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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86495-4 - German Intellectuals and the Nazi Past A. Dirk Moses Index More information Index Abendroth, Wolfgang, 72, 101, 102, 112, intellectuals, 176 113, 129, 158, 177 resentment against “East Coast elites,” anticommunism, 162 23 criticism of postwar university, 138 youth movements, 138 Baader, Franz, 272 the West, 164 Bahr, Egon, 182 Adenauer, Konrad, 23, 50, 112, 114, 160, Baring, Arnulf, 68 164, 165, 166, 177, 180, 185, 257 Barzel, Rainer, 228 Adorno, Theodor W., 72, 122, 125, 140, Basic Law, 44, 46, 47, 88, 99, 175, 203, 270, 272, 273 228, 235, 236 victim of student harassment, 193 basic trust, 13, 27, 35, 41, 47, 50, 56, 73, Ahlers, Conrad, 172 108, 254, 258, 263, 280, 281, 282 Albert, Hans, 68, 149 intellectuals, 12 student movement, 190 Bauman, Zygmunt, 31, 245 Allemann, Fritz, 166 Becker, Carl Heinrich, 131, 138 Altmann, Rudiger¨ Becker, Hellmut formierte Gesellschaft, 178 school reform, 140 intellectuals, 177 student movement, 193 Americanization, 6 Becker, Oskar, 115 Amery, Carl, 68, 165 Begin, Menachem, 26 anamnestic memory, 2, 263, 271–73 Benjamin, Walter, 270, 273 Andersch, Alfred, 42, 51, 54, 89, 109, 164 Benn, Gottfried, 116 anti-Semitism, 3, 104, 165 Bergstraesser, Arnold, 140, 168 Apel, Karl-Otto, 68, 108 Berlin Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Arendt, Hannah, 16, 40, 44, 46, 82, 84, Europe, 1, 17, 23, 25, 260, 267, 273, 97 279, 282 Aristotle, 85, 95, 97, 99, 149, 275 Berufsverbot, 201 Arndt, Adolf, 77 Besson, Waldemar, 66 Arndt, Hans-Joachim, 55 assessment of postwar university, 135 Augstein, Rudolf, 3, 68, 172, 182 conservatism, 202 Berlin Memorial to the Murdered Jews political culture of 1960s, 164 of Europe, 25 university reform, 156 285 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86495-4 - German Intellectuals and the Nazi Past A. Dirk Moses Index More information 286 Index Bible, 20, 281, 282 Collingwood, R, G., 53 Blair, Tony, 282 conservatism, 201, 205, 213 Bloch, Ernst, 270, 272 constitutional patriotism, 232, 235, 237 Bockenf¨ orde,¨ Ernst-Wolfgang, 51, 66, 168 Conze, Werner, 65, 72 Bohm,¨ Anton, 195, 196 Bohme,¨ Jakob, 117, 124, 272 Dahrendorf, Ralf, 21, 93, 98, 144, 156, Boll,¨ Heinrich, 109 157 Borchert, Wolfgang, 109 intellectuals, 176 Bracher, Karl Dietrich, 66, 68, 103, 111, and Karl Jaspers, 180 115, 168, 177, 184, 195 student movement, 189 Bonn and Weimar, 48 decisionism, 97, 148, 149, 178 Critical Theory, 214 Descartes, Rene,´ 95, 97 and Jurgen¨ Habermas, 213 Deutsch, Karl, 27 political culture of 1960s, 169, 170, Deutscher, Isaac, 106, 107 184 Dirks, Walter, 41–44, 71, 89, 112, 164, Spiegel affair, 173 167 student movement, 190 Diwald, Helmut, 57 Brandt, Willy, 49, 165 Douglas, Mary, 24 Brecht, Bertolt, 255 Dregger, Alfred, 218, 223 Broder, Henryk M., 264, 266, 279 Durkheim, Emile, 241 Broszat, Martin, 56 Dutschke, Rudi, 64 membership in Nazi Party, 3 and Ralf Dahrendorf, 189 Bruckner,¨ Peter, 68 Brumlik, Micha, 267 Ehmke, Horst, 184 anamnestic memory, 273 sixty-eighters, 187 collective memory, 278 Elias, Norbert, 21, 45 and Johann Baptist Metz, 273 Ellwein, Thomas, 68, 102 and Martin Walser, 275 