I , " Thursday, julY 15, 1943 . or liE J E WISH P O'B'T mHEA' JEWISH ~~~Aposm ________________________~~ ____________Thursday,~~~~~ July 15,1'943 1 Page Two --~~~~---------------------------- " in the role of a murderer in "M". It is told that during the early days EWSY OUT Film Folk of Adolf's advent, Lorre could have signed a U.F.A. contract, naming his N By HELEN ZIGMOND « OTES» own salary. He refused it, saying, The Oldest Anglo-Jewish Weekly in Western Canada In The Underground (Copyright, 1943, J.T,A.) al"lnlnlllllllll'tll"I'II"II'I"IUllllnl"llfl nl.IIIII.lllIlnl.III.I"II.1 Jews "There isn't room for two such (Issued weekly in the interests of Jewish Community Ilctivities in Winnipeg and Western Canada) ~urderers as Lorre and Hitler in By BORIS SMOLAR Hollywood-A, fighting ship named auxiliary screen, Germany!" Then he lit out of the Published every Thursday after Ensign D~niel Sied, U.S.N.} I * '" • country like a. bolt of "blitzen", , I was launched this week from Bos- One good turn deserves an- , ' by , " , , Against Hitler :I: * * , EMPIRE PRESS LTD. Struggle ton. Sied, son of a Columbia studio other: When Yehudi Menuhin, When the buzz or planes over- CEMENTING FRIENDSIDP - Unity between the Jews of Russia Printer and Publishers By S. ALMAZOV technician, was lost in his plane scheduled to go on the air for head stopped the shooting of an and the Jews in America is being successfully promoted by the Jewish , , BEN M. COHEN, BuSiness' Manager (Author of "The Underground War in Europe") during the first attack made by the the "Stage Door Canteen", dis- outdoor set, a sound-mixer grum­ delegation from Russia which is now in the United States .... The delega­ , , (Copyright, 1943, J,T.A.) U.S. on the Marshall Islands in covcl'c(l that the show was a bled, "Darn those planes!" But tion, composed of the noted actor Solomon Mikhoels and the poet Itzik I Phone 54 400 Evenings 54 345 commercial sponsored by Com , ,i Head Office: 213 Selkirk Ave., Winnipeg, Canada Director Al Green stopped him with ]'effer, paid a visit to Dr. Weizmann in New York a day before the Zionist , February, 1942. He has two surviv­ Prmlucts Refining company, he , Entered as Second Clnss Mail Matter at Ottawa flaming hatred of the enemy and an iron deter­ ing brothers in the Signal Corps, wise words. "We're making 'Appoint­ leader left for London. The conversation was pleasant and centred UT of the welter of blood and misery and refused to play. But when the ment in Berlin,' and those planes will mination to fight to the last drop of blood, Jewish one a corpora11 the other a sergeant. chiefly around the greetings which the delegation delivered to Dr. Weiz­ .. " Vol. XIX-No. 28 ThUl'sday, July 15, 1943 suffering, which has been the lot of the director apPl'oached him and O children as well vlay' an imvortant role in the • • • keep it for us!" mmm from his brother in Russia.... And leading Zionists, including Rabbi Jews in the Hitler - conquered territories, explained that the product ad­ Eddie Cantor will soon leave for * '" ... Stephen S. Wise and Dr. Nahum Goldmarm, could have been seen at the ~ there emerges one factor demonstrating beyond struggle against the invader. There is the stol'y vertised was dextrose, he con-' Mike Curtiz was having a confab .' the east where he will officiate at reception which the Soviet Consul in New York tendered to the two a shadow of a doubt; that the Jews do not accept of the Jewish boy Sioma Greenberg. He was only sented. He recalled that that was with the studio designer about a the launching of a Liberty ship in Jewish delegates from Russia.... Also leaders of the J.n.c. such as Paul Strange Reas~ning their doom submissively. They fight back. They 12, but he took uvon himself the very dangerous the food that had once saved statue to be used on one of his sets. Baltimore. At the same time he will Baerwald and James N. Rosenberg .... The delegation paid a visit to fight wherever they can. They fight with what­ task of a messenger carrying documents to the "I like it," affirmed the director, conduct a monster war bond rally. his child's life. Prof. Einstein and spent several hours with him at Princeton.... Mayor The United Kil1gdom Information Office an ever means they have at their disposal. besieged army at Sevastovol. There is no wonder "but I think you should put glass Eddie and Ida this week celebrated - * • • LaGuardia of New York, receiving the delegation at City Hall, gave them agency of the British government has issu~d a Recently