SOUND OF G R A C E … it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace … Hebrews 13:9 Issue 157 May 2009 Studies in Galatians—Part Twenty-Five In This Issue Studies in Galatians John G. Reisinger —Part Twenty-Five 1 John G. Reisinger The topics of freedom and individual rights have historically dominated and The Voice the Dead Can continue to dominate American political conversation. Americans talk about Hear 1 these ideas as much today as they ever have. These concepts loomed large for Dr. Philip W. McMillin our founding fathers and fi gured prominently in the platforms of subsequent po- Tribute to Don McKinney litical leaders. In 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt talked about four freedoms 3 that he perceived as universal ideals: Freedom of speech everywhere, freedom John G. Reisinger of worship everywhere, freedom from want everywhere, and freedom from Theonomy, Restructuring fear everywhere. The American psyche holds the idea of God-given rights as America Under “The Law of 5 an inherent part of our framework of social justice. Americans believe that the God” freedoms alluded to by President Roosevelt are theirs by virtue of their identity John G. Reisinger as Americans; by extension, those freedoms belong to all people, regardless of Behind the Veil 13 nationality, by virtue of their humanity. The greatest of all freedoms, however, Mike A. McInnis is one that is not a natural birthright; it is an earned freedom—the freedom purchased by Christ for his people. The Apostle Paul had experienced this liberating power of gospel freedom; it had delivered him from prejudice, hate, conceit, and spiritual bondage. Paul had experienced all these as a result of living under the Mosaic law. It is no wonder, then, that he loved and extolled the freedom from the law that Jesus purchased for us. Reisinger—Continued on page 2 The Voice the Dead Can Hear The Resurrection of Lazarus− Part 24 Dr. Philip W. McMillin Now when He had said these things, He cried with a loud dead lies waiting for the trumpets sound? Have you ever voice, “Lazarus, come forth!”(John 11:43) heard them cry with a loud voice that reached the very Among the faith healers there are many tricks and gates of Hades so the one called came forth in his funeral many illusions used to make it appear that they have great dress and walked among the living? You know not. power. People are paid to come down front on crutches or But there is one who stands between the dead and the in walkers, people who can walk as well as they can pre- living and cries: “I am He who lives and was dead, and be- tend to be a cripple. Hands are laid on them to diagnose hold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys and heal their disease and people are amazed to see them of Hades and of Death” Revelation 1:18. walk away as sprightly as you or I. Much healing is of “in- ternal diseases,” diagnosed by the healer himself and pro- Sampson went down to Gaza and the citizens of the nounced cured, the patient now declared to be disease free. city lay in wait at the gate of the city to kill him. Sampson But have you ever seen one of them stand before an open arose at midnight, took hold of the doors of the gate of the tomb where corruption’s awful breath taints the air and the city, took hold of the two gate- posts and the bar and pulled McMillin—Continued on page 12 Page 2 May 2009 Issue 157 Reisinger—Continued from page 1 readers to “Stand fast in the liberty” Sound of Grace is a publication of Sovereign Grace New Covenant Ministries, a tax exempt Two great fears plague every child that Christ had purchased for them. 501(c)3 corporation. Contributions to Sound of of Adam, and only the gospel can free We determined that the context of Grace are deductible under section 170 of the us from either. First, we fear the un- the letter defi ned the liberty of which Code. changeable past. We cannot go back he spoke as liberty of conscience, or Sound of Grace is published 10 times a year. The subscription price is $10.00 per year. This in time and undo the wrongs we have freedom from the condemnation of is a paper unashamedly committed to the truth done. When presented with unmis- the law and a concomitant boldness of God’s sovereign grace and New Covenant takable evidence and called to give to enter the Most Holy Place. In this Theology. We invite all who love these same truths to pray for us and help us fi nancially. an account of our lives, we will have way, Paul’s understanding of freedom We do not take any paid advertising. nothing to say. The record is fi xed encompasses both justifi cation and The use of an article by a particular person is and it stands against us. We deserve sanctifi cation. We also recognized not an endorsement of all that person believes, condemnation and we know that we that Paul’s argument addresses both but it merely means that we thought that a par- deserve it; therefore, we fear the righ- the vertical aspect of sanctifi cation (I ticular article was worthy of printing. teous judgment of our past. The truth am free to come to God to fi nd grace Sound of Grace Board: John G. Reisinger, John Thorhauer, Bob VanWingerden and Ja- of justifi cation by faith in the blood and help in time of need) and its hori- cob Moseley. zontal aspect (I am free to love my of Christ sets us free from that fear Editor: John G. Reisinger; Phone: (585)396- forever. We can sing, “He has hushed fellow believers in Christ regardless of 3385; e-mail: [email protected]. the law’s loud thunder/ He has brought their other identities, specifi cally, their Webmaster: Maurice Bergeron: us nigh to God.” The atoning work of ethnic identity.). We saw that a system [email protected] Christ blots out our past forever. of legalism destroys that freedom in General Manager: Jacob Moseley: all its facets. We now look at a dif- [email protected] Our second great fear is of the ferent danger that can destroy gospel Send all orders and all subscriptions to: Sound unpredictable future. Again, only the of Grace, 5317 Wye Creek Drive, Frederick, liberty, namely, antinomianism. Paul gospel can free us from this fear. We MD 21703-6938 – Phone 800-376-4146 or warns against this danger in Galatians 301-473-8781 Fax 240-206-0373. Visit the do not know what will happen to us 5:13-15. bookstore: http://www.newcovenantmedia.com tomorrow or next year. Will our situ- Address all editorial material and questions to: ation tomorrow be the same as it is You, my brothers, were called to John G. Reisinger, Sound of Grace, 3302 West today? Better? Worse? What will it be be free. But do not use your freedom Lake Rd, Canandaigua, NY 14424-2441. in fi ve years? Ten? Twenty? When we to indulge the sinful nature, rather, Visit the Sound of Grace Web Page at: http:// serve one another in love. The entire www.soundofgrace.com hear the one who died for us say, “I law is summed up in a single com- Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken will never leave you or forsake you,” mand: “Love your neighbor as your- from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL we can sing, “I know not what the self.” If you keep on biting and de- VERSION® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by future holds/ but I know who holds International Bible Society. Used by Permis- vouring each other, watch out or you sion. All rights reserved. the future.” Paul knew what it was to will be destroyed by each other. (NIV) Scripture quotations marked “NKJV” are taken be free from both of these fears, but What are the implications of the from the New King James Version. Copyright © his point in Galatians seems to focus 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by Permis- Pauline doctrine of Christian free- mostly on the fi rst—fear of God’s dis- sion. All rights reserved. dom? Does it include freedom from approval and just condemnation. Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from every form of restraint and restric- The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, In our last article, we looked at copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a divi- tion? Is Christian liberty another word sion of Good News Publishers. Used by per- Galatians 5:1 where Paul exhorted his for anarchy? It is essential that we re- mission. All rights reserved. alize what a real possibility there is of Contributions misusing our liberty in Christ. If the Orders misuse of liberty that Paul describes VISA or MasterCard in these verses were not a potential If you wish to make a tax-deductible contribu- danger, Paul would never have given tion to Sound of Grace, please mail a check to: such a clear warning. Likewise, Paul Sound of Grace, 5317 Wye Creek Drive, Fred- erick, MD 21703-6938. would never have written Romans Please check the mailing label to fi nd the 6:1and 15 if his doctrine of grace did expiration of your subscription. Please send not, on the surface, imply the poten- payment if you want your subscription to con- tial for the misuse of grace. Before we tinue—$10.00 for ten issues.
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