Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 61 17 02/10/1962 Newspaper Dr. Aleson Aids Shell's Campaign. 1 pg. Not scanned. 61 17 05/30/1962 Letter Letter from H.R. Haldeman to Mrs Maier. 1 pg. 61 17 05/28/1962 Letter Letter from Margaret Meier to Haldeman. 8 pgs including attachments. Brochure and newspaper article not scanned. Attached to previous. 61 17 n.d. Letter Letter from Henry Rogers to My Republican Friends and Associates. 2 pgs. 61 17 1962 Memo Handwritten note. 1 pg. 61 17 05/21/1962 Letter Letter to all registered republicans and conservatives: A pre-primary election message. 1 pg. Attached to previous. Newspaper not scanned. Wednesday, August 08, 2007 Page 1 of 3 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 61 17 05/26/1962 Memo Note. 1 pg. Attached to previous. 61 17 05/21/1960 Letter Letter from Edwin Halvorson to Nixon for Governor. 4 pgs including attachment. Envelope not scanned. Attached to previous. 61 17 04/16/1962 Letter Letter from Walter Knott to Fellow American. 1 pg. 61 17 04/04/1962 Newsletter Exclusive Newsletter. 2 pgs. Attached to previous. 61 17 05/21/1962 Letter Letter to all registered republicans and conservatives: A pre-primary election message. 1 pg. 61 17 05/16/1962 Letter Letter and contact card from G.R. Brandin to Registered Republicans. 2 pgs. Attached to previous. 61 17 n.d. Newsletter Joe Shell for Governor newsletter. 2 pgs. Attached to previous. Wednesday, August 08, 2007 Page 2 of 3 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 61 17 05/24/1962 Memo Memo to Haldeman from Jerry Reynolds. Subject: Bruce Reagan. 1 pg. Attached to previous. 61 17 05/23/1962 Memo Memo from Dan Waters to Bob Haldeman. Subject: Shell Rally Reactions. 1 pg. Attached to previous. Wednesday, August 08, 2007 Page 3 of 3 _ 30, 1962 Dear .... Meta... ....... ...,. .. fft ,..... 1etc. of ..,. latta. ad fen: "~ Cbe .cerf.al tn. !he Ceuenat1w t t 'I IMut)' of -.ria which )'OU _t .~. £fi .... n We en ~1 1Btene~" o III tlda, .. _11 .. :roc _. _ta ::~ ... u .. 1M w •••••••t ....leaD. ....• • c • we wllAI like to _. '" t • !;rJ tId.a _tea"lal 1a .. file. ~M · 8 0. til......la fer S'n ,.. f.al:arut .."'1,. tou ..,.. ~r .......... -ial • anat Jolt fo1: ... ...... t1Ma .... WI'k. ~f VB 1fDJI IDDa: B. a. 1&1•••• lin. 1er1len "lei." 1212 Oak... 1»1'1• ....1&. CalUwrala StcL~ ccwJ fM.~ ;t6 ~lJ1JvLt 60 llu2 ~~ ~ ~dLeN\ ~LNlQ.LLt 'J- o-t lk0 I­ J-k WlJUQd .tK?, ~ ~ l1uJ ~~ ~ Rio CJm CQflN\ ~ RW\ ~~ ~ lLQ/:) G1«£J shLrUJ huM UQ~ Q 5l~ ~~J). ~ ~ (fruilS, ~cwJ~ ( rnns. IJm1J-eSl1 ~.j &.0 '§! l'!£?b.- ~ Assem)lyman Joe Shell's latest attack on Nixon is very distur)ing as it contains 1nnuedo~ and vague charges that he has not sUll.tant1ated. Nowhere in any of Mr. Nixon's statements has he made any derogator, remarks against Mr. Shell ~ut the as.emlllyman has taken every oppo*tunity to blast Mr. Nixon culminating in a most unwo:t:thy condemnation at the Shell rally in Los Angeles at which he stated among other things "he (Nixon) has alienated a large ~loc ot Republican~ in this state. Some ot these unhappy RepuDlicans would stay with Hixon it he's the nominee lIut a large number would not vote for Richard Hixon". Yet in Shell's press release on Sunday he accuses the Hixon people ot"rather seeing the Rep­ ulllican party go down in defeat than lose control ot the States RepulIl­ ican delegation to the 196~ G.O.P. Presidential convention". It seem to me from Shell's own statements that it is apparent who the people are who will let the Repulllican party go down in defeat and maybe accounts for the attacks made against Mr. Nixon which in the long run can only help the Democrats. Mr. Shell has accepted the support of the John !irch Society re­ gard1e.s at his denial at the support of Mr ••e1ch. Yr. Welch and the John »irch Society are synonymous and the assemblyman has stated acoord­ ing to a column written 111 Holme. Alexander tor the San Dielo Evening !ribune and qtk2ted in the Independent American, "He (Shell) say. he's read the Blue look while most people have onlY read rumors a"'out it. 