INDEX Abelli, José (worker-leader in Alperovitz, Gar 167 , 258 MNER) 216 , 217 , 237n. 1 alternative energy sources 55 aboriginal peoples anarchism Misión Guaicaipuro 192–3 growth in social movements 63 , social ethics distinct from 68–9 capitalism 5 platformism and 57–60 spiritual belief, see also especifi smo interconnectedness 50–1 anarchist-communist tendency 58–60 , see also indigenous cultures 62 , 64 , 66–7 About Face Mission anarchist federations 57–8 , 62 , 64–5 , 68 (Venezuela) see Misión Che anarchists Guevara (creating education and participation in movements xvii , training cooperatives) 62–3 , 158 abundance “social insertion” strategy 57 , 60 , as key concept of solidarian 63–4 see also especifi smo economies 88–91 ANTEAG (National Association of accumulation see wealth Workers in Self-Managing accumulation, concentration Enterprises) 14–15 , 19 activism anticapitalism xxiii , 31–3 , 160 , 161 as repeated cycles of antiracism working groups 158–9 protest 61 , 64 Anti-Racist Action (ARA) 155 Afro-neoliberalism in South antisocial behaviour 228 Africa 242–6 apartheid, white cooperative movement agricultural cooperatives as pillar of 243–4 as central to Prout 52 , 54 ARA see Anti-Racist Action (ARA) in South Africa 248–50 Arab Spring xii , xvi–xvii Kadishi (farming support and Ardito, Ernest (director, El Corazón de maize processing) 250–2 la Fábrica) 235 urban organic food Argentina production 252–3 barter clubs “Argentine see also EcoVillage and EcoCity model,” 79–84 Trust Kadishi cooperative cinematic productions on the (maize) occupations 235 agro-food complex (in South civil society, cooperatives and the Africa) 241–8 , 253 , 254 state in 220–4 Albert, Michael 25 , 258 community-based citizenship, allocation context 211–12 decision-making regarding 41 especifi st organizing in 66–9 problems of central planning 40 growth of worker cooperatives problems of markets 39–40 in 227–8 99781623562625_Index_Rev_txt_prf.indd781623562625_Index_Rev_txt_prf.indd 225959 33/12/2002/12/2002 99:32:33:32:33 PPMM 260 INDEX monetary pluralism 78–9 Banco del Sur (Bank of the South) 75 recession, fi nancial collapse of Banco Palmas (Brazil) 85 December 2001 78 , 83 , 84 , bank(s) 212 , 213 antitrust, breaking up big 174 recuperation of factories, cooperative capitalization 138 enterprises 14–15 , 19 , 214 , 232–5 cooperative workers’ savings (Caja revolutionary opening/closing 210 Laboral Popular) 101 , 103 Social Economy Movement 228 ecobank 80 Arizmendiarrieta, José María 100 , bankruptcy 213–18 , 220 103 , 123n. 12 Hotel Bauen 225–6 assembly/assemblies laws regarding 211 , 214 , 215 , 217 , 229 in Argentinian barter networks 84 of the monetary system itself 85 of the GTWA 161–3 bargaining power 26 , 130 as open organization 163 see also collective bargaining ; platformism 61 concessions, loss of bargaining for worker self-management 7 , 9 , 10 , power ; unions 18 , 223 , 224 , 228 barter clubs/networks see also Greater Toronto Workers’ beginnings of 78 , 83–4 Assembly neighborhood Global Barter Network 82 assemblies popular assemblies as paradigm shift (outside assets competition/scarcity) 89 collectively owned 251 see also complementary currencies ; occupations to prevent removal social currencies of 131–3 see also expropriation base-building atiriktam as revolutionary project 8 as incentives, or task-related Basque Country, Euskadi privileges 49–50 Franco, language repression Auca (Rebel) 66–8 in 123n. 11 austerity 150 , 158 , 216 history of un/employment rates see also neoliberalism in 104–5 Austria, negative interest currency public fi nancing of cooperative successes in 1930s 76 , 89 research 102 , 138 authoritarianism, capitalism and, xxii Spanish Civil War, bombing of 100 Autogestión y Globalidad ( Sarasua technology network 106 and Udaondo) 98–100 see also innovation ; Mondragón autonomy Corporación Cooperativa as a cooperative’s economic (MCC) independence 4 , 228 Bastiat, Frédéric 41 fl ying squads and 160–1 Benn, Tony (British MP) 138 social movements and 58 , 63 factory occupations as “Benn technological, cooperative R&D 102 cooperatives,” 128 , 136 Azevedo, Alessandra B. 95 , 258 biodiversity, protection of 51 black bloc 151 bailouts 158 , 172 Blanco, Walter 228 bakery cooperatives 227–8 , 256n. 18 boliburguesía (Chavista balanced job complexes 36–8 Bolibourgeoisie) 200 Banco de la Nación (Argentina) 225 , Bolivarian Venezuela, assessments 228 of 198–200 99781623562625_Index_Rev_txt_prf.indd781623562625_Index_Rev_txt_prf.indd 226060 33/12/2002/12/2002 99:32:35:32:35 PPMM INDEX 261 Bolsheviks, anarchists contrasted Hotel Bauen workers with 58 occupation 225–6 boom, postwar xiv , 168–71 Movements for Recuperated see also war, and economic Enterprise (MNER & growth MNFRT) 214 , 215 , 216 bosses Movimento de Unidad Popular enterprise