WIT.4000.001.0629 WIT.4000.001.0630 TABLE OF CONTENTS INDEX Page No. MUNtCtpAL ENDORSEMENT.... ..............3 vtsroN STATEMENï......... ..........3 BAW BAW SHIRE COUNCIL PLAN.. ............3 couNc¡L's RoLE... .......... 4 CURRENCY & DURATION OF THE P14N...... ...,..,..,.....4 DEFTN|ÏONS........... ...........4 THE BAW BAW SH|RE...... ..............6 F|RE H!STOHY........ ............7 MUNTCTPAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLANNTNG COMMTTTEE (MEMPC)..................8 MUNTCTPAL FIRE PHEVENTTON COMMTfiEE (MFPC).... ..................8 BAW BAW SHIRE COUNCIL ROADSIDE MANAGEMENT PLAN (RMP)... I STRATEGIC FUEL BREAKS _ PRIMARY & SECONDAHY.... ........ 1O ROADSIDE FIRE MANAGEMENT WORKS & STANDARDS.... .............,..1 1 FIRE PLUGS & HYDRANTS....... ...... 14 FIRE HAZARD CLEARANCE...... ..........14 PERM|TS TO BURN. .................. 15 couNctL PRoPERTIES.... ................. 15 woRKS & STANDAnDS........ ........ 15 SIGNAGE OF HIGH RISK ARE4S..,......, ,.,........ 16 STAY AND DEFEND OR GO EAFìLY ,......,.. 16 REFUGE AREAS.... .........17 PARKS VICTORIA .....18 MELBOURNE WATER ..,.......18 WALHALLA GOLDFIELDS..... .............,.1 8 FìISK MANAGEMENT........ ..........19 TREATING THE RISKS ....20 MUNICIPAL RISK PHOFILE.. .,......20 PLAN D|STR|BUTION 11ST........ ..............22 GENER|C RISK ENVIRONMENTS...... .................23 RESIDENTIAL RISK ENVIRONMENT... ..............,30 coMMERtCAL RISK ENV|RONMENT......... ..................32 û; INFRASTRUCTUHE RISK ENVIRONMENT...... ,..........34 NATURAL RISK ENVIRONMENT...... ...............36 INDUSTRY RISK ENVIRONMENT... ........40 HEALTHCARE&SPECIALACCOMMODATION RISKENVIRONMENT............ .......41 PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION RISK ENVIRONMENT......... .......42 PUBLIC ASSEMBLY RISK ENVIRONMENT......... ....44 TRANSPORT RISK ENVIRONMENT........ .....45 AGRICULTURE RISK ENVIRONMENT ,........,..,49 FIRE PLAN AMENDMENTS... .......52 BAW BAW SHIRE FIRE PREVENTION PLAN BI-ANNUAL REPORT ..................53 Q:\Compliance\Fire Prevention\Municipal Fire Prevention Plan\Plan\Municipal Fire Prevenlion plan vers¡on 1.doc Page 2 of 60 WIT.4000.001.0631 MUNICIPAL ENDORSEMENT: This is to certify that the Baw Baw Shire Council has endorsed this Plan. The plan has been produced by ihe appointedillunicipal Fire Prevention Committee along the guidelines given and is the culmination of cooperation between many people, agencies and oiher governmentãuthorities. ThE COMMON SEAL OF THE MAYOR, COUNCILLORS AND CITIZENS OF THE BAW BAW SHIRE COUNCIL was hereto affixed in the presence of: ........Councillor ,.........Councillor .........Chief Executive Officerl Authorised Officer VISION STATEMENT: fhe vision of the plan is; to protect, asmuch as possible , all life, property, community assets, flora and fauna in the Baw Baw Shire area from damage ar destruction by the'occurrence of uncontrolled fire and to make the municipality a safer place in which to live, work and vísit. BAW BAW SHIRE COUNCIL PLAN: Council's Plan 2006-2010 is the predominant planning and vision setting toolfor Council. lt articulates Council's vision for the future of our community and tñe Municipality. Thä Council plan 20A6-2010 structures our strategic objectives within four key directions- vibrani community, thriving economy, rural character and organisational excellence. The Municipal Fíre Prevention Plan is linked to the following key direction in Council's plan 2006- 2010: 1. Vibrant Communities- To create healthy, informed and proud communities )utcome: 1'1 Engagement: an attractive and stimulating place with a high level of cultural vibrancy and creativity. People are optimistic about their community's future and are involved ¡n community tit.. Strategies: 1'1.4 Support and encourage communities to identify their own needs and aspirations and how to achieve them. Outcomes: 1.2 Health and wellbeing: world-class health and wellbeing. Strategies: 1.2.1 Provide and/or facilitate a range of services that maíntain and improve community health, safety and wellbeing. The direction and objectives of the Municipal Fire Prevention Plan complement this key direction. QlCompliance\Fire Prevention\Municipal prevention Fire Prevent¡on Plan\Plan\Municipal Fire plan version 1.doc page 3 of 60 WIT.4000.001.0632 COUNCIL'S ROLE: Council has an obligation under s55A of the Country Fire Auihority (CFA) Act to develop a Municipal Fire Prevention Plan (MFPP). The Auihority may appoint a Municipal Fire Prevention Committee (MFPC), which provides advice and recommendations to Councíl in the preparation of its Municipal Fire Prevention Plan. The Municipal Fíre Prevention Plan that the Municipal Fire Prevention Committee develops is then presented to Council for approval. CURRENCY AND DURATION OF THE PLAN: The Plan is a live document that is to be reviewed, amended and updated annually