Supplement JI5o. £ to C^e paimim töa?ette Bo, 1552 of SDti) faunar^ 1947. CONTENTS Page Administrative Divisions (Amendment) Proclamation, 1947, under the Palestine Orders in Council, 1922 to 1939 - - - - 125 Road Transport (Carriage of War Department and Air Ministry Civilian Em• ployees in Commercial Motor Vehicles) Order, 1947, under the Road Transport . Rules - - . _ ¿34 Direction under the Roads (Width and Alignment) Ordinance to the Director of Public Works to remove a Structure erected in contravention of an Order - 136 Notices under the Land (Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance, 1943, regard• ing Acquisition of certain Lands in Haifa, Beisan and Sarona for Public Pur• poses - - - - - - 136 Vesting Order No. 295, under the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, revok• ing Vesting Orders Nos. 46, 37, 64, 5 and 52, and other Orders, in so far as they concern the Property of certain Persons - 139 Notice under the Defence (Billeting and Accommodation Committees) Rules, 1943, appointing certain Persons to constitute a Panel of Members of a Committee for the Jerusalem District for the Purpose specified in Rule 3(1) - - 139 Rent Restrictions (Business Premises) (Application to Haifa Bay Industrial Area Extension) Order, 1947, under the Rent Restrictions (Business Premises) Ordin• ance, 1941 - - - - - - 140 Urban Property Tax (Variation of Natanya Urban Area) (Amendment) Order, 1947, under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940 - - - 141 Rural Property Tax (Industrial Buildings) Order, 1947, under the Rural Prop• erty Tax Ordinance, 1942 - - - - - 141 Tiberias (Electoral Divisions) Order, 1947, under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934 - - - - - 142 Nahariya (Slaughter-House Fees) By-laws, 1947, under the Local Councils Ordin- ance, 1941 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 143 ׳ Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of Modifi­ cation of an Outline Scheme within the Tel Aviv Town Planning Area ­ 144 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, granting Authority to put into Force Parcellation Schemes within the Jaffa and Petah Tiqva Town Planning Areas ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 146 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, granting Authority to put into Force Detailed Schemes within the Ramat Can, Benei Beraq and Rehovot Town Planning Areas, and to modify a Detailed Scheme within the Ramat Gan Town Planning Area ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 147 {Continued^ — 123 — CONTENTS Page (Continued) Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, granting Authority to put into Force a Detailed Scheme within the Gaza Town Planning Area - - 149 Notices of Posting of Valuation Lists in respect of the Urban Areas of Haifa, ithovrt, K.'shon le Zion, Ramat Gan, Nahalat Yits-haq and Kefar Sava, under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940 - - - - 150 Notice under the Loans (Recovery of Interest) Ordinance, 1938, approving a Com-, pany for the Purpose of the Ordinance and exempting certain Loans issued by the Company from the Application of the Ottoman Law - - 152 ־ - Grant of 'Auditors' Certificates, under the Companies Ordinance 153 Notice under the Land Registers Ordinance, 1944, regarding Destruction of Entries in Land Registers in respect of certain Lands ­ ­ ­ 154 Notice of Posting of Schedules of Rights to Land in Yesfid Hama'äla, Edh Dhahiriya el Fauqa, Fir'im, 'Arab