
Index A Ashbery, John, 188 Abrams, M.H., 203 Attachment, 63 Abstraction, 267 Attridge, Derek, 91, 197, 198, 206, Actor-network theory, 9, 56, 76 214, 224, 279 Adorno, Theodor, 126, 165, 263, Attridge, Derek and Staten, Henry 281 The Craft of Poetry, 225 Aesthetic, 6, 261 Auden, W.H., 224 Aestheticist, 244 Austen, Jane, 102 Aesthetic judgment, 267 Auster, Paul, 83 Affect, 5, 63 Austin, J.L., 38, 230 Affective, 45 “Author-function”, 30 Algebra, 249 Althusserian, 69 B Althusser, Louis, 72, 245, 281 Bacon, Francis, 126, 164 American pragmatism, 145 Bacow, Lawrence, 45 Anker, Elizabeth S., 51 Badiou, Alain, 245 Arendt, Hannah, 170 Barthes, Roland, 30, 135, 139 Aristotelean, 127 Bate, W. Jackson, 221 Aristotle, 38, 100, 223, 283 Baudelaire, Jean, 124 Poetics, 38, 223 Baudrillard, Jean, 60 Armstrong, Isobel, 4 Best, Stephen, 77 Arnold, Matthew, 146, 176 Bhabha, Homi, 45 Artifact, 25 Billy Budd, 102 Artwork, 279 Bloom, Harold, 102, 141, 222 © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive 297 license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 A. Sridhar et al. (eds.), The Work of Reading, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-71139-9 298 INDEX Booth, Stephen, 27 Consumer, 46 Borges, Jorge Luis, 38 Contextualist, 10, 260 Botticelli, 135 Cordelia, 156 Bradley, F.H., 130 Cowley, Abraham, 117 Breslin, James E.B., 198 Craft, 1, 283 Brooks, Cleanth, 24, 101, 287 Critical Theory, 115, 135, 261 New Criticism, 204, 207, 214 Critique, 44, 67, 145 on Keats, 206 Culler, Jonathan, 105, 225 pedagogy, 199, 201, 203, 204 Cultural Theory, 136 The Well Wrought Urn, 26, 101, Culture and Society, 138 198, 200–205 Cusk, Rachel, 244, 282 Brooks, Cleanth and Warren, R.P. Outline, 254 An Approach to Literature, 206 Understanding Poetry, 199–202, 205, 206 D Brooks, Peter, 106 Data, 220 Brower, Reuben, 215, 285 Data-driven, 13 Browning, Robert, 119 Davie, Donald, 226 Brown, Wendy, 83 “The Death of the Author”, 30 Deconstruction, 12, 244, 285 Deconstructive, 138 C Defamiliarization, 262 Caesar, Julius, 154 Defamiliarizing, 93 Cahiers pour l’Analyse, 245 De Man, Paul, 205, 207 Calvinism, 127 Derrida, Jacques, 101, 145 Canon, 34, 104, 136, 219, 244 Descartes, Rene, 250 Canonical, 4 Descriptivism, 78 Chapman, Elizabeth, 117 Dewey, John, 175 Chiasmus, 87 Dickinson, Emily, 225 Ciardi, John, 223 Diction, 225 Citizens, 174 Distant reading, 73, 168 Classic, 136, 141 Donne, John, 24, 117, 292 Claudius, 157 Dryden, John, 221 Cleveland, John, 117 During, Simon, 180 Close-reader, 283 Close reading, 10, 25, 170, 195, 197, 198, 200, 203, 208, 215, 243, E 262, 265 Eagleton, Terry, 148, 177, 198 Cognitive, 95 Ecocriticism, 262 Coleridge, S.T., 24, 100, 200, 229 Eichenbaum, Boris, 28 Collini, Stefan, 188 Eliot, T.S., 100, 116, 134, 208, 209, Complex words, 227 222, 281, 287 INDEX 299 “Tradition and the Individual Foucault, Michel, 30, 145 Talent”, 222 Frankfurt School, 115, 174 Elizabethan, 119 Free indirect discourse, 52, 250, 269 Elliott, Jane, 115 Free indirect style, 244 Empirical, 263 Fregean Logic, 247 Empirical Science, 13 Frege, Gottlob, 248 Empiricism, 12 Freud, 55, 108 Empirico-historical, 4 Freudian, 95, 222, 284 Empirico-historicism, 220 Friedman, Susan Stanford, 93 Empsonian, 134 Empson, William, 107, 134, 170, 205, 228, 287 G Some Versions of Pastoral, 237 Galileo, 126 The Structure of Complex Words, Gallop, Jane, 203 228 Galperin, William H., 198 Enlightenment, 55 Gascoigne, George, 237 Entrepreneur, 46 