'What I tound there i. anti-coDlllunism, and 18m tor that' If. Mr. Shell evidently endorse. the whole concept of the Blue Book just "'ecause it is against cOBDunis. regardless at the tact that the B1uzBook state. ~in expla1ning why the John Birch Society bas to lie a monolithic socie"> 'A repull1ican torm ot government or ot organization has many attractions and advantages, under certain tavorall1e conditions. But under less haPP1 circumstances 1t lends itself too readily to infiltration, distortion and disruption. " page 159. The Blue look clearly shol'S ~y the allove statement that a repull1ican form at government(UThis is a repu"'lic, not a democracy, let's keep it that way") cannot tunction under strell. This is a dangerous assumption tor anyAmerican to make. , The Independent American '1s a newspaper pu1l1ished 1n New Orleans, Louisiana and is owned'" lIy Kent and Phoelle Courtney admitted memllerl ot the John !irch Society. In concluding their article on Joe Shell 1n the Fell-Karch i.sue it i. statW," The Independent American recoruend. Joe Shell ,Repu~lican candidate tor governorship ot California. It you wish to write letters, ring door.el1s,or otter finant1a1 support on ltehalf of this Conservative candidate contact Joe Shell's htadquarters"' To carry Mr. Shell's enchantment with the John Sirch Society further let me quote trom hi. remarks made at a meeting of Doctors tor Americani•• in Pasadena in April. To qijGte trom a news re1ease,Shell \ sai~here can ~e no doullt that their attitudes (Rous.'lo~ and Ratterty~ are attitudes we ought to take to heart. I can't endorse here but I could agree with no one more". I think it would lie well to evaluate the pultlished .tate.en~1 ot Doth candidates to see just which one is using the smear technique. sincerely yours, The Conservative Society of America NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS P. O. Box 4254 New Orleans 18, Louisiana OFFICE: UN 5-II79 HOME: UN 5-1613 KENT COURTNEY NATIONAL. CHAIRMAN MAJ. GEN. C. A. WILLOUGHBY. USA, RET. DISTRICT OF' COLUMBIA HON. J. BRACKEN LEE UTAH TO: Members of The Conservative Society of America BRYTON BARRON VIRGINIA Subscribers of THE INDEPENDENT AMERICAN In the State of California GEORGE BOARDMAN, PH.D. ARIZONA MARTI'" i300"'E, iYi.U. TEXAS Dear Fellow American: CURTIS W. CAINE. M.D. MISSIsSIPPI Many of our subscrtbers and members of The Conservative Society of America ROBERT C LI FTON CALIFORNIA have written us from time to time asking us to put them In touch with other mem­ MEDFORD EVANS, PH.D. bers of the CSA living In their area. We are now ready to go ahead with a series LOUiSIANA of organizational meetings of The Conservative Society of America in California. WILLIAM O. FELSMAN CALIFORNIA JOHN A. GLOVER We have just appointed Mr. Ward Poag as our National Field Organizer and he LOUISIANA will conduct the organizational meetings listed on the enclosed sheet. Mr. Poag DAN HANSON until recently was the organizer of the John Birch Society In West Tennessee and WYOMING GEORGE J. HESS, M.D. Eastern Arkansas. Ward is driving his own Chevrolet Station Wqgon upon which IL LINOIS is pa Inted the CSA Insign lc , MRS. HOPE R. ISBELL INDIANA. Therefore you and your friends are invited to attend one or more of these organi­ MRS. J. MILTON LENT GEORGIA zational meetings which will give you an opportunity to become better acquainted R. W. ORRELL with other Conservatives who bel ieve In the principles of the· CSA and who are VIRGINIA subscribers to THE INDEPEN DENT AMERICAN Newspaper. CECIL E. PITARD, 1.1.0 TENNESSEE HAROLD POESCHEL These meetings are not open to the publ ic as we do not wish to engage In arguments NEW JERSEY with Left-Wingers. We urge all members of the CSA to attend these meetings FRANK X. RANUZZ I CA.LlFORNIA and bring their friends, and we especially invite the subscribers of THE IN DE­ MRS. BENJAMIN T. RAUBER PENDENT AMERICAN to attend In order to get the full story concerning why it is NEW JERSEY necessary for Conservative Americans to take effective political action at the local E. MERRILL ROOT CONNECTICUT level If we are to defeat the Socialist conglomerate who are voting our nation Into Soc ia Iism and Communism. Ward reminds me at this point that If these organizational meetings are well attend­ ed, that it will be possible for us to plan a series of publ ic meetings throughout California so that the Conservative political action story of the CSA can receive a wider audience. I hope that these organizational meetings will be a great suc­ cess so that I can plan to visit Cal ifornia for these larger public meetings. (Please turn to page 2 ..••) - 2 ­ Ward is married and the father of five children. His wife and family live in N1emphis, Tennessee. Ward is extremeIy ded icated to the cause of Iiberty and pollt ica I freedom and he is sacrificing a great deal by taking on this job as Field Organizer for The Con­ servative Society of America.
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