3 CONTACT DETAILS Dean Prof Danie Vermeulen +27 51 401 2322 [email protected] MARKETING MANAGER ISSUED BY Ms Elfrieda Lötter Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences +27 51 401 2531 University of the Free State [email protected] EDITORIAL COMPILATION PHYSICAL ADDRESS Ms Elfrieda Lötter Room 9A, Biology Building, Main Campus, Bloemfontein LANGUAGE REVISION Dr Cindé Greyling and Elize Gouws POSTAL ADDRESS University of the Free State REVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DATA PO Box 339 Dr Cindé Greyling Bloemfontein DESIGN, LAYOUT South Africa )LUHÀ\3XEOLFDWLRQV 3W\ /WG 9300 PRINTING Email: [email protected] SA Printgroup )DFXOW\ZHEVLWHZZZXIVDF]DQDWDJUL 4 NATURAL AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES REPORT 2017 CONTENT PREFACE Message from the Dean 7 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Agricultural Economics 12 Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences 18 Plant Sciences 26 Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences 42 BUILDING SCIENCES Architecture 50 Quantity Surveying and Construction Management 56 8UEDQDQG5HJLRQDO3ODQQLQJ NATURAL SCIENCES Chemistry 66 Computer Sciences and Informatics 80 Consumer Sciences 88 Genetics 92 Geography 100 Geology 106 Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science 112 Mathematics and Applied Mathematics 116 Mathematics 120 0LFURELDO%LRFKHPLFDODQG)RRG%LRWHFKQRORJ\ Physics 136 Zoology and Entomology 154 5 Academic Centres Disaster Management Training and Education Centre of Africa - DiMTEC 164 Centre for Environmental Management - CEM 170 Centre for Microscopy 180 6XVWDLQDEOH$JULFXOWXUH5XUDO'HYHORSPHQWDQG([WHQVLRQ Paradys Experimental Farm 188 Engineering Sciences 192 Institute for Groundwater Studies 194 ACADEMIC SUPPORT UNITS Electronics Division 202 Instrumentation 206 STATISTICAL DATA Statistics 208 LIST OF ACRONYMS List of Acronyms 209 6 NATURAL AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES REPORT 2017 0(66$*( from the '($1 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 will be remembered as one of the worst ±ZKHUHHDFKELQFRXOGFRQWDLQDXQLTXHSURGXFWDQG years for tertiary education in South Africa due once a product is there, it remains. It should have no WRVWXGHQWXQUHVW²ÀUVWWKH5KRGHV0XVW)DOO LQWHUDFWLRQZLWKDQ\RWKHUVLOR7KHRWKHUVLORVFDQEH HPSWLHGVKLSSHGRUUH¿OOHGZLWKQHZSURGXFWVZLWKRXW DQG WKHQ WKH )HHV0XVW)DOO PRYHPHQWV DႇHFWLQJWKHVLORLQTXHVWLRQ,QDQRUJDQLVDWLRQWKHUH 7KH WLPLQJ RI WKHVH PRYHPHQWV SODFHG DUHSHRSOHDQGJURXSVWKDWEHKDYHLQWKHVDPHPDQQHU WUHPHQGRXV SUHVVXUH RQ XQLYHUVLW\ VWDII Their little slice of the world does not interact with the HVSHFLDOO\ ZLWKLQ RXU IDFXOW\ ZKHUH PDQ\ rest of the organisation. They make decisions without SUDFWLFDOOHFWXUHVZHUHXQÀQLVKHG7RJLYHRXU FRQVLGHULQJKRZWKH\DႇHFWWKHUHVWRIWKHEXVLQHVV VWXGHQWVDÀJKWLQJFKDQFHWRFRPSOHWHWKH /LNH JUDLQ VLORV WKH\ KDYH DQG ZRUN WR PDLQWDLQ \HDUVXFFHVVIXOO\ZHKDGWRWKLQNLQQRYDWLYHO\ EDUULHUV DURXQG WKHP 7\SLFDOO\ WKH\ DUH SHUFHLYHG DVEHLQJOHVVLQWHUHVWHGLQWKHRYHUDOOVXFFHVVRIWKH DQGSODQFDUHIXOO\WKURXJKRXWWKHODVWSDUWRI organisation, and more occupied with maintaining their WKHVHPHVWHU$SRVLWLYHRXWFRPHZDVWKDW normal state. VWDIIPRYHGWRDPRUHEOHQGHGDSSURDFKLQ TKH µ6LOR (ႇHFW¶ LQ DFDGHPLD UHIHUV WR SURIHVVRUV WKHFXUULFXOXP,WDOVRDOHUWHGXVDERXWZKDW