Gender, 206 Epistemology, 247 Ghosh, Amitav, 262 Gödel, Kurt, 221 Erasmus, 155 Goneril, 156 Event, 14 Gray, Thomas, 119 Experience, 11 Greenblatt, Stephen, 28, 99, 204 Eyers, Tom, 6, 283 Grierson, Herbert J.C., 116 F H Felski, Rita, 6, 78, 285 Haggard, Stephen, 147 Feminism, 284 Halliwell, Stephen, 223 Fenollosa, Ernst, 226 Hamlet, 88, 153 Feyerabend, Paul, 145 Haraway, Donna, 274 Feynman, Richard, 63 Hazlitt, William, 178 Field, 219 Heather Love, 78 First-person narration, 251 Hegel, 122 First Quarto, 159 Hegelian, 254 Fish, Stanley, 24, 89 Heidegger, 126 Flaubert, Gustav, 252 Hemingway, Ernest, 256 Madame Bovary, 252 Hermeneutic, 134, 138 Ford, Ford Madox, 147 Hermeneutics of suspicion, 49, 123, Form, 284 145 Formal analysis, 4 Hill, Geoffrey, 224 Formalism, 30, 248 Hillis Miller, J., 73 Form (literary), 198 Historicism, 59, 243, 284. See also Forster, E.M., 147 New Historicism 300 INDEX Historicist, 10 Ode to a Nightingale, 199, 200, Historicity, 35 202, 209 Holmes, Sherlock, 51 Ode to Psyche, 195, 198, 206–208, Homer, 39, 106, 293 210, 212, 214 Horkheimer, 126 On First Looking into Chapman’s Hugo, Victor, 27 Homer, 200 Hulme, T.E., 55 Paradise Lost, 195, 196, 209 Humanism, 35, 54 The Eve of St. Agnes, 200 Humanist, 246 To Autumn, 200 Humanities, 44 Kenner, Hugh, 129 Hume, David, 219 Kermode, Frank, 133, 230, 281 Husserl, Edmund, 56, 127 King Lear, 141, 156 Kohlbergian, 54 Kuhn, Thomas, 220 I Idioculture, 15 Iliad, 40, 106 L Industry, 46 Lacan, Jacques, 145, 245 Instrumental, 6 Latour, Bruno, 5, 53, 73, 293 Instrumentalism, 262 Latourianism, 275 Interdisciplinarity, 48 Leavis, F.R., 182, 281, 290 Interiority, 250 Leavisite, 134 Inter-textual, 15, 35 Lentricchia, Frank, 136 Interventions, 91 Levine, Caroline, 6, 87, 102 Irigaray, Luce, 245 Levinson, Marjorie B., 5, 98, 204 Irony, 202, 203, 205, 211, 214 Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 224 Liberal humanism, 45 “Library of Babel”, 38 J The Limits of Critique, 43 Jacobean, 119 Linguistics, 293 Jameson, Fredric, 148, 198 Linguistic Theory, 6 Jarvis, Simon, 168 The literary, 12, 61, 138 Johnson, Barbara, 67, 101 Literary criticism, 280 Johnson, Samuel, 117 Literary Criticism: A Concise Political Jonson, Ben, 227 History, 103 Literary Sociology, 94 Literary Theory, 94 K Lolita, 147 Kant, Immanuel, 53, 100, 121 London Review of Books, 135 Keats, John Luhmann, Niklas, 124 La Belle Dame sans Merci, 200 Lukács, György, 36 Ode on a Grecian Urn, 195, 201, Luther, Martin, 123 202 Lyotard, Francis, 124 INDEX 301 M N Macbeth, 161 Nabakov, Vladimir, 147 MacPherson, Sandra, 87 Nagel, Thomas, 164 Manifestos, 92 Nagy, Gregory, 39 Man, Paul de, 27, 101, 138 Narrative, 231, 244 Mansfield Park, 103 Narratology, 95, 250, 283 Mao, Douglas, 214 Narrator, 15 Marcus, Sharon, 77 Neoliberal Capitalism, 6 Marlowe, Christopher, 104 Neoliberalism, 45, 173 Marvell, Andrew, 129 Neoliberalization, 99 Marxism, 115, 245 Neuroscience, 290 Marxist, 147, 281 New Criticism, 30, 96, 116, 207, Marx, Karl, 55, 70 214, 284, 290 Mathematics, 247 New Critics, 24 Matthew, Book of, 236 New Formalism, 91, 204 McCabe, Colin, 135 New Historicism, 96, 99, 204. See also McCallum, James Dow, 200 Historicism College Omnibus, 200 Ngai, Sianne, 106 McDonald, Ronan, 281 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 34, 55, 123, 169 McGann, Jerome J., 27, 204 Norris, Christopher, 134 Melville, Herman, 229 North, Joseph, 6, 58, 103, 198. See Metaphor, 9 also Close reading; New