DEPARTMENTOF THEINTERIOR 46. I BUREAUOFEDUCATION 1 MMII .44 e BULLETIN,1923,No.54 RECORD .OF CURRENT* EDUCATIONAL AM* Alb 1St PUBLICATIONSa. O . O COMPRISINGPUBLICATIONS RECEIVED BY THEBUREAUOFEDUCATIONTO 4444 OCTOBER15,1923 47 tr, ai I i. IP Oc . /NM 410 s.. COMPILEDBYgrim LIBRARY DIVISIÒNOF . THE.'BURFAÚOFEDUCATION 114 ,r . 4 . 4 * WASHINGTON . alGOVERNMENT & e PRINTINGOFFICE t 1923 O .40 4.- g II 0 it il I .40 J. 96 do, V 0. Alb a ( s. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAT BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS .GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE . WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 41. 5 CENTS PER COPY 0 . ..- IM.= *. PURCHASER kGREES NOT TO RESELL OR DISTRIBUTE THIS COPY FOR PROFIT.PUB. RES. 57, APPROVED MAY11, 1922 I as 4. 3 *- e . e I. 41. 1.1 Mlo . 2.; 1 RECORDOF CURRENT EDUCATIOÑALPUBLICATIONS. Compiled bytheLibraryDivision,Bureau ofEdutation. 4. CONTENTS.Educationalhistoryand biogiaphyCu'rrent . educationalconditionsEducationaltheory and practiceEducationalpsychology;Child studyP.sychological clients Educational testsEducationaltests andmeasure- researchSpecialmethods ofinstructionSpecialsubjects of oducAtionRuraleducationSecondary curriculumElementary educationJuniorhighschoolsTeachertrainingTeachers' salaries andprofessionalstatusHighereducationFederal trat[onSchool government andeducationSchooladminis- managementSchoolbuildingsandgroundsSchool healthMentalhygienePhysical hygiene andsanitationPublic trainingPlayandrecreationSocialaspects of ieacherassociationsChildwelfareMoral educationParept- tional educationReligiousand churcheducationManualandvoca- trainingVocationalguidanceWorkers'educationAgricultureHome educationProfessionaleducationCivic economicsCommercial womenNegro educationAmericanization-LMilitaryeducationEducaden of educationIndianeducationEducationofdeafExceptional extensionLibrariesandreadingBureauof Education; childrenEducation . 3 Recentpublications. NOTE. Fromtimeto time aclassifiedandannotated recòrdisissued, bulletinform, in of.current éducationalpublicationsreceivedby the libraryof theBureau ofEducationtoacertainspecifieddate.The present listcontinues therecordto October15, 1923,immediatélyfol- lowingBulletin,1923, no.32, whichcomprisedpublication'sreceived by theBureau ofEducationto May1, 1923. This officecan not supplythepublicationslisted inthis otherthan bulletin, thoseexpresslydesignatedaspublicationsof the of Bureau Education. Books,pamphlets,andperiodicalshere may ordinarily be mentioned obtainedfromtheirrespectivepublishers,either directlyorthroughadealer,or,in thecaseofan association tion,from publica- thesecretary oftheissuingorganization.Many are available for of them consultationinvariouspublicandinstitutional t. libraries. EDUCATIONALHISTORYAND 4 BIOGRAPHY. Hall,G.Stanley. Lifeandconfessions *ofa psychologist.New York, IY.Appleton& London, co., 1923.ix, 623p.front.(port.)plates.8°, Here is givenDoctor Hall's own story of aionglife devotedto activitiesin psychology . tion. Toa large extent, and educa- - thisautobiographyisa record of the andmore. intellectual life ofthepast halfcentury t. Perry,Carroll.A professorof life;a(sketch ofArthurLathamPerryof Williams . college. Bostonand NewYork,HoughtonMifflin 112 [1]p. company, 1923.5p.1., 12°. Taylor,E. J.Pioneers _. ofeducation inNorthDakota.Quarterlyjournalof the University-ofNorthDakota,.13:.422-36,July1923. Wells,H. G. Thegreat discovery: . Saiidersonand thenew_spiritineducation. Newrepublic,36:199-201,October17,1923. .: Describes the I t. work ofSandersonat the Ouiidle 6 . , .11\ 0 e school in .1. II * . Englankl. .4. Il .., , . .. i 0 1 To be A. t A continued. J t_ 114; :.: 44... %. ,, c .1I '41- 1.,. ar.4.. .24%,,, ..,,.. , . c.;,, 1;:e,-;,, ,:;',..1.4.. 4 . , . .. ... ,,, ..r..., % ........,..),ogi, --;,.; 4,,,ot.i. iv-, I-;.;i . ,*.'- .1"'1.%...r....:,:..!..1;),44:.5 .. , ,..: r"..., .-i''....-... I - - % - .,..,,,'-,..1'1,41.'-- d . .. t24,,:c-....... A..i.! '".,,., i,': .t1 1 : ,.a... * 4, . ,... ' ii ,i,. .; .... ..1.. i ;,, '''. 1. ....1 t*.: 1 ......) z ,,,,,,,, .- i .,,,r,,,,t, .. : - 1. t-. :. ,-..... ..., . -.1..41: 47, s :. 1, .; .1/ 1.."."...i,'6.46 t .4* . ......,...s4-' . .1, 1.... ..k- 6 . 4' 4 I;; ''.. -:"-; 1 tr7,1.6.1.'utrik 4f1 .,t.::: ."...-;'; '-(' . -"="-'` - *. 2 f CURRENT EDUCATIONALPUALICATIONS. 