DOCUMENT RESUME ED 063 192 SO 002 788 AUTHOR Bartlett, Peggy M. TITLE Social Studies: Totalitarianism in the 20th Century. INSTITUTION Dade County Public Schools, Miami, Fla. PUB DATE 71 NOTE 31p. EDPS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29 DESCRIPTORS Activity Units; *Authoritarianism; Behavioral Objectives; Conanunism; *Concept Tea:thing; Curriculum Guides; Democracy; Economics; Grade 10; Grade 11; Grade 12; Political Attitudes; Political Power; Political Science; *Power Structure; Resource Materials; Secondary Education; *Social Studies Units; *Social Systems IDENTIFIERS Florida; *Quinmester Program; Totalitarianism ABSTRACT This elective course in world studies for grades 10 through 12 written as part of a total effort to revise curriculum to fit the five quinmester nine-week time periods foradministrative organization of schools, provides an inductive analysis of the concept of totalitarianism. The student, given sourcematerial, primary information, and textual data will conceptualize a seriesof generalizations and will arrive at a comprehensive apd applicable concept of totalitarianism. Since this course is designed toanalyze and evaluate totalitarian systems generally, it should contribute to a healthier and more sensitiveunderstanding of democratic systems. Units are structured on nine generalizations as described by Howard D. Mehlinger and conclude with an applicable definitionof totalitarianism which may be compared with any previous or existing political system..Related documents are SO 002 708 through SO 002 718, SO 002 768 through SO 002 792, and SO 002 949 through SO002 970. UktrtAUAT Social Studies: TOTALITARIANISM IN THE 20TH CENTURY .21. 446.13 U,S. DEPARTMENT OFHEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HASBEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIG- INATING IT. POINTS OF VIEWOR OPIN- IONS STATED DO NOTNECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICEOF EDU- CATION POSITION OR POLICY. r=4 E": c1-1 cn U 0 ri0 Z .ri 0 Et .w 0 ,0 0 .w u u (r) (.1 a) H 43 .w u9-4 5 0 1) H u +-i r-4 --4 (1) Z >, H .x) $.,4 44 44 0- Z 0 0 0 r-4 9-4 H CA V 1-4 tO 0 0 b0 .11-0 r4 cf) a) cn 0 i'l P4 9-4 C...) > ri CU H P 'cs H Pca 0H H 1"3 DADE COUNTY SCHOOI BOARD Mr. William Lehman, Chairman Mt . G. Holmes Braddock, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Ethal Beckham Mrs. Crutcher Harrison Mrs. Anna Brenner Meyers Dr. Ben Sheppard Mr. William H. Turnel Dr. E.L.. Whigham, Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools Miami, Horida 33132 Published by the Dade County School Board Copies of this publication may be obtained through 4.epoiJikeibluwipeririTerr ,Qio ital#41,141f11t11410.ret , L.:41ffimaideinie INTRODUCTION neitherThisadministrative course all-inclusive of studyorganization wasnor writtenprescriptive; of schools.as part but ofThe rather,a materialstotal effortan andaide toinformation to revise teachers curriculum in as this they guide toplan fit instructionalare the meantquinmester to be prO- mayThegrams,teaching thenmajor taking accept strategies,intent into the of accountmodel thisclass publication frameworkactivities,student needs inis and totalto and materialsprovide characteristics,or drawa allideasbroad related frameworkfrom available to a ofdescribed goalsresources, andcourse objectives, and ofother study. factors.content,Teachers The"indicatorsities, guide and is 4) ofdivided materials. success" into refers 1)The afirst tobroad suggested section goals section, providesprerequisite 2) descriptive a contentor corequisite itoutline,and to goal-orientedincorporate experiences. 3') objectives into information theirand learninglessons. for the activ- teacher; illustrates, in general terms, thescope and major subdivisions of the course. The objectivesThe content and outline learning. CJ infourobjectivesactivities addition categories: section, forto thea set essential aforementioned;hopefully, of given textual learningprovides supplementary or activities.othera total material; pictureteacherThe alternate ofmaterials resources; the concept classroomsection and or supplementary mainof materials the idea guide and to student listsspecificuse in resourcesresources. placebehavioral of inorThe AnyoneSocialetc.appendix havingStudies, may includerecommendations Room 306other Lindsey material relating Hopkins. appropriateto this publicationfor a specific is urgedcourse: to writee.g. pretests,themdown andreadings, send to, vocabulary, SocialJames A.Studies Fleming Consultant Par- ^ COURSE DESCRIPTION: ATOTALITARIANISMOFSOURCE SERIES TOTALITARIANISM. MATERIAL, OF GENERALIZATIONS IS PRIMARY AN INDUCTIVE INFORMATION, AND ANALYSISWILL ARRIVEAND OF TEXTUAL THEAT ACONCEPT COMPREHENSIVEDATA, OFTHE TOTALITARIANISM. STUDENT AND APPLICABLEWILL CONCEPTUALIZEGIVEN CONCEPT INDICATORSCOURSEGRADECLUSTER: LEVEL:STATUS: