School of Law-- Newark Catalog 2002--2004 Contents Academic Calendars 2 Dean’s Message 3 The University 5 The School of Law–Newark 6 Fa c u l t y , Administration, and Staff 8 The Law Prog r a m 28 Ad m i s s i o n s 34 Minority Student Prog r a m 36 Tuition and Fees 37 Financial Ai d 39 Student Services 47 Student Ac t i v i t i e s 52 Honors, Prizes, and Awa rd s 55 Course Listing 57 Academic Policies and Proc e d u re s 67 Important Notice: Governance of the University 77 Please note that only the printed version of this catalog Divisions of the University 78 is the official document of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. While Rutgers offers its catalogs on the In d e x 83 Internet as a convenience, the university’s online catalogs are unofficial, as is academic information offered at other Rutgers’ web sites. The university reserves the right for any reason to cancel or modify any course or program listed herein. In addition, individual course offerings and programs may vary from year to year as circumstances dictate. Cover Photography: Bill Blanchard 1 Academic Calendars Dates are subject to change. 20 0 2 – 2 0 0 3 20 0 3 – 2 0 0 4 August August 21 Wednesday First-year student orientation 20 Wednesday First-year student orientation begins. begins. 23 Friday First-year student orientation 22 Friday First-year student orientation ends. ends. 26 Monday Fall classes begin. 25 Monday Fall classes begin. September September 2 Monday No classes—Labor Day. 1 Monday No classes—Labor Day. November November 28 Thursday Thanksgiving recess begins. 27 Thursday Thanksgiving recess begins. December 30 Sunday Thanksgiving recess ends. 1 Sunday Thanksgiving recess ends. December 4 Wednesday Last day of classes. 3 Wednesday Last day of classes. 5 Thursday Reading period begins. 4 Thursday Reading period begins. 9 Monday Reading period ends. 8 Monday Reading period ends. 10 Tuesday Final examinations begin. 9 Tuesday Final examinations begin. 23 Monday Final examinations end. 20 Saturday Final examinations end. 24 Tuesday Emergency examination day. 22 Monday Emergency examination day. January January 13 Monday Spring classes begin. 12 Monday Spring classes begin. 20 Monday No classes—Martin Luther King, 19 Monday No classes—Martin Luther King Jr., holiday. Jr., holiday. March March 16 Sunday Spring recess begins. 14 Sunday Spring recess begins. 23 Sunday Spring recess ends. 21 Sunday Spring recess ends. April April 28 Monday Last day of classes. 26 Monday Last day of classes. 29 Tuesday Reading period begins. 27 Tuesday Reading period begins. May 29 Thursday Reading period ends. 1 Thursday Reading period ends. 30 Friday Final examinations begin. 2 Friday Final examinations begin. May 12 Monday Summer writing courses begin. 10 Monday Summer writing courses begin. 14 Wednesday Final examinations end. 11 Tuesday Final examinations end. 19 Monday Summer session begins. 17 Monday Summer session begins. 30 Friday Commencement. 28 Friday Commencement. July July 14 Monday Summer session ends. 12 Monday Summer session ends. 16 Wednesday Summer session 14 Wednesday Summer session examinations begin. examinations begin. 23 Wednesday Summer session 21 Wednesday Summer session examinations end. examinations end. 25 Friday Summer writing courses end. 23 Friday Summer writing courses end. 2 SCHOOL OF LAW–NEWARK R U T G E R S, T H E S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y O F N E W J E R S E Y An outstanding legal At Rutgers–Newark, education, a superb we recognize that today’s faculty, strong support students live in an for public service, and a increasingly global celebrated commitment to world, with society, diversity are all hallmarks technology, and law of the School of Law– changing at an unprece- Newark. dented pace. New faculty Our faculty of nationally members and academic recognized scholars are programs reflect both our experts in their fields traditional strength in who challenge and inspire public interest law and students in a highly com- our expanding expertise petitive, yet supportive, in business law, intel- academic environment. lectual property, and One measure of the scholarship of Rutgers– international law. They also underscore our Newark professors can be seen in the abiding commitment to promoting diversity breadth of their recent publications: more at Rutgers and in society. than sixty articles in the top law reviews; A particularly exciting new academic eight books or new editions; ten book initiative is our sister school program with chapters; and countless other articles, law schools around the world. Part of our reviews, essays, and citations in a wide Eric R. Neisser Public Interest Program, it array of legal publications, newspapers, involves a series of exchanges of faculty magazines, and professional journals. and students, and a focus on clinical legal Students have the opportunity to learn education as a training tool for law schools from experts in such far-ranging fields as outside the United States. We currently have civil liberties, corporate finance, land use, established relationships with three Russian international business, gender and race and one Serbian law school, and are explor- studies, banking regulations, employment ing similar opportunities in Africa, Asia, and law, criminal procedure, and intellectual Latin America. property. 