Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-48246-2 - The Damascus Affair: "Ritual Murder," Politics, and the Jews in 1840 Jonathan Frankel Index More information Index Abarbanel, Don Isaac, 272 dispatch of Loria and Ventura by, Abdallah Bey el-Adam (also Abdallah Bey 175-6, 181-2 Almak Sadi or Abdullah Bey Admi Muhammed Ali's capital, 64, 69, 118, Zade), 46 n. 125, 149,296,331,335 Abdallah Pasha, 33-4 press reports from, 74, 112, 175, 202, Abdul Majid (sultan), 300, 333 365-6 Sultan's firman (regarding blood accusa­ reputed ritual murder in, 404 tion), 376-8, 381, 382 n., 389, 395, Alfandari, Raphael I., 67, 81, 85, 104 397, 433 Algemeen Handelsblad, 109 Aberdeen, Lord (George Hamilton Gor­ Algiers, 193 don), 396, 405 Ali Agha, 35-6, 387 Abu el-Afieh, Haim Nisim, 47, 83, 156, Ali, Said, 152 207, 375 Alkalai, Yehuda, 256, 296, 311, 408, 428 Abu el-Afieh, Jacob, 27-8 Allgemeine Preussische Staatszeitung, 140 Abu el-Afieh, Moses (after his conversion, Allgemeine Zeitung (Augsburg), 75, 77, 118, Muhammed Effendi), 23, 51, 76 140-3, 147, 172, 180, 206, 366, 439 "confession" of, 24, 26-8, 43, 90, 100, Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums, 68, 240-1, 178-80, 191,269 251, 253, 325, 347, 373 conversion to Islam, 47, 79, 100, 136 Alliance Israelite Universelle, 5, 434-5 family connections, 44-6, 83, 90, 375 Alsace-Lorraine, Jewish community of, 8, Talmudic translations of, 47-9, 276, 199, 249, 442 415 n., 416, 422 Altona, 224, 227 torture, 46 al-Zarqa, Mustafa, 417 n., 429 n. Abu el-Afieh, Ora, 46, 56, 180 Amara (Qamara), Ibrahim, 19-20, 152, 179, Acre, 33-4 388 Adana, 194 alleged murder of, 26-7, 31, 50-1, 67, Ahasuerus, 56 88 Ahmed Pasha al-Jazzar, 33-4 See, too, Damascus affair; Thomas, Father al-Dawlibi, Maarouf, 417 n. Amato, R. A., 156 n. Aleppo, 54, 67, 80, 89, 95, 118,416 Amberg, von, 322 reputed ritual murder in, 54 Ami de Religion, 117,200 Alexander II (of Russia), 409, 424 Amsterdam, 66, 80, 105, 109, 227, 256, Alexander VII (pope), 186 273 Alexander, Michael Solomon, 268, 392 Amurath (= ai-Murad III [?]), 359, 365 Alexandria, 17, 155, 183,214 Anatolia, 32, 333, 344 and Cremieux/Montefiore, 118,214-15, Ancona, 9, 239 217,237,247,296-7,332-3,334, Andreas of Rinn, St., 269-70 336, 338, 341-61, 370-1, 397 Anglican Church (Church of England), 211, European consuls in, 60, 83, 90, 99-105, 223, 260-1, 262, 286, 290, 298, 300, 118, 119, 131-2, 135, 164, 169-75, 392 176, 185, 203, 226, 290, 332-4, Antebi, Jacob, 26, 28, 41, 43-5, 47, 51, 72, 349, 350-2, 356 88, 101, 155, 167 n. Jews/Jewish community of, 67, 165-6, defense of the Jews by, 37, 48-9, 276 205,338,354,360,370-1,410,438 torture of, 36-7, 42-3, 150 471 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-48246-2 - The Damascus Affair: "Ritual Murder," Politics, and the Jews in 1840 Jonathan Frankel Index More information 472 Index Antioch, reputed ritual murder in, 54 the press in, 123, 137-8 anti-Semitism, 3, 69 n., 420, 422-3, 430-1, See, too, Metternich; Rothschild, S. 437, 442-3. See, too, blood accusation; Avignon, Jewish community of: 255 protocols; Talmud Ayrout, Joseph, 96-7, 153 