Tin Juvenile delinauency An estimated MO.OdO should never spread out trtvcM WM '• V children in New Jersey, over •. major jirt of (he rwihrty iW^gtrt not' serious m India ^ In caw of tmtrgtncy increase of some 110,000 nrtudentriincfrow:—^~ ThaZlpCoda unemployment • and t-0400 for PnttcrPepirtmwit . v,,~»";;«ipresort, preferable to The N. J. State Safety p lor SpringfjeM It teeming clUes, India has F researchers point out turning' a child loose to Council says a factor In or FlrttAitf Squad 07061 no_jerious_proMem_ta They said that more a«, ,£rve or be exploited in * ' " "m« ufatv Is tha 37o-7o70for Fire Department dettnquencyr^ 8,000 • juvenllq>. ye ^ .treats.—' . ,.",—behavior of the student INITIALLY Whatever delinquency incarcerated to Wflfe|M**T.E v e n though passengers., , does exist in this nation of «uUed"approved'»choo!sircorTecUonal facilities are The. council urged 600 million people is' In Tamil Nadu alone, hampered by low budgets, 1 parents to make sure their Publlihad Every Thursday by frumar Publishing Corp. handled much dlfferenUy (This state has a Indian delinquents in Now,.J»ave youtflnltials in 41 Mountain Ava., Sprlneflald, N.J. 07M1 684-7700 children/are ready toi than in the United States, population of 41 million), correctional schools al4Kgold bracelet ittwith accept their part in where half of all crime Is But the vast majority of obtain things many never diamonds, plain, or with Second Class Postage _* making school buses safe, i SPRINGFIELD, N.J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 attributed • to' persons youngsters are. not'had: adequate food, alternating diamond! and • Paid at Springfield, N.J. « and' made these: below the age of 31. delinquent in a, serious clothing and a chance to gold. Fashion wise and recommendations: '. exquisite...makes a These are the main sense, Although; a good get an education and a 1 deal of petty thefldoes trade. -Pupils should leave wonderful gift. findings of a Rutgers- their homes early enough Newark sociologist and his occur, youngsters*-are "Very few. people most often charged #itft expresses the idea1* that, to reach the bus stop. in. wife, who .spent a year time, for the bus, but. studying the subject with a breaking nofcdrrinUng delinquent youngsters-are jaws (Tamil Nadu is a dry bad or hi need 41 some without undue haste that_ grant from the Indo- leads to a lack of caution. Amerlcan Fellowship state), anealdng rides on kind of— therapy,"" public transportation or according to Dr. Hartjen —When It is necessary Foundation. They are for. the children to walk Prof. Clayton A. Hartjen, vagrancy. ' and Dr. Priyadarslni. 970 Stuyvesant Ave., Uoioo 688-2600 As In-the^nlted-States,—yMI»behaving children along a road rather than a specialist in criminology, on a sidewalk to reach the in the ' department of most offenders are are most often described : bus stop; they should walk sociology at the State ^ranted probation or as victims .of poverty, bad. University of New Jersey, released to the custody of parents or unfortunate BERT KART2MAN SAYS~ and his wifef . DtT^S; their parents, But, circumstances. Jhe shoulder as possible. If "Plaea Your 6rd»r NowFOr.. Priyadarsini, a social jUveniles_ who are; "Ra ther • tha n there is no shoulder, or If It psychologist and parentless or whose punishment, the practice -Is-:narrow or • wet • ana pecialist—in—research. is_ta_prpyide ijhe care, slippery, they should not methods who was then on them or are unable to care protection and training walk more than'two' the Rutgers staff. for them tend to find their necessary for the child to abreast. Single file . is ^_ ^__ -Their data, collected in way Into an approved lead a useful adult life". '•. better, and a group ja HfeLPINGlfrCWEN FINDQAREERS-Agrantfrom^ The Extra Goodsess Of Our taality .'^enable Jersey City State College to continue Its "Women In Science" program South Jndian state of •• through which hundreds of high school students meet with women active Jrt a Tamil Nadu, suggests that TURKEYS 'variety of scientific fields to learn of career opportunities that will be available to the Indian public does hot -them after college study. Anne W. Attrldge (right). Shearing Plough's director of consider youth crime a and Other Holiday Favorites! :eommunlty affairs; discusses the program with Helen Kotsonls, Ph.D., * bio og st serious social problem. *at Jersey City State who-coordlnates "Women In Science," arid John Nevln, Juvenile misconduct Is L—TURKEY DINNERS director of the college's development fund, v thought to be a matter for DINNER FOA 15 family, teachers or village DINNER FOR 8 >LAST THOSE BUOSi Find- an leaders, rather than to be'" 12-LB. 18-lB. TURKEY ^Exterminator In the Classified Section! Call Fashion show reported to the police -and STUFFED 3a*7700 for fast actlbnl • dealt with by the courts, The Middlesex-Union chapter of the , Multiple Sclerosis Service