ZKR EHFRPH VR LVRODWHG ZLWKLQ WKHLU RZQ DFDGHPLF LV PRUH UHOHYDQW IRU LQGXVWU\ 8QIRUWXQDWHO\ QHLJKERXUKRRG WKDW WKH\ H[SHULHQFH PLQLPDO the aftereffect of the unrest left students less interaction with colleagues and other departments. ZHOOSUHSDUHGIRUWKDQWKH\VKRXOGKDYH One unintended outcome of this siloed approach EHHQ HVSHFLDOO\ LQ WKH PRUH PDWKHPDWLFDO WR UHVHDUFK LV D GXSOLFDWLRQ RI HႇRUW 6XFK LVRODWLRQ FRXUVHV DQG LW UHÁHFWHG LQ WKHLU UHVXOWV :H results from the pressures of class preparation, WUXVW WKDW VLPLODU LQFLGHQWV ZLOO QRW UHRFFXU grading, advising, committee work, service to the as it affects the academic integrity and LQVWLWXWLRQFRQWLQXLQJHGXFDWLRQZULWLQJDQGSXEOLVKLQJ SHUIRUPDQFHRIRXUVWXGHQWV participation in conventions, speaking engagements, additional teaching duties for other institutions, and The theme of our 2017 annual report is ‘Academic community service. The rat race of the academic year 6LORV¶ ± ZLWK VLOR EHLQJ XVHG DV D PHWDSKRU DQG QRW can cause an academic to get into a routine or a ‘zone’ an actual silo. According to the Oxford Dictionary, where every minute is scheduled and accounted for. the literal meaning of silo is “a tower or pit on a farm Unfortunately, these packed schedules leave little used to store grain”. The metaphorical meaning is: “A WLPHIRUVLJQL¿FDQWVRFLDODQGSURIHVVLRQDOLQWHUDFWLRQV system, process, department, etc., that operates in with colleagues, for example teatime gatherings and isolation from others”. departmental functions. It is usually during these 3LFWXUHDJUDLQHOHYDWRU±ZKLFKLVDFROOHFWLRQRIELQV LQWHUDFWLRQV DQG VRPHWLPHV UREXVW GLVFXVVLRQV WKDW 7 QHZ UHVHDUFK LGHDV DUH ERUQ +RZ PDQ\ DFDGHPLFV We intend to introduce a competition for all DUHDZDUHRIZKDWRWKHUVLQWKHGHSDUWPHQWDUHEXV\ academics, during which they can discuss their with? research within a few minutes. This should SURYLGHDSODWIRUPIRULQIRUPLQJVWDႇDERXWZKDW 2QH NH\ FRPSRQHQW WKDW QDWXUDODJULFXOWXUDO VFLHQWLVW researchers in the various departments do, and tend to ignore, is the integration with social science. It ZKDWWKHIDFXOW\LVEXV\ZLWK is time for us to interact with the social scientists much x Equipment: Supporting cutting-edge research PRUHDQGWREULQJWKHKXPDQIDFWRUFRPSRQHQWLQWR is critical to the mission of universities. For this, our research. ZHQHHGVWDWHRIWKHDUWHTXLSPHQWWKDWFDQEH ,VRODWLRQ IURP RWKHUV FDQ EH GHWULPHQWDO WR \RXU used across faculties. We started a programme professional development. We gain new knowledge GXULQJ WKH \HDU WR GHWHUPLQH WKH HTXLSPHQW DQG LQVLJKWV E\ LQWHUDFWLQJ ZLWK FROOHDJXHV LQ RWKHU QHHGVDVZHOODVGLVFXVVLRQVRQKRZZHZLOOEH ¿HOGVDQGHYHQZLWKLQRXURZQ¿HOG6KDULQJLGHDVDQG DEOHWRDႇRUGLW experiences can also improve our teaching. People 7KH FXUUHQW ¿QDQFLDO VLWXDWLRQ UHTXLUHV DFDGHPLFV WR DUHQRWDVHႇHFWLYHRUSURGXFWLYHZKHQWKH\ZRUNDORQH UHO\ PRUH RQ ¿QGLQJ WKHLU RZQ IXQGLQJ E\ PHDQV RI DVZKHQWKH\FROODERUDWHZLWKRWKHUV7RH[DPLQH\RXU grants and interaction with industry. Therefore, it is RZQ H[SHULHQFH RI WKH µVLOR HႇHFW¶ UHÀHFW RQ WKHVH QHFHVVDU\WKDWZHPDUNHWUHOHYDQWUHVHDUFKUHTXLUHGE\ TXHVWLRQV LQGXVWU\:HFDQQRWDႇRUGWRFRQWLQXHGRLQJUHVHDUFK x +RZPDQ\GLႇHUHQWFROOHDJXHVGR\RXLQWHUDFW that is only of an academic nature; we must adapt to with each week? ZKDWLQGXVWU\UHTXLUHVIURPXV7KLVLPSOLHVWKDWZHZLOO x How many hours