Number 30 August 1986 FEATURES American Dream 12 A Management Simulation Steve Estvanik Phantasie II 16 A Review Scorpia Industry Update 24 Many New Titles on the Way The Kobayashi Alternative Revisited 30 Scorpion's Tale Takes Another Look Scorpia And The Winner Is... 35 Generic Game Design Contest Winner DEPARTMENTS Taking A Peek 5 Screen Photos and Brief Comments Sports Scoreboard 20 GBA Championship Basketball, et al Rick Teverbaugh Amiga Preferences 26 Information for the Amiga Gamer Roy Wagner Commodore Key 28 Information for the Commodore Gamer Roy Wagner Macintosh Window 36 Orbiter and Flight Simulator Frank Boosman Atari Playfield 38 Silent Service, et al Gregg Williams Over There 42! British Computer Games Leslie Bunder Reader Input Device 45 Game Ratings 48 100 Games Rated Software Country Electronic Arts your instrument panel moni- 9713 Santa Monica Blvd, Ste 204 1820 Gateway Drive tors wind speed, wind direc- Beverly Hills, CA 90210 San Mateo, CA 94404 tion and boat heading. Eight 213-278-8450 415-571-7171 courses to race. One or two players. Includes a 45-rpm CHESSMASTER 2000: A very ULTIMATE WIZARD: Run, record with a sailing tutorial nice new entry into the ranks jump and climb through a on one side and an original of chess programs. 12 differ- world of treasures, sorcery song about the America's Cup ent levels of play; the com- and creatures in this arcade on the other. Apple, IBM. puter will make 1 move every release. 100 levels provided, 7 seconds at level 1 - 1 move plus a construction set to cre- $39.95. Circle Reader Service every 3 minutes at level 10. ate your own challenges. 10 # 25. Large library of openings. different magic spells, 20 BOP'N WRESTLE: Arcade The disk includes 100 classic different monster types and 4 wrestling simulation. Use the games. Excellent screen dis- treasure types. C64/128. Cir- joystick or keyboard to con- play can be viewed in two or cle Reader Service # 24. trol Gorgeous Greg, Angry three dimensions. Gives hints Abdul or one of eight other for your next move. Teaching Mindscape Inc. wrestling stars. Choice of mode displays all squares to 3444 Dundee Road moves such as the "atomic which a selected piece may Northbrook, IL 60062 drop" and "pile driver". One move. Can be played as player 312-480-7667 or two players. C64/128. Cir- vs player, player vs computer THE AMERICAN CHAL- cle Reader Service # 26. or computer vs computer. LENGE: A match race sailing Apple, Atari, C64/128, simulation puts you on-board SHADOWFIRE GAME Amiga, ST. Circle Reader the sailboat, controlling sail, CHANGER: If you own the Service # 23. rudder and centerboard as game of Shadow f ire then this program will give you total Manhattan Software Firebird Licensees Inc. control over that universe. PO Box 148 PO Box 49 You can use the changer to Peterborough, NH 03458 Ramsey, NJ 07446 change saved games or create 603-924-9998 201-934-7373 completely new ones. C64. Circle Reader Service # 27. CASINO CRAPS: Gambling COLOSSUS CHESS IV: So- simulation. Contains all the phisticated chess program. Datasoft bets and all the odds of the Supports all rules of chess in- 19808 Nordhoff Place game of craps. IBM 64K, Chatsworth, CA 91311 cluding under-promotions and monochrome board. $35. Cir- draws by repetition. Two and 818-886-5922 cle Reader Service # 30. three dimensional video dis- THE NEVER ENDING Activision, Inc. plays. Classic game library on STORY: Real-time, graphics 2350 Bayshore Frontage Road program disk. Maximum of 12 text adventure. Original film Mountain View, CA 94043 ply lookahead, otherwise you music, split-screen display. 415-960-0410 can set the difficulty level by The world of Fantasia is in determining time computer is peril and you, Atreyu, have permitted for each move. Ap- been chosen to fulfill this MURDER ON THE MISSIS- ple, C64/128. $34.95 Circle generic adventure. Apple SIPPI: Graphics and text mur- Reader Service # 32. 64K. Circle Reader # 28. der mystery set on a Missis- sippi riverboat. The player FRANKIE GOES TO HOL- MIND PURSUIT: Yet another must guide two detectives LYWOOD: Hi-res graphics trivial pursuit variant. Six throughout the boat searching adventure/arcade game. As categories, three game options for clues and examining sus- the documentation states, "The and three difficulty levels. Up pects. Completely joystick ultimate goal of Frankie is to to four players. Hi-res driven. CLUE on a boat. Ap- become a complete person and graphics. Additional questions ple, C64/128. $39.95 and to achieve this you must reach disks available. Apple 64K. $34.95 Circle Reader Service the top of the Bar Charts Circle Reader Service # 29. # 31. (when the word BANG will light up) and achieve a score and each is extremely realistic Micro-Novels of 87,000 Pleasure Points. and detailed. The entire 2808 S. 12th St. This combination awards you package