BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PEACEFUL USES OF NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS Bibliography Unit Library & Technical Information Section Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Trombay, Bombay 85. India 1970 We regret that some of the pages in the microfiche copy of this report may not be up to the proper legibility standards, even though the best possible copy was used for preparing the master fiche. FOREWORD The subject of peaceful uses of nuclear explosions hns been attracting increasing attention in view of i~s immense potentialities. The United States of America and the Soviet Union, which are among the countries most ad- vanced in the field of nuclear science and technology, have already conducted several experiments in this dire- ction and have several projects underway. The principai aim of the compilation of the present bibliography is to make available to the Indian scientists and engineers up-to-date information on the subject based upon all available literature. The bibliography comprises 685 references with in- formative abstracts. The main sources of information used for compiling it are .-Nuclear Science Abstracts, (NSA), primary journals and reports. Whenever USA is referred to, its volume and abstract numbers are given at the bottom of the abstract. In addition to the author and report number indexes, a list of major Plowshare events is also given. The compiler of this bibliography is Miss.ft.A.liagarathna of the IN IS Unit of the Library and Technical Information Section of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. Although every effort has been cade to include all available pub- lished literature in this field till May 1970, omissions are inevitable. Any additions suggested will be gratefully acknowledged and incorporated in the revised version. (v.i Scientific Information Officer c o :; r 3 :; : 3 I. Bibliographies 1 II.A, General applications f B . Phenomenology -iT-> III* Safety aspects 66 IV,, Chemical applications 60 V, Excavation 91 ^A. Aggregate production ani Quarrying 102 B^ Canals 1C? C, Dams 121 D# Harbours 123 E, Highways and Railways 128 P« Phenomenology i?£ VI. Natural resources devtloprvut . ~- A. Gas 209 B. Oil f25 C. Mining £46 D. Waste disposal £<-'" S, Water resources 26? P. Phenomenology '-'72 VII. Scientific applies si.us -95 A. Heavy element production 298 B. Neutron physics 30b 0. Seismology 316 VIII. Author Index 326 IX. Report number Index 333 X. List of Major Plowshare ~v~nzs -T3b I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES 1) Ber.ton, M. PEACEFUL USES OF wUCISAR EXPLOSIONS: G3OLOGV, SEISMOLOGY BEHAVIOR 0? SOILS-AND ROCKS. France". Centre d'Etudes. CEA-Bib-152. .-.pr. 1969. 200p. Abstract : This literature survey consists cf ?54 com- plementary referen-.es. The documents are classified into four categories: general considerations, contained explosions, seismology, behavior o£ soils, rocks, and underground water daring nuclear explosions or under conditions of very high pressure or temperature. The referenees are listed chronologically. (NSA: 23: 31443). 2) Berton, M. APPLICATIONS SCIEHTIFIQUES DES EXPLOSIONS NITCIEAIRES. 1EHE PARTIS. EXCAVATIONS (GRATERBJG) . Prance, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires. GSA-Bib-63. •ct. 1965. 90p.• Ibstract: This bibliography is made up of 283 references to documents, almost all American, on the subject of the formation of craters by nuclear explosives. They are presented in three groups: reports; review articles; and symposia, films and books. The documents, are grouped together according to t^e important American programs for using the explosions for civil engineering work: extensive excavations, building of ports, canals, damSj drilling of mines. The research concerns the detection of explosions, and the seismological phenomena produced by the explosions have been deliberately omitted. The numerous PLOWSHARE Projects have been gathered together up to the last reports cited in May 1965 by the Sac lay Central Library. A subject index is included. (NSA: 19: 46466) Contd - 2 - 3) Berton, M. APPLICATIONS SOIENTIFIQUESDES EXPLOSIONS NUCLEAIKES. 2 BMB PART IB. GEOLOGIS, SEISMOLOGIES ETUDE DES_ SOLS, FRACTURE DES ROCHES, (Scientific Applications of N»- clear explosions. Part 2. Geology: Seismology, Sx>il studies, Rock Fissuring) . ... Prance. Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires. CEA-Bib-66. Dec.1965. 158p. ' . Abstract: Seven hundred (700) references are given to journals and reports published from 1960-1965'. TR£"<~ references are classified into two main groups: first seismology, then studies concerning the behavior of soils, ground, and subterranean waters when rocks are cracked during nuclear explosions, An author index is included. (NSA: 20: 18855) . 