emergency laws, 165, 184 national shame, 269 Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, 68 Brunkhorst, Hauke, 203 SPD, 163 Brunner, Otto, 95 Eppler, Erhard, 56, 113, 114, 115 Buback, Siegfried, 217 defense of political institutions, 180 Bubis, Ignatz, 17, 260, 269 emergency laws, 184 Buchheim, Hans, 68 Erhard, Ludwig, 157, 177 New Left, 197 Erikson, Erik, 33–36, 52 Bude, Heinz, 61 extraparliamentary oppostion, 191 Bund Freiheit der Wissenschaft, 205–9, 210 Feldmeyer, Karl, 250 Bundesassistentkonferenz, 187, 199, 209 Fest, Joachim, 68 Burckhardt, Jakob, 75, 81 student movement, 190, 191, 200 Fetscher, Iring, 56, 72 Cain and Abel, 23, 24, 25, 282 conservatism, 201 chosen trauma, 33–35, 72 Fichte, Gottlieb, 131, 146 Christianity, 18, 19, 51, 66, 81, 83, 85, Filbinger, Hans, 215 117, 147, 165, 270, 275–77 Fischer, Fritz, 173 Holocaust, 271 Fischer, Joschka, 243, 244 sacrifice of Jews, 240 NATO’s Kosovo campaign, 273 the West, 7 pollution, 36 Coing, Hermann, 140 stigma, 23 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86495-4 - German Intellectuals and the Nazi Past A. Dirk Moses Index More information Index 287 Flakhelfer. See forty-fivers Gerstenmaier, Eugen, 23 Flitner, Andreas, 56, 72 Geyer, Michael, 241 criticism of postwar university, 137 Girard, Rene,´ 244 Forsthoff, Ernst, 76, 93, 170 Glaser, Hermann, 68 forty-fivers, 9, 12, 49, 51, 54, 65–72, 73, Globke, Hans, 164, 182 77, 81, 86, 88, 104, 109, 124, 141, Glotz, Peter, 217, 234 143, 145, 160, 161, 163, 170–71, comparison between student 173, 176, 177, 179, 180, 181, 186, movement and Nazism, 195 193, 281 conservatism, 203 cultural ideologies, 72 Goffman, Erving, 25, 30 generational question, 57 Goldhagen, Daniel J., 25 personal guilt, 71 Grass, Gunter,¨ 4, 64, 109, 160, 175, 234 sixty-eighters, 13, 64, 187, 189, 194, break with Nazi past, 69 198 experience of Nazi Germany, 71 student movement, 188 Grand Coalition, 183 Fraenkel, Ernst, 49, 72, 101, 102, 168, membership of SS, 4 169, 178 stigma, 26 student movement, 192 student movement, 189 victim of student harassment, 193 and Willy Brandt, 182 Frenzel, Ivo youthful belief in “final victory,” 63 criticism of postwar university, 137 Grebing, Helga, 68 university conditions immediately after comparison between student war, 135 movement and Nazis, 196 Freud, Sigmund, 33, 106, 243 Greiffenhagen, Martin, 68 Freyer, Hans, 147 Gross, Johannes, 57, 178 science as substitute religion, 136 Grunenberg, Nina, 208 Friedlander,¨ Saul, 222 Grunewald,¨ Matthias, 240 Friedman, Michel, 26 Gruppe, 8, 42, 110, 164, 166, 177 Funke, Hajo, 239 anti-Semitism, 3 Spiegel affair, 173 Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 97, 213 guilt, 10, 17, 19–31, 35, 45, 59–61, 71, Galinski, Heinz, 265 81, 103, 134, 191, 213, 222, 223, Gamm, Hans-Jochen, 108, 113 237, 239, 251, 253, 256, 258, 260, Gaus, Gunter,¨ 55, 64 268–69, 276–81 Gay, Peter, 56 biblical, 20 Gehlen, Arnold, 111, 140, 147, 174, 177, collective, 19, 21 183 inherited, 29 Geisel, Eike, 264 Geiss, Imanuel, 111, 113, 173 Habermas, Ernst, 108 forty-fivers, 57 Habermas, Jurgen,¨ 49, 56, 64, 69, 101, student movement, 201 107, 155, 176, 231, 278 Geissler, Christian, 68 concern about reaction to student German Germans, 