Anti-slavery society/movement, 188,219, Ayrout, Mrs., 96-7 405 Ayub, Sib Ii, 36, 49, 58, 63, 99, 150, 172, Apponyi, Anton Rudolf, Count, 102, 198 270,416 Arab/ Arabs, the, 313-14 and downfall of Ottoman Empire, 313 Baal,280 representatives at UN, 417 Baden, 313, 439 of same stock as Jews, 313 Baghdad, 28, 32 Arabian Peninsula, 194,333 Jewish community of, 54 Archives Israelites, 8, 235, 243-5, 247, 249, Bahri Bey, Hanna, 35, 94, 347, 387 374, 404 central role of, 51-2, 62 Armenians, 68, 153, 297 and Farhis, 63, 386 Ashley, Lord (Anthony Ashley Cooper; later Balkans, the, 10, 42, 296 the 7th Earl of Shaftesbury), 427 Balzac, Honore de, 440 on behalf of the Jews, 131, 196,304, Bar Yochai, Shimon, Rabbi, 49, 274, 277 307-9, 317-20, 444 Baring, Thomas, Sir, 131,290 character of, 291, 308 Barker, John, 416 and Palmerston, 196,291-3,306,310 Barnai, Yaakov (Jacob), 442 n. and "Restoration of the Jews," 293-4, Baron, Salo Wittmayer, 316, 429 302-3, 305-6, 391-2 Barrot, Odilon, 110, 187 See, too, Evangelicals; Palmerston; "Resto- Bartal, Israel, 429 ration of the Jews" Baseler Monatsschriji, 322 Assassins, 265 n. Basevi, A., 239 Ata, Mikhail, 152 bastinado, 60, 69-71, 101, 173 Athens, 372 Bauer, Bruno, 414 Aud, H., Rabbi, 243 Bavaria, 73, 252, 262, 411 Auerbach, Berthold, 324 Bayerische Landboten, 77 Augsburg, 75, 140-1, 143, 147,201,206, Beaudin, Jean-Baptiste, 21, 57, 79, 148-9, 241,441 174,181,190,426 Austria/Habsburg Empire, 19, 122, 140, in business/debt enforcement, 17, 40, 180, 229, 249, 253, 284, 333, 336, 59-60,88 348, 359, 368, 394, 440 character of, 58-9, 337 appointment of Jewish consuls by, 89, distrust of (by the Jews), 180, 182 104,229 interrogations by, 48, 63, 97, 178, 183 diplomatic representatives of, 66, 89, 93, and the press, 74, 78-9, 117, 364, 416 119,123,161,169,194,229 Becker, Nikolaus, 324 in Aleppo, 89-91, 95,104,117-18, Behor, Negri, 79 120, 388 Beilis trial (for reputed ritual murder), 4, in Alexandria, 101-2, 105, 118, 182, 401,416,423-4,442,443 n. 203, 338, 388. See Laurin Beirut, 17, 25, 32, 66, 74-5, 81, 104, 110, in Beirut, 50 112, 120, 138, 144, 150, 155, 166, in Constantinople, 101-2, 105, 119, 332,356,360,387,417 122, 159 Jewish community of, 67, 166 in Damascus, 53, 89, 94-5, 97-8, 102, reputed ritual murder in, 54 149, 179-80, 183,207,358. See Belgium, 120, 170, 252 Merlato Jewish community of, 8 in Paris, 102, 123, 198, 368 press in, 78, 197 in Rhodes, 71-2, 122, 158-9, 161 Belgrade, 256 foreign policy, 123, 129, 164, 202, Ben Israel, Menasseh, 113,208,221,258, 388-9 263, 266, 286 Jewish community of, 6, 120, 204, 249, Ben Levi, G., 235 316-22,375,418,440 Ben Noud (called Catherine), 269 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-48246-2 - The Damascus Affair: "Ritual Murder," Politics, and the Jews in 1840 Jonathan Frankel Index More information Index 473 Benisch, Abraham, 316-17, 321-2, 324, the Sultan's firman on, 376-7, 381 396, 405, 429, 444 support for, 136, 140, 143, 154, 184, Bennet, Dr., 163 191,203-4,208,211,216,259, Bennett, James Gordon, 213 262-4,266-7,367-8,411-24, Bentham, Jeremy, 32 441-2 Berlin, 159, 268, 423, 444 