.:-%. UNITED STATES BUREAUOF EDUCATION BVI I FTIN, 1914, NO.4 I WHOLE NUMBER 615 MONTHLY RECORD OFCURRENT EDUCATIONALPUBLICATIONS COMPILED BY THE LIBRARY DIVISIONOF THE BUREAU OF EDUCATION, UNDERTHE DIREC- TION OF JOHN D. WOLCOTT, CHIEFOF DIVISION NOVEMBER; 1914 q WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 S. ADDITIONAL COPIES 07 TIM PUB:IC/MON NAT BR TRDCVRED ROY THE SUPERINTENDENT Or DOCUMENI3 OCTERNUENT PRINTING °CI /WASHINGTON, 0. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY V MONTHLY RECORD OF CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. Cow TatumIntroductory notesPublications of associntiona--Educational history and biographyCurrent educational conditionsPedagogics and didacticsEducational pay- cholou, Child studySpecial methods of instructionSpecial subjects pf curriculum Kindergarten andprimaryschooliturwl educationSecondary education Teachers: Trainingand professionalstatusIllgner education Schooladministration School management -- School architertureSchool hygiene and sanitation Sex hygieneEugen tcsPhysical educationPlay and playgroundsSocial aspects of education Child wel- fareMoral educationReligious educationManual and vocational tratningVocational guidanceFolk high schoolsHome economic Commercial educationEducation of womanAfricans and Orientate Education of deafEducation of defectivesLibraries and readingBu Ilettn of the Bureau of Education. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. Some notable books of the month are the following, the numbeis in parentheses referring to the numbers of the full entries in this bulletin: Kerschensteiner, The schools and the nation, authorized translation (1490) ; Wallin. MentalJiealth of the school child (1504); Kennedy, The Batavia system (1509) ; Howell, Pedagogy of arith- thetic (1522) ; Klepper, Teaching children to read (1524); White and Davis, Rnral schools in Texas (1544) ; Learned, The oberlehrer (1553) ;Fitch, The college course and the preparation for life (1560) ;Phelps Stokes, Memorials of eminent Yale men (1568); Morehouse, Discipline of the school (1578) ; Taylor, Handbook of vocational education (1625) ; Goddard, School training of defective children (1647). The addresses of most of the periodicals represenKd in thisnum- ber may be found by reference to the list at the end of this record for September, 191, Only publications of the Bureau of Education are available for free distributithr by this Qffice.All others here listed may ordi- narily be-obtained from th'ir respective publishers, either directly or through a dealer, or in the case of an association publication, from the secretary of the issuing organization. Books, pamphlets, etc., intended for inclusion in this record should be sent to the library of the Bureau of Education, Washington, D.C. a 4 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF 111)171CATION, PUBLICATIONS OF ASSOCIATIONS. 1470. Association of men teachers and principals of the city of New York. Modern tendencies in education.Truancy and delinquency.[New York, the Singer press, 1914?)39p.8°. Contains :1. G. D. Strayer : The application of ecientific method to the prob- lems of education the most Important modern tendency, p. 5-8.2. U. H. Borne: Educationaltendencies, p. 9-10.3. W. II. Alien : Modern tendencies In educer don, p.11. 4. Gusta^e Straubenmeller: Truancy and delinquency, p. 14-11N. 5. H. W. Nudd : Truancy and delinquency, p. 24-2i.6. Important changes In tbeicompt,'sory education p. 36-39. 1471. Conference for education in the South and Southern educational asso- ciation.Proceedings of the seventeenth Conference for education in the South and the twenty-fifth annual meeting of the Southern educa- tional association.Jointsession,Louisville, Ky.. April7-10, 1914. 3S1p.8°. Contains :Conference for education to the South-1. Mary F. Frayser: Report Of the Committee on household management, p. 33-38.2. Susie V. Powell : Hein- the community through the school, p. 54-57.3. 0. R. Martin 7 Boys' and girls' demonstration work In the Southern States, p. 57-62.4. W. T. Brown: Training leaders for rural life, D. 102-5.5. J. A. Ferrell :Intensive community health work, p. 183-86.6. W. S. Rankin: The community aspect of the health problem. p.. 187-95.Southern educational enunciation-7. II.H. Payne: The training of teachers in the South, p. 221-33. 8.1.H. Highsmith: Teacher training In private and denominational colleges, p. 233-38.9. A. L. Rhoton: The responsibility and opportunity of the private and denominational college in the training of teachers, p. 238-42.10. Mrs. D. Breckinridge: The city school as a social center, p. 250-53 11. W. Lou Gray : What should a superintendent or supervising teacher do when visiting a school? p. 255-58.12. 