5, 32, 36, 37, 104, movement, 190 210, 254, 269, 282 conservatism, 203 German memory criticism of traditional Bildung, 142 normalization of, 3, 27, 29, 221, 224, disappointment in forty-fivers, 71 253 “fundamental liberalization” of the structure of, 5, 10–13, 31, 32, 35, 36, Federal Republic, 8 38, 41, 54, 72, 222, 263, 280, 282 Grand Coalition, 184 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86495-4 - German Intellectuals and the Nazi Past A. Dirk Moses Index More information 288 Index Habermas, Jurgen¨ (cont.) and Adolf Arndt, 77 and Hans-Georg Gadamer, 213 and Berard Willms, 101 “Hegel of the Federal Republic,” 2 Bund Freiheit der Wissenschaft, 207, and Helmut Schelsky, 153 208 and Herbert Marcuse, 149 and Carl Joachim Friedrich, 77 and Hermann Lubbe,¨ 153 and Carl Schmitt, 76, 91 Hessian school reforms, 211 and Carlo Schmid, 77 and Johan Baptist Metz, 272 and Eric Voegelin, 77, 95 and Karl Jaspers, 180 and Ernst Forstoff, 76 membership of Hitler Youth, 4 and Ernst Fraenkel, 101 neoconservatism, 216 and Ernst-Rudolf Huber, 76 political culture of 1960s, 165 and Franz Neumann, 77 redemptive republicanism, 12 and Friedrich Nietzsche, 75 relation to professors of Nazi period, and Hermann Heller, 91 76 integrative republicanism, 74 and Robert Spaemann, 214 and Jakob Burckhardt, 75 sacrifice of Jews, 240 and Joseph Schumpeter, 78 school reform, 144, 149 and Leo Strauss, 77, 95, 96 SDS, 163 and Max Weber, 75, 77, 87 shock at Nazi past, 70 and Oswald Spengler, 75, 87 and Søren Kierkegaard, 279 and Otto Brunner, 95 stigma, 27 and Otto Kirchheimer, 77 student movement, 189, 203, 204 and Otto von der Gablentz, 101 trust in Germans, 281 and Rudolf Smend, 76, 92 university reform, 141, 143, 153, 158 and Siegfried Landshut, 78 youth experience, 51 student movement, 195 Hage, Ghassan, 21 university reform, 155 Hamlet, 36 and Werner Weber, 88 Hattich,¨ Manfred, 68, 169 Herbert, Ulrich, 9 criticism of postwar university, 137 Herzog, Roman, 207 criticism of technocracy, 139 Heuss, Theodor, 46 Heck, Bruno, 209 Hillgruber, Andreas, 68, 207 Hegel, G. W. F., 2, 84, 91, 117, 124, 126, Hirschauer, Gerd, 165 150, 151, 272, 275, 277, 278 Historians’ Dispute, 2, 26, 111, 218, 219, Heidegger, Martin, 83, 111, 116, 118, 232, 241, 251 120, 122, 125, 143, 253, 275, Hitler Youth, 4, 9, 51, 56, 61–64, 72, 74, 276 108 Heigert, Hans Hochhut, Rolf, 68 criticism of postwar university, 136 Hofmann, Werner, 64, 113 criticism of technocracy, 139 university reform, 158 student movement, 200 Hohmann, Martin, 23, 25, 281 Heimpel, Hermann, 131 Holderlin,¨ Friedrich, 117, 124 Heine, Heinrich, 106 Horkheimer, Max, 72, 101, 122, Heinemann, Gustav, 113 125 Heller, Agnes, 267 Horst Kruger,¨ 39–40 Heller, Hermann, 89, 91 Huber, Ernst Rudolf, 76 Hennig, Ottfried, 224 Hubert, Henri, 241 Hennis, Wilhelm, 12, 67, 68, 72, 112, Humboldt University model, 132, 134, 181, 193 135, 137, 141, 142, 146, 153–57 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86495-4 - German Intellectuals and the Nazi Past A. Dirk Moses Index More information Index 289 Iggers, Georg G., 56 Kogon, Eugen, 41–45, 71, 89, 110, 112, Institute for Social Research, 70, 77, 100, 240,

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