Hemblington Hall Barns Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Preliminary Ecological Appraisal BROADLAND DISTRICT COUNCIL 2 Feb 2019 20190166 PLANNING CONTROL Hemblington Hall Barns for Mr. & Ms. Burtenshaw 11 June 2018 11 June 2018 1 Hemblington Hall Barns Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Client Hemblington Hall Barns Mr. & Ms. Burtenshaw Hemblington Hall Hemlington Hall Road Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Hemblington Norwich NR13 4EF Planning authority Broadland District Council Thorpe Lodge 1 Yarmouth Road Norwich NR7 0DU Time limit of reliance Please note that the reported surveys were conducted on the date(s) stated in the report and that it represents site conditions at the time of the visit. The findings and recommended mitigation are based on these conditions. If site conditions change materially after the site survey, the original report cannot be relied upon and will need to be updated. Ecological reports can typically be relied on for 18 to 24 months from the date of survey. Document Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Version 1.0 Date 11 June 2018 Author Nathan Duszynski M.Sc, B.Sc (Hons), Grad CIEEM, Natural England licences (Bat survey level 2, Great crested newt level 1) Reviewer Etienne Swarts B. Compt (Hons) F Deg Sc ACIEEM Natural England licences (Bat survey level 2, Great crested newt level 2, Hazel dormouse level 1) Signed disclosure The information, data, advice and opinions provided in this report which I have provided is true and has been prepared in accordance with the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management’s Code of Professional Conduct. I confirm that the opinions expressed are my true and professional bona fide opinions. Etienne Swarts, ACIEEM Greenlight Environmental Consultancy Limited Diss Business Hub Hopper Way Diss Norfolk IP22 4GT www.greenlightco.co.uk 11 June 2018 2 Hemblington Hall Barns Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Table of Contents SUMMARY 4 1. INTRODUCTION 6 2. METHODOLOGY 6 3. LEGISLATION AND POLICY 11 4. SITE CONTEXT 13 5. DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT 15 6. DESKTOP REVIEW 15 7. FIELD STUDY 18 8. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 40 9. BIBLIOGRAPHY 46 APPENDIX A MAP OF PROTECTED SITES WITHIN 2KM APPENDIX B PROTECTED SITES CITATIONS APPENDIX C LEGISLATION APPENDIX D GREAT CRESTED NEWT HABITAT SUITABILITY INDEX APPENDIX E PLANT SPECIES RECORDED ON SITE APPENDIX F EXAMPLES OF BAT AND BIRD BOXES APPENDIX G EXAMPLES OF HEDGEHOG FRIENDLY FENCING APPENDIX H NATIVE SPECIES SUITABLE FOR PLANTING AND SOWING APPENDIX I PROPOSED PLANS 11 June 2018 3 Hemblington Hall Barns Preliminary Ecological Appraisal SUMMARY • This report considers the ecological aspects relating to a proposed site for development at Hemblington Hall, Hemblington Hall Road, Hemblington, Norwich, Norfolk, NR13 4EF. A preliminary ecological appraisal has been carried out. • The ecology report is required in support of a planning application for the demolition of one barn, and conversion of the remaining structures into residential dwellings and garden storage. • The survey and assessment were completed by independent, qualified and experienced ecologists with Natural England survey licences for the relevant protected species. • The findings of the assessment are that the habitats on the site are of moderate ecological value and that there are no significant ecological constraints that would prevent the proposed works. • Further surveys for bats and great crested newts are required to inform an ecological impact assessment of the site and an appropriate mitigation strategy. • Mitigation and enhancement recommendations for birds and reptiles are outlined below. Protected Recommended mitigation and Status Potential effect habitats/species enhancements Protected sites Two statutory protected No significant impacts None required. sites and six non- are predicted on statutory protected sites protected sites and within 2km. their qualifying features. Protected habitats No priority habitats on Low scale of habitat Mitigation site. loss predicted for Soft landscaping scheme to include the Proposed works involve wildlife. planting of new trees and hedgerows the between plots and around the site, using conversion/demolition native species. of buildings and the Construction work to be carried out in removal of scrub, accordance with BSI (2012), BS 5837:2012, scattered trees and to protect trees and their root protection rubble piles. areas. Bats Low and moderate bat Destruction or Mitigation roosting potential in disturbance of roosts One bat activity survey conducted on buildings one (dairy if present. building one (dairy barn) to determine barn) and two (main Low scale loss and appropriate mitigation strategy. barn) on site. potential light Two bat activity surveys conducted on Negligible bat roosting disturbance of building two (main barn). potential in remaining commuting and Depending on the outcome of the surveys, buildings. foraging habitats on a European Protected Species Mitigation site. Negligible bat roosting Licence might be required. The potential in trees on development is able to accommodate site. mitigation such as a bat loft or new crevice Low value commuting roosting opportunities. and foraging habitat on Lighting schemes should comply with Bat site. Conservation Trust and CIE 150:2003 guidance. 