4) Berton, M. ' PEACEFUL APPLICATIONS OF NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS. PART 3. MINES, CHEMISTRY, AND GAS AND OIL EXTRACTION. France, Centre d'Etudes. CEA-BIb-129. Dec. 1968. Abstract: A bibliography consisting of 397 articles dealing with the industrial, peaceful, and scientific ' applications of nuclear explosions is presented which. lists mainly U.S. documents relating to the Plovshare program. In addition Australian, French, German, Italian and Russian information in this field is covered, The documents are presented in four main categories of nu- clear explosion application: chemical (isotope and radio- isotope production;; extraction of gas and oil; general; and mining. (NSA: 23: 15992. 5) ESPLOSIOHI NUCLEARl SOTTERRANBB. (Bibliography nn Under- ground Nuclear Explosions) . Italy, Centro di Studi Nucleari. NP-15867. 1963. 52p. Abstract: References (107) are given to reports an-' jour- nals published from 1950 through 1962. Report number in- Contd... - 3 - dexes are included. (NSAi 20: 14661). 6) Gerber, G.R., Voress, H.3. PLOWSHARE: A SELECTED ANNOTATED 3IBLI0GRAPHY OP THE CIVIL, INDUSTRIAL, MD -SCIENTIFIC USES POP. NUCiEAR EXPLOSIVES. TID~3522 (8th Rev.). May 1966. 108p. Abstract :• This bibliography presents annotated referen- ces arranged by subject. A guide to where the reports may be obtained and their cost, a separate listing of the films available, and an index of where information on specific projects may be found follow the annotated references. Authro and report number indexes are also included. (NSA: 21: 4643). 7) PEACEFUL USES OP NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS. Vienna. IAEA. Bib. Series Ko. 38, 1570, Hay. 466p. Abstract: The bibliography contains 1759 references- almost "all with abstracts-to the literature in English, French, Russian, German, Italian and other languages, published upto June 1969. An author index, including corporate authros, and a subject index are given at the end of the bibliography. 8) Perilli, M.L. BIBLIOGRAPHY OP UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR-EXPLOSIONS DURING THE PERIOD JANUARY 1966 TO DECEMBER 1967. Com. Naa. Energ. Nucl., Notia., 14: No.12, 103-9. Dec. 1968. Abstract: The descriptions, civilian applications, miner- alogy, radioactive contamination, and the scientific technologies for underground nuclear explosions from January 1966 to December 1967 are listed in-a biblio- Contd.... - 4 - graphy with 227 references. (NSA: 23: 21850). 9) Perilli', M.L. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON UNDERGROUND- NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS (1968). Com. Naz. Energ. Nucl., Notiz., 15: No. 4,97-103. Apr. 1969. Abstract: A.listing of 159 articles on underground nuclear explosions is presented including descriptions of explosions, containment or radioactivity, and appli- cations for civil engineering and mineralogy. (NSA: 23: 16396). 10) Taylor, W.S., Reed. R.P. CRATER FORMATION BY EXPLOSION AND RELATED TOPICS. An Annotated Bibliography. Golume I. N.Mex. Sandia Corp. SCR-180. May 1960. 124p. Abstract:-Reference (437) on the effects of subsurface explosions in both natural and arbifical med^a are given to reports in U.S. and foreign journals published from 1938 through 1960. Oratering, ground displacement, throw-out characteristics, and similar close-in pheno- mena are emphasized. Considerable current information on phenomena and the application of nuclear explosives (pro- ject Plowsha?.e) is included. There are references on instrumentation, the analytic machanics of materials, and the properties of media in which explosions are conducted. Abstracts are inc Luded for most references. (NSA: 17: 24748). 11) Voress, H.E. (Comp.). PEACEFUL USES OF NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS. A Literature Search. '•'I ....«...'• TID-3522 (3rd Rev.). I960. 8p. CYCS. Abstract: A list of selected literature references on industrial uses of nuclear explosions is presented. Seventy-one references to report and published literature upto April 1960 are included. (USA: 14j 13529). Contd... - 5 - IS) Voress, H.3., Smith, R.J. (Conps), Gerber, O.R. PEACEFUL USES FO.. IIUC LEAR EXPLOSIVES. A selected anno- tated Bibliography. TID-3522 (Rev. 6). January 1963. 43p. Abstract: A bibliography, on the peaceful uses for nu- clear explosives, presents 215 annotated references arranged by subject including reports and published literature through December 1, 1962. Field experiments are currently underway to evaluate proposals in two general areas: scientific applications and excavation applications. The most promising application is excava- tion. The PLOWSHARE project initiated for studying the use of nuclear explosives for peaceful purposes has developed many potential applications in such areas as mining, harbor and canal excavation, water management, oil recovery, and production of isotopes. (USA: 17: 15534). 13) Voress, H.E., Kin^r, W.F., Gerber, C.R. (Comps) . PEACEFUL USES FOR NUCbBAR EXPLOSIVES. A Selected Anno- tated Bibliography. * TID-3522 (7th Rev.). January 1964. 57p. Abstract: A bibliography of 270 references in abstracted form is presented which covers
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