Criticism Metaphysicals, 116 Novel, 15, 257, 267 Michelangelo, 227 Middleton Murry, John, 129 O Miller, Christopher, 214 Oakeshott, Michael, 219 Surprise, 214 Objectivity, 262 Miller, D.A., 106 Odyssey, 40 Miller, Jacques-Alain, 245 Ogden, C.K., 182 Millet, Lydia, 265, 282 The Meaning of Meaning, 182 How the Dead Dream, 265 Olson, Charles, 226 Milner, Jean-Claude, 245 Ophelia, 154 Milton, John, 70, 120, 196, 211, 220 Orwell, George, 51 Paradise Lost, 70, 197, 233. See also Othello, 99 under Keats, John Oxymoron, 87 Mimesis, 262 Minimal interpretation, 105 Modernism, 116 P Montaigne, Michel de, 155 Paradox, 199, 202, 204, 205 Moretti, Franco, 168, 257 Pater, Walter, 143 Morrison, Toni, 96 Pedagogy, 201 Morris, William, 239 Perlocutive, 229 302 INDEX Philosophy, 48 Richard II , 28 Phonotext, 211 Richards, I.A., 6, 138, 281, 290 Plato, 173 Ricks, Christopher, 222 Plot, 267 Ricoeur, Paul, 49 Poem, 293 Romantic, 38, 120 Poetics, 153 Romantic Image, 138 Poetry, 15, 128 Rooney, Ellen, 282 Polonius, 154, 283 Rorty, Richard, 145 Positivism, 220 Roth, Marco, 190 Post-critical, 4 Rovee, Christopher, 202, 215 Postcritique, 44, 72 Ruskin, John, 213 Poststructuralism, 136, 284 Russian Formalism, 221 Poststructuralist, 35 Russian Formalist, 28, 281 Pound, Ezra, 130, 137, 222 Productivity, 47 Professional, 46 S Professionalization, 3 Said, Edward, 102, 288 Proprioception, 227 Scholarship, 6 Prose, 256 Schumpeter, Joseph, 239 Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Science, 247 Capitalism, 123 Sedgwick, Eve, 5, 72, 102, 285 Prynne, Jeremy, 290 Sense and Sensibility, 102 Psychoanalysis, 222, 247 Sensibility, 44 Psychology, 290 Sensuous Intelligence, 235 Public intellectual, 173 Shakespeare, 27, 102, 153, 237 Shelley, Mary W., 195–197 Q Frankenstein, 195, 196 Quantification, 263 Sidney, Philip, 227 Signifier, 250 Singularity, 14 R Social context, 133 Ransom, John Crowe, 26, 198, 206, Sociology, 48 240 Sonnet, 34 Rasch, William, 281, 284 Speaking persona, 231 Reading for Form, 98 Speech acts, 38 Realism, 261 Spenser, Edmund, 209, 212, 237 Referentiality, 8 Faerie Queene, 237 Regan, 156 Sperry, Stuart M., 206, 207, 214 Reification, 267 Staten, Henry, 101, 223, 284 Renaissance, 55 STEM, 128, 174, 287 Rhees, Rush, 240 Stevens, Wallace, 183, 224 Rhythm, 7, 225 Stewart, Garrett, 210, 215 INDEX 303 Stillinger, Jack, 201, 207 V Strauss, Leo, 127 Vendleresque, 134 Stream of consciousness, 200 Villanelle, 34 Structuralism, 244, 245 Vocation, 48 Structuralist, 244 von Humboldt, Alexander, 175 Subjectivism, 262 Supplementarity, 92 Surface, 5 Surface reading, 91, 198 W Surprise, 15, 67 The Waste Land, 130 Suspicion, 5 Weber, Max, 123 Suspicious hermeneutics Weltanschauung, 56 (Hermeneutics of Suspicion), 82 White, Hayden, 220 Suspicious mentality, 44 Whitehead, A.N., 225 Swinburne, 143 Whitman, Walt, 188 Symptomatic, 5, 95 Williams, Raymond, 87, 138 Syntax, 225 Williams, William Carlos, 224 Wissenschaft, 120 T Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 124, 240 Techne, 25, 223, 284 Wolfson, Susan J., 4, 195, 196, 282 Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 117, 287 Wood, Michael, 134, 205 Theory, 3, 59, 219, 244 Wordsworth, William, 205, 213 Theory after ‘Theory, 115 “Work”, 30 Third-person narration, 251 Wuthering Heights, 142 Thousand and One Nights, 34 Wycliffe, John, 238 Tolstoy, 125 Transferable skills, 174 U Y Use-value, 174 Yeats, W.B., 101.
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