1'. P. Claxton: [Improvement of rural schools) p. 270-71.13. F. M. Bralley: How may educa- tional Institutions best keep in touch with their graduates and former students in order to assist them in local community development? Jessie Field: Lea, neltip for rural communities from our Institutions of higher learn. log, p.291'2.15. W. G. Frost : What the college can do for the community, p. 204-96.16. R. B. Daniel: Some experiments In v 'rational education In a mill community, p. 302-5.17. J. A. Baldwin :Statement of educational condi- tions in Southern cotton mill commupities, p. 306-14.18. Elisabeth G. Dolt The teaching of home-making In a mill community, p. 317-20.19. R. M. Ken. nedy: The county library movement, p. 322-29.20. Pearl W. Kelly: Hob/ the State may aid/school libraries, p. 329-33.21. W. Lou Gray :Co-operation in building a country school system, p. 3:45-39.22. Mabel C. Williams: Flow can the town library serve the country community? p. 339-42. 1472. Dental faculties association of American universities.Proceedings of the sixth annual meeting held at Minneapolis. Minn.. March 20 and 21, 1014.Philadelphia, Press of the " Dental cosmos," 1914. 24p.fr. 1473. Georgia educational association.Proceedings and addresses of the forty- eighth annual meeting ... Macon, Ga.. April 23-25, 1914.103p.Er. (C. L. Smith. secretary, LaGrange, Ga,)% Contains: 1. M. I.. 13rIttaid: Georgia education- a survey, p. 10-26.2. W. K. Tate: The relation of the rural school to the economic development of the South, p. 26-28.3. C. It. McCrory :84tte publication of school books, p. 28-39. 4. Otis Ashmore: Discussion of the State manufacture and control of school texts, p. 39-43.5. J.II. 'Phillips: The .aclal realm in education, p. 43-53. 6. E. R..Park: The health of the pupil, p. 53-59.7. Carol P. Oppenheimer: Relation of the kindergarten to primary school, p. 71-75.8. L. B. Evans: State manufacture and control of text-books, p. 78-88. Dr. Phillips's paper has been reprinted In pamphlet form under title of " The social Ideal in education." 1474. Nationaler deutechamerikaniecher lehrerbund.Protokoll der 42. hires versammlung, Chicago, Ill., 30. Juni his 3. Jull 1914.. Monatehefte ftir deutsche eprache and padagoglk, 15: 234-44, September 1914. The number also contains: I. Leo Stern: Anspracbe des bnudeeprhidenten, p. 244-46.2. Oscar Barahardt: Die azaerikanische belies ale bildusestaktor, p. 240-67. 01)4111ENT 4DUCATIONAL PUBLMATI0N8. 6 1475. Northwestern Wisconsin teachers' association.Monograph aourepittpf the twenty-third annual meeting, also Including a condensed history of- the association and u journal of the proceedings and addresses of the 1913 meeting, held at Eau Claire, Wis., Octo tier17-18,1913. Balt Claire, Wis., Eau Claire press co. 11914?]68p.8°. (Matilda MI secretary, Eau Claire, Wls.)' Contains: 1. W. A. Clark :I Defense of the public schools) p. 28-32.2. John Phelan: The problem of the rural school,,p. 38-42 3.Frances Cleary :The Latin teacher's special duty. p. .3-48 EDUCATIONAL HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. 14:d. Fitzpatrick, Frank A.James M. Greenwood :ua appreciation.Educa- tional review, 48: 25S-93, October 1914. A biograptikal sketch of the ca Seer of Prof. Greenwood, superintendent of schools at Kansas city, from 1874 until August 1, 1014. 1477. Greenstone, Julius H.. Jewish education in the United States.In he American Jewish year book, 5675, 1914-1915, ell. by H. Bernsteinor the American Jewish committee.Philadelphia. The Jewish publication society of America, 1914.p. 90-127. A forceful presentation of the things already accomplished In the fieldof Jewish education, and the Important problems still to he Worked out. 1478. 8pranger, Eduard.Der zusammenhang von politik und pildagogik In der neuzelt, umrlsse zu ether geschichte tier deutschen schulgesetzgebung und sebulverfassung.Deutsche schule, 18: 13-21. 73-SO, , 290-99, 356-66. January, February, March May, June 1914. 1479. Thomas, Calvin.Rudolf . Columbia university quarterly, 16: 357 -04, September 1914. A sketch of his life and work. CURRENT EDUCATIONAL CONDITIONS. 1480. Educational writings.Elementary school Journal. 15: 68-81, October 1914. A review of the periodicals devoted to education, also the educational bul- letins of the federal go% - rnment and private fouddations.Commends the work of the Bureau ofeducation. 1481. Grime, . NVandervogel-bestreblIngen.Pilciagogischewarte,21: 713-17, June 15, 1914. Criticisman":appreciationof the work ofthe" Wandervogel" young people's league.Also discussed byK. E.Rrachwits, P8dagoglscbe warts, 21 : 905-7, August1, 1914 ;and by Eberhard, In Allgemeine deutsche lebrer- seltung, 66: 339 -43, August 28, 1914. 1482. Jahrbuch der kOalgliclien preussiachen auskunftstelie far scbulwesen. Erater jahrgang, 1913.iFer4 Ernst Siegfried Mittler und sohn, 1914. 424 p.4'. Coarsars.-1. ebersichtfiberdiestaatlichenunditaatilchanerkannten unterrichtsanst:en In Preussen.A. Far die mAnnliche Jugend.B.
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