41 Williams, L. A. Some neglected factorsaffecting early seckmdary education in the Vnited States.High school journal, 6: 155-IS,October, 1923. To be continued. .Wi118bAiÍí, Albert E.Fifty°yearsof education.Journal of education, 97:.595-602 May 31, 1923.illus. t "The unification andextension of the addresses given before theDepartment_ Of Superintend- ence...Cleveland, 1920, and the one at IowaCity, April 26, 1923." L CURRENT EDUCATIONALCONDITIONS. - GENERAL ApID UNITED STATES. The American schoolprògram.From the standpoint ofthe Nation: rood P. Cubberley. From the standpoint ofthe State: ThomasE. Finegad From the standpoint of theCity: William L. Ettinger.School and society, 18: 121- 40, August 4, 1923. ; , Papersp4sentedat the generalsession of the Nationaleducation/association, San Frturisco, July 3, 1923.Professor Cubberley supplied theplace of Dr. John J. Tigent,U.S. Commissioner of education, who was unable to attend. Briggs, Thomas H.Ourcommonobligations.Alabama schoo) journal, 40: 3-4, 10-11. June 1923. Discussion of our public school systemdelivered before the Alabama education association, April 5, 1923. Brigham;Cirl C.A study of Americanintelligence.Princeton, Princeton uni- versitypress,1923.xxv,210p.tables.diagrs.8°. Taking the Abdorelative to intelligence and nativity first published in the official reportofpsy- chological exatmaing in the UnitedStates Army, Mr. Brigham analyzes and interpretsthem to. bring out the relations of intelligencein our population to nativity andlength of residenCe in the United States. Burk,Frederic,Is education equal to thetask?Survey, 50: 541-43, August 15. 1923. Discusses .the meeting ofthe World's Conference on education,held in conjunction with the N. E. A, at Oakland,Calif., July 1923, and the launching of theWorld federation of eduestional associations. Finegan, Thomas E.The American school program fromthe standpoint of the state.Americppn education, 27: 18-24,September 1923. : Delivered before theNational education association,Jury,1923. Fitoatriesk, EdwardA.'Education'sdesperatelyhurrlinproblem: the story of Wisconsin's' struggleagainst inertia and machine-made schools.Survey, 50: _ 5 64 -6 9,593-94, September 1923. Contends that education in a democracy mustbe "a general interest of all, not an esotericiliterest of educators." Foster, William Trufant.The. morale of the school.Atlantic,monthly, 131: 772-78, June 1923. 1111 Rinses', M. P.Reporton'systems of.accreditingschools inthe.United States of . America.[Melbourne, Ministerof public instruction, 1923166 p.diagrs. ... (foll-fnrms.)8°. , The author, who is Chief inspector ofseconbdary itchools, Melbourne, Australia, made a personal study of his subject 'while in tha United Statesrecently. -' Ne,- : - Hart, Albert B.Moosehart education that sticks.Outlook, 134: 172-4, June 13, 1923. 111 .r Ill., established by the Loyal opler of Moose. : , Methods and activities of the school at Ifoosehart, Kart, !Joseph K. AnewschooleveryNreek. elaware sets the pacein educa. A: . , 4:4 .' . tionalprogress.Survey, 50: 573-75, Septem er 1923. Describes the new Booker T.Washington school at Dover, Del., which serves also as -center for the Nova all overthe State. *r . I f ' 01 CURRENTEDUCATIONAL,PUBLICATIONS.. 3 Horton., Roughen. A briefstudy ofilliteracy inthe ,UnitedStates.'Peabody journal ofeducation,1: 108-14,September1923.diagrs. Institute of inteinationaleducation.Fllowshipsandscholarshipsofferedto Americanitudentsfor studyin foreigncountriesandto foreign students study for in.the UnitedStates. NewYork [Instituteof international educationi 1923.60p..8°.(Bulletin, Folurthseries,no.4.). Thecompilationlaccording to theForeword,does not claimto be ,least an exhaustiveone, but is at A beginning, anda much neededone, in a field that hadrevealed subject. i no definite informationonthé Kandel, I. L. TheInternationalinstitute ofTeacherscollege.Teacher's college record,24: 366-ieSeptember1923. tauraSpelman. Rockefellermemorial.Report of theLaura SpelmanRocke- fellermemorial.New York,1923.10p.tabres.8°. This isthe first publishedreport of thémemorial, coveringthe pekilod frbmOctober. Detember31, 1922. 1918, to It is reviewedin schooland society,18: 169-701Auguo. 11. 1023. The literacytest of New York State.School Itindsociev,18: 196-97,August 618,-1923, (HvesatypicalexaminationI for thenew voter. McCracken,Charles-. C.Logan county and.Bellefontaine,Ohio, schoolsurvey, . 1023.Columbus, 0.1 TheF. J. Beerprintingcompany, 1923.66p.incl. tables, diagrs.8°. Moley, Raymond. TheClevelanfturveynet.Survey,50: 229.-31, May15, 1923. Re-citesthe mcbsurableprogresshipublic education,recreation,etc:, of thesurvey made by the Clevelandfoundation. ; A review I of thesurveysof theClevelandfoundation. '[Clev.elandjThe (le\e. landfoundittion[1923] ix,43p. 8°. Morrison,Henry Clinton.Thereadjustment ofour fundamental schools.School . review,31:493-510, September1923. Odell,JopephR. Thedevelopmentof Delaware.[Wilmiligton,1923]cover-title, 81p.incl.plates.8°. Report to the annualmeeting (gibeService citizensof Delaware,May 4, 1923. Oreoti's educationalstanding.News-item,5: 1, 4,July-Auguet1923. Astatement of the real situationas to rank of thestate,andexplanation of therating given by the RussellSagofoundation. Ryav, W:Carsofi, jr.Dr. Pritchett:andthecost
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