without (“Factories (Popular Unity Movement, without Bosses”) 6 , 221 unemployed workers) 66 “rule of law” and 151 , muncipal council legislation for 164 see also class struggle ; cooperatives 214–15 , 228 coordinator class neighborhood assemblies direct bourgeousie action 228 individualism of 5 , 8 wide spread of worker-managed liberal ideology of 7 enterprises 215 rise of the 2–3 , 12 , 16 state protection of xviii , 13 CAIN Agrupación Anarquista Braverman, Harry 10 (Anarchist Association) 68 Brazil Caja Laboral Popular (CLP) 101 , 103 , anarchism and especifi smo in 57–8 , 123n. 18 64–5 Cameron, David (British Prime Bruscor Rope and String Company Minister) xiv Ltd 19 Canadian Auto Workers 158 , Central Bank repression of 159–60 community currencies 76–7 Canadian Labour Congress cooperative model comparisons with (CLC) 152–4 , 158 Mondragon (Spain) 96 Canadian Union of Public Landless Workers Movement xviii , Employees see CUPE-Ontario 64 , 65 , 124n. 30 , 216 capitalism legislation of cooperatives 8 , 13 cooperatives and 5–7 , 16–17 , 135 , social currencies integration 85–6 140–1 , 236 Solidarian Economy in 74 , 88 criminality of 27 Brazilian Network of Solidarian crisis see fi nancial crisis Economy 85 defi ning features of 2 , 25–6 bread profi teering 4 , 242 , 247–8 discipline of workers 18 , 26 see also food insecurity ; wheat-to- First Industrial Revolution and 6 bread value chain as hegemonic mode of production 6 , Britain see Great Britain 12 , 142 British law/institutions, employment (im)morality of 26–7 , 40 , 142 , 181 contract 2 , 131 opinion surveys on 181 British union movement 4 , 129–30 , 135 repression of Earth/ Brukman clothing factory environment 90 self-management 19 , 235 as suicidal economic model 44 Bruscor Rope and String Company “unbelonging” character of 99 Ltd 19 , 20 unemployment crucial to 68 Buenos Aires unions’ integration with 157 AUCA and the OSL 66–7 see also anticapitalism barter clubs in 78 , 81–4 carbon foot print, South African Brukman factory occupation 19 agro-food complex 247 99781623562625_Index_Rev_txt_prf.indd781623562625_Index_Rev_txt_prf.indd 226161 33/12/2002/12/2002 99:32:36:32:36 PPMM 262 INDEX Caro, Luis 216 , 217 , 218 , 221 , 232 role of unions in 157 Catholicism 100 , 120 , 238n. 6 social stratifi cation and 212–13 CAW (Canadian Auto Workers) 152 , strikes, socialism and 17 158 , 160 suffrage, ruling class concessions 2 centrally planned economies, problems see also dual power of 40–1 , 55 climate change 168 , 247 change, as a constant 55 closed shop 164 Chávez, Hugo (President, Venezuela) Coates, Ken 127 , 132 , 134 antipolitical character 199 Colibri Project 90 , 259 interest in Argentine experience (of collective bargaining recuperation) 230–2 in Canada (UAW strike 1945) 164 loyalty, becoming institutionalized and routinized 129 , authoritarianism 200 157 missions, social/economic see also leverage, in occupations power 190 , 196 , 197 collective responsibility 57 , 60 , 61 1998 election platform 184–5 , 187 commodities social contract 185–6 grading of (essential, semiessential, Che Guevara Mission 198 luxury) 48 Chicago 176 speculation on 178 child labor 40 commons 5 , 51 , 214 Chile 74 communism China anarchist-communist anarchist movements in 59 tendencies 58–9 , 62 , 64 , 66–7 Cultural Revolution 55 as ineffi cient, joyless, dull 54 industrial policy and US 176–8 see also socialism ; state/statism statism abandoned in 13 community currency Chomsky, Noam 41 local pecularity in naming 80 civil disobedience 149 see also barter clubs/networks; civil society complementary currencies; cooperatives and 15 , 232–6 social currencies duality, material nature of 210–11 , Comox Valley, BC (LETS) 77 229–30 competition global vs. state sovereignty 232 as basic to capitalism 7 , 26 hegemony of 220–1 cooperatives and 236 solidarian economic development innovation and 109 and 74 , 79 , 87 as discipline of the market 2–3 , 4 , classless society xix , 6 , 20 , 38 , 42 , 43 , 7 , 39 , 40 44 , 58 complementary currencies 76–8 , class struggle xxii , 3 , 16–17 , 41 , 59 , 88–90 224 concessions, loss of bargaining anarchism and 59 , 64 , 68 power 3 , 63 , 129 , 156 , 161 especifi smo and 58–9 , 60–1, 63 Confederación Nacional del Trabajo expropriation a victory of 222 (CNT) 59 parecon as transcending 44 congress, role in cooperative strategic period of marginalization, decline management 106 in xxii , 139 see also councils replaced by bargaining, consciousness concessions 156 oppositional, workers’ 7 , 141 , 200 99781623562625_Index_Rev_txt_prf.indd781623562625_Index_Rev_txt_prf.indd 226262 33/12/2002/12/2002 99:32:36:32:36 PPMM INDEX 263 political, little changed by credit cooperatives 7 , 14 cooperatives 138–9 , 141 see also microcredit, consumer(s)
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