represents the equiv- Milwaukee, WI 53215 the minimum requirement to alent of a college-level course search for the Special Door - in business administration. THE RETURN OF STAR the Door to the Ultimate Ex- IBM (256K, 2 drives). Circle VOYAGER & SHERLOCK perience - the heart of the Reader # 34. HOLMES STRIKES AGAIN: Pleasure Dome." Well! We A dual-sided set of text ad- certainly can't say it any bet- Woodbury 127 White Oak Lane ventures. Each game runs in ter, despite numerous attempts RAM, which speeds up play at singles bars. C64/128. Old Bridge, NJ 08857 201-679-0200 (no disk access) but does limit $34.95 Circle Reader Service the available vocabulary. The # 33. PLAY WRITER SERIES: A collection of four programs to player must remain "in char- Reality Development Corp assist the would-be author in acter" to succeed. Atari. Univ City Science Center each of us. MYSTERY, $17.95 plus $2 shipping 3624 Market Street TALES OF ME, ADVEN- (available only by mail). Cir- Philadelphia, PA 19104 TURES IN SPACE, CAS- cle Reader Service # 36. TLES & CREATURES. Each BUSINESS SIMULATOR: Advanced American Computer program allows you to write, PO Box 2099 This is a very complex busi- edit, illustrate, print and bind ness simulation that is de- Dearborn, MI 48123 your own book. The computer 313-565-1400 scended from a mainframe asks questions and offers sug- program. One or two players gestions to aid your creative TRIVIA 85: Graphic trivia will make business decisions process. Each package con- quiz game. 8 categories, 3 that allow their start-up com- tains a hard-cover book levels of play, 4,500 questions. panies to grow into multina- jacket, colorful stickers and Differs from "standard" trivia tional corporations. Your full page illustrations. A in that no dice are rolled, computer competition is four unique set of programs that only player strategy and real-life companies (such as are designed to reinforce knowledge will determine the Apple and Tandy) which are reading, spelling, grammar winner. Does include bonus said to reflect their actual and vocabulary skills. Apple, and danger squares. Three business strategies. There are IBM, C64. $39.95 each. Circle diskettes. Apple, IBM. Circle five levels of decision making Reader Service # 35. Reader Service # 37. Broderbund Epyx, Inc. word game. Take a word, 17 Paul Drive 1043 Kiel Court such as "readers", and find as San Rafael, CA 94903 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 many four letter (or greater) 415-479-1700 408-745-0700 words that can be created from the root word. Read, BREAKERS: A science fic- WORLD KARATE CHAM- dear, reeds, dare, seer and so tion text adventure. A real- PIONSHIP: Arcade graphics on. There is a time limit for time world, where the action game transports players to each round. A good game for continues even when the user eight different international increasing vocabulary skills. I does nothing. 1,500 word vo- locations for competitions used to play it during church cabulary. Game characters against the computer or an- (on pen and paper, obviously) react to your own character's other player. Players may use when I was about eight years level of knowledge. Apple, up to 17 karate moves against old. Mama didn't appreciate IBM, ST ($44.95). C64/128 tougher and tougher oppo- the theory of vocabulary skill ($39.95) Circle Reader # 38. nents, from White to Black acquisition, but see where it SCIENCE TOOLKIT - MAS- Belt. Tests of skill and en- can lead? You too can learn TER MODULE: Turns your durance between levels. One to write for prestigious gam- computer into a sophisticated or two players. C64/128, ing mags and have fame, science lab. Users perform Atari. Circle Reader Service # fortune and femininity adhere real experiments using the 40. to your persona - just for the two included sensory probes Cheapware price of a simple game. IBM. and the four on-screen in- 4038 N. Ninth St. $50.00. Circle Reader Service # 41. struments (thermometer, light St. Louis, MO 63147 meter, timer and strip chart). 800-642-6524 Suggested for grades 4-12. Apple. $89.95 Circle Reader GRAMARCY: A computer Service # 39. program that plays a familiar AMERICAN DREAM THE MANAGEMENT SIMULATION' Name: American Dream : The Management Simulation System: IBM & compatibles # Players: One (or several taking subordinates' roles) Price: $124.95 Designer: Jim Zuber Publisher: Blue Chip Software Britannica Learning Corp PO Box 77186 San Francisco, CA 94107 by Steve Estvanik neering department to suggestions from Production on how to improve plant production. Fear not if you're not at home in these areas, you soon will be! No starting in the mailroom in this "game". You From the main screen you can switch to the indi- start right at the top and the challenge is to stay vidual departments.
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