OF SUCCESS: WorldElective10-12 Studies COURSE RATIONALE: doingThissystems. courseshould iscontribute designed toto aanalyze healthier and andevaluate more sensitivetotalitarian understanding systems generally, of democratic and in so - 7 - a COURSE1. PROBLEMSTHE GOALS: STUDENT AND WILLFEARS DEMONSTRATE THAT WE DO.AN AWARENESSIT IS THE THATWAY TOTALITARIANISMPEOPLE TN TOTALITARIAN TREATSTHESESYSTEMS HOPES, HAVE PROBLEMS,THE SAME HOPES,AND FEARS 2. THATTHE STUDENTMAKES THEM WILL DIFFERENT. EXAMINE HISOWNPROBLEM VALUES OF ON INDIVIDUAL CITIZENSHIP. FREEDOM VERSUSPUBLIC CONTROL AND DISTINGUISH 4.3. NATION'STHE STUDENT ATTITUDES WILL RELATEIDENTIFY TOWARD VARYING ANDTHE TREATMENTDEGREES OFOF THEECONOMIC RELATIONIiHIP CONTROL WITHBETWEEN THE FREEDOMNATURE ANDOFA CONTROL.GIVEN POLITICAL SYSTEM. 6.5. THEIMPORTANCE. STUDENT WILL APPLYANALYZE THE POLITICAL TERM"IDEOLOGY"PARTIES INTO RELATIONVARIOUS POLITICALTO THE .V.OUNT SYSTEMS OF FREEDOMAND ACCOUNTIN A FORGIVENITS SOCIETY. DEGREE OF 7. THEGOVERNMENT STUDENT EXHIBITS. WILL TRACEDESCRIBE THE THEDEVELOPMENT BEHAVIOROF ASELECTED NATION'S TOTALITARIAN CITIZENS AS STATESDEPENDENT ENCOMPASSING UPONTHE AMOUNTTHE IDEOLOGY, OF CONTROL A 9.8. TOTHELEVEL NATIONS STUDENT OF ECONOMIC OF WILL TODAY. DETERMINE DEVELOPMENT, AN ACCURATE AND THEDEFINITIONDEGREE OF DEMOCRATIC OF A TOTALITARIAN EXPERIENCE. STATE AND APPLY THISDEFINITION . Totalitarianism,TotalitarianismCOURSE CONTENT OUTLINE: isAn structuredInductiveon nine generalizations as described byHoward D. Mehlinger, The Study of Generalizationmay be compared withThe theany nature valuesprevious Approach,ofheld theor by existing politicalits concluding citizens. politicalsystem with whichsystem.an applicable will evolve definition inany nationof totalitarianism depends in partwhichupon Generalization 2:_ Nevertheless,Alltreatmentcontemporary societies of thesocietynationscope relationship with candiffer thebe judgedproblemmarkedly between toof freedomand beindividual eithersignificantly and completely control:freedom in versus theirfreethese orpublicattitudes differencescompletely control. toward totalitarian.form andNoidenti- Generalization 4:3: Totalitarianfiable but rather regimesstates loosely aredepend characterized definedupon a andcommand fluctuating mechanism patterns. to run theireconomic systems. Generalization 5: Totalitarianinterestlimited toand those systemscontrol who tendencompassare willingto fall all to toaspects be the Eyunquestionably singlecontrol of the party ofsociety. single systems.loyal leaders.to theParty party membership leaders. isParty Generalization 6: 'thenTotalitarianideology made serves out regimes to thebe almoststateare characterized bysuperhuman. definingtheby apast, co-n.mitLient explaining to athe specificpresent, ideology.These and leaderspredictingThe are Generalization 7: Arulers.inspirethe totalitarian future. dedicationTo theIt state degreeestablishes and seeks thatloyalty theguidelines toideolegy the regime. foris remoldingaccepted bysociety themass in theof population,image held byit thecan withoutends.itarianstate and interestregimes thereby recognizeto removes totalitarian allnoto limits possiblesubordinate rulers. to thechallengers Toallmeans control social which to institutionsthe itsmay behaviorcontrol. be employed ofto No itsthe tohuman citizens, controlachieve activity of theirtotal- the is COURSE CONTENT OUTLINE(Continued) Generalization 8: development,nation'sThe type oftotalitarianismunique and historicalthedegree experience.whichof democraticdevelopsThe experiencein nature a country of arethe is significantideology,conditioned thefactors primarily level inof explainingbyeconomic'that Generalization 9: Totalitarianismtheto subjectorigins theand individualisdevelopment apolitical, to of the anysocial goals totalitarian andand leadershipeconomicstate. system ofthe which state. uses anymeans available FOCUS OBJECTIVE LEARNING ACTIVITIES A.tical'he:eneralizstion nature system of the1which po- willingThe students to explore shall beeach 1. Througharrive atclass an acceptablediscussion, definition the teacher of can'value." help the student TyToniationTill its thaevolve citizens.depends values in anyinheld part bilitybeotherstudes, amenable orvalues,and change. opinionsto flexi-atti- and 2. values.Askin theirthe class notebooksThese to may list bybe thewhatwritten students. they on believe the board to beby basicthe teacher American and :lassSuggested periods) time: 3-5 3. AskaInvestigatesequence: thought "how" andprocess influences "why" for these the on valuesdecision.the choice have Suggestedofbeen values decided questionand upon.construct b.a. WhatWhyInit choosingcause doeffect you you cherish .doessomething to do this something?or tonotvalue value, do havecertain what on yourarethings?
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