es Samniya and Migdal Villages, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance ­ 156 Notification of Intended Settlement in respect of Lands of Beit Jann Village, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance ­ 156 Notice under the Animal Tax Ordinance, 1944, appointing a Day of Commence­ ment of Enumeration of Scheduled Animals ­ ­ 157 Food Control (Tea) (Amendment) Order, 1947, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 157 Food Control (Chocolate) (Amendment) Order, 1947, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 158 Customs Tariff and Exemption (Amendment of Schedule) Order (No. 3), 1947, under the Customs Tariff and Exemption Ordinance, 1937 ­ ­ 159 30th January, 1947 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1552—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 125 PALESTINE ORDERS IN.COUNCIL, 1922 TO 1939. PROCLAMATION BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER ARTICLE 11. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by Article 11 of the Palestine Orders in Council, 1922 to 1939, I, GENERAL SIR ALAN GORDON CUNNINGHAM, K.C.B., D.S.O., M.C., High Commissioner for Palestine, with the approval of the Secretary of State, do hereby proclaim as follows :— 1. This Proclamation may be cited as the Administrative Citation. Divisions (Amendment) Proclamation, 1947, and shall be read Gaz: as one with the Administrative Divisions Proclamation, 1939, 30.12.39, hereinafter referred to as "the principal Proclamation". v' ° 2. The Schedule to the principal Proclamation shall be re- Revocation and voked, and the Schedule hereto shall be substituted therefor. replacement of Schedule to principal Proclamation. 3. This Proclamation shall be deemed to have come into force Commencement, on the 1st January, 1947. THE SCHEDULE. A. GALILEE DISTRICT. 1. Acre Sub-District. Abu Sinan Jatt Mi'ilyä Acre Judeida Nahf 'Amqa Julis Nahr, En 'Arraba Ka.br i Nahariya Bassa, El and Ma'sub Kabul Räma, Er BeitJann and 'Ein el Asad Kafr Fnän Ruweis, Er Bi'na, El Kafr Sumei' Säjür Birwa, El Kafr Yäsif Sakhnin Buqei'a, El Khirbat Jiddin Sha'b Khirbat Samah (Eilon) Damun, Ed Suhmätä Kisrä Deir el Asad Sumeiriya, Es Kuweikät Deir Hanna Tamra Majd el Kurüm Fassuta and Deir el Qasi Tarbikhä (includes En Makr, El and El Mansura Nabi Rübin and Surüh) Manshiya Ghabisiya, El and Sheikh Tarshihä Dawiid (includes Sheikh Mazra'a, El and Shavei Umm el Faraj Dannun) Zion and 'Ein, Sara and Yänüh Hanita Ga'aton Yirka Iqrit Mi'är Zib, Ez (includes Manawät) 126 THE PAL ESTÍNE GAZETTE NO. 1552—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 30th January, 1947 Tribal Units —. 1 Sakhnin) qiya) 'Arab el 'Aramisha and 'Arab el Mureisat (In 'Arab es Sawá'id (In S«a­ 'Arab el Quleitat (in­ Sakhnin and Deir khnin, Deir Hanna and cludes I'ribbin, Jur­ Hanna) Er Rama) deih and Khirbat Id­ 'Arab es Samniya (in­ 'Arab es Suweitát (In (eludes Khirbat es Suw­ Tarshiha ׳ '•• (mith 'Arab el Hujeirat (In wana and 'Arab Tau­ 2. Beisan Sub-District. 'Arida, El and Sede Eliyahu Haiyim and Neve Eitan Safa, Es Ashrafiya, El Hamidiya, El and Sákhina, Es and Nir David (Amal׳ Avuqa Hermonim (Hermoium (Tel Bashatiwa,.El was previously Irgun Sämiriya, Es Bawáti, El (Hakimiya) Deror) Sirin Beisán and Sede Nahum Hamra, El Taiyiba, Et and Benei Be­ and Messilot and 'Ein Heftsi­Bah rit (Benei Berit was pre­ han Natsiv Jabbfil and Beit Yosef viously Moledet) Beit Alfa Jisr el Majami' Teil esh Shauk Beit hash Shitta (Shatta) Kafra Tel Yosef Bira, El Kafr Misr Tira, Et and Irgun Boro­ Danna Kaukab el Haw a khov 'Ein Harod and Zera'im Kefar Yehezqel Tirat Tsevi (Ez Zarrá'a) Farwana Khuneizir, El (Ikhneizir) Unim 'Ajra Fátür, El Masil el Jizl and Kefar Wádi el Bira Gesher Ruppin (Massada) Yublá Geva' Murassas, El Zab'a Ghazáwiya, El and Ma'oz Qumiya 3. Nazareth Sub-District. 