11 June 2018 4 Hemblington Hall Barns Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Protected Recommended mitigation and Status Potential effect habitats/species enhancements Breeding birds Nesting habitats for Low scale loss of Mitigation scrub, tree and building nesting habitat on Works to any scrub, trees and buildings on nesting birds present on site. site to be conducted outside bird nesting site. Potential disturbance season or under watching brief of Blue tit and robin nests to breeding birds. ecologist if during nesting season. found on site. Enhancement Site habitat not suitable Installation of one integrated swift box and for ground nesting birds. one small bird box for every building on Suitable barn owl site, installed on buildings and trees foraging habitat on site. respectively. Installation of one barn owl box erected on a building or tree. Great crested Terrestrial habitats on Potential harm to GCN Mitigation newts the site suitable. if present on site An eDNA survey to be conducted on ponds Four ponds within 250m during works. three and four adjacent the site to of the site, two ponds Loss of GCN terrestrial determine GCN presence/absence and to assessed as average and habitat not considered inform the potential need for further good suitability. Two significant to a local surveys to determine a population class ponds dry. population of GCN, if assessment, and an appropriate mitigation No GCN records within present. strategy. 2km. No impacts on potential GCN aquatic habitat. Water voles, No suitable habitat on No impacts predicted. None required. otters, white- and adjacent the site. clawed crayfish One water vole and 75 otter records within 2km. Reptiles Habitats on site suitable. Reptiles unlikely to be Precautionary mitigation No reptile records found on site and no Cut and maintain vegetation short within 2km. impacts predicted. (maximum height of 10cm) on and around the site until the start of works. Badgers No badger signs on site No impacts predicted. None required. and habitat unsuitable for badger setts. No badger records within 2km. Other animals Numerous solitary bee Potential harm to Mitigation burrows observed animals. Porous hedgehog friendly fencing should within the internal and be used within and around the site. external walls of barns. Solitary bee habitat to be provided, which could comprise an external south or east facing wall of soft red bricks and a prepared wooden artificial structure. Any excavations on the construction site should be covered during the night. Night lighting of the construction site should be minimised as far as possible. Construction materials should be stored off the ground on pallets. 11 June 2018 5 Hemblington Hall Barns Preliminary Ecological Appraisal 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Greenlight Environmental Consultancy Ltd. has been commissioned to carry out a preliminary ecological appraisal of a site for development at Hemblington Hall, Hemblington Hall Road, Hemblington, Norwich, Norfolk, NR13 4EF. The grid reference of the proposed site is TG 35183 11312. 1.2. This report provides an ecological appraisal of the site within the context of the surrounding area. It outlines the habitat features on the site, the likelihood of protected species being present and any potential effects of the proposed development on protected species. 2. METHODOLOGY 2.1. A desktop review of published data, such as records of protected sites and species, OS maps and satellite images has been carried out. A data search was carried out with the Norfolk Biodiversity Information Service (“NBIS”). 2.2. A field survey visit was conducted on 17th May 2018 to confirm the findings of the desktop review and to record habitats and species located on site. Survey conditions were as follows: temperature at 14oC, moderate wind, sunny intervals and dry. The survey was carried out by Etienne Swarts and Nathan Duszynski. 2.3. Equipment available for use during the survey were binoculars, ladders, torches and a digital camera. Bats 2.4. An assessment of the habitats on and surrounding the site for bat interest was made, in accordance with latest bat survey guidelines (Collins, 2016). 2.5. The buildings on site were assessed for their potential to support roosting bats and involved a thorough internal and external
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