Strathfield Railway Crossing. [22 DEc., 1898.] Privilege. 3981 lines have been utter failures. They are LAND AND INCOME TAX (DECLARATORY) worth nothing; but the Government have BILL. kindly come forward and taken them off Bill read the third time. the hands of the proprietors. I should lik.e to know what they are going to do SPECIAL ADJOURNMENT. with them. They are put down as repro­ Motion (Ron. J. HuGHES) agreed to: ductive works; but I should like to know That this House at its rising to-day do adjourn until \Vednesday next. how the Government are going to make them so. I understand that the Tarra­ House adjourned at 4·10 a.m. (Friday). wingee railway proprietors are selling it simply because they cannot turn it to good account, and that the rails, sleepers, and 3Legislatibe S!ssembl11. so on are not worth anything; while we know that the Rosehill railway has not 'l'hursday, 22 December, 1898. been a success. It runs very close to the northern railway, and has also to compete Privilege-Questions and Answers (Zoological Society­ The Agent·General-John Petersen-Springs at Kiama with the Parramatta River. Upon these --Maintenance Men-Bursaries : School of Mines­ jobs we are asked to expend £35,500. Tenders: Public Works-Public School, Alexandria There are other equally bad items in the -Painting Park Hailings-Long·service Medals-In· spectors of Accounts-Undressed Timber Duties­ bill, and many works put down as repro­ Public Works Department-Baudo Leasehold Area­ ductive which will give no returns upon Railway to Mulgoa-Stipendiary Magistrates--Richie the money expended upon them. Sheep Trucks-Diseases in Sheep Act-School-hours : The Hon. H. E. KATER: Does the Country Districts-Sunday Tmding-Petitions-Mar· garine Bill-Alleged Dummying-Municipal Subsidy Vice-President of the Executive Council -Greater Britain Exhibition-Parramatta-Singleton consider the McSharry case a reproductive Railway-Fish Markets-Increases to Civil Servants­ work, or the Australian Museum, or the Wan·en Bore-Homestead Selectors-Temora-Wyalon!( Railway-George-street Tramway-President of tbe National Art Gallery a reproductive work 1 Greater Britain Exhibition Committee-North Coast The Ron. J. HuGHES: The Art Gallery Harbour Works-Darling l>land-Papers-Road Con· is a permanent and a national work ! tmctors: Fines-Case of J. M. Swift-Improvements The Hon. H. E. KATER : What about on Crown Lands--Rabbit Bill-Navigation (Amend· ment) Bill-Limitation of Debate-Early-closing Bill­ the McSharry case 7 Gold-fields Reserves-Electoral Boundaries-Norfolk The Hon. J. HuGHES: I am afraid that Island -Special Purchase at Bega-Ministerial State­ is a permanent work, too ! ment (City Railway Extension -Federation)-The Rock to Green's Gunyah Railway Bill-Adjournment Question resolved in the affirmative. (Produce Market)-Wollongong Water Supply-Dubbo Bill read the second time, and reported to Coonamble Railway-Cobar-Wilcannia R.-'l.ilway­ from Committee without amendment; re­ Railway : Grenfell to Wyalong-River Darling-Public port adopted. Offices: Bridge, Younlj", and Phillip Streets- -Puhlic Offices in Phillip and Hunter Streets-Penitentiary Bill read the third time. and Prison for Females-Personal Explanation-Crown Lands Bill-Land and Income Tax (Declaratory) Bill STRATHFIELD RAILWAY-CROSSING (No. 2)-Koorawatha to Grenfell Railway Bill-Byrock BILL. to Brewarrina Railway Bill- The Rock to Green's The Ron. J. HUGHES rose to move: Gunyah Railway Bill-Thomas Suffield-Adjournment (Land Exchange : Interest on Overdue Rents)-Pro· That this bill be now read the seconcl time. rogat:on of Parliament. He said : This is a very small bill for a very important purpose. Most bon. mem­ bers, I dare say, know that the crossing at The 0LERK informed the House of the Strathfield is a level crossing at a junction. unavoidable absence of Mr. Speaker, There is a great deal of traffic there, and it through illness. has become necessary for the Railway Com­ Mr. DEPUTY-SPEAKER took the chair. missioners to take steps to erect an over­ head bridge and close the level crossing. The PRIVILEGE. bill simply gives them the requisite powers. Mr. NELSON (Sydney-Flinders) [3·31 ]: Question resolved in the affirmative. As a matter of privilege I have to call the Bill read the second time, and reported attention of the House to a question in from Committee without amendment; re­ which, I think, every bon. member here is port adopted. concerned. An article has been published Bill read the third time. commenting very severely upon hon. mem- 3982 Zoological Society. [ASSEMBLY.] John Petersen. bers, and in my opinion it; reflects very logical Society to private analysts 1 (2.) much indeed upon the honor of Parlia­ How long has the present superintendent ment. I should not trespass upon the occupied his position 1 (3.) Is the sec­ House in this matter, but I have waited retary a zoologist 1 ( 4.) Where did the patien!;ly, thinking that some hon. mem­ secretary obtain his knowledge of animals 1 ber of larger experience in such questions Mr. BRUNKER answercd,-(1.) 