there came the news of the heroic that Sioma took that risk. There was a flame - 29 years of marital bliss. They had Ted Louis joins the group of pants on it.I' "Glass pants? What­ the surprise of their lives by talking to them in Yiddish. , This was comprehensive statement purportin'g to be on the battle of the Jews within the walls of the ghetto an unquenchable flame in his youthful heart - a as their guests many top names from biog-actors . ", . he will star in a ever for?I' cried the artist. "Glass subJect of the refugees. Divided into a number burning desire to take revenge, for his mother screen version of his life, 'titled, especially helpful since the delegation does not speak English and the in Warsaw. From time to time there seeps the show world. Sophie Tucker, Ted, h M b S '1 M " pants. Sure! Like this!" and the of ~e~tions, the article discusses (1) the present was dishonored before his eyes by two Nazi . d d 'Wen y Ba y rnl es at e. mayor speaks no Russian.... Itzik Feffer, who holds a high military post, through news about the valiant resistance of the LeWIS, and others who had atten e . 1'" director demonstrated - he clasped ' t' dd' g' N' Y k I The "Everybody Happy. man)" came here after service at the front .. : . And Mikhoels has to his credit pO~ltl?n of the refug~e problem; (2) what Great Jews in other sections of subjugated Poland. But officers. the Can or we In In ew or, . his hands! Brltall1 has done before and since the outbreak Sioma managed to carryon his activities for -t t l...J_ \ not new to plctures . has ap- the fact that he organized the first front-line theatres in the Soviet Union. what stands out above all else is the ,ceaseless and were pres en.t I neont ra:::. O.lill:i • ' . d "Th peared in five other rollicking 1'ecl- ... He was in Leningrad when the Nazis attacked the Soviet Union.. i • of tb:e vresen~ war in Britain itself, in the Emvire fearless struggle of the Jews in the underground quite a while, but one day he fell into the hands own life, EddIe once qmppe , e VEGREVILLE, ALTA. and m Palestll1e, and also (3) the limits of immi­ , in the occuvied sections of the Soviet Union. of the Nazi brutes. They tortured him, but they ers. His brothel' was killed during the defence of that city. .. gration into Palestine and (4) the war effort of could get no information from him. Finally they reason Hollywood marriages are • • • Mr. and Mrs. L. Milner, of Vegre­ The Jews vlay a very important part in the often short-lived is that while the ,Reinhold Schunzel has switched ville, Alta., have had house guests PLANS AND ACTION - Have you heard of a $100,000,000 plan for the ~ ews of Pal~stine. The latter vart deals in guerrilla warfare in the Ukraine, in White Russia, crucified him and set the cross on fire. They were arties are murmuring, 'I do', they're tIt nt '1 from glowll1g terms WIth the Jewish contribution to the certain that they were through with him and they P ... a eas marne an y . , . ~or the past two weeks. Three sons post-war Jewish settlement? ... A very prominent refugee banker is in the Crimea and in the Baltic States. There are looking around to see if they can do directing to a thespic career . • . - MO:l.'tie, Leo and Macey' - came said to be the father of this plan .... And speaking of wealthy Jewish war in manvower and their contribution in indus­ by now many Jewish heroes of the underground left him on the burning cross. A group of Soviet try, science, svecialized trades and agriculture better!ll p'lays the part of a Nazi general in home for the last two weeks in l'eiugees} Edgar Ausclmitt, former Rumanian industrialist, is now, richer in the Soviet Union whose fame has gone far and sailors havvened to be nearby and they rushed to by two million dollars in cash and securities which were held by the Obviously prevared after considerable resea~ch wide. When the Soviet Government awarded the rescue of the child the moment the Nazis The movie~; in ;ale:tine: Ameri- "Hostages". His daughter, Anna June, and careful attention to facts and figures on the can films dominate the field, with Marie, manages to fill in her time Mortie Milner returned east on Alien Property Custodian.... This is the first return of property seized medals to distinguished guerrillas (partisans) at departed. Sioma's life was saved, but he turned rrom an alien since the United States entered the war .... Some American question of the refugees, there is a studious completely grey.
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