by the MFPC. lt is the role of the Municipal Fire Preventíon Officer (MFPO) to regularly update and amend minor changes to the Plan. The Plan will have a major review after five years. This plan will be subject to audit triennially as required by the CFA Act section 558. This plan is a 5-year plan and will be due for a major review in April 2012. This Plan will be reviewed and rewritten in accordance with the lniegrated Municipal Fire Management Planning Project. DEFINITIONS: AGT: Country Fire Authority Act 1958 including the Fire Authorities (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1995. BBSC: Baw Baw Shire Council CFA: Country Fire Authority - the agency responsible for fire prevention and suppression in the country area of Victoria. DSE: Department of Sustainability and Environment. Government land management agency responsible for prevention and suppression of fire on on public land in Victoria. EMP; Emergency Management Plan FIRE ACCESS ROAD: A road providing access or providing a link between established routes, in order that access is available to firefighters. FUEL BREAKS: A minimum 10 metre strip of land or suitable area, or at the discretion of the MFPO, in consultation with the relevant authorities, upon which the fuel load has been greatly reduced, lt may be a natural break or a maintained break by mechanical or chemical means. lts purpose is to isolate, slow down or stop the spread of fire or to provide a control line from which the fire can be attacked. Also serves the purpose of a transport corridor. (See also strategic fuel break.) FIRE DANGER PERIOD: ln respect to country areas of Victoria, the period in which the lighting of fires is restricted in accordance with the CFA Act. FIRE HAZARD: Any materialwhich presents a serious risk of fire by being easily ignitable or difficult to extinguish and/or by virtue of its position, if ignited would pose a risk to life, property or other assets. eloompliance\Fire Prevention\Municipal Fire Prevent¡on Plan\Plan\Municipal Fire Prevenl¡on plan version 1'doc Page 4 of 60 WIT.4000.001.0633 FIRE PREVENTION; Activities undertaken to minimize the incidence of fire. FIRE PREVENTION NOTICE: Notice served by MFPO, or an officer of the CFA exercising the power of the Chief Officero on the owner or occupier of land to clear a specified tire hazard or potential hazard. FIRE RISKI A place where the incidence of fire is high or likely to be high, or the probabilíty of a fire starting is high. FUEL REDUCTION: Reducing the fuel load from a specified area. MUNICIPAL FIRE PREVENTION COMMITTEE (MFPC): A committee appointed in accordance with Section 54 of the CFA Act for the purpose of coordinat¡ng fire planning in the municipality in accordance with Sectíon 55 of the Act. MUNICIPAL FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER (MFPO): The person appointed by the Baw Baw Shire Council in accordance with Section 964 of the Act. ,¡ARKS VICTORIA: Parks Victoria is a statutory authority that reports to the Minister for Environment. Under the Parks Victoria Act 1998, Parks Victoria's responsibilities are to provide services to the State and its agencies for the management of parks, reseryes and other land under the control of the State. PHOHIBITED PEHIOD: The period during which lighting fires is restricted; (i) with respect to any state forest, national park or Protected Public Land - the whole of the year, (ii) with respect to any fire protected area other than (i) - a declared Fire Danger Period, PUBLIC AUTHORITY: Means any board, commission or trust or other body corporate or unincorporated established or constituted by or under any Act for any public purpose, whether in respect of the whole or any part of Victoria, but does not include a municipal council. Parks Victoria, Vic Forest, Gippsland Water, Melbourne Water, V/Line, power companies PUBLIC LAND: Protected public land, state forest or national park under the controlof government departments or DSE. '=lRE REFUGE: Means a place designated for public use where people rnay seek short term shelter from the fire front during a bushfire. HESPONSE: The combat of an emergency and the provision of emergency relief including rescue and needs of affected persons. STRATEGIC FUEL BREAK: A fire break established as part of a pre-planned strategy to form the basis of a control line and access corridor. These breaks can be; (¡) Primary fuel breaks: Breaks designed to provide protection to the municipality as a whole and are usually designed along the declared highways and main (arterial) road system. (ii) Secondary fuel breaks: Additional breaks designated by the MFPC and local brigades to provide protection at a local level and strategically dividing the municipality. WATER SUPPLY: Location where water may be obtained for fire fighting and blacking
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