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Unmasking the real structure of the mistletoe haustorium (Phthirusa idendity of Sapria poilanei Gagnepain Emend., pyrifolia) I. Development of the young hausto- and description of Sapria ram sp.n. (Rafflesiace- rium. - Amer. J. Bot. 6:535-543. ae). - Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. 45: 149-170. Dörr I, 1972. Der Anschluss der Cuscuta-Hyphen Bänziger H & Hansen B, 2000. A new taxonomic an die Siebröhren ihrer Wirtspflanzen. - Protoplas- revision of a deceptive flower, Rhizanthes Du- ma 75: 67-84. mortier (Rafflesiaceae). - Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Dörr I, 1990. Sieve elements in haustoria of para- Soc. 48: 7-43. sitic Angiosperms. In: Behnke H-D & R D Sjö- Bänziger H, Hansen B & Kreetiyutanont K. 2000. lund (eds.). Sieve elements - Comparative struc- A new form of the Hermit’s Spittoon, Sapria hima- ture, induction and development. pp. 239-256. - layana Griffith f. albivinosa Bänziger & Hansen Springer. Heidelberg. 47 Parasitic Flowering Plants Dörr I, 1997. 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