10 than I myself have would have dealt with guineas. (2.) About three and a half it. But finding that we have come to the years. (3 and 4.) It does not require a last st~tge of the life of this session, I person to be a zoologist, or to be possessed think it my duty to call the al;tention of of special qualifications, to understand the the House to a certain arl;icle which has duties of secretary to the Zoological Society; been published in a Syndey newspaper, but the present holder of the office is a which, as I say, reflects, in my opinion, gentleman of considerable attainments, and upon the credit of the House and upon is, in the opinion of the council, thoroughly the honor of members of Parliament. qualified to carry out the duties which he Mr. REID : What is the newspaper 1 is required to perform. Mr. NELSON: The article was pub­ lished in Tr11th on the 18th December. Mr. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I do not think THE AGENT-GENERAL. anything which occurred on the 18th De­ Mr. WRIGHT (for Mr. CHANTER) asked cember can now be brought up as a matter the CoLONIAL TREASURER,-( 1.) Has the of privilege. "May" says: position of Agent-General been offered to A privilege matter may also be brought for-. Mr. Gould, ex-M.L.A., or to the Hon. J. ward without notice before the commencement H. Want, Attorney-General7 (2.) Has it of public business, and is considered immediately been accepted by either of these gentle­ on the assumption that the matter is Lrought forward without delay, and that its immediate men 7 (3.) If not, will he state who is to consideration is essential to the dignity of the obtain the position before Parliament goes House.. in to recess 1 This matter has not been brought forward Mr. REID answered,-! have already without delay, and I do not think its dis­ made a statement to the House, which cussion would lead to the dignity of this ·shows that there cannot possibly be any­ House. This House, moreover, cannot thing in the questions asked. punish persons outside who write articles. I rule, therefore, that the matter to which the hon. member refers is not one of pri­ JOHN PETERSEN. vilege and that he cannot proceed with it. Mr. WRIGHT (for Mr. McLAUGHLIN) Mr. REID : The House has been sitting asked the MINISTER OF JusTICE,-(!.) Is since Monday,so that there has been ample he aware that at the last court of quarter opportunity. sessions, Kempsey, Mr. Judge Docker sen­ Mr. DEPUTY·SPEAKER : It is within the tenced one John Petf:lrsen to twelve months' right of hon. members to bring forward a imprisonment with hard labour, to com­ matter of privilege at any time. mence at thE> expiration of a sentence he Mr. NELSON: Then, why not now 1 was then undergoing, for allPged contempt Mr. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Because delay of court·in refusing to become a Crown has taken place. The matter is five days witness and give Queen's evidence 1 (2.) old. The House has sat upon three of Is it the practice for a chairman of quarter those days. I am merely following the sessions to order imprisonment with hard rule of Parliament in the ruling I have labour, to commence at a future date, for given, and I hope hon. members will up­ alleged contempt of court 1 (3.) Can he hold the Chair in this decision. mention any case where even the Supreme Mr. NELSON: I accept the ruling of Mr. Court has awarded such punishment 1 ( 4.) Deputy-Speaker. If the sentence is illegal, will he take steps for the immediate liberation of Petersen~ ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY. (5.) What term of the sentence has been Mr. T. BROWN (for Mr. DACEY) asked served 1 (6.) Assuming that the judge the CoLONIAL SECRETARY,-(1.) What is had power to make the order referred to, the total amount paid away by the Zoo- in view of the severe nature of the punish- [ Mr. Nelson. Springs at Kiarna. [22 DEc., 1898.] lenders: Public Works. 3983 ment for the alleged offence, will he take of horse-feed. The question as to allow­ steps to have the prisoner now liberated 7 ance given in the hon. member's district Mr. C. A. LEE answered,-The matter will receive my considerati()n. referred to in these questions is under consideration. BURSARIES : SCHOOL OF MINES. Mr. BENNETT asked the SECRETARY SPRINGS AT KIAMA. FOR MINES AND AGRICULTURE,-(1.) Re Dr. ROSS asked the MINISTER OF PuBLIC bursaries for the School of Mines, are the INSTRUCTION,-Will he obtain from the subjects for competitive examination.for Government Astronomer his views, or some the bursaries as follows: -(I) MathPmatics, information, as to the cause of springs namely, (a) arithmetic, including the ele­ breaking out and commencing to run at ments of mensuration, 150 marks.
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