3 The School of Law–Newark continues to to the gracious facility. The courtroom also make innovative contributions to clinical attracts New Jersey court proceedings legal education, which it pioneered more several times a year, further enriching the than thirty years ago. Clinics that specialize experiential learning of our students. in diverse subject areas enable students to The Center for Law and Justice is located serve a broad range of clients in pacesetting on the Rutgers–Newark campus, the most fields of law. Students in the transaction- diverse national university in the United based Community Law Clinic, for example, States. Newark and the surrounding area serve urban entrepreneurial high-tech are home to countless major law firms, businesses, while students in the Child government offices, corporations, entre- Advocacy Clinic represent children in preneurial ventures, and public interest education and family law matters. Under groups that represent a wealth of permanent the supervision of clinical law professors, and summer job opportunities. Our Office all experienced public interest lawyers, of Career Services sponsors numerous students hone practice skills and learn the programs and events on specific career importance of legal work on behalf of the issues and practice areas to help students poor and underrepresented while working plan their careers and find employment. on actual cases. Rutgers clinics are widely Rutgers law graduates routinely report a known for their participation in significant greater than 95 percent employment status civil rights, international human rights, rate within nine months of commencement. environmental, and other cases. For close to 100 years, Rutgers has grad- The Rutgers experience is enhanced by uated lawyers who serve with distinction our home in the Center for Law and Justice, as judges, government officials, and promi- one of the finest law school buildings in the nent attorneys in public interest organi- country. Numerous features throughout zations and in the private sector. I strongly the five-story building facilitate creative encourage you to visit the Center for Law teaching, advance productivity, create a and Justice to experience for yourself the strong sense of community, and encourage distinctive education, culture, and inspir- a collegial exchange of ideas. A handsome ation that mark the Rutgers–Newark law courtroom complex affords students the school experience. opportunity to hear guest lectures by distin- guished members of the legal community, Cordially, including Supreme Court justices and other jurists, law professors, and well-known attorneys. Student-organized programs on Stuart L. Deutsch topical legal and social issues bring addi- Dean and Professor of Law tional prominent scholars and practitioners 4 In addition, several professional schools have been The University es t a b l i s h e d in such fields as management; social work; criminal justice; applied and professional psychology; the fine and performing arts; and communication, information and library studies. A number of these schools offer under- graduate programs as well. Livingston College was founded in 1969 to provide a diverse community of students with Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, with more the opportunity to pursue undergraduate degrees in the than 50,000 students on campuses in Camden, Newark, and liberal arts and professions. New Brunswick, is one of the major state university systems Today, Rutgers continues to grow, both in its facilities in the nation. The university comprises twenty-nine degree- and in the variety and depth of its educational and granting divisions: twelve undergraduate colleges, eleven research programs. The university’s goals for the future graduate schools, and six schools offering both undergrad- include the continued provision of the highest quality uate and graduate degrees. Five are located in Camden, undergraduate and graduate education, along with eight in Newark, and sixteen in New Brunswick. increased support for outstanding research to meet the Rutgers has a unique history as a colonial college, a land- needs of society and fulfill Rutgers’ role as The State grant institution, and a state university. Chartered in 1766 University of New Jersey. as Queen’s College, the eighth institution of higher learning to be founded in the colonies before the Revolution, the Institutional and Specialized Accreditation school opened its doors in New Brunswick in 1771 with Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is accredited one instructor, one sophomore, and a handful of first-year by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, students.
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