ritual aspectsl"mysteries" of, 26, 28-9, Congress of 1878, 435 49, 71, 74, 100, 110, 112, 121, 149, Jewish community of, 247 152, 209, 260, 264, 368, 417 n., 422 Berliner Allgemeine Kirchenzeitung, 298 widespread belief in, 63-70, 75, 159, Bethlehem, 391 171,208,249-51,367,437-8, Bible, 266, 407-8 441-3 and blood accusation, 84, 110, 204, See, too, Bible; Catholic Church; Damas­ 208-9, 261-3, 270, 272, 278-80, cus affair; papacy; press; Talmud; 412-15,441 and individual locations in which and radical criticism of, 279-80, 412-15, blood accusations occurred 441 Board of Deputies of British Jews, 395-6 and "Restoration of the Jews," 285-7, and government/Parliament, 8-9, 125-8, 293-4, 297-8, 302-3, 305 129-30, 215 Bicheno, James, 287 and mission/correspondence committee, Bickersteth, Edward, 303 224,332,341-2,378 Bidwell,John, 154, 183,386 and press/public opinion, 125, 130, Biliotti, c., 158 144-5, 218, 228, 282, 365-6, 378 Black Hundreds movement, 3 public image/history of, 85, 124, 433-4 Bloch, Joseph S., 419 and public meetings, 124-5,216-19 blood accusation/libel, 149, 344 See, 100, Great Britain decline in prosecutions/ credibility of, 29, Boghos Bey, Yusufiyan, 297 118, 169,406,442-3 Bohemia, 317 "fimatical sect" responsible for, 66, 70-1, Bonifatius Verein, 419 75,77,99,136,191,209,211, Book of Jasher, 328 265-7,269-70 Bordeaux, 236 history of, 29, 85, 101, 113, 155, 186, Borne, Ludwig (Loeb Baruch), 8 204-5, 252, 257-8, 265, 269-70, Bouree, Nicolas' Prosper, 337 n. 272, 277, 345, 374-5, 423, 439, Bowring, John, Dr., 32, 62, 159 n., 223, 442-3 331-2 in Austria, 138, 252, 269 Brawer, Abraham Jacob, 94, 105, 429 in Belgium, 252 Brazil, 100 in England, 29, 144, 265 Brenz, Samuel Friedrich, 269 in France, 117 Breslau, 255, 280 in Germany, 29, 143, 204-5, 249, 260, bribery, 36, 38-9, 51, 58, 95, 143, 162, 268, 423 172, 182-3,203,372,388,415 in the Middle East, 54-5, 63-5, 211 Bridgetown, Barbados, 224 in Northern Italy, 204, 252, 269-70, 416 Briffault, Eugene, 115 in Poland, 205, 208, 249, 258 n. Briggs, Samuel, 155, 343, 345, 347, 354 in Russia, 4, 9, 140,251,423 Bristol, 227 polemics about, 121-2,257-83 Brilish Critic, 211 converts from Judaism on, 167, 187, Brody, 411 208-9, 246, 253, 259, 264, Brussels, 252 265 n., 267-9 Bruti, Monsignor, 379 Jewish attacks on, 83-4, 1l0, 112-13, Bunsen, Christian Karl, 391, 444 124-5, 141, 165,210,219-21, Buren, Martin van, 226 241, 246-7, 261, 263-4, 266, Buxdorff [Buxtorfl], Johannes, 267 277-8, 281, 359-60, 387 non-Jewish/anonymous attacks on, Cahen, Samuel, 243-5, 249 189, 209, 211, 223-4, 246, Cairo, 341, 350, 359-60, 416 252-3, 261, 263-7, 387 Jewish community of, 370-2 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-48246-2 - The Damascus Affair: "Ritual Murder," Politics, and the Jews in 1840 Jonathan Frankel Index More information 474 Index Calman, Erasmus Scott, 268, 308-10 Charles X (of France), 110 Calvinists, 285 Charles Albert (of Piedmont-Sardinia), 186 Camondo, Abraham, 157 n., 375 Charleston, South Carolina, 224 Camondo, Isaac, 80 Chasseaud, Jasper, 66-7, 273 n.
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