA Annual Meetings and inquiries to the News letter Editor, in Philadelphia in January 2012. ASCSA U.S. Office, 6–8 Charlton Street, James R. McCredie has been a leader at Princeton, NJ 08540-5232. Tel: (609) 683- the School for more than 40 years, having Jim McCredie in Samothrace with his 0800; Fax: (609) 924-0578; E-mail: ascsa@ served in more key positions than anyone wife Marian (Mimsy) in 1987. ascsa.org; Website: www.ascsa.edu.gr. else in the School’s history. He began his as- Photo: B. Pounder sociation with the School as a Member and Fellow in 1958–59, 1961–62, and 1965–66. ber of its Executive Committee from 1977 In 1969 he became the youngest-ever Di- ÁKOUE IN COLOR ON THE WEB. to 1982 and as Chairman from 1980 to rector of the School, a position he held See this issue in color on the School’s 1990. In 1990 he was elected to the Board until 1977. He first joined the Managing website at: http://www.ascsa.edu.gr/ of Trustees, served as President of the Board index.php/publications/Akoue/. Committee in 1962 and served as a mem- continued on page 11 2 Managing Committee Confirms New School Director The ASCSA Managing Committee voted nior Research Scientist and Curator of Old overwhelmingly in favor of the appoint- World Archaeology, as the voting member ment of James C. Wright as the next Direc- for the Smithsonian Institution. tor of the School, for a five-year term be- Subsequent to the May 14 meeting, ginning July 1, 2012. Mr. Wright succeeds the Managing Committee announced the outgoing School Director Jack L. Davis, following committee elections: Executive who will return to his position as Carl W. Committee, 2011–15, Paula Perlman (Uni- Blegen Professor of Greek Archaeology in versity of Texas at Austin) and Barbette Spa- the Department of Classics at the Univer- eth (College of William and Mary); Com- sity of Cincinnati. mittee on Admissions and Fellowships, Mr. Wright is Professor and William R. 2011–15, Dimitri Nakassis (University Kenan Jr. Chair in the Department of Clas- of Toronto); Committee on Committees, sical and Near Eastern Archaeology at Bryn 2011–13, Thomas Figueira (Rutgers, The Mawr College and a distinguished scholar State University) and Jennifer Tobin (Uni- specializing in the pre- and protohistory of versity of Illinois at Chicago); Committee the Aegean region and Greek architecture on Libraries and Archives, 2011–15 (Gen- and urbanism. Through his research, many nadius Library), Stephanie Larson (Bucknell publications, and the training of students, University); Committee on Libraries and he has made a significant impact on the Archives, 2011–15 (Archives), Mark Lawall field of Greek archaeology. (University of Manitoba), Betsey Robin- Mr. Wright has a long and deep connec- son (Vanderbilt University), and Bronwen tion to Greece, the land, its people, and its Wickkiser (Vanderbilt University); Com- cultural heritage. A fluent speaker of Greek, mittee on Personnel, 2011–16, Nancy Klein he has conducted archaeological research in Jim Wright at Ayia Sotira, 2008. (Texas A & M University); Committee on Greece since 1973, at the American School’s Publications, 2011–16, John Oakley (Col- excavations at Ancient Corinth, the Sanc- lege of William and Mary) and Brendan tuary of Zeus at Nemea, and Kommos on Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Burke (University of Victoria); Committee Crete. Since 1981 he has been involved in Mr. Wright holds a B.A. (1968) from on the Summer Sessions, 2011–15, Chris- several projects in the Nemea region, and Haverford College and an M.A. (1972) and tina Salowey (Hollins University); Excava- he is currently the Director of the Nemea Ph.D. (1978) from Bryn Mawr College. tion and Survey Committee, 2011–16, Rob- Valley Archaeological Project. ert Koehl (Hunter College); Committee on His association with the American the Wiener Laboratory, 2011–16, Michael ddd School began in 1972–73 as a Regular Galaty (Millsaps College) and James New- Member. A long-time Managing Committee The Managing Committee has also con- hard (College of Charleston); Information member, he also served as Secretary of the firmed the reappointment of Guy D. R. Technology Committee, 2011–16, Halford School from 1975 to 1977. Most recently, Sanders as Director of the ASCSA Exca- Haskell (Southwestern University). he has served as Chair of the Excavation vations at Ancient Corinth, for a five-year With Managing Committee Chair Mary and Survey Committee, in which capac- term beginning July 1, 2012. Sturgeon and Vice Chair Peter Krentz both ity he represented the School at a meet- In other business, the Managing Com- having announced their intention not to ing of the U.S. State Department’s Cultural mittee convened on May 14 in New York seek a second term, the Managing Commit- Property Advisory Committee (CPAC) in City for its annual spring meeting where tee proceeded last spring with the forma- Washington, D.C., in support of a bilat- they confirmed the appointment of new tion of a Nominating Committee (consist- eral agreement governing regulation of the representatives. Added to the Managing ing of three committee appointees and one trade in antiquities between the U.S. and Committee were Michael Galaty, Profes- “At Large” member elected by the mem- Greece. Following that meeting, the U.S. sor of Anthropology, and Holly Sypniewski, bership), for selection of the next Manag- State Department signed a Memorandum of Associate Professor of Classical Studies, ing Committee Chair and Vice Chair. In Understanding with the Greek government as voting members representing Millsaps voting held after the May meeting, Susan in July 2011 that strengthens regulations to College (a new cooperating institution); Rotroff (Washington University, St. Louis) protect Greece’s cultural patrimony. George Pesely, Professor of History, as a was elected “At Large” member to represent Mr. Wright is an experienced adminis- second voting member representing Aus- the Managing Committee. e trator who has served on many commit- tin Peay State University; Sanjaya Thakur, tees at Bryn Mawr College, at the Ameri- Assistant Professor of Classical Studies, and can School, and elsewhere. He is Chair of Ruth Kolarik, Professor of Art, as voting ON THE WEB: Mellon Professor the Board of Trustees of Friends Central members representing Colorado College Margie Miles is regularly providing School, is a member of the Corporation (a new cooperating institution); Andrew updates on the Academic Program.
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