Organization In some cases, the of New Jersey, Inc., wiU sponsor a people feel it is best not to luncheon and fashion show on Sept. 15 involve the police when a child goes' astray,, INCLUDES: ' •at 1 p.m. at the Ramada Inn In Edison "because it would only ' •35 Hon fmmrn (Rt. 514 off 287). Fashions by_L cause him or her to be •Cboppad Unr. 914 E St GwrfM AWL "Ladybug" from the . Woodbrldge suspect in future cases or Uno>it s 24118M shopping mall will be modeled by be pushed into further $750 members of the chapter in the fund- delinquency,". the /V •Glbtat ) Quality Chain Link Fences for8 x10" f raising event! . •Noodle Puddltg etfects of last week's Hurricane DaVId on control program a decade ago. Above, left, Is the | unction-of Van Winkles Creek flow of Van Winkles Creek below Melsel avenue bridge. Below, Maria Futner and researchers reported. • CMHIM SwNtt Tickets may be purchased by calling * Potato Puddtnaj Sprlngflelel are far more spectacular In terms of what didn't happen than what and-Bryant Brook at Mountain and Wabeno avenues, with Jonathan Dayton Joan Melkowltz stroll along Riverside drive near Joanne way as embankment at JO Year« Bxperlence -,._L_I Less than four • Owtta ol BAb •Xpert Installation! Mrs. Sara Reflenbeeg at 35&WB3rw~ OT" v d(d; Al( three of thesis scenes .would haye been covered With five feet or more of Regional High.School athletic fields In the background. Above, right, road right holds back cresting Rahway River. One maK result of the storm was the Or Do-It Yourtalf of all arrests; in India are sending a check directly to MSSO, Fund . • • •Hominudt Cnnbirrj Saun watef If Wst week's dpwnpour bad occurred before the township began Its flood department crew of Karl Stoekllnskl, Chester Anthony and.Johnle Jones checks closing of local schools because of the danger of live wires. (Photos by AndRlch) of persons below the age of •CondlmirtCdlt i WE LOAN; THE TOOLS PBEE Raising. Depl., 280 Liberty st., 21, in. contrast to more ODOOOOOOOOOOOOO Bloomfield 07003. than 50 percent in the • CHICKEN or LONG ISUND DUCKLING United States. And crime *Hh GIBLH GRAVY • CHICKEN SOOP by the young is infrequent • CHICKEHIH-THE-POT •KREPIACH In India. The youthful Includes: .'.•.' • STUFFED CABBAGE • MATZOH BALLS Store's closing hours . rapist, mugger, murderer • Dramatic Photographic Prints • POTATO ma NOODLE KIKEL* KISHKE • SPECIAL HOTICE • or burglar is almost never • FulNColor • CHOPPED LIVER •GEFILTE FISH AFTER 16 SPECTACULAR YEARS seen in Indian courts. • Complete Framing — frame, glass, hooks "This is not to say that 8"x10" In Attractive Aluminum Frames only a few youngsters are 16"x20" In Good-Looklng Wood Frames: FROM OUR OWN BAKKltY THE DRESS RACK AL FQR • '^VWWMy'P ' '••'•• ^ f"=ADY HANGING . '; By DANIEL P, JONES and proceeded to remind Seller of a ended with both reminding one another WILL SOON ANNOUNCE A Dysautonomiq An otherwise routine meeting of the request for specific recommendations of prior commitments in opposing the • W%3^JE jSELECTION OF SUBJECTS , • Assorted Cofff^ Cakes and Bobkas Springfield Township Committee was as to such ah alternative. trap and skeet shooting complex. meets Sept. 12 Drafriaf/d?Sc&n«Sr Fabulbua-Animals, Still Ufe-&-Mor&- • Many Other Delicious Holiday Treat* punctuated by three heated debates . The debate between Kaish and Zeller (Continued on page 3) f MAJOR OPERATIONAL CHANGE! , The Northern New • '- '• -i T between individual residents and mtlHBtHWK — Jersey Chapter of committee members when The Tuesday ~' Dy SaUtonomiar,; will hold a - PHOME YOUR ORDER NOW night meeting was opened to. public regular meeting Sept. 13 • comment; at 8:30 p.m. at the Temple ~~ 374-2600^ Francis Crossett objected to Quik- LIQUIDATE OUR Sha'arey Shalom, Chek, a convenience grocery store on . Springfield. ' Mountain avenue, saying the store ENTIRE INVENTORY The opening prayer will stayed open past the township's 9 p.m. be led by Chaplain III ft SON closing time. Crossett, who lives around E 22 — UNION the corner form the store, objected $1,000,000 OF THE Dorothy . Hochberg. • (Ctniit lilind across from Rlddls) a a>-1M2 . "DELICATESSEN « BAKERY Refreshments will be Plui LMdlnfl Malls Throu«hoirt Bait Coast ' vehemently also to the store opening at served by Sara Marawltz. ^ 25 MILL ROftD, IRVIMGTOM 6 a.m., insisting that a township FINEST AND NEWEST Helen Voleln, president, ordinance lists opening time as 7 a.m. will preside. : Crossett has objected to the store since m APPAREL WILL BE it was first proposed some five years_ ago. , SOLD Committee member Robert Weltchek BELOW said the store owners were given a summons for staying open after 9 and WHOLESALE! have complied with the township's closing time since. " . SELECTIONS Crossett insisted that Weltchek IIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII assured him Opening time would be 6 a.m.
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