per week do you spend on have to interact with the various disciplines of industry interacting with colleagues? And how many PRUH UHJXODUO\ ,QGXVWU\ UHTXLUHPHQWV FKDQJH HYHU\ hours do you spend working alone? year, and we must make sure that we remain relevant. x $UH\RXVDWLV¿HGZLWKWKHDPRXQWRILQWHUDFWLRQ That said, we need real silos on the farm as well. We that you have with colleagues? adopted a more hands-on training approach on the x How much interaction do you have with other farm, necessitating the re-introduction of the dairy, a departments in the faculty, and in other faculties? SLJJHU\EURLOHUXQLWDQGLQWHQVLYHVKHHSXQLW7RPDNH ,VLWSRVVLEOHIRUDFDGHPLFVWREUHDNWKURXJKWKHVLORV WKLV YLDEOH ZH PXVW SURGXFH PRUH RI RXU RZQ IRRG to form relationship networks across departments and therefore, we rented the experimental Pannar farm across faculties? With our intentional strategy, we want in Bainsvlei where we intend to produce maize and WREUHDNGRZQWKHEDUULHUVEHWZHHQIDFXOW\PHPEHUV OXFHUQH IRU WKH IDUP¶V QHHGV :H GR QHHG WR ¿OO WKH and encourage interaction that will help them improve silos! WKHLU HႇHFWLYHQHVV DV HGXFDWRUV ZKLOH DOVR PHHWLQJ 6WDႇDQGVWXGHQWDFKLHYHPHQWV some of their personal needs. Department of Physics: x Performance: Unfortunately, most higher (GZDUG /HH ZRQ WKH EHVW VWXGHQWSRVWGRFWRUDO RUDO education institutions do not place value on prize at the annual Physics conference. This prize WHDPZRUN DPRQJ IDFXOW\ PHPEHUV 1RW PXFK LV DFFRPSDQLHG E\ D <RXQJ 6FLHQWLVW $ZDUG IURP weight is placed on how well or how much the International Association of Advanced Materials. D IDFXOW\ PHPEHU ZRUNV ZLWK RWKHU IDFXOW\ 7KH GHSDUWPHQW DOVR ZRQ WKH UXQQHUXS VWXGHQW PHPEHUV GXULQJ SHUIRUPDQFH GLVFXVVLRQV SRVWGRFWRUDO RUDO SUL]H WKH EHVW SRVWGRFWRUDO SRVWHU (DFK IDFXOW\ PHPEHU LV RQO\ UDWHG RQ KLV RU prize, and the second runner-up student poster prize. her own individual performance in relation to those of others in the institution and outside the Prof Hendrik Swart received funding for the Research institution. We should reconsider a true measure Chair in Solid State Luminescent and of performance. $GYDQFHG 0DWHULDOV IURP 6$5&KL IRU DQRWKHU ¿YH x Competition: During the year, we developed an years. integrated transformation plan that concentrates RQ EUHDNLQJ GRZQ WKH VLORV DQG HQFRXUDJHV Postgraduate students from the Department of Physics research across departments and faculties. attended the Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap 8 NATURAL AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES REPORT 2017 en Kuns Studentesimposium 2017 KRVWHG E\ WKH Centre for Environmental Management attended the 8QLYHUVLW\RI3UHWRULD2XUVWXGHQWVGLGDQLQFUHGLEOH %LHQQLDO *URXQGZDWHU &RQIHUHQFH LQ 6WHOOHQERVFK MRE LQ SUHVHQWLQJ WKHLU UHVSHFWLYH UHVHDUFK SURMHFWV IURP WR 2FWREHU ZKHUH WKH\ SUHVHQWHG LQ$IULNDDQV7ZRVWXGHQWVFODLPHG¿UVWSODFHLQWKHLU papers. respective sessions, and two were rewarded with the Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology: second place in their sessions. The Department of Biotechnology hosted a prestigious 3URIV +& 6ZDUW --7HUEODQV DQG WZR 06F VWXGHQWV postgraduate research day in June 2017. Postdoctoral attended the 9th International Conference on Advanced fellows
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