'Afula Kefar Gid'on Nazarcth 'Arab es Subeih Kefar ha Horesh Nein Balfourya Kefar Tavor (Mas­ha) and Ramat David and 'Ayanot Bu'eina Beit Qeshet and Hash Sharon Dabbfiriya Kefar Yeladim Reina, Er Dahl, Ed Mahane Yisrael Rummäna 'Ein Mahil Ma'liil Saffüriya Gevat Mash­had Särid Ginneigar Merhavya Settlement Sülam Iksal Merhavya Group Tamra and . Irgun hä­g­ 'Hut Mizra' Galil . .. Indur Mount Tabor (includes Tel 'Adashim Kafr Kannä TJmm el Ghanam) Tur'an Kafr Manda Mujeidil, El Umm Qubei Kaukab Nahalal and Shimron 'Uzeir ־v... •; ־ Kefar Barukh Na'ura Yäfä 4. Safad Sub-District. Abil el Qamh 'Amrmlqa , . Dafna 'Abisiya, El and Kefar 'Arab esh Shamalina (Khir­ Dállala Szold (includes 'Azaziyat, bat Abu Zeina) (includes Dan (previously Khan éd 'Ein Fit and Khirbat es El Buteiha) Duweir) ׳'" Summan) Beisamun Darbashiya, Ed Aiyelet hash Shahar Biriya Dawwära and 'Amir and Buweiziya, El (includes Kefar Nehemya ׳!'־־.;' Akbara' 'Alma Meis)" Deishüm 80th January, 1947 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1552—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 127 Dhahiriya el Fauqa, Edh Málikíya, El (includes 'Ei­ Sabalan Dhahiriya et Tahta, Edh tarün) S'afad 'Ein ez Zeitun Manara, El Safsaf 'Ein Zeitim Mansüra, El Saliha (includes Marun er Fara Mansürat el Kheit Ras and Yarun) Farradiya Marus Salihiya, Es Fir'im Mazári' ed Daraja and Dar­ Sammu'i, Es Ghabbatiya dará, (includes Dureiját, Sanbariya, Es Ghuraba 'Ein et Tina, Jalabíná Sa'sa' Hatsor and Weizíya ('Almin) ) Shauqa et Tahta, (includes Hula Concession Area Meirun Mughr esh Shab'an) Hunin (includes Hula and Metulla (includes Deir Ma­ She­ar Yashuv 'Udeisa) mas, Hura andKafr Kila) Shefer Hurfeish Mishmar hay Yarden (previously Harrawi) J alnda Muftakhira, El (includes El Shuna, Esh Ja'una Barjiyát) Teitaba Jish Mughr el Kheit Tuba, ('Arab el Heib) Jubb Yusuf Nabí Yüsha', En . Tuleil and El Huseiniya Kafr Bir'im Na'ima, En 'Ulmaniya ,El Khalisa, El Qabbá'a and Jazáyir el Weiziya Kefar Gil'adi (Tel Hai) Hindáj (includes Mughr Yarda Khirbat el Hiqab . ed Durüz) Yesud ham Ma'ala (includes Khisas Qadas (includes Buleida) El Kharrar) Khiyam el Walid Qadditá Zanghariya (Zuhluq) Kirad el Baqqara Qeitiya Zawiya, Ez . Qudeiriya, El : . •.. Zuq el Fauqani, Ez ׳ . • Kirad el Ghannama Lazzaza and Beit Hillel Ras el Ahmar, Er Zuq et Tahtani, Ez Mahanayim Ríháníya ׳ Mallaha and 'Arab Zubeid Rosh. Pinna 5. Tiberias Sub-District. Afiqim Khirbat el Wa'ra es Saudá Samakiya, Es Ashdot Ya'aqov. (El Mawasi and El Wuheib) Samrá, Es (includes Kafr Beit Gan Kirtneret Group Harib Lands) Beit Zera' (Kefar Gun) Kinneret Sejera (Ilanya) Bitanya Lubiya Sha'ára and 'Omer Dalhamiya Ma'dhar Shajara, Esh Deganiya "A" Maghár and El Mansüra Sharona Deganiya "B" Majdal Shorashim ; , 'Eilabun Manara, El and Nasr ed Tabigha, Et (includes Tell 'Ein Gev (Nuqeib) Din el Hunüd and Khan el 1 Ghuweir Abu Shusha Menahamiya Minya) and Genossar Migdal Tiberias and Haz Zor'im Hadaf ha Mitspa 'Ubeidiya, El Nimrin 'Ularn ׳ Hamma, El Hittin Poriya Yáqüq • , : •• Kafr Kama Samakh and Massada and Yavneel and Mishmar hash Shelosha ׳ Kafr S'abt